A Queen

Chapter 925: Secret room, puzzle! **Ah~~

Dai Li took the time to ask Yu Ji. Yu Ji remembered it and said solemnly, "No wonder you don't know this. "Chen Gong's Secret Records", I only heard my mother say it when I was a child. After the peerless powerful man sealed the island of Quinn, I don't know what his thoughts were, and he deliberately left a book of his own. However, not many people know what "Chen Gong's Secret Record" is, because it doesn't exist at all. Not many people know that he kept "Chen Gong's Secret Record"... If these people can pay so much attention to it and even abandon other treasures, then the value of this "Chen Gong's Secret Record" is obviously the most important among this treasure. of..."

That means the most valuable~~

Dai Li smiled, glanced around, suddenly froze, and lay down on the folded wall, "Yu Ji, come and see if there are any words here."

Yu Ji came over and saw Dai Li pointing at a folded door. The door seemed to be extremely heavy. Dai Li pushed hard and it didn't move at all. There was a house number on the top of the door.

Dai Li is a little embarrassed, the sign is engraved with 38.

Thirty-eight secret rooms?

However, there is a row of embossed characters on the door, but this row of characters is very strange.

--Open, middle, king, five.

"Hit King Five? What do you mean!" The two people immediately frowned, but immediately noticed that there was a row of stone grids under the row of words. The grids were marked from one to ten, and it seemed that they could be pressed...

"It's an entry-level agency, right? It has been rumored for a long time that Thief Quinn used to like guessing puzzles and various games. If he regards the entire Quinn Island as his treasure place, he will definitely not let others get his treasure easily. He will definitely have to test it. Turn...these four words are the test.”

Guess the puzzle and win the treasure! This Quinn is so idle that it hurts! Dai Li couldn't help but murmur, and speculated with Yu Ji that because of the limited time, their thoughts were wandering around.

"He deliberately got a five to ask us to press the corresponding grid? That's not right, it's not that simple," Yu Ji frowned.

"Not necessarily, maybe he just made us think it's not that simple. He didn't think it was five, but the answer is exactly five~~" Dai Li smiled bitterly when he thought of the psychological games on earth. If this is the case, this treasure hunt will be a success. Trouble.

To choose or not to choose, that is the question.

"So, it's five?" Yu Ji hesitated...

"How about giving it a try first?"

Dai Li was suggesting this,

Suddenly, boom! There seemed to be an explosion somewhere, and the two of them were startled.

"That group of people must have guessed the wrong answer and were attacked by the agency!" Dai Li guessed. In fact, her guess was very reasonable. It also made the two of them feel mixed. They were happy that the other party was in trouble, but worried that they might also be in trouble.

"Did you notice that these four characters are all four gestures, and they are four characters. They are most likely four grids, but five is also possible... four and five. I am leaning toward four. What do you think?"

"Also four"

Then choose four!

Dai Li pressed his palm on the fourth grid and asked Yu Ji to move away. However, she thought this grid was easy to press, but found it very difficult to press it. She spent half of her strength before pressing the grid...

As soon as the grid collapsed, Dai Li quickly pulled away his hand and ducked to the side...

Quack quack~~ The sound of the machine gears turning made the two of them very nervous. There wouldn't be any machine array~~

Now they are mortals!



The stone door opened.

Their eyes lit up and they ran through the door quickly!

As soon as the two of them entered, the door closed automatically.

On the other side, Chang Ying and others stared at the incomprehensible puzzle in front of them with dismayed faces...

"Who can guess?"

"What a nonsense proposition this is! Quinn is indeed a pervert!"

"Let's separate and check more questions. This will have a higher success rate. It's too wasteful for a group of people to focus on one question~~"

Several people immediately dispersed, as if they were desperate for this proposition. Only one person stayed. He looked at the topic in front of him, thought for a while, and then curled his lips.


And just not long after Daili and the two entered the 38th secret room, a person also walked into the mushroom treasure place.

The man walked in and passed by the secret room that Dai Li and the two had entered. He turned around, but did not see the door to the secret room before. He glanced around and looked at the place where Dai Li and the two had stood for a while. There was nothing else, just a layer of stone powder and two scattered footprints.

He was originally thinking about something, but he was soon attracted by another secret room door in the distance. He walked quickly and naturally saw a proposition.

--There is a man who has the most wives in his life, at least five wives. A wife can give birth to at least one son, so how many sons can he have?


What the hell is this topic! Will you die if you take the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting test?

A man silently held on to the wall and knelt down!

To guess or not, that is the question.

And the number on this door is engraved with - Secret Room 37.

In the 38th secret room, Dai Li and Yu Ji were blinded as soon as they entered.

Spirit crystal!

There was only a pile of spiritual crystals stacked up in front of him, forming a triangular pyramid.

Approximately waist height.

Glittering gold, crystal clear!

Blind and blind!

Any rich man's gold will be turned into dregs in front of it!

"There are about five hundred spirit crystals~~" Dai Li is very sensitive to numbers. After all, he was a person who played in a consortium in his previous life, so he glanced at it and calculated the volume of a piece of spirit crystal and the spirit crystal pyramid to get the number. .

However, so many spiritual crystals are equivalent to a huge wealth, and this is just for a secret room!

But here comes the problem...

Why can’t I use the storage ring? How many spiritual crystals can they take away at most? There are no more than twenty shoes inside!

"Huh?" Yu Ji stretched out her slender hand and pulled out a piece of paper.

"There is paper here... Haha~~" Yu Ji smiled as soon as she saw it and handed it to Dai Li, "Look at it... we are very lucky."

Daili took it over and looked at it. There was a paragraph on it.

--"Lucky man, I'm glad that you can guess my riddle and get my reward of five hundred spiritual crystals. But let me tell you, these one thousand spiritual crystals can only be regarded as one hundred treasures that I have given away. The three extreme rewards inside are one, two, three, four and five, and the fifth level reward. If it is the first level reward, hehe~~

Of course, you can't carry these spiritual crystals~~ So I also prepared a Quinn ring for you. "

There is a lot of important information in this passage, and Daili and Yu Ji are both thoughtful.

"Quinn's ring?" Dai Li had already seen a ring on the spiritual crystal pyramid, "There is no storage ring available on this island, and we can't take these spiritual crystals away~~"

"But what Quinn said is quite interesting..." Dai Li touched his chin and analyzed with Yu Ji: "There are a hundred secret rooms here, each containing a hundred treasures, but they are all different, and, He also left this ring..."

Dai Li still picked up the ring, thought about it, and found that this thing does not require recognition of the owner, as long as the soul power is directly transferred to it, it can be used.

With a thought, the thousand spiritual crystals were put into the ring.

The two people looked blank. The first reaction was that they were surprised that the ring could be used. The second reaction was...

"There's something weird about this Quinn!"

Dai Li's face was solemn, and Yu Ji also frowned, "According to what my mother told me, this Quinn Island was built before Quinn's death. After his death, people all over the world scrambled to seize the treasure, and then the peerless strong man stopped it, and Isolated Quinn Island and set up a mortal barrier on Quinn Island. This should have happened after Quinn's death, but now...it seems that Quinn knows that those of us turned into mortals as soon as we landed on the island. ~~So I prepared this special ring.”

"There are only two possibilities! One is that these are all arranged by the peerless powerful man, and the second is...Quinn is not dead!"

The second possibility makes both of them miserable.

Because if Quinn hadn't died, this treasure hunt would have turned into a game designed by Quinn. They worked so hard to find the treasure, and they didn't know if the real thief would come out to intervene later.

After all, it is said that this thief is very vengeful. For those who once besieged him and wanted to snatch his treasures, he set up such a shocking maze to lure countless people to hunt for treasures. Finally, he showed up, killed everyone, and then took back his treasures. ...

Although it has a strong taste, it doesn’t mean it’s impossible!

Dai Li and Yu Ji looked at each other for a while, and Dai Li sneered: "If Quinn is not dead, then the peerless strong man will not know about it. Unless the peerless strong man is in cahoots with Quinn and is a person of good character, otherwise he will not know it." He would lower his stature to play such a boring game... So I think Quinn is indeed dead, but he knew before he died that a mortal barrier would be set up on Quinn Island... Furthermore , you look at the words on it, although they are very frustrating and ugly, but you can see a person's character from the fonts. Although this Quinn is notorious, he is quite proud. Ever since he named this ring Quinn Ring. It can be seen that he is a very conceited person, such a person does not even bother to pretend to be dead, or maybe he and the peerless powerful man already know each other!"

This analysis was approved by Yu Ji, and the two of them felt a little more relaxed. Furthermore, since they have come here, it doesn't matter whether they are alive or dead. Could it be that they have encountered less dangers before!

"One hundred secret rooms... quite a few, but not many. They are enough for us to grab. However, five hundred spiritual crystals can only be regarded as a medium reward. I don't know what the rewards will be like~~"

One spiritual crystal can be used to eat such delicious food that is very useful for cultivation in Qingyuan Tower. What a huge wealth five hundred spiritual crystals are!

That’s 50 billion high-grade spiritual stones!

Dai Li quickly calculated that at the Tianbao Conference, an ordinary small spiritual vein was worth one hundred dragon scales, a medium spiritual vein was worth five thousand dragon scales, and one dragon scale was worth two hundred thousand high-grade spiritual stones. r1152( ) ()

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