A Queen

Chapter 942 2 Roads

Dai Li rolled her eyes at Bai Jin and secretly cursed that this woman was even more difficult to deal with than Gong Zangxue. Could it be that she was really targeting Ming Jian? She subconsciously looked at Ming Jian... Ming Jian had a cold face at the moment and just lowered his head. Clean the sword...

"The arm is fine...do you want to check your back?"


"Doesn't it hurt to be pressed? Even though it's soft..."

Bai Jin's words made many girls have strange expressions, and they subconsciously looked at Gong Zangxue. Speaking of which, the tenderness on Gong Zangxue's chest was... not small.

Daili's expression was stern, "No, it doesn't hurt."

"Yes, it should be very comfortable." (Miss Bai is good and bad~~)


Mingjian, why do you want to bring this woman back!

Because there were many people and there were people helping out, the aroma of skewers of barbecued meat filled the air, and almost everyone present was hungry. Regardless of their origins or reasons for coming, there was still a sense of friendship over having a meal together. Daili occasionally looked at Huangxueyu, This man gave her a good impression. After asking, she found out that he had just come to the Grotto Forest from the jungle. He met the people of Nanlin before even entering the mushroom building. Compared with Fei Yukong, Huangxue Yu's performance in Merlin and her usual style are quite popular with the people in Nanlin, so her attitude is also good.

Although she is afraid of mice, Daili can still tolerate these old acquaintances. After all, surviving as much as possible is her best principle. Being afraid does not mean that she cannot bear it.

The same goes for Yu Ji and others. They are not hypocritical people. No matter how disgusting they are, they have to eat it.

On the other hand, the others did not resist the rat meat at all, perhaps because they were too hungry. After eating, everyone's condition was obviously much better and they were energetic. Now it’s time to discuss the most serious issues.

There are only two roads before them now.

1. Leave this island and go outside.

2. Go inside and snatch the secret room!

"To leave this island, we can only rely on boats. The premise is that we have to figure out whether this island is a world or connected to the original world. Where is the Linglong Ship now? Where are Emperor Ming and these people?"

"If you want to rob the secret room, you also need to know how many people there are in Liyun and how many people are behind the scenes?"

"No matter which way it is,

It's not that simple. The initiative lies with the other party! "

After everyone analyzed it, they felt that the future was worrying.

Because these people did not come out of the Linglong Ship, but were thrown to various parts of the island, and they had long been separated from the Linglong Ship. At this moment, there is no way to know where the Linglong Ship is, unless we look around the island. The island is so big and full of dangers, how to find it?

What's more, they are monks and have a natural affinity for cultivating treasures. It's so hard to give up!

Dilemma of choice!

Suddenly, Dai Li threw a stone out!

"Ah!" A scream made everyone suddenly alert. Swish! Chu Xiuling had already rushed out and swept across with one shot~~

"No. No, it's me!"

Two people emerged from the cracks in the stone, one was petite and the other...fat!

"Small speaker! Fat Master~~"

The two people walked out in disgrace. Before anyone could ask anything, the trumpet muttered: "I don't think you have a choice... You can't escape outside."

"What do you mean?" Ying Zheng frowned.

"You have forgotten the most powerful enemy~~" Xiao Xiaoxiao walked straight over and was not polite. He picked up the meat skewers and ate them, as if he was extremely hungry.

The "Zombie King" Dai Li reacted quickly, and everyone suddenly realized, "The Zombie King has also arrived on the island?"

"It's possible, if he colludes with those people..."

The little speaker swallowed it whole, without wiping his mouth, and said: "The reason why Fat Master and I came here now is to follow these zombies all the way. By the way, let me tell you...people like Emperor Ming are very disrespectful." wonderful"

These zombies~~ are undoubtedly telling everyone that more than one zombie king has come to the island!

This is a rhythm that drives people to death!

A swarm of zombies is approaching from the outside, and there are cracking clouds in the inner circle...

"Now I understand why the people from Liyun didn't chase them out."

As expected, the initiative lies with the other party, and they can only passively endure it.

The most terrifying thing is even the strongest people like Emperor Ming...

"They are all dead?" Dai Li came up with a rough and powerful guess.

Cough, cough, cough, Fat Master got stuck in his throat and almost vomited out all the food he had eaten. However, he is a gourmet, so he never likes to waste food, so... he swallowed it again...


Everyone who was eating meat put down their meat skewers.

Damn it, this fat guy did it on purpose!

"No, they are not dead, they are just targeted by the zombie group. They are fleeing now. The two of us don't dare to get close every time. We only know that they are fleeing towards us~~ But the zombie group uses They are outflanking us. We have no way to escape and can only be forced..."

This is not good news.

Dai Li clapped his hands, "So now we can only go treasure hunting~~ This is fine, it saves us the dilemma of choice."

That being said...

"I think the hardest thing is not to escape from the hands of those killers who split the clouds, but..."


Speaking of puzzles, everyone present had confused expressions!

It’s so hard to guess!

"To break the secret room, the best way is to guess the riddle, but that takes time. There is not so much time for us to guess the riddle. The only way is to know the answer to the riddle from the beginning, and go to a secret room to solve the riddle. Then enter the secret room. If you are lucky, you don't need to be afraid of the people who split the cloud. If you are unlucky, you are blocked, or you are trapped after getting the treasure... It is impossible to say, and the most important thing is the most critical. The only thing is to guess the riddle first!”

Guessing riddles is not an easy task.

A group of people talked about the puzzles they had seen but were difficult to solve, and wanted to help each other solve the puzzles... There is strength in numbers, and most of the people who asked the puzzles here were from Nanlin. , people who are acquainted are not that thoughtful, and it is normal to help solve problems.

Dai Li listened on the side and suddenly said: "Isn't it all quite simple?"

This sentence was tantamount to ruthlessly attracting hatred, so the whole place fell silent.

Dai Li touched his nose and said, "I think the questions you just reported are not difficult~~"

"Not difficult?"

Ying Zheng repeated the question he had been struggling with before.

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess who was cast an evil spell by a wizard and was locked in a palace and slept forever. It is said that only a passionate kiss from the prince can wake up the princess, and the princess will fall deeply in love with the prince. Later, a handsome prince captured the palace and rescued the princess. However, he was killed by the princess after he kissed her awake. Why?

In fact, not many people have seen this topic because the geographical location is not obvious.

"I have read this question and guessed it... At that time, I thought the princess was actually a wizard in disguise," Qin Mingyue said.

In fact, everyone thinks Qin Mingyue's guess is reasonable, but it is wrong.

"My guess is that the princess thought the prince was too ugly, so she killed him and waited for the next prince."

"Maybe the princess felt that she was old and was afraid that the prince would change his mind and kill him..."

There are different opinions, and of course they are all wrong, otherwise the secret room would not still be open.

So, what are Daili’s speculations?

"It's very simple. Lou Lanting and Bai Jin, you two can definitely guess it too."

The two people named did have strange expressions.

The three of them looked at each other and finally said...

"Princess Necrophilia"

It was cold, extremely cold, and the expressions of Yu Ji and other women were even stiffer.

Everyone looked at the three of them, what expressions they had~~

--Are you all perverts?

In the silence, Jingjingyuan quietly raised a question that he and Mingjian had recorded.

There were three mothers and daughters. Their mother died and the two sisters went to the funeral. The younger sister met a very stylish man at the funeral and fell in love with him at first sight. After returning home, the younger sister killed her older sister. Why? (It’s a very famous horror reasoning question. I’ll pick a short one for you. If you’re long, I’m afraid you’ll say I’m too cool~~)

Dai Li only raised his eyes: "Because my sister thought that if we hold another funeral, we can see that man again..."

Everyone was startled, and at this moment, each puzzle was put forward one after another. Without exception, someone had more or less solved the answer, and some of them were collectively thought up by Mingjian and others.

There is strength in numbers.

However, it is recognized that the most difficult questions are those that Daili solved. Most of these questions have nothing to do with poetry, books and other cultures, or even lantern riddles. They are just some... very weird and perverted questions.

And someone's answer... was also very weird.

"You're just going to help us solve the mystery?" Hua Yushang sat aside and asked Daili in surprise.

In fact, other people's expressions were also very strange at the moment.

Because they all proposed secret room mysteries that they wanted to solve. Not to mention that they were all helped by Dai Li, but at least some of them were solved by her.

That's a treasure, doesn't she care?

Dai Li smiled when he heard this, "I haven't verified it yet, how do you know it's right?"

"What if I'm right?" Bai Jin smiled softly and looked at Dai Li. As far as she knew, this guy shouldn't be such a kind person...

"That means I'm right, it's a good thing." Dai Li's answer made Bai Jin stunned for a moment, and then he laughed.

Great answer.

A group of people each chose a secret room puzzle that they liked and helped solve it. They each led a possible answer and prepared to sprint for the treasure in the secret room. If they could get the treasure and break out, they would gather at the agreed place. Then break out together... If they work together to break out, it shouldn't be difficult to break through the zombie swarm's blockade, but the premise is...

Dai Li stood up and looked outside the grotto forest. She seemed to smell some blood smell in the air...it was very light, but it made her slightly uneasy.

"Hurry up, I have a feeling they are coming soon, and some people can't bear it anymore."

Dai Li pointed to the entrance in the distance, and everyone stood up one by one. Sure enough, they saw a group of people entering the cave entrance, seemingly paying the same attention as them.

After all, they are similar people who cannot resist the temptation of treasures. (To be continued)

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