A Queen

Chapter 865 Let’s eat crabs together~~

Dai Li looked back and forth between the two of them, took the clothes with a smile, and put them on, "Thank you... I don't have time today. I'll treat you three to drinks another day."

After that, he left... There were actually many monks on the Huayuan River Embankment, either crawling out of the water, falling from the sky, or running over from the river bank, but it was different from the previous hostility. Contemptuous and unfamiliar, at this moment, these monks, sword immortals, masters, grand masters, aristocrats, and royal families from all over the world all nodded or bowed to say hello to her.



Dai Li walked over quickly and nodded in response, but seeing too many people, he could only fly up and enter Qingyuan Building with his clothes fluttering.

Li Qing and the others: "...."

Well, our young master seems to be just as charming without that face.

Not everyone can go from being unknown to being famous all over the country in one day, and also get a very precious invitation to the Linglong Party.

"Young master, I never seem to get what I want..." Fan Li smiled softly, but soon, the smile faded.

But what she really wanted was lost.


When Dai Li floated into Qingyuan Building, she glanced at the inn next to Qingyuan Building. There seemed to be a woman looking at her by the window. Her face flashed past and she couldn't see clearly. Dai Li didn't pay much attention to it. It was probably just a trace of water on the lake in his heart, and he quickly regained his composure, like a mirror.

--There are still very dangerous situations waiting for her to face inside.

In the inn, the beautiful and charming lady turned her eyes away from the street and lit her wine. Burn incense. Drink with pursed lips. While looking at the person opposite...

"Such a wonderful fight doesn't interest you at all? It seems that what happened more than two years ago really traumatized you."

Who is this guy? If Dai Li were here, he would definitely recognize this person as Min Suqing of the Xiaoxiang Sect.

Opposite her was Yiye Xiaoxiang, who was now even more beautiful than her. Compared to two years ago, this girl had undoubtedly transformed a lot. Her appearance was astonishing, and her temperament had also completely changed.

Just more indifferent.

The curtains and windows are only half open,

Yiye Xiaoxiang didn't seem to be interested in the fierce fighting outside. She didn't have much reaction to the Liu Hongxiu or Gong Zangxue, but she didn't lift the other half, so the light from outside couldn't penetrate completely, so she couldn't see her face - only the plain white and warm face could be seen. Nuanyu's hand was holding a cup of hot wine.

The wine was hot, which made her hands look cold.

"I'm just not interested, it has nothing to do with anything else."

"Ugh, I thought it was a good thing to send you back to Fenzhou more than two years ago to help you recover, but now that I think about it, it has no effect... But look outside. Those people from Nanlin are also here, and their performance is much better than you. . At least I have looked away, so you have been persistent..." Min Suqing said, seeing Yiye Xiaoxiang's dim eyes, she couldn't bear it.

"Her death is not your responsibility... Do you want to be as crazy as Ying Zheng? Be as completely indifferent as Jing Jingyuan? Or flee the world like a famous sword? Or be completely silent like Xi Qing..."

"I really don't know that you guys actually care about her so much... Maybe she doesn't even know that she is so charming."

Min Suqing is now feeling a little resentful about the separation. The man passed away sadly and died heroically, but it caused so many people to be heartbroken...

She even saw the young staff at Qishan Pavilion all blushing from crying. How evil!

What depresses her most is that the girls in her sect have gathered a large group of people to burn paper money for her on her death anniversary in the past two years...


By the way, if she, the leader of the clan, dies, will these girls burn paper money?



"I'm afraid I'll never meet such a person again in this life." Yiye Xiaoxiang took a sip of wine.

Min Suqing's throat tightened for a moment and her heart sank.

Yiye Xiaoxiang was drinking quietly. She had never been able to make any friends because of her background. Later she went to Nanlin and her personality had become fixed. It was always difficult to take others into consideration. A Liancheng brother and sister were already Exceptions, unfortunately, disappointed her a lot after all...and they were different from Daili.

Not friends, just childhood sweethearts, and friends should be like that person. They will complain and joke unscrupulously, making you laugh or cry. When you need it, they will be the first to show up to protect you from the wind. rain...

"When I was young, that man abandoned me once. When I grew up, my mother abandoned me again. The so-called childhood sweetheart... now even my only friend is gone. Now, I have nothing to leave." Yiye Xiaoxiang After finishing the glass of wine and putting the glass down, all the sadness faded away.

Min Suqing was speechless for a moment and could only sigh.

She originally thought that her junior sister didn't know, but it turned out that she knew it well.

Sending junior sister back to Fenzhou was indeed a decision made by the Yiye family, only because Fenzhou was forced to do so.

However, it was clear that they did not want Xiaoxiang back then... What is the only thing that brings her back now?

Conscience discovery? Haha~~


Tang Junyi and others were in a good mood, not only because they earned a lot of spiritual crystals, ate a delicious meal, and watched a hearty fight, but also because...

Li Qing and three others came to them.

Make friends.

Li Qing and the others naturally knew who these people were and knew that they were on good terms with their boss, so they came here deliberately to make friends.

This scene was seen by many people. Even though they all remembered Tang Junyi and others, they would not dare to provoke them easily in the future.

This can be regarded as eliminating the potential danger of Lin Jiangxue and other good-looking girls, and also downplaying the revenge of people like Chai Zijun.

In the final analysis, it is because the fat sheep young master today is not easy to mess with, and the people he wants to protect are even more difficult to mess with.

However, some people feel that a person is more difficult to mess with.

"Fei Yukong hooked up with Liu Hongxiu, I'm afraid there will be some trouble in the future." People like Xiang Yunhong and Nuo Shanbei thought deeply. You must know that Feihuang Group Territory is not as good as them, so they will naturally be suppressed in some profit sharing. Yes, but now he doesn't know why he got on Liu Hongxiu's path, which is troublesome.

It's so scary.


Li Qing and the other three walked for a while and then left with the menacing army.

"Why does that person take such good care of us?" People like Linjiang Xue don't know the benefits they and others have received. They are so curious. You must know that although Linjiang Xian entered the Qishan Pavilion, he is the most ordinary. There was not much status at all, but now that he was protected by this fat sheep young master, everything was different.

The life of the group of them in Fenzhou was much easier.

"I don't know...anyway, I don't think this person has any ill intentions towards us." Linjiang Xian said slowly, turning his head subconsciously. He wanted to look at Qingyuan Building, but he saw the inn next to Qingyuan Building walking out. Two people.

Woman, extremely beautiful.

There is a back view, a profile, and an impression, but there is a big gap between him and the person in his memory.

"That person is..."

Juege also saw it and was stunned, "Yiye...Xiaoxiang?"

Before he could take a closer look, the two people had already left.

He was riding a very noble and powerful flying beast with a very terrifying aura.

Is it Yiye Xiaoxiang?

No way, could it be that besides Yu Ji, there is also Yiye Xiaoxiang who is hiding deep inside?

It seems that he also disappeared more than two years ago.

Above the flying beast, Min Suqing looked at Yiye Xiaoxiang.

"Why don't you come over and say hello?"

"I'm being watched and I don't want to involve them."



In Qingyuan Building, Daili had been taken to a room by a very considerate and polite steward to freshen up and change clothes...

After she cleaned up and came out, the steward Chao Daili smiled and said, "I thought that the young master was not an ordinary person before, but now it seems that my vision is very accurate."

"Everyone is extraordinary, it just depends on who is crazier." Dai Li swung his sleeves, "Speaking of which, where is the banquet?"

"this way please"

Not the third floor, but... the fourth floor.

The fourth floor is obviously different from the third floor. The standards are much higher. The treatment of the second generation of rich people and the second generation of power is different from that of the real strong people and the real children of good family backgrounds.

For example, the main hall on the fourth floor in front of you is where the king level comes and goes... all the attendants are at the grand master level.

Can you imagine, the waiter is a master! ! !

Grandmaster can walk sideways in Nanlin, right? Here we are just waiters serving dishes!

Dai Li smiled bitterly. Fortunately, she was not a grand master, but a grand master. Otherwise, she would not have entered this place even if she was killed.

Many kings present also saw Dai Li, and they all seemed to know that she was invited by Liu Hongxiu, so they didn't make much of a show, and just watched her being led into a large, open banquet hall.

However, Dai Li recognized that some of these people she knew, such as the three chess kings she had met in Dongyuan, a king from Wanbaozhai, and...

Of course, they are not important, what is important is...

Bang, the door opened.

The door opened on the side, not the front, so it did not have the effect of attracting the attention of the entire banquet hall. Because of the splendor, singing and dancing, and the dazzling decorations, such an unattractive person came in and did not attract much attention.

A steward from Qingyuan Building saw Dai Li and came over to guide her, took her to a location and arranged a seat.

"Sir, this is your seat."

"Thank you very much"

Daili didn't even look at the other people present, he just lowered his eyes and sat down.

This banquet is not easy to attend, so she has to take it easy... Since she is here to eat crabs, she will only eat crabs. The other people have nothing to do with me!

With this in mind, as soon as she sat down, she quickly picked up the wine glass and bottle and poured herself a glass of wine.

Just about to drink.

"Your wine glass...is mine."

Dai Li turned around and saw Su Li, whom he met on the third floor, looked at the wine glass in her hand with pale eyes. (To be continued...) ()

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