A Queen

Chapter 862: Kill with poetry, kill with song! (Xiaobai Xianpa + five)

Otherwise, he will wait until these people are defeated before he takes action...

No, how could these people lose together? How could that kid win?

Just when Nuo Shanbei was thinking this...

The group of people who were ready to bully the smaller ones didn't care about the moaning and groaning sounds of the spectators below. At this moment, their brains were swollen and their brains were congested. They just wanted to take care of the poor-looking and well-dressed person in front of them. Those who are not very good but who repeatedly test their patience will be killed!

Chai Zijun took a deep breath, "Fuck him!"

"Take action!"


Boom, boom, boom!

Knife, sword, method! There are even sounds of piano and flute, all at once!

How strong is it?

From afar, Jie looked over and had no intention of freeing up the spare troops here to help his master, because his master seemed very confident.

Jie's body flashed, and with one hand, the blood soldier's claws grabbed a person's head and crushed it!

Licking the bloody lips.

Dear Grand Duke, please kill these people~~


A large number of attacks, with an average of more than 10,000, surged over, like huge waves or storms, gathering seamlessly and pressing over!

The water level of the Junlu River, which is where the center is located, was suppressed, but the water level on the edge of the river bank rose, and even hit the shore!

Xiang Yunhong's eyes flashed, and a light shield condensed in front of him.

He turned around, wanting to see if his sister was hurt by this aura, but he happened to see Hua Yushang's eyes as bright as stars.

She looked at the sky, noticed his gaze, turned her face, and smiled slightly. Ask with your eyes. What's wrong?

Xiang Yunhong lowered his eyes. "You want to help?"

"Don't you want to? It's a pity that she doesn't allow it." Hua Yushang smiled lightly, and added for some reason, "a rare person."


Xiang Yunhong looked at the sky,

Just in time to see that extremely powerful collective attack has already pressed in front of that person.

She is like a drop in the ocean, a weak duckweed.

What would happen if it were him instead?

Even if you don't lose, you definitely can't win.

And this person should also be...

suddenly. A flash of light broke through his thoughts.


That light comes from a person's body.

After a fierce battle with the spear, her physique was refined, and the essence in her body was replaced by light. From the moment her body began to shine, it was a condensed light, just like a heavenly being.

Behind them are the two massacred legions, which is the bloody heaven and earth.

With Qianji in his right hand, Dai Li took a shallow breath and held Qianji with his backhand. The clothes are flying...

Step by step, step by step.

Like a dance step?


Dai left his mouth. With laughter: "Green clouds and white neon clothes" (Wow, there is it on Baidu. It is a poem I like. I won't mention the title)

Start singing! Here comes the sword!

Sword, as misty as clouds, blood clouds, white neon clothes? But it’s the other side of darkness!

The sword comes out!

Biao! The swords are crossed, break break break!

In the midst of a large area of ​​attack and killing, she rushed over and defeated thousands of enemies.

Turn your hands again one by one.

A thousand chances change!

"Raise your clothes and arrows to shoot at the wolf"

Transform into a blood dragon bow! Draw the bow and load the arrow!

Shoot Sirius!

"You will fall into disrepair"

Take one step and defeat one person, defeat one person and leave no trace!

"Help Beidou and drink cinnamon syrup"

If you lose one person, you can use the hangover rope to take out the wine flask and drink!

When the defeated man vomited blood, he saw that the wine bottle was missing from his waist. When he turned around, he saw that the shadow of the sword was flying in his hand, and he was holding the wine bottle like a wine bottle. The wine fell down his throat and he was shocked!

Dozens of great masters surrounded him!

The killing intent is endless!

But she drank wine and sacrificed the sword!

How heroic and calm that is!

The more she behaves like this, the more annoyed and unwilling others will be!

Is there any reason to kill people in groups instead of being killed?

"Kill her, kill her!!" People like Lin Yishu had lost their usual gentleness and elegance, and they only had ferocious faces, shouting!

Come again!

Throw the wine bottle away!

Dai Li's eyebrows and eyes are like flying!

Although he is not a handsome person, he is a person whose beauty shines brightly!

Man, murderous intent is coming!

"After writing and studying, I am flying high, and I am traveling eastwards."

With the speed of thunder, the flying demon kills all the way through invisibly!

Eye skills, sword skills, and thunder skills are all at your fingertips.

See through everything about you, penetrate everything about you!

And you can’t break apart everything I have!

Kill kill kill!

Group killing?

She avoided most of the large attacks, and she took the other half!

Dragon claws tear apart!

The ones that can't be torn fall on her body, the weak ones bounce back, and the strong ones can't break through the defense!

All attacks below 18,000 will be rebounded!

Horrible, terrible!

Initially, what everyone thought was a one-sided defeat, but in the end, they met each other, they were walking through the air, drinking and singing, and defeated one person in one step, then defeated three people in one step, and then defeated five people in one step!

Defeat, defeat, defeat!

From there, Dai Li fought his way over, carrying the scent of wine and blood.

When we get here, there are still twenty-five people fighting, let's work together to suppress them!

A dozen other people, injured and knocked away, are now outflanking from the other side!

A chaotic fight!

too messy! Too fierce!

They all got red-eyed!

The more he beats, the more fierce he becomes...

Dai Li's body gradually became injured and bloody, but she was smiling, indeed laughing, because she was happy, her strength improved, she was naturally happy, and she crushed these enemies, and she was naturally happy.

The stronger she gets, the closer she is to revenge!

The poem ends and the song comes. What song should I sing?

Killer song? Sung it!

Then just play whatever you want!

What ammo to use?


Sonorous! The sound of swords striking... Dai Li sang the beginning, "Guests from Fenchuan, don't ask where you are from, look at the road."

The sound is clear and slightly low-magnetic, which means it is vast and shuttles through the air.

The people on the river bank were shocked!

If it was poetry and killing before, now it is killing and singing!

Qingyuan Building, fourth floor. Many high-ranking kings looked at Xun Sheng.

"Look. There are boys fighting outside."

"Huh. One shot for so many?"

"Then the boy is still drinking and singing? Now..."

"Let me take a look"

The fourth floor is a place where people who are either kings or extremely valuable, and ordinary disciples of the Five Pavilions cannot set foot here. If these people are interested, it means that this battle is not destined to be simple.

It is also destined to be a famous town in Fenzhou!

On the third floor, Su Li was already standing at the window, with his hands folded across his chest, quietly listening to the sounds outside.

Boo hoo hoo. Cutting off the ice arrows, the ice crystals shattered and the water rippled.

“Where did I come from? Thousands of mountains and rivers, I don’t know where to go.”

Buzzing, buzzing, the sound of the sword is like the sound of a bee, thunder comes from the left hand, and the thunder array opens! Brushing, swiping, thunder knife cutting!

"Come back, stained with blood and sorrow. General's policy"

Thunder Sword Double Dragon Formation!

The thunder sword cut off Chai Zijun's right arm!

"Initiate random killings. Homes are burned down. How can you believe it?"

Lin Yishu's abdomen was torn apart by Dai Li's dragon claw and he was kicked away!

Flying, Thousand Machine Indexes!

Thousands of chains kill!


"If you don't believe in fate, take the sound of my sword and break Cangli!"

Killed three people!

Dai Li's hands were stained with blood, and people like Chai Zijun and others were burdened and timid, but they could not retreat...

Until someone suddenly attacked and killed him!

Spear Fang...holds a spear from the sky and stabs it down!

good chance!

One, two, three! More than twenty!

Those who still had the strength to fight immediately seized this opportunity one by one and used all their strength.

Final blow!


"Li Ge kills, there are heroes and ghosts in the palace, kill them all!"

If you want to be my enemy, then kill me until you don’t dare to be my enemy!

Kill you all!

Brushing, Dai Li's body paused, condensed in one place, raised his right hand, turned into a dragon form, and the dragon claws came!


Grab the Thunder with your left hand!

The thunder dragon roars!

The golden light in the eyes is bright! The accumulation of momentum was finally completed, and all the essence penetrated into Nascent Soul, Dual Core, and Dragon Bone respectively.

Tempering and transformation!


When everyone saw the man who was killing, singing and drinking, his aura changed at the moment when his body was stunned!

Lei Yuan, explode! 2000 Yunlei Yuan!

Dual core, explode! 2000 cloud blood energy!

This is the momentum, the breath is skyrocketing!

Absolutely calm, absolutely cold!


Dai Li crosses his left and right hands...

The eyes of a moment are opened!

The light of an instant sweeps across!

The blockbusters were instantly stunned!

Blood Sword Thunder Saber, Blood Dragon Thunder Dragon.


All around, there are thousands of swords, thousands of knives and hundreds of techniques,

The dazzling starry sky spans the sky and the earth!

Followed by a loud roar of the dragon.

Everything gathered together, the light condensed, and dozens of people were pulled into this light.

Together with generation and separation, coverage!

Nineteen thousand, nearly twenty thousand combat power! The breath is the strongest! But he couldn't bear the intensity of the attack at this moment, and it formed a giant light group.

Layers of corpses of underwater spiritual beasts floated on the surface of the Junlu River.

Most of the people on the river bank also flew back and had to retreat because they were too strong!

Xiang Yunhong's light shield has been strengthened by three levels. "So strong...I am not as good as this person."

Nuo Shanbei: "So what if he's not weak...it's not like he's defeated."

Qin Lanfeng: "Let's take a look at the results."


After all, no one wins.

When the light curtain faded, the spectators suppressed their excitement and flew up into the river, "Are you dead?"

"have no idea"

"Someone will die anyway... That young master is really scary. He can block so many people by himself."

"What's that person's name?"

Everyone was in chaos because of this battle, and many people even wanted to go into the water to retrieve the corpses. For example, Tang Junyi and his group had already flown out...

You want to see people when you are alive, and you want to see corpses when you die!

However, their speed is not as fast as Xiang Yunhong and the others.

The stream of light flew by, and the three of them had arrived at the center of the battle. There was no one in the sky. Could it be that they all died in the river?

People on the river bank had various reactions. More and more people gathered, and a large number of people were already floating above the water, looking at the blue water.


The dragon is coming!

Another dragon?

Everyone subconsciously raised their heads!

Even the people on the fourth floor of Qingyuan Building all raised their heads.

Look at them all....

What did you see?

The incomparably huge jade banquet, the magnificent ceremonial guard, the king of distractions opened the way, the distractions carried the jade banquet, and the great master became a follower.

What a terrible guard of honor~!

Such great power!

What a majesty!

However, in the opposite direction from where these jade came from, a jade bone dragon of medium or small size flew from the river...

Behind him were other high-level and majestic flying beasts.

There are only five of them in total, flying behind the Jade Bone Dragon...

Although the number is not comparable to that of the Jade Ceremony Guard, the Jade Bone Dragon is enough to attract everyone's attention, not to mention the person on the Jade Bone Dragon, not to mention there are some people behind her... (To be continued...) ()

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