A Queen

Chapter 950 Her choice!

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Emperor Ming was very wary of him and said coldly in a lowered voice: "For some reason, this zombie king is even stronger than before. You should all be careful."

This undoubtedly reminded people like Gong Zangxue that the zombie's physique is already incredible. Isn't this zombie king almost invincible on this island?

Moreover, a gap in the outermost periphery of the matrix has been breached by those zombies...

If the Zombie King takes action~~

They asked about the smell of death!

Chang Ying and the others laughed, and didn't even bother to take action against Gong Zangxue and the others. The situation was already decided!

When Dai Li heard Emperor Ming's voice, he subconsciously turned his head and happened to see the eyes of the zombie king. He was staring at her! His eyes are full of greed and hunger!

She almost shook her hands in fear. Could it be that this zombie king drank her blood?

It's possible!

So I refused to let him go!

Dai Li felt that his bones were tightening, he turned around and quickly pressed on the door!

At the same time, the zombie king had also walked to the front of the first ring matrix, raised his hand, his fist was like thunder, and raised...


The cracks expanded infinitely, leaving traces like spider webs!


Someone screamed in fear, but... snap!

The third door...is open!

So fast! Is this still a human being?

All kinds of grass and mud horses galloped on their heads, trampling on their brains...brains splattered~~

Ming Jian turned around and saw that Dai Li had solved the last puzzle!

Very good!

But she immediately saw Dai Li turn around.

A pair of eyes.

"The two of us have famous swords today, but Yu Ji doesn't!"

Naturally, the answer was given again, in order to save people, but it was just another riddle!

Don’t let outsiders take advantage of you every minute!

Ming Jian and Yu Ji are both extremely smart people. Hearing this, they looked at each other, while Jing Jingyuan and the others looked back and forth at the two of them, and suddenly their eyes lit up!

By the way, that’s the one!

They all entered the second level one by one!

Poof! ! ! The first barrier is broken!

Debris is flying!

The Zombie King stepped in...

People like Xue Qiange all thought that they were bound to die! I sighed secretly in my heart, I had known that I would have a good relationship with Jun Zili. Look at people like Qin Mingyue, they have a good relationship with Dai Li. At this moment, every step is taken advantage of. I guess this guy must have helped them break into the secret room in private.

The Little Prince of Puzzles is still awesome!

But is it too late?

In the past, I was worried about the pride of the north and south regions, but now I think about it, how stupid it is!

At this moment, a clear and clear voice came. Maintaining the previous frequency and seductive voice.

"Can't you guess this? The answer is trouser legs~~"

Xue Qiange and others were stunned. They subconsciously pressed their palms on the membrane and entered the answers...



The moment they entered. The Zombie King slaps him with his claws...

The air seemed to be distorted, and the sharpness chilled the bodies of those who had just entered the second level.

Just a little bit. Just a little!

Everyone's extremely grateful eyes flew out crazily!

Who said this? Yuan Qi originally wanted to tell the others that he could also win over Xue Xue Qiange and others. At this moment, when he heard this voice, his body froze and he looked at Dai Li. What I saw was this guy's face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.


Suppress first and then raise! Double the effect! Really smart!

Yuan Qi smiled instead of getting angry!

But she has already solved three puzzles!

Approaching the last door!

Chang Ying couldn't help it anymore, "Do it! Zombie King! You forcefully break this barrier!"

If the Zombie King can break through the first layer, it can break through the second layer. One break after another, and it will be better in the end!

No more riddles!

at the same time. Chang Ying and others also took action against Mingjian and the others. The people from Liyun were no longer suppressed, and Gong Zangxue and others also reacted!

Fight, fight, fight, kill, kill, kill!

The Zombie King actually didn't care much about Chang Zheng's words, but when he saw Dai Li opening the last door, he suddenly realized that his prey was about to run away!

"Ang!" He roared angrily and grabbed a handful of flesh and blood with his hands on his waist.

Self harm?


The blood condensed into a blood axe in an extremely strange way!

Lift up, jump slash!


A hole was cut out of the second barrier!

The quiet zombie groups on the periphery also became crazy and charged towards the barrier!

"not good!"

"The third question..."

"The third question..."

What's the topic?

--Only for men, definitely not for women, but it can be used by both men and women at a certain time (well, it seems that these questions are a bit sleazy... girls under 18 years old should not read it~~)

Humans can no longer stop Quinn from being naughty! Everyone seems to have seen the society of that era turned upside down by Quinn, with all kinds of obscene and petty people running rampant and domineering...

No wonder he is being hunted all over the world!

But...puff pound puff!

The second barrier will soon be broken!

When Dai Li saw this, his palms shook! Damn it, in this case the famous swords and the others can't stop him much!

Certain death!

"Jun Zili, your friend is dead!" Wang Junsheng felt confident and sneered again and again!

At this moment, Dai Li actually had two choices.

1. No matter, grab the treasure first!

2. Give the answer! Save people first!

In fact, these two choices are good choices. More than 99% of people here will choose the first one.

That's a first-level secret room! what is inside? Not to mention other treasures... "Chen Gong's Secret Record" is the treasure that moved the huge forces such as Yanyu Chonglou!

Who is willing to share them with others?

Daili has been leading the way, and now he is about to get his wish!

At that moment, she turned her head, held the door with one hand, and slowly pushed the door open.

He left a shadow for everyone.

Ming Jian and others breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this fool was not stupid, otherwise...

But suddenly, Dai Li turned around and looked at everyone: "There is only one answer. Whatever comes to mind!"

In fact, at that moment, the answer was not important. Almost everyone present was shocked that she turned around... and said this hint that was close to the answer.

Isn't she afraid?

Does she know what she's doing?

Liu Hongxiu frowned and looked at Dai Li, with some strange glints flashing in her eyes...

She tried her best to let him find out the danger of being killed rather than reveal it, but now it was clearly very close. it turns out...

Is she crazy?

Absolutely crazy! The faces of the people in Xiangxi Palace couldn't help but change!

Chang Ying and the others were already in a daze.

They put everything into designing everything. Just to enter that door, I never thought that someone would actually...

"Jun Zili, are you an idiot?" Jing Jingyuan said coldly.

Mingjian told her what was in the first-level secret room. For Dai Li, who had a blood feud, those treasures were undoubtedly a great opportunity, but what did she do?

She actually...

Jing Jingyuan, who had always been calm, couldn't help but curse, but after scolding, she couldn't help laughing.

Because Dai Li turned around. Walk in and leave the sentence: "I've said it, I've done it. Even if it's a mistake, I never regret it."

She has entered the secret room.

A moment of silence, a moment of vibration, a moment of dead silence.

"Right. What's the answer?"

"Silly, what is that!"


In fact, that's what it was, because as soon as they saw this topic. No, it should be said that it is all questions. The first thing that comes to mind is that thing, but the questions in the first two levels are not this, so for the third question, almost no one will think again that this time it is really that thing!

This is a psychological trap!

Who could have guessed it without the reminder of generational separation?

Yuan Qi's expression was bitter. After all, he missed a trick. He definitely couldn't guess the last question in a short time, but she guessed it.

Smarter than him?

Subconsciously, Yuan Qi would rather explain this result with wretchedness.

But at this moment, everyone is frantically trying to find the answer!


The zombie king jumped up again, and the ax came down from top to bottom. From the angle, it seemed that he could kill them with one axe!


The second barrier is broken!

Zombies are swarming in, and the zombie king rushes in!


Almost everyone rushed to the last door. This door had no question. They just had to push it open...

And inside, there is only one person now!


If we move forward in time, the 11th secret room is also the only first-level secret room today!

The area is quite large, so it can hold a meeting for a thousand people.

But when Dai Li walked in, he thought he had traveled through time.

Is this a garbage dump?

What's on the ground is... She looked at the large treasures in front of her that seemed to be "disguised" as garbage.


The amount of treasures is amazing, but what makes people collapse is that they are in such a mess that they fall all over the floor! It's not like it's shining brightly, it's just like it was turned over in a garbage dump!

There are a large part of them that are not too high-end, and it seems that all the other unexplored secret room treasures have been collected in one go. By the way, reorganize!

The previous reorganization also swallowed up other secret rooms, so the final first-level secret room also swallowed up the treasures of other unsolved secret rooms. That’s why there were so many treasures in the end! It was also because of the reorganization that these treasures were in chaos.

But there was no time to sigh. Time was running out. Daili’s first reaction was to look for "Chen Gong's Secret Record"

But what exactly is "Chen Gong's Secret Record"? She also has a blank look. There are so many treasures in front of her. If it is an ordinary person, it is very likely that it will fall into shock and soul shock for the first time, and then fall into a dilemma of selective obstacles. However, it is not representative. Li was an exception. She only glanced at him and quickly made a quick wit, which was the way she had always done.

--Choose as you wish!

She had long known that there was a ray of gray energy in her body that made her a natural treasure hunter. Later, after integrating into her soul, she had an instinctive reaction to most treasures, so any vision was scum, she only looked at soul intuition!

Opening his eyes and blinking, Dai Li's eyes suddenly became clear and he entered a state of absolute calmness. At this moment, his soul was the quietest. Even if his consciousness could not be released, the benefits of his powerful soul and eye skills were revealed at this moment!

As soon as she glanced at the messy treasures on the ground, each one seemed to be shining in her eyes, and her heart was throbbing!


Daili's body ejaculated instantly! (To be continued)


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