A Queen

Chapter 871 Bow vs. Sword!

Sword Intent, Great Success!

The sword element is majestic!

Swordsmanship, superb!

Invincible under distraction! This is the great master of perfection!

go to hell!

One sword down, one sword up!

Sword to sword!

Victory or defeat, strength or weakness, all depends on this day!

Everyone watched this scene.

There’s no need to wait, because in the blink of an eye, they’re all coming together...

boom! ! !

The sword light shattered in an instant!

Covering both people above and below.

It was like a piece of burning light stone, falling from the sky, but exploding in mid-air!

Wow! ! !

Two figures shot out from the light group... Fei Yukong hit the wall of Qingyuan Building, while Dai Li shot into the air...


Beside her side, there was a long and narrow sword light, floating here and there.

It was so fast that Daili couldn't react, and even the pupil technique couldn't catch it!

too fast!

Let her soul cry out for death!

All he could see in his eyes was Liu Hongxiu, who was smiling after the light of the sword hit him.

This is such a pervert!

Daili cursed in his heart and tried desperately to move away...

In the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, brush!

An arrow passed through and hit the blade of the sword...the trajectory was deflected...

brush! Daili just dodged at the right angle.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw Liu Hongxiu and Gong Zangxue right in front of me!

Bow versus knife!

The bow is like blood, domineering!

Knife, cruelty, madness!

In fact, that moment was longer than the blink of an eye. The people below didn't see it clearly at all. It felt like the three people separated after getting together for a moment.


both sides. Liu Hongxiu's bare feet were floating in the air, her upper body was covered, her skin was white and delicate, her figure was handsome, her abdominal muscles were very obvious, her long hair was dancing wildly, and her mouth was smiling, like a demon or a Buddha.

Being a pervert. With such an appearance and figure, I have to say that he is considered a top performer.

On the other side... Gong Zangxue is okay, she is as domineering as ever, and she is the most beautiful in the world, but the person next to her...

Floating in the air, his hair was flying in the strong wind, his body was covered in blood, he was holding a sword, and he was drinking blood with the long sword...

The three of them faced each other, regardless of whether the people below were restless or quiet. Liu Hongxiu smiled and made a move that was very familiar to people like Yuan Qi. His finger pointed at the corner of his mouth.

"You have something... stained here again..."

Raising his eyebrows, Daili looked expressionless and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his left index finger.

She didn't want to be taken advantage of by this person again.

Gong Zangxue still held the bow and arrow, staring at Liu Hongxiu, "Liu Hongxiu, are you interested?"

"Of course it's interesting..." Liu Hongxiu's lips curled up, her eyes brimming with water, her fingers slowly curled up and she snapped her fingers.

Bah! Daili frowned subconsciously.

The rustling sound was not the wind, but the robe that slipped off after the belt broke from her waist...

The blade cut through the belt around her waist.

"I, Liu Hongxiu, never get what I want..."

Dai Li took a breath and became paralyzed!

Gong Zangxue frowned.

Below, the people in Nanlin were silent...

Chu Xiuling's face was ashen.

Bastard, why are there so many wolves in Fenzhou! Dai Li is a woman! Why are you joining in the fun, you damn fag!

In the weird atmosphere, Bai Jin, who was watching the show in front of Qingyuan Building, finally walked out with a smile and said, "The competition is over, is it time to disperse?"

She wanted to smooth things over and give Gong Zangxue and Liu Hongxiu a step down.

After all, they are not only the Nightless Tower, but also the Demonic Palace, and Liu Hongxiu represents the Misty and Rainy Tower.

It is impossible to fight easily.

But Liu Hongxiu is a demon, and he always doesn't play by the rules, so he caressed his chest and Chaodaili smiled: "You just left these for me, and I took off a piece of your clothes... You are very unkind~ ~”

There were also faint suspicious red marks on the skin of his chest.

Everyone: "..."

Did they see something they shouldn't have seen? No wonder the fat sheep was in the same room as Liu Hongxiu. It turned out to be...a male favorite?

So exciting!

It was just the first time we met, and they were having sex within a few hours?

The crowd became noisy.

Dai Li just wanted to spit out a mouthful of blood to kill this snake spirit disease!

But before she sprayed, Gong Zangxue suddenly smiled... With a swipe of his finger, the cold light... cut!


Fei Yukong, who was suspended in front of the wall of Qingyuan Building, suddenly felt a chill in his chest...

The robe he wore outside was torn, and there was a bloody mark on his chest.

**Nude, only obscene pants.

Gong Zangxue's face was expressionless, "Liu Hongxiu, I don't care what you do... you can't touch my people,"

Otherwise, I will kill your people!

Fei Yukong was naturally not dead, but was killed by everyone's gaze.

Um, so what, is the real male favorite Fei Yukong? Look at what he's wearing... he's just wearing a robe, and underneath he's just a pair of obscene trousers...

Moreover, what Gong Zangxue said clearly meant that Liu Hongxiu and Fei Yukong were involved.

"Is there any mistake? It's Fei Yukong. He is the famous Mr. Wen Yu..."

"Really are..."

"I wonder why Mr. Jade suddenly became so valued by Mr. Liu~~"

Even people like King Yan were also irritated. The world was declining, and such a famous young man was willing to become someone else's male favorite in order to cling to the powerful...

Fei Yukong's expression and state at this moment...quiet, very quiet.

He only stared at Gong Zangxue, but Gong Zangxue didn't look at him at all.

Too lazy to take a look.

On the other side, he laughed, and Dai Li said: "Master Liu really loves to joke. Your precious body is served by many beauties. Look at this Emerald Young Master. He has both beauty and strength, and he is of such a noble birth. For such a humble person, I feel sorry for the unexpected interruption. If you say that again, everyone in the world will say that you have unique vision and a perverted mentality."

Being so frank explained the matter, although not everyone believed it. In the end, Dai Li was neatly dressed. And he has never dated Liu Hongxiu. Most people still believed it, not to mention that the scene just now was obviously Gongzang saving people in anger...

People like Yuan Qi naturally know right from wrong. It must be Liu Hongxiu who wants to force him...

It's really strange that despite so many beautiful men, she got into trouble with this guy who didn't look amazing at first sight.

Too strange.


Chu Xiuling suddenly took action!

Spear, golden light, his eyes are like molten gold!


One shot!

Attack Liu Hongxiu? His brain was squeezed by the door?

No...the tip of the spear pierced Fei Yukong!

Because Fei Yukong's sword stabbed Daili!


Critical hit!

How powerful is the Golden Overlord Body? Only now did Dai Li realize the potential of the person he rescued in a brothel.


The sword was missed by a shot!

Swipe and pull~~ wave your hand and pull the gun, stab the flower of the gun!

Fei Yukong and Chu Xiuling fought together in the blink of an eye.

Compared to strength. Chu Xiuling is actually a little weaker than Dai Li, but Fei Yukong had a fierce battle with Dai Li just now. His wrist was broken and he was injured by Gong Zangxue. Now he is very weak, and Chu Xiuling's Overlord His physique is too powerful. Although he is not as good as Dai Li's physique, it is still far superior to the great masters of his generation. With such a physique, coupled with his strength of 15,000 and the pressure of an overlord in a similar realm. Naturally, I was also inseparable from Fei Yukong...

There was a fight here, and Liu Hongxiu took a look. He just spread his hands casually and said, "They are all fighting...it seems we have to fight again."

The implication is that you are not willing to let go easily today?

This man is indeed a lunatic!

Bai Jin frowned and looked at Gong Zangxue, only to see that Gong Zangxue was also showing his murderous intent.

Well, this guy is also crazy.

That's it...

The people in Yanyu Chonglou had already flown out of Qingyuan Tower. Bai Jin took a step forward and also flew out. Behind him, Xiaorou and the cold-faced man also followed.

The Jade Bone Dragon roars!

few people?

It doesn't matter, what their Demon Palace is best at is fighting.

"We're really going to start a fight..."

"I go!"

People around him kept retreating, and the king did not dare to intervene.

Instead, people from the Qingyuan Building headquarters came out.

Looking at the situation in front of us, we can see that these two big patrons are going to kill each other. Let’s wait until they finish killing each other before preparing to ask for compensation~~

Seeing that the war is about to begin!

Dai Li sighed, sister, I am a low-key person by nature, but luck has forced me to stir up this bloody storm...

What’s more, I didn’t expect that the people who sent people to hunt me down a few nights ago would now fight alongside me.

Haha, life is really fucked up!

When Dai Li picked up his sword and prepared to fight...

Suddenly, Dai Li's expression paused.

Look towards Qingyuan Building.

In fact, it is the attic balcony in the center of Qingyuan Building, which is also an open-air balcony, facing the main entrance.

The door to the balcony was pushed open, and a man came out and looked up at everyone.

With his divine bones and pure jade, and his graceful appearance, he is the Immortal in the Piano that can wash away the ups and downs of the world, and he is also the handsome man who turns the world upside down.

The sleeves pressed down on the beautiful hands, and his fierce momentum was suddenly extinguished by his appearance.

Liu Hongxiu frowned.

Why is this person here?

What a coincidence!

The people in Wuge didn't expect it, but they reacted quickly and bowed their heads in salute.

Qin Zhige seemed a little surprised when he saw the scene in front of him. He lowered his eyes slightly, looked across many people, and then fell on Dai Li.

"Second meeting"

Dai Li really didn't expect to see the male god in the piano again, and she didn't dare to think that he was specifically here to save her, for herself? Thinking too much, hiding blood for the bow? It's even more impossible, these two people don't have such a good relationship.

It can't be because of Liu Hongxiu, a dead gay, haha... If that's the case, Daili will feel that the world's three views are ruined, and she wants to die.

Therefore, it can only be a coincidence.

Since it was by chance...he recognized himself.

She just smiled bitterly and said, "I'll make you laugh."

The former male favorite is not much better now. It will definitely give this clean-mannered person a bad impression.

"No" Qin Zhige's reaction was very indifferent. Everyone noticed that what he was holding was not Qin, but a pot of orchids.

Well, I heard that Qin Zhi Ge loves music and loves Qin, but he also dabbles in other elegant things, such as... orchids.

Orchids, Dai Li suddenly thought of Ye Ranqiu... If she were still there, those orchids would still be there...

Qin Zhige undoubtedly came to Qingyuan Building to pick up orchids, because the owner of Qingyuan Building Hao Lan has some friendship with Qin Zhige, so it is not too strange for him to appear here, it is just a coincidence. (To be continued...) ()

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