A Queen

Chapter 873: Don’t stop me, I’ll kill her!

Gong Zangxue's rude humiliation and Dai Li's sharp counterattack made everyone depressed. So what, you are not the same? Why is this the tempo of internal strife?

The people like Su Li next to him and the people like King Yan who had gathered over were dumbfounded.

He was just watching the fun, until Bai Jin held his forehead, walked over, and gently slapped Dai Li on the back.

Dai Li's expression suddenly changed rapidly.

Bai Jinxiao: "Doesn't it hurt? With so much blood left, you don't feel dizzy?"

Snapped! Dai Li rolled his eyes and fell towards Gong to hide his blood.

He pounced on Gong Zangxue.

Gong Zangxue lifted her head and took a look.

Only now did everyone see that Dai Li's back was blood red, with tiny but sharp glass fragments on it.

Bloody and bloody.

Um, you looked so energetic just now, are you really immersed in a scolding war and can't extricate yourself?


After being treated with medicine by Bai Jin, Dai Li soon woke up, and Li Qing and others were also there.

Seeing Dai Li wake up, Li Qing immediately cautiously approached and said, "Sir, this is the Night Building. This is not a good place. Should we evacuate now?"

"...Um, that's not a good idea. I won't even pay the medical expenses."

"That seems to be the case, but the woman in white is really dangerous, like a fox, and the one in red is too fierce, like a tigress... Uh, sir, are your eyes uncomfortable? You keep twitching..."

"It's nothing, I'm just so happy to see the two girls behind you."

Li Qing quickly rolled out of the room with a pale face.

"The glances your subordinates give you are annoying."

"each other"

Gong Zangxue sat directly on the chair, and Bai Jin came up and pressed Xia Daili's pulse. Praise: "Your physique is the best among the people I have ever seen...your resilience is really strong."

Daili didn't dare to let this woman touch her meridians for too long.

Then he took back his hand. He smiled lightly and said: "The injury was not serious at first...Thank you Miss Bai for the treatment."

Bai Jin smiled, "Then do you want to pledge yourself to me?"

Dai Li did not dare to provoke this white fox, so he smiled angrily. Gong Zangxue had already eaten a fruit and glanced at Dai Li.

"If you hadn't been stupid and provoked Liu Hongxiu, it wouldn't have caused such a big fuss. Now the whole Fenzhou is talking about you...you are famous."

Although she and Gong Zangxue had conflicting auras, Dai Li also knew that the other party really saved her, and her grudges were clear, so she still showed it.

"Sorry, I didn't expect everything to be so coincidental, Liu Hongxiu just came..." Dai Li frowned, she felt there was something weird, there was no reason for Liu Hongxiu to be so interested in her.

In his suspicion, what Dai Li saw was Gong Zangxue's somewhat dissolute and aloof attitude. Just raise an eyebrow.

"But speaking of which, if you hadn't caught me, I wouldn't have provoked him."

"You were caught by me because you were weak. Liu Hongxiu has nothing to do with me. In the final analysis, it was you who performed too well during the Merlin period," Gong Zangxue said lightly.

"You took me there"

"You don't have to go, you have to go yourself."

"Fart! If I don't go, you will definitely torture me..."

"What are you torturing? You are fed, drunk, slept, and served, and there are so many high-priced male pets performing for you every day. Aren't you happy? I didn't even charge..."

Dai Li was silent for a while and then said: "So it's all my fault? Well, it's true that I have caused you trouble... I'm sorry."

Suddenly so sincere, and indeed a deep apology, coupled with the pale face after being injured...

Gong Zangxue frowned, Bai Jin waved his hand and shook his head at her, meaning not to irritate her... This is a patient.

All right.

I remember the way the man fell weakly on top of me...

For once, Gong Zangxue softened his tone and softened his tone: "Actually, it's not your fault. There was some rift between Liu Hongxiu and our Demon Palace, and she was not on good terms with me. She deliberately used you to make a fuss to start a war with us... In addition, Mei Lin's brother Liu Zongyuan must have said something about you in private that day, which made him think about you..."

Bai Jin also added: "Then Liu Zongyuan still admires her... I guess it was because he saw you being too close to him that day that he started to want to harm others."

Dai Li listened quietly for a while, "Oh~~ So that's what it is..." She suddenly realized, and then she suddenly beamed, pointing her beautiful finger at Gong Zangxue's forehead: "Let me just say it! You must be the one who got me involved! I said Why does that monster want to cause trouble for me! I know it's because of you... You said you can't make anyone like you, why are they all hypocrites and perverts..."

"And look at you, you sat down and ate endlessly. In less than five minutes, you ate five pastries and three fruits. You are a pig!"

The sudden reversal of attitude distorted the style of the painting. If Gong Zangxue didn't know that the pitiful appearance of this guy before was deliberately tempting her to become soft-hearted, then she was not Gong Zangxue.


Gong Zangxue was really not angry at all. He just stood up, hooked his toes, grabbed the chair on the ground and smashed it over!

Bai Jin quickly stopped...

As a result, many people outside the door heard such sounds.

"Bai Jin, die! If I can't kill her, I won't call Gong Zangxue!"

"Don't...she is a patient...can't mess around~~"

"She's so sick! She's pretending!"

"Miss Bai, look, she is so angry...Look at the bowl of cakes and fruits, she has eaten them all...I am still going to starve to death! It's so bad! I'm a patient~ ~~"

"Actually, she's not bad, she just likes to eat...Normally she won't show it to others..."

"Yeah, eating so much...Zhu Bajie is going to be shy when he sees it."


Ping ping ping pong, bang bang bang!

The messy sounds of fights, quarrels... and the gentle voices on the side that symbolically discourage but actually fan the flames...

What a lively scene!

Li Qing and Fan Li were worried, her cousin, when will you come back...Suddenly I found that your cousin is getting more and more mean...I am worried that she will be quartered and buried...


After a successful fight with Gong Zangxue. Someone who had not recovered from serious injuries but had new injuries finally successfully left the Evernight Building under the protection of Li Qing and others. Then he moved into a cheap suburban property purchased by Li Qing...

Suburban manors are not too expensive. With the green mountains and plains at its back, 20,000 Vampires were having fun and hunting inside, but Dai Li spent a few days cultivating himself.

To use Fan Li's words, you have already gained a reputation as a young master. Now you have to avoid the provocations of those noble sons and rich generations, and you also need to keep a low profile and accumulate your heritage... You can't be arrogant or anything like that...

Well, in the final analysis, it is because the reputation is too great, and beautiful women and handsome men provoke too many people, so you have to keep a low profile...

"Pull him down. You don't have to hide from the bow and Liu Hongxiu!" Li Qing ate the pig's trotters and exposed them rudely.

Fan Li rolled his eyes at him and exhaled, "Young Master is in seclusion...a real seclusion."

Dai Li is indeed in seclusion, because the previous Lien Zhan helped her a lot, and she had already captured some feelings during the battle with Fei Yukong.

Of course it's not a breakthrough in Yuanli or something, it's not that exaggerated.

It’s just that you have gained enlightenment in the technical realm, so you need to settle down and practice quietly...

It was also because of this that the disturbance outside really had nothing to do with her.

It’s really low-key,


Daili is keeping a low profile, but the name Junzili is indeed very popular!

no way. This guy is so capable of causing trouble!

Within a few days, Fenzhou was stirred up by her. They caused constant turmoil with two big shots, Gong Zangxue and Liu Hongxiu, and finally got into trouble with Qin Zhige.

To say that she is a genius is really to give in to her.

should be used to describe her existence.

Compared with her, those young men who say my family is xxx as soon as they appear are really weak!

Well, it seems that many of those gentlemen have been raped by her. I heard that they have been living in seclusion for the past few days to recover from their injuries. They are injured on their bodies and in their hearts...

But the one with the worst reputation is undoubtedly Mr. Jade from Feihuang. They say that the whiter you are, the faster you get dirty, the higher you are, the worse you fall, and the better your reputation, the worse you fall!

There are so many people in Feiyu Kong. They are from Feihuang. They are not as good as Bluebird, let alone Lanshan, Wanxue and other groups. However, they just boarded the aircraft carrier Liu Hongxiu. They were quite valued. Together with the king-level Talking to him is very friendly.

The results of it!

Why are you wearing underpants and playing naughty with Liu Hongxiu!

Many people present saw Zhuji leave the room and get into Yuhu, plus the original male favorite, haha... three of them~~

The taste is really strong!

That's all for Zhuji. I'm a serious professional. If I don't pretend, I'll just tell you that I'm a professional male favorite. Where's Mr. Fei?

Young Master Jade, as gentle as jade...


The people in Feihuang were too embarrassed to see anyone, but fortunately, as time passed, they also evolved, from being ashamed to being tolerant, and finally...

Our Young Master Jade is in love with Mr. Liu. If you have the ability, go and have one too!

Don't blame them Jiang Zi for thinking about it, who has benefited too much from it! With Liu Hongxiu's relationship, no matter how disdainful the people in other groups are, they still have to be a little cautious. It is Fei Yukong who is the male favorite, not them...

Faced with Feihuang's attitude, people like Xiang Yunhong who maintain their own identity naturally disdain it, but there is nothing they can do about it.

And at this time... Liu Hongxiu's residence was located somewhere in Fenchuan.

Fei Yukong, a person who was originally not qualified to enter, now entered Fenchuan openly, although at this moment...he was enjoying himself under Liu Hongxiu.

The air is like mist, seems to be pale pink, and is full of smells and sounds that make people blush and heartbeat.

Liu Hongxiu is a person of uncertainties, so those who can stay by his side without dying are very smart people, unlike the simplest fool Baitian who lets him be raised and played like a piglet. (To be continued...)

ps: I have something to do today, so I won’t update anymore, I will update as usual ()

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