A Queen

Chapter 890 A, B, and C

Zi Weiyang looked at Dai Li holding the embroidered handkerchief with an ugly duck in his arms, and couldn't help but smile...

"Haha, no matter how ugly you are, you can't embroider it." Daili didn't feel ashamed and put away the embroidered handkerchief, but she felt a little sad. Originally, she planned to give this to Farewell and the others. Everyone has one, and everyone has one. I thought that there was no time to send them off, so many people were scattered all over the world...

Perhaps feeling the change in Dai Li's mood, Zi Weiyang didn't speak, and Xiangxi Palace also changed the subject: "Jun Huaxin, you just entered the room, but you saw that woman? Well, it's... Weiyang, what's her name? Coming?"

Miss Xiang was very sociable then. From Palace Master Zi to Princess Weiyang, now she has become Weiyang directly, regardless of seniority or anything.

Zi Weiyang didn't seem to care and just replied: "Luan Yi"

Get together? What a weird name. (Are you qualified to tell others?).

None of the three of them are interested in going downstairs to visit the giant ship, and they are not very willing to socialize with other people, although everyone else is doing the same thing, building a circle and so on... or meeting best friends, looking for gay friends, etc...

Zi Weiyang and Xiangxi Palace are in high positions, so it is destined that they find it difficult to find suitable friends, and people like Dai Li who are not in a high-end circle are just...lazy.

I'm also afraid of meeting that pervert Liu Hongxiu, so it's best to stay here. What's more, the surrounding scenery is intoxicating, the peach blossoms are fluttering, and the two beauties beside me are stunning...

It would be perfect to sit on the balcony and bask in the sun while chatting.

So the three of them actually sat down to drink and chat.

Chatting and chatting, Dai Li is worth a total of 300 rooms on this exquisite ship.

But only one hundred guests were invited to the Linglong Club.

The other rooms are the residences of Linglong Club itself.

One hundred people sounds like a lot. But compared to looking at the domineering invitations from hundreds of group domains. One hundred people is simply too few to make one's heart bleed. No wonder those people on the river bank were so angry that they vomited blood after just one word.

One hundred people, three, six, nine, etc. are inevitable.

There are three levels of distinction: A, B, and C.

People like Lou Lanting and Yan Qi live on the C floor. There are fifty people in total. Most of them are young elites. It is not surprising that Jue Xuuge and Xiang Yunhong are particularly outstanding.

Can only be included in Tier C.

The B floor is...

"Everyone who has achieved various attainments in various fields, such as music, chess, calligraphy and painting. Confucianism, Taoism, Dharma, Kendo, swordsmanship, etc. have made great achievements." Xiangxi Palace said, taking a sip of wine while eating the grilled fish that Daili brought out. Like fish soup or something...

Well, this guy still knows how to enjoy it~~

"I don't think I've seen such a person before." Dai Li drank wine, crossed his legs, and thought about the people he had seen on both sides of the Taiwan Strait before.

"Of course I haven't seen it... They have always been regular visitors to the Linglong Club. They are familiar with the journey. They have long found the Linglong Ship and boarded it. They also focus on their own hobbies and never come out to meet people. Look at those closed rooms. ...Mostly where they are.”

No wonder, before Daili, he was still curious about what Lord Yuan meant when he said that someone had been waiting for a long time.

She remembered that the ordinary girl from Wen Pavilion seemed to live on the second floor, above Jue Xuuge and others.

Very powerful~~.

"That girl? She must be Xi Zhixin from Wenge. She is not an ordinary person. She is talented in literature and has a good talent. She has dabbled in ancient classics and biographies. She can be on an equal footing with Qi Zhongtian and others in daily life. She was also invited to Fenchuan to participate in the duel. In the compilation work of ancient books, she has also created more than a dozen good exercise secrets and Confucian and Taoist biographies. If nothing happens, she will be promoted to the Fenchuan Confucian and Taoist Pavilion in the near future."

So awesome!

Dai Li was deeply stimulated! "Will the outer five pavilions be absorbed by the people from the inner four pavilions?"

"Fenzhou Five Pavilions are naturally not as good as Fenchuan Four Pavilions, but there are also extremely outstanding ones that will be valued, but only between Wen Pavilion to Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion, Yin Pavilion to Qinhuang Pavilion, such as Xi Zhixin, but Wu There is Su Yue in the Pavilion, He Wanfa in the Fa Pavilion, and Zhan Dao in the Dao Pavilion. These three people are not bad, and they are stronger than Jue Xue Ge, but no matter how strong they are, they can't enter Fenchuan. Jiangwang Pavilion is never open to the public because the entry threshold is too high. People who are not valued at the beginning will basically not be valued later."

Although Xiangxi Palace repeatedly opposed Dai Li, fortunately, he also had some conscience and spread knowledge to her.

Dai Li expressed his gratitude and calculated in his mind that there were thirty-five people on the second floor.

As for the first floor, there are only fifteen people.

"As you can see, those on the first floor are people who have already made a name for themselves and have great works." Xiangxi Palace Shi Shiran said, but he found that Dai Li's eyes were a bit strange.

--Are you talking about yourself? What a joke!

"What do you mean! After all, I am also the boss of Wanbaozhai..." Xiangxi Palace became a little angry.

Dai Li immediately laughed and changed the subject, "Fifteen people, you also have Zi Weiyang, the owner of Qingyuan Building, Senior Xuanqian, Gong Zangxue, Bai Jin, Liu Hongxiu, there are already eight people here, and there are seven more people.."

"You didn't count your ** people, Yuanyi"

**People... Dai Li was embarrassed for a moment, "That means there are already nine people, and there are six more people. Do you know who they are?"

Zi Weiyang was silent, but Xiangxi Palace smiled meaningfully, "If it were the usual session, it would be about the same size, but this session seems to be a little different, maybe some unexpected people will come."


Dai Li shrugged, "Okay, then I'll change the topic... Palace Master Zi, what, you and your brother live together? In the same room?"

...What's with that expression of yours! Brothers and sisters can't live together anymore?

Xiangxi Palace sneered, but heard Zi Weiyang say calmly: "He is guarding the door."

Um, that means sleeping next to the door?

Haha, no one is allowed to sleep on the floor...

They are indeed siblings~~

But even so, Dai Li still sighed: "If that's the case, then Master Qingyuan and Wei Niang are also... ugh~~"

"You are so lenient, you make it seem like you are not in someone else's room... Before, you said you were afraid of being bullied by Gong Zangxue and I... But now~~hehe~~ What if that person bullies you? Can you? Those who live on the first floor...you can't handle Jun Huaxin~~" Xiangxi Palace's expression was very sinister.

Um...this topic...Zi Weiyang turned away her face and looked at the scenery.

Dai Li thought for a while and then said with regret: "...If she really persists and is really strong...I can't help it..."

The fish is dead and the net is broken? Burning together?

"Just lie down and don't resist..."


The white brocade not far away sprayed.

Wei Niang also squirted.

Xiangxi Palace: "Jun Huaxin, can you still have some face? Where's your chastity?"

Daili: "Been eaten by a dog..."

Xiangxi Palace: "Then you were extremely reserved with me and Gong Zangxue before? Do you dislike us?"

Dai Li: "No, I don't dislike it... I was playing hard to get! I didn't expect that you two couldn't stand the test at all... I was ready to obey you half-heartedly."

Xiangxi Palace: "...."

Zi Weiyang smiled.

Really, when it comes to this topic, no matter how bold and bold Xiangxi Palace is and how domineering it is, it can't compete with this person's sharp tongue and diamond-like heart.

The bickering continued upstairs.

Downstairs on the deck.

Yuan Qi leaned on the railing, looking at the people sitting on the chairs drinking wine, and narrowed his eyes as he looked at them.

But when he looked forward, Fei Yukong was already in front of him.

"Master Yuan"

"Prince Fei"

The two people looked at each other, both smiling, but the smile did not reach their eyes.

But obviously the two of them need to talk, so a fake smile is also necessary.

On the other side, Nuo Shanbei was drinking and said to Qin Lanfeng: "Now don't you think my hostility towards her is unnecessary?"

Qin Lanfeng stroked his sword and didn't look at him. He just said: "You can't kill people on the Linglong ship... Then you can only do your best to suppress him at the Linglong meeting."


"Nuo Shanbei, Qin Lanfeng...do you have any grudge against that gentleman?" A person asked Jue Xuege. Jue Xuege looked at the person in front of him. She was beautiful, but she was much more arrogant than him.

He would not like someone who is more arrogant than himself, "Yes, Your Highness"

The Wanxue Dynasty is not dominated by Prince Juexue. After all, there is a dynasty royal family above it, and this royal family is very powerful.

The person in front of me, who is wearing a gorgeous snow-feathered dress and can handle classical etiquette, is the little princess of the Wanxue Dynasty.

Very young.

It is the apple of the eye of the Emperor Wanxue Dynasty.

What's her name?

--Xue Qiange.

The apple of Emperor Wanxue's eye, she studied under the supreme master Wanxue Mountain. Her appearance, talent, and talent are all at the top. Such a woman should be arrogant.

Because their names are similar, the two of them have always been considered a match.


Xue Qiange looked at Jue Xuuge with a half-smile but not a smile: "Little Pigeon, we haven't seen each other for so many years. Since the relationship between the two of us is not an unmarried couple but an unmarried couple, shouldn't you happily come over and give me a hug?"

Your sister is unmarried! Hug your sister! What a little pigeon! You are younger than me, okay?

After all, Jue Xuuge is very well-behaved, and his face looks calm enough to drink tea. Anyway, he has always had a paralyzed face, which is easy to disguise.

"Your Highness is joking, Xue Ge doesn't dare...after all, if I hug you, I will be punished by force from His Highness."

Haha, don't think he has forgotten that there was a girl who smiled brightly when he was a child and said, "Little pigeon, please give me a hug."

He hugged....

Seriously injured for three months.

Now, haha~~

Xue Qiange's nose wrinkled, and her original temperament like a snow and ice beauty suddenly changed. She was pitiful and sincere: "That's why I'm playing hard to get. If you insist on hugging me again, I will obey you..."

Damn, what's the deal with your tone and words like that weird guy upstairs!

"No need...His Royal Highness is rich in gold, and the cup cannot bear it..."

Based on the fact that the person in front of him also belonged to the weird category of Junzi Li, Jue Xuege suddenly had an idea flash in his mind: "Your Highness...Actually, that Junzili is..." (To be continued...) ()

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