A Queen

Chapter 944: The Wind King Clan!

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In the inexplicable tunnel, Dai Li didn't even know where this place was. What worried her the most was the hand that was being held on and the gay guy in front of her who was powerful enough to crush her.

"I said Master Liu, why are you doing this~~ There is no man in the world, why should you have unrequited love for me~~Although I look very good, I am not exaggerating to that extent~~Actually, don't you think People like Baili Fengxue and Juexuege are actually not any worse looking than me~~" It was natural for someone to pull some people out as shields.

Liu Hongxiu glanced at her with a half-smile, "It's true that someone like you has grown up. It's just that you are so interesting that I don't want to let go..."

Haha, Dai Li sneered, and suddenly saw Liu Hongxiu leaning forward, so she subconsciously stepped back...


look? What to see?

Dai Li followed Liu Hongxiu's gaze and saw a row of transparent windows on the wall. It was strange that this window actually led to the corridor outside. He could almost see everything in the corridor clearly, but it was obvious that they were outside. I haven’t seen these windows~~

Moreover, you can also hear sounds from outside.

Peng, Peng!

Two very crisp sounds.

Then several streaks of blood sprayed over, Dai Li's eyes shifted, and he soon saw two figures, one red and one white, killing two Cloud Splitting killers at the speed of thunder on the corridor not far to the left.

"Why, my skills are much better now. How come I was poisoned by Fei Yukong and those people before~~" Bai Jin smiled faintly.

"It's okay to be poisoned. You didn't even use the detoxifying pill I gave you. Instead, you just went with the flow..."

"This is my business, I like it, can't you?" Gong Zangxue's face was expressionless. He hummed.

"Of course you like it~~" Bai Jin smiled and gently wiped a drop of blood on his fingertips, "Otherwise, if it had been someone else, Master Gong would never have given him a chance~~"

By the way, when the two of them talked about this, Dai Li was confused. What did these two women mean? She seemed to have heard some secret that she shouldn't have heard.

"Bai Jin. Don't do this with me. You know clearly that the relationship between me and her..." Gong Zangxue's tone was cold, but he paused for a moment, and then said with a chilling tone: "We will fight until we die."

Dai Li's body stiffened. Damn, this woman...

Bai Jin: "It's just because you know that it's strange... Are you trying to raise a tiger to cause trouble? Or are you imitating Liu Hongxiu's perverted behavior and treating her like a doll?"

"Or do you just want to establish a good relationship with her first and establish a good relationship with her? When your feelings become more serious in the future, give her a heavy blow!"

Bai Jin's voice has always been soft and cool. It echoed in the air at this moment, like a maple leaf falling on the lake, making silent ripples.

After a while, Gong Zangxue responded with a vague response: "This is a good idea."

The figures of the two people walked past the glass mirror in front of them... seemingly unaware.

Dai Li leaned against the glass with one hand. Her face was almost pressed against the mirror... Liu Hongxiu behind her came up, almost touching her ear, and chuckled: "What an unexpected surprise... I wonder how you feel now, Xiaojunjun?" "

What does it feel like?

Dai Li's face was solemn. Slowly touching his face with one hand, he said faintly: "I feel like I know too much."

"Ignorance is bliss. Sometimes knowing too much does not do much good." Liu Zongyuan snorted inexplicably.

Then he grabbed Dai Li's hand and walked forward. He wanted to see what the mystery of this tunnel was.

In fact, Dai Li's heart is not as calm as it appears on the surface. Gong Zangxue was indeed her enemy at first, which made her a little annoyed. However, based on the similarities between this guy and her, Dai Li has always responded with an attitude of not being an enemy but a friend. As for her treatment, it turned out that they had a grudge against her from the beginning. No matter what happened in the future, there was an "eternal hatred" between them that she didn't know about.

Given Dai Li's vengeful temper, even if she doesn't treat Gong Zangxue as an enemy now, she will never make friends as she did before. However, this decision also made her feel very depressed, and she couldn't deal with Liu Hongxiu. Emotionally, he was cold-faced all the way.

Liu Hongxiu was also surprised that she was not recruited because of this. The two of them walked along the tunnel without incident. This special environment brought many benefits to Daili. For example, the situation of some people outside could be seen clearly, including Liyun. The movements of those people...

They didn't seem to be in a hurry to kill those on the Linglong ship, but gathered between secret rooms 1-30 intentionally or unintentionally.

It seems to be guarding something.

Dai Li felt a little wary. Could it be that "Chen Gong's Secret Record" was between secret rooms 1 to 30?

Are people like Chang Ying searching for the first-level secret room among the 30 secret rooms?

The first-level secret room, by the way, she remembered that she still had a clue about the first-level secret room that she hadn’t solved yet!

While Dai Li was racing with thoughts, she and Liu Hongxiu suddenly saw a few people.

Yuan Qi, Chang Yi, Wang Junsheng, and Liu Zongyuan.

The appearance of these four people did not surprise Dai Liduo. She paid attention to Liu Hongxiu. Obviously, he was not surprised either.

"You seem to have known that your brother was a traitor. Can I guess that Mr. Liu has also betrayed Yanyu Chonglou?"

"Guess" Liu Hongxiu smiled softly.

Dai Li turned his face away: "guess your sister!"


Liu Hongxiu was silent for a moment, then put on her signature smile again, "I, Liu Hongxiu, never like to cooperate with others..."

Is this a denial?

Dai Li was noncommittal and listened attentively... Soon, the voices of these four people were exposed to the ears of two of them.

Chang Ying: "Yuan Qi, you are indeed a famous smart man in Dongyuan. You have already solved eight secret rooms, and you can definitely solve the first level secret room now."

"Lord Chang Ying has given you the award. It's just a fluke. But are you sure that the first-level secret room is between the 30th secret room?"

"These other secret rooms have been broken to some extent, and the most important first-level secret room is nowhere to be seen. At present, there are only a dozen secret rooms here that have not been broken, and there is a high possibility that they are hidden in them."

From a probability perspective, it is indeed most likely to be here.

Yuan Qi turned his eyes, smiled, lowered his head and studied the many secret room puzzles printed in his hand.

Wang Junsheng on the side glanced at him, his eyes a little vague, then turned away quickly, walked a few steps away, and looked at a puzzle in a secret room. Chang Ying seemed to respect him very much, so he paced there. behind him.

"Young master, you can help me this time and design this plan perfectly. Thank you very much."

Wang Junsheng glanced at him with arrogant eyes: "My help is not in vain. Although I don't know who is behind you, I must have a copy of the "Secret Records of Chen Gong" that I finally got."

"Yes." Chang Ying lowered his head in response, then raised his face for a moment, with a smile on his face: "But Mr. Wang has his own things to do when he attends the Linglong Meeting this time, right~~"

"For example...chasing a woman"

Wang Junsheng's face froze, and his eyes were like knives on Chang Ying. He stared at Chang Ying for a moment, and then smiled: "I forgot, you are still a senior executive of Qishan Pavilion~ How could you not know what happened before~~"

"The two remnants of the Qing Huang clan and the Feng King came to war over a woman, and they were at odds with each other. Later, the third lady of the Qing Huang clan was held accountable by the clan and was imprisoned in a forbidden place and tortured. The Feng King's young master also suffered for this. Harsh punishment, locked up and locked up... This matter is not secret."

"Shut it tightly? It's just a joke... But that person in Tsing Yi protected a humble woman for no reason, so he deserves to be punished!" Wang Junsheng's words were frivolous and very disdainful.

But Chang Ying looked at his face quietly and could see a trace of ambition and fear in his eyes.

Xi Qingyi... has always had a noble status among the bereaved family. In addition, he has a beautiful appearance and extraordinary talent... Wang Junsheng, no, he should be called Feng Zijun, Feng Zijun, the seventh son of the Feng King clan.

Compared with Xi Qingyi, apart from being older, there are still some shortcomings in other aspects.

Fortunately, Xi Qingyi was locked up, and Feng Zijun has made rapid progress in the past two years...

Now, the purpose of coming here is naturally...

"It seems that Miss Xi hid that woman in the Peach Blossom Spring, which is why the young master is chasing after you."

Feng Zijun nodded lazily, "The more she doesn't let me get it, the more I won't let go. I want to see how she reacts then~"

After thinking for a while, Feng Zijun said again: "How long will it take for the matter on Quinn Island to be over? Don't let us not be able to return to the Peach Blossom Land in the end."

"Don't worry, Master... We will arrive at Peach Blossom Spring. By the way, I don't know what the girl's name is. If we arrive at Peach Blossom Spring by then, I am willing to help you."

"Business Farewell"


This feeling can be recalled, only to be separated due to helplessness.

Dai Li lowered his eyes, murderous intent flashed coldly in his eyes, and his breath was extremely cold, making Liu Hongxiu look at her deeply.

"I'm so annoyed~~ It seems that you either know this Shang separately, or you know that Qing Yi... Maybe they all know each other, but the people of the Feng King clan are not easy to mess with~~"

Dai Li did not answer this guy's question, but just smiled softly: "Master Liu, don't provoke me. I don't believe you are not annoyed. After all, your brother seems to be rebelling."

"Haha, what does his matter have to do with me?"

"Isn't it irrelevant? It is destined that the ambitious younger brother can't stand his elder brother, but he has no choice but to rely on him. Therefore, he has to endure the impact of his brother's bad reputation on his own glorious reputation, and he is jealous and hateful. He, you tell me, if one day this younger brother can find an extremely powerful backer and get huge benefits from it, and if he becomes famous in the Qishan Road assessment because of this, what will be the first thing he does after that?"

Dai Li looked at a certain brother with a smile: "Of course he wants to get rid of this brother who is a stain and stumbling block in his life~~ Besides, the two brothers seem to be hostile now" (To be continued)

ps: Due to physical reasons, I can only update once. I will make up for it tomorrow.

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