A Queen

Chapter 896: Qishan Main Hall is coming!

He looked at Chu Xiuling and others, secretly thinking that Nanlin was really surprised that such a character appeared again and again, but he was much more outstanding than medium-sized groups like Blue Bird.

Jue Xuege and the others were also very surprised. Mingjian, the main hall of Fenchuan? Nanlin!

This is too...

The people present were confused.

Mr. Yuan had already turned to look at Liu Hongxiu, "I said you've had enough fun. It's almost the same. The famous swords are here. The people from the Qishan Pavilion are almost here. Tomorrow, Mr. Yuan will come to take charge. It's too much." It’s ugly and won’t do you any good.”

These two people are obviously friends, and they talk more casually, but they also have a little reminder.

Liu Hongxiu was noncommittal, "Fengchuan Main Hall...it seems that I have a good vision."

In words, he even thought about the famous sword.

Lawless, so lawless!

People like Mr. Yuan would be embarrassed. The future of a gentleman is unpredictable. This famous sword is even included in the Fenchuan main hall. If you want someone to be your male favorite, have you asked the Fenchuan main hall?

Although we, Yanyu Chonglou, are more powerful, if Jiang Zi’s unreasonable tyranny spreads, he will be scorned to death, not to mention that those people above will support it...

Liu Hongxiu is really a madman!

Mr. Yuan secretly scolded those people in the building for being out of touch. He sent such a person to work together, and he was troubled by the current situation...

In a weird atmosphere.

The people from Qishan Hall have finally arrived!

From not being banned to rushing into the forbidden area, these five people fell directly on the deck as if they were not affected at all.

Robe, cap...

The hats were pulled off one by one.

Two young people. One male and one female. A middle-aged man. A young man and an old man.

It's a weird combination, but...you can tell at a glance that he's not an ordinary person.

These five people rashly entered the Linglong Ship, faced with the strange situation in front of them and a large number of people...

Of course I'm confused,

It's just that his face doesn't change color.

The old man looked at Mr. Yuan, his beard raised, "Yuan Xiao, long time no see. But it seems we were really late and missed some interesting things."

His eyes glanced at Liu Hongxiu.

The eyes and expressions all showed one meaning - this pervert was here, so he must be causing trouble.

Naturally, Yuan Xiao would not explain the disgraceful incident to the people in the main hall of Qishan Hall again.

He smiled brightly and said: "No, I think your arrival is the most interesting thing in the evening... For example, Mr. Bu Feiyang and Miss Xi Liuying, our invitations were sent to the sky group where you belong, but we didn't expect that. The two of you have been brought to Fenchuan early, and it is a great thing to be able to come now."

It sounds like it will be quite troublesome to get out of Fenchuan.

But Dai Li didn't pay attention to this. She mainly loved one person, that young man.


Right. This person is a super genius in the formation, so it’s not surprising that he would come here. The middle-aged man and the old man didn't know each other. The two young people were probably Bu Feiyang and Xi Liuying. They were from the Sky Group Domain, which was much stronger than the Lanshan Group Domain.

Two people were directly introduced to Fenchuan. What was the concept?

You can tell from the slightly serious attitude on Mr. Yuan's lips.

It can be seen from the changes in the expressions of Jue Xuege and Nuo Shanbei.

However, there are definitely some exceptions, such as...

"Xi Liuying, I haven't seen you for so long. You are still as beautiful as ever. But you didn't react when you saw your old friend. Instead, why are you staring at the famous swordsman?"

Xue Qiange, who had been identified as a weird and rogue person by Dai Li before, said one sentence and attracted everyone's attention.

Xi Liuying was covered in a robe, with only one face exposed. She was very beautiful, with heroic brows and a somewhat cold temperament. When Xue Qiange said this, she frowned.

He didn't speak, as if he was too lazy to talk to Xue Qiange.

"Mingjian, is this your friend?" The old man suddenly turned around and looked towards Mingjian with a strange expression.

why? They all knew that the famous sword suddenly accelerated its speed just now, and finally drew the sword in order to save someone.

And this person...


Look good.

Dressed so strangely.

Mingjian's hand is still holding the opponent's arm, so forget it, the guy still seems to be very dependent on him and is so close...

One is as heroic as a god, and the other is as weak and delicate as a demon.

--They are all men.

The scene was so beautiful that people in the Qishan Pavilion felt like they were struck by lightning.

The reason why Gong Zangxue and others remained silent was actually because they had been staring at these two people for too long, and everything else was just a cloud.

So now...everyone is looking at these two people.

"Yeah" Ming Jian responded, but Dai Li immediately sensed the strange looks in Ming Jian's group's eyes. Well, that girl Xi's eyes were not kind, and Mr. Bu's eyes were provocative and disdainful. The old man was... heartbroken.

Do you want to dislike me so much?

Based on Dai Li's consistent style.

She was witty again.

He immediately let go of Mingjian's arm... and said to Mingjian: "There are so many people, and it's not good for you to be like this."

Sad and soft...

Although it sounded a bit strange, the old man felt relieved, but the next second he saw the pretty boy actively hugging the famous sword's arm, "This is how we can show the joy of seeing us again after a long absence, just like we haven't seen each other for three autumns." Well, right, Xiao Jianjian~~"

If everyone here has a Dragon Ball in their hands, then they can quickly summon dozens of dragons. Dragon, please give me a divine thunder to kill this evildoer!

Yu Ji: I shouldn’t have blown it.

Miss Hua: Hey, if I had known earlier, I should have gone to bed with Brother Xiang.

Lou Lanting: So many people were so angry at night, can I dissect the corpses?

Yan Qi: .....

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that many people, such as Mr. Chu, have fainted in the toilet from crying and are unable to summon the dragon...

Yuan Qi secretly exhaled. He regretted the previous agreement...

Bai Jin saw that Gong Zangxue's murderous intent became even more serious...

Not far away, Zi Weiyang and Xiangxi Palace, who had watched the whole scene from beginning to end, had the same expression.


But the former is helpless. Speechless and smiling. The latter is...a sneer. Sneer, sneer again, and it feels like I'm going to see how you die.

Well, I saw that someone was so desperate that he gained hatred and refreshed his lower limit...

A scratching sound.

A door was opened.

Floor A, Room No. 7.

Xiangxi Palace and Zi Weiyang watched this person come out.

Barefoot, green robe, with the corners of the snow-white bathrobe exposed.

She stood in front of the door and glanced around.

The old man in Qishan Pavilion was stunned. Yuli and the middle-aged man were also stunned.


"Yueshan has met the adults"

"Yu Li has met the adults"

"Chang Ying has met the Lord"

Although Bu Feiyang and Xi Liuying were stunned, they immediately reacted and bowed to salute.

Who is that person?

In fact, many people remember it. Do you still remember the charming woman who stood on the flagpole during the day and dropped a post?

She called Long Yi.

"Well, just come." She responded softly, then folded her hands around her chest, leaning against the door, leaning sideways, her body slender and thin. The silhouette is light.

Obviously the face is not beautiful, but the temperament is there. It is hard for top beauties like Zi Weiyang and Bai Jin to despise her.

But, what she said next...

"Is the fight over?" Her voice was slightly hoarse, and her eyes glanced at some people.

Liu Hongxiu frowned subconsciously. The reason why he behaved like this at night was because he wanted to provoke this person. As a person from Yanyu Chonglou, he didn't know anything about this person. This made him feel unhappy and slightly uneasy. That's why...

No one else could see it, but just by looking at this woman, he knew that she had seen her intention.

But his intention failed because she didn't take any action at all.

Fortunately, it was confirmed that she was from Qishan Hall.


"Of course it's over." Liu Hongxiu smiled softly. If he didn't like men, he might be attracted to this woman...

He responded, but she didn't respond because...she looked at someone.

“The food is getting cold”

This tone is as indifferent as the night water of Peach Blossom River, as light as catkins.

Only then did someone realize that the adult was talking to her...

"Oh~~ I'll be right back." Dai Li responded, thought for a moment, and then asked, "Can I bring someone with me?"


Yuanyi has already walked in.

Well, the old man Yueshan who originally placed the hatred value on Dai Li looks at Dai Li with a look... filled with love and hate~ He wants to live and die!

Dai Li didn't care about the weird looks from other people, she turned to ask Jing Jingyuan and Ming Jian, "Have you two eaten? Come to my place to eat...I'll prepare some more dishes, Jingyuan will take a look. hurt"

The famous swordsman of Qinglangmingyue will say that I am hungry?

The extremely indifferent King Ning Jingyuan would say that I am hungry too?


But their reaction was the same - good.

Qishan Guan and everyone else were already vomiting blood!

This plot is going wrong!

This style of painting is not right either!

The fight is over, the fuss is over, it’s time to call it a night!

Dai Li took a look at the injuries of Chu Xiuling and others. Fortunately, nothing happened. After all, it was a hand-to-hand fight, and at most there were internal injuries. Women like Yan Qi were women after all, and people like Nuo Shanbei were not stupid enough to force themselves in front of them. In front of so many people, during the Linglong Club, which has always been elegant and gentlemanly, he treated several women harshly, so the women were fine.

On the deck, a group of people staggered around.

However, Chu Xiuling and Ying Zheng were injured a little more seriously.

Chu Xiuling: "Actually, it's nothing, it's just that the leg bone seems to be broken."

Dai Li: "That's it. I was thinking of letting you go to my place for dinner...forget it, Miss Qin, you are so close, can you help me take care of my younger brother?"

Ying Zheng: "I'm okay... not too injured, but I was shaken by the sound of the flute just now, and my head is a little dizzy... I'm still a little hungry." - Where is the cool and aloof Emperor Fan? Qin Mingyue and Yan Qi were all frightened.

Daili: "Oh, my brain is not good, so don't walk around. You need to eat. There is... grilled fish here. Some of my subordinates made it a few days ago, right?" (To be continued. .) ()

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