A Queen

Chapter 948: The reorganized first secret room!

Yuzang gritted his teeth, "This guy!"

What a great trick! I'm afraid I've found the real first-level secret room now!

Before, all she could tell was that the guy moved his bones when he was hit on the back by Chang Zheng and avoided fatal injuries. At that time, she thought the guy was running for his life. But now it seems...she clearly let herself get hurt on purpose. Hit!

"Haha, it's really amazing." Bai Jin didn't enter the fourth secret room door. He took a look at the chaos inside and then changed his pace.


The two of them left silently, but Chang Ying and the others were not stupid, and they immediately reacted!

"Fuck~ I was deceived by that bastard Jun Zili!" Chang Ying wanted to strangle Dai Li to death!

He rushed like crazy: "Hurry up and chase me!"


A large number of people rushed in the direction Daili left before, and others were following closely behind!

But people like Jue Xuege are very confused.

Damn it, how dare they, the proud men of heaven, and the giants be teased and applauded by this guy?

This is so deceiving!

Xiangxi Palace was also disgraced and slapped the wall: "This bastard is so carefree, don't let me catch her! Otherwise~~"

Xuan Qian rolled his eyes at the side, can you do it?

"Junzili..." Zi Weiyang smiled lightly. This time she did not say that someone was interesting because she suddenly realized that using the word interesting to describe someone seemed to imply contempt, which was also irresponsible to herself. ,so...

"It's awesome~~" She smiled casually, then followed with her sword in hand.

Yuli walked side by side with her, "Palace Master Zi was able to kill that charming creature with a mortal body, which surprised me beyond my expectations."

"Kill?" Zi Weiyang shook her head lightly, "I failed to fulfill my promise. I failed to kill him and let him escape... Now, he has already arrived."

Among the people who appeared in Liyun this time, there were two extremely difficult people, one was Rukuan and the other was Meisi. They were both Class B members, and their original strength was in the distraction realm. But on Quinn Island, their advantage was infinitely magnified.

It means that no one at the king level can become an enemy, and Rukawa is good at fighting, and Meisi is good at disguise and assassination. It's hard to guard against, and the latter is even more difficult to deal with.

Yu Li frowned when he heard this, but soon relaxed his brows and said, "It doesn't matter. I believe the overall situation will not change."

"I hope so," Zi Weiyang said, and the two of them remained silent.

I don’t know who Daili is. What happens now?

Soon, these people, such as Chang Ying and others who chased the most fiercely and fastest, saw a scene that shocked them extremely.

That's a world collapsing.

Each secret room is collapsing, including the tenth and twelfth secret rooms that have not yet been opened. They all collapsed in an instant...

The scope of the collapse was expanding infinitely, and soon it swept through the entire mushroom space, which contained a hundred secret rooms. Recently there is only one left!

Located in the center, the stone slabs beneath their feet are also suspended!

"Oh my God!"

"Hurry and grab the slate!"

A person's body is slumped. They can only firmly step on a stone slab that flies up under their feet. Some people who are not strong enough will fall down, fall from the sky or fall to the ground, hitting the stone slabs below, but in the end they can still hold on to a stone slab for stability. The body shape also caused them to be distributed all over the space.

Originally, the mushroom space was hollow in the middle. Now it collapsed, and countless stones flew up, reaching a height of 100 meters...


"The stone is moving!"

The stones are like pieces of Rubik's Cube, separated and reorganized, hovering in the sky, and reuniting a world.

Everyone looked at this scene and felt it was like a miracle...

A miracle?

"Look outside!"

Baili Fengjiang suddenly roared!

As the stone slab floated in the air, some people looked in his direction. From the central open space of the Mushroom Space, they could clearly see what was very close to the Mushroom Space...

Zombie army!

Of course, there is a group of people who stand out in front of the zombie army!

Little Pepper shouted: "It's Mr. Ming Emperor and the others!"

"It's them!"

"Let me go, did they lure all the zombies here?"

That dense army of zombies is no less than ten thousand!

It surrounded almost all directions, roaring and roaring, heading towards the mushroom space...

At this moment, Emperor Ming, who was being chased all the way and was in embarrassment, also saw the people above the mushroom space. Apparently some accidents had happened inside, otherwise how could those people be stepping on or holding on to the stone slabs to float in the air...

A serious death crisis is approaching from outside! It’s not very smooth inside either!

Emperor Ming and the others soon heard the screams, and when they looked carefully, the stone slabs were spinning!


"Fuck, stop spinning! I'm dizzy!"

Like a huge spiral world, the square stones rotated rapidly, and each person was thrown out. The person who was thrown out fell directly on the ground outside the mushroom space, not only causing severe pain all over the body, but also before he could get up. I saw the surging army not far away!

Your face is turning green, right?

Ignoring the pain all over his body, he immediately rolled over from the ground and got up, running towards the mushroom space as fast as he could...

From the sky, seeing the miserable condition of this guy, those holding onto the whirling stones were all frightened, and they jumped off on their own initiative!

After they jumped down, the place below looked like a deep pit, bang bang bang! The stones are connected together!


The ground is reorganized!

Bang bang bang!

Landing one by one!

With their hearts pounding, everyone was stunned when they looked at the mushroom space in front of them.

This is...

A statue.

A huge stone statue.

Mighty and majestic~~

A man stands in the sky, looking down at the vast earth.


"It's Quinn!"

"Fuck! This pervert is a pervert! He is indeed a super narcissist as rumored!"

Many people who were frightened by the torture went crazy! Cao Ni Ma, you have worked so hard just to make your own statue? Aren't you afraid of being dug up and whipped? (Quinn is a weirdo~~like someone).

However, Gong Zangxue and others took a closer look and found that it was actually more than just a statue.

The annular space is gone. It turned into a complete open-air circle. Except for the high circular wall and the flat and smooth ground, there was only the statue and the 11th secret room on the statue's site.

Of course, there is a large matrix in front of the 11th secret room, which is dozens of times more powerful than the matrix they saw before. They can clearly see the number of overlaps of the matrix. Yu Li only glanced at it. His eyes darkened. What an awesome matrix!

"It is said that Quinn is not only a flying thief. He is also a thief who is proficient in many mysteries, including formations and ancient mechanisms. Presumably, he designed this formation and the treasure place alone..."


Awesome, amazing, amazing, when most people saw the only person inside the matrix, their hearts went crazy. Stuffed!

"It's Junzili!" Changyi gritted his teeth, while Wang Junsheng had a cold face. He was also fooled!

This damn Junzili!

"Look, there's a door inside the matrix!"

Someone immediately noticed something fishy, ​​because this giant matrix seemed to have a three-layer architecture.

In addition to the door to the secret room, there are three doors on the outside. It is equivalent to isolating three levels outside the cave door!

Dai Li has now entered the first level! What blocked her was the second door.

Beyond the first floor is the first door. Undoubtedly, this level of secret room is not that simple. You have to solve three questions to fully enter the secret room!

"Three questions! We still have time!"

"She still has two unsolved problems!"

"There's still time!"

I originally thought that one person had taken all the advantages, but now I see the three-tier structure. Most people had hope in their hearts, and then they all looked at the first door.

The above is the question that was solved before.

At first glance, the faces of the adults were distorted! Quinn was greeted again in various dialects!

How to guess? The answer to this question is simply...cheating!

"What the hell is the answer!"

"Yuan Qi, come on, aren't you the best at guessing questions?"

Yuan Qi, a smart man, was immediately pulled out by Chang Zheng. He was a little helpless: "I have thought about this topic before, but I haven't guessed it yet..."

"Then keep guessing!"

Erudite and intelligent people like Wen Zhiqiu and Xi Zhixin were also entangled. Wen Zhiqiu asked his senior sister: "Senior sister, what do you think?"

Senior Sister Xi smiled faintly: "I'm not good at taking the wrong edge with my sword, especially this aspect..."

Such a question is too sharp. It has nothing to do with erudition but only the way people think.

"Only people who are more similar to Quinn can more easily guess his puzzle..."

Most of the people in Wenge are erudite and upright, and they are smart, but they are lacking in some aspects.

People outside are very impatient and frantically thinking about the answers. It's like the three minutes before the college entrance examination is about to hand in the paper, and the students who haven't written the questions are going crazy one by one...

Of course, there are also calm people.

Most of the female nuns are relatively calm, because they can't act too crazy at the cliff, otherwise they are required to grab their hair and shake their heads and shout: "What on earth is a thing that men have but women don't, and it slides up and down when you touch it... I want it, I want it" ,I would like to know!"

--Looks like Nashasha who is not satisfied with his desires.

I'm so embarrassed!

So they could only pretend to be calm, but their minds were also entangled with what the hell was going on!

In the chaos, Wang Junsheng suddenly snorted: "Catch them! I don't believe that gentleman is unwilling to tell the answer!"

Wang Junsheng's words brought Chang Ying and others to their senses immediately!

They all looked at Mingjian and the others in Nanlin!

Ming Jian, Jing Jingyuan and others had actually been on guard for a long time, and when Chang Ying and others' murderous intent burst out, they all showed their weapons...

But at that moment, Zi Weiyang, Xiangxi Palace, Gong Zangxue and even Xiang Yunhong, Yishi and others all stood in front of them intentionally or unintentionally, saying nothing, just looking at Chang Ying and others.

--Are we going to fight, or are we going to guess the questions?

This is a multiple-choice question and you must choose well. (To be continued)


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