A Queen

Chapter 881 Who wouldn’t want me! Lost your mind?

Generally speaking, in this situation, people like Lin Jiangxian, who are gentle and noble, have to take a back seat. People like Jue Ge, Feng Ling, Jiang Chuan, who can't speak more than three sentences a day, have long been ignored. Tang People like Jun Yi and Kong Kong'er who have low combat effectiveness and often behave like pig-like teammates will have their mouths covered.

Fortunately, there is also Linjiang Xue with amazing fighting ability.

She just glanced at Lin Yishu up and down and raised her eyebrows: "Who are you?"

"Ji Huang Lin Yi Shu"

"Oh, it's you~ Where's the post?"

"What post"

"Linglong Club Post"


"...If you don't speak, you're showing off?" Linjiang Xue said calmly, narrowed her eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Without you, you wouldn't be so arrogant!"

This sentence shocked people like Lin Yishu who had just recovered from serious injuries.

Did they hear it right?

They were actually counterattacked!

Lin Yishu is a rather strange person. He is the kind of person who bullies the weak and fears the strong but is also very good at pretending. His previous attack on Dai Li was motivated by jealousy and arrogance, but he was forced to put him on the iron plate. After recuperating for such a period of time, he summed up his experience. , I found that I couldn't find people who didn't know the details. If I wanted to bully, I would find someone with a very clear background, such as someone from Nanlin.

Although he also knew that people like Nanlin were different from the past and had someone to protect them, he did not intend to take action, as if he was just trying to satisfy his addiction. After all, he had been badly repaired before. If he couldn't fight back against the terrible Jun Zili, could he still do it? Can’t you tell people like Nanlin?

Even people like Xiang Yunhong can't interfere, otherwise it would be too ridiculous.

So he brought some people, such as Huang Zhigao, who were depressed and angry.

Get ready to start group teasing mode.

only. He didn't expect that people like Nan Lin also had iron plates inside!

Linjiang girl now has some confidence. The poisonous tongue mode is now on!

The gentle but sarcastic aura created by Lin Yishu was shattered as soon as they met him. In the eyes of others, ha, these two groups are facing each other again!

But this is Linglong Club,

Are you really going to have a fight?

Just when the people nearby looked at me with various attitudes and expressions...

Lin Yishu felt that he couldn't bear it any longer. He clenched his fists and wanted to take action...

"Yi Shu, forget it." Chai Zijun looked at him not far away with a strange expression. He was actually trying to persuade Lin Yishu?

Everyone was suspicious.

However, Lin Yishu didn't listen at all and had already gathered all his strength, "So what if that gentleman is gone! Today I am going to fix you despicable things who don't know the heights of heaven and earth..."

It was also at this time that a sudden gust of cool breeze came, carrying the fragrance of peach blossoms and blowing them...

"I seem to hear someone thinking about me?"

A person slowly walked out of the peach blossom forest full of gorgeous peach blossoms.

The face is like a peach blossom, and the beauty is like a demon, its beauty is burning.

She put her hands behind her back and stood among the flying peach blossoms.

"Mr. Lin, you recovered very quickly...I wonder who your attending doctor is? His medical skills are very good...but he is too soft-hearted. How can we let you out so quickly?"

If you are sick, you need to be cured! Don't come out to cause harm to others!

coming. The most lethal one is finally here!

About half of the people present knew Dai Li, and the other half had heard of the reputation but didn't know the person. They were busy talking to each other, and they suddenly became enlightened.

She is Jun Zili.

Sure enough, it’s beautiful, but also poisonous!

The faces of Lin Yishu and others were livid, and the others did not dare to speak because their balls hurt. Lin Yishu became bolder, as if he had some confidence.

"Jun Zili, don't be so arrogant. Fenzhou is not your world. Even if you come, what do we, Feihuang, have to fear!"

The people of Feihuang are in a dilemma, they are just like grass and mud horses! It's none of our business!

Even the power of a fox and a tiger is more gratifying than the fierceness at the moment, but it is a pity that Lin Yishu is not Adou who can't help him up the wall.

Dai Li sighed, "Speaking of arrogance, I think you are the one... I told you not to bully some innocent girls in front of me, but you insist on Jiang Zi... I think you are so arrogant only because of two reasons"

"What's the reason?" Linjiang Xue cooperated very tacitly,

"First" Daili pointed his beautiful finger at Lin Yishu's forehead, "You're cheap!"

Everyone: "....'

"What about the second one?" Linjiang Xue cooperated again.

"Second" the finger turned into the middle finger, "You are too cheap!"

You're too mean. Don't use your tone of voice too sonorously. There is a lingering sound in it. Many people will directly think that you are a eunuch!

What a pun!

Damn it!

puff! Many people present laughed.

Lin Yishu's face turned green and white. When those people behind him saw that Dai Li's aura was sharper than before, they immediately retreated and wanted to avoid it silently...

Suddenly, Lin Yishu's expression suddenly changed. He looked somewhere, and a person walked out of that place, surrounded by many people.

"Master Jun, I wonder where the people in our group have offended you?"

That gentle and intoxicating tone, calm posture...

The appearance of Fei Yukong immediately made the atmosphere here look like fermented wine...

Very exciting.

Face to face, Dai Li faced Fei Yukong.

Fake male favorite versus real male favorite.


The stunning beauty in black and the gentle jade in white.

Who will win?

Dai Li looked at Fei Yukong and secretly sighed that this person was really big-hearted. After 4p, he could still act more like a masculine man than a good family man.

"Then you have to ask your people...doesn't it look ridiculous to ask me?" Dai Li's reaction was sharper than everyone imagined.

Fei Yukong was also calm and glanced at Lin Jiangxue and others. The look in his eyes made Lin Jiangxue and others feel cold. This kind of duplicitous person is the most terrifying. It seems that he should be more careful in private.

"It turns out that Mr. Jun values ​​friendship so much and is so kind to people he has never met in Nanlin. It makes me feel ashamed."

These words do have some profound meaning.

However, one person's response was not profound at all, it was just a simple sentence: "I have always been nice to good-looking people."

**Naked face control! **Naked reality!

Good-looking men and women are honored, and here... most people are good-looking.

On the other hand. Lin Yishu and others were undoubtedly labeled ugly by her!

Ya. Mr. Jun is really...smart and cunning!

At least people with high IQs like Yan Qi thought Dai Li's counterattack was wonderful!

But Fei Yukong smiled.

"Really? I thought you only loved Lord Yuzangxue, but it turns out...that's just the way it is."


It turns out that this is Fei Yukong’s purpose!

Separate generations and Gong Zangxue!

No matter how Dai Li answers, there must be losses!

Does it need the support of Gong Zangxue alone, or does it need the support of so many female cultivators present?

This is a problem.

But at this moment in the peach forest, a group of people from Yin Pavilion came, and a group of people from Wen Pavilion also came...

People from Wuge came from five directions and happened to see the much-anticipated confrontation in the peach forest.

I also heard that conversation.

They are all Yimo.

Is this Jun Zili, whose reputation has soared? And... the new generation of top male favorite Fei Yukong!

People from Yinge. The temperament is refined, either playing the guzheng, or playing the flute and Xiao. The men are either handsome or beautiful, and the women are either elegant or beautiful. Anyway, they are the most beautiful ones, so naturally they are very eye-catching. Among them, as a musician, The senior brother in the pavilion had only one reaction to the scene before him. He turned his face and glanced at Yu Ji.

Sure enough, I saw Yu Ji's eyes focused. His eyes turned cold.

The people here in Wenge are very polite, although their appearance is not particularly outstanding. He wears a simple scholar's white robe, but his temperament is outstanding, and his scholarly and suave personality may be more ancient than his appearance.

Among them, Wen Zhiqiu is the more conspicuous one, but there is also a man and a woman beside her, which seems to mean that the Wen Pavilion is a tripartite.

Martial arts, swords, and magic are all based on strength!

The one who stands at the front is definitely the strongest!

Of course, now they are all looking at the two people fighting against each other.

Can you only take one scoop out of three thousand weak waters, or should you sacrifice one tree and gain ten thousand forests?

Dai Li blinked slightly and suddenly smiled, "I, Jun Zili, never like to choose, if you don't want to leave, I won't give up."

If you ignore this good sentence, I won’t give up!

Is this affectionate? Or domineering?

Fei Yukong frowned and continued to press forward: "The problem is, what if someone else chooses you!"

Choose me? Dai Li raised his eyes slightly and raised his eyebrows. It was like there were two phoenixes hidden in his eyes. They were so dazzling: "Are you kidding me? I am a person who values ​​both civil and military skills, both internally and externally. I have high-end tastes and a wide range of hobbies. I can do laundry, do... Who would be willing to give up a person who eats, plays the piano, sings, dances, has a gentle temperament, a broad mind, is open to all kinds of things, and has a good face?"

Have you ever seen such a strong self-introduction?

Have you ever seen such a perfect and shameless introduction?

The whole place was quiet.

Even Fei Yukong, a man with a lot of evil hidden in his heart, has nothing to say. He is a male favorite, not a shameless male favorite. After all, his shame is not cultivated enough.


This self-introduction was also listed by Fenzhou as the strongest version of self-introduction in history.

And after finishing speaking, someone who created this version added without losing breath or blushing: "Actually, I have a pretty good figure, too."

You've had enough!

After thinking about these words, the people present realized that this guy was not exaggerating!

Kneel down! All the men were on their knees!

drunk! The women are all drunk!

Goddess, Goddess!

"Suddenly I realized... Mr. Jun is really so outstanding~~" Behind him, a light and smiling voice came. Everyone looked and saw Bai Jin walking in the peach blossoms, with another person walking beside him.

The man glanced sideways at Dai Li, his eyes very critical and contemptuous: "Broad-minded? Are you talking about the heart, or the chest?"

Why do you think the content is a bit pornographic? It makes me blush and my heart beats.

Well, are these two really having an affair? Or legs?

Yu Ji frowned and glanced at Dai Li. People like Wen Zhiqiu were okay because they had already seen Gong Zangxue's special way of getting along with this Jun Zili.

You said they had an affair, but it seems they didn't. They fell out of love and were ruthless. The next second, they could become like you digging my ancestral graves, and I blowing your anus...

Say no, it always gives the impression that they have two legs.

All I can say is...they are kidding you! (To be continued...) ()

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