A Queen

Chapter 953: Witty, vicious?

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The palm is so close...The shadow is like a black shadow, covering her face...


Another crescent moon is also embedded in the groove.

A moment!

boom! ! !

The palm of his hand slapped the wall violently.


"You're so frivolous!"

Shouts of panic, panic, and worry! Extremely trembling...

However, the next second... they saw someone falling to the ground from their palms, bending down as if they had grabbed something!


It turned out to be a scroll! Damn, this will allow her to get the scroll! Chang Ying and others vomited blood!

"Run!" Dai Li's voice echoed in the secret room...

In the blink of an eye, she hit the wall!

Just like a dream...



"Where are the people!"

On the wall, there was only one palm of the Zombie King pressing against the wall... No, it was half submerged in the wall...

The zombie king is not stupid, he roared and rushed into the wall!



Wow, wow, Mingjian and the others were already ready to go, and they rushed into the wall one by one very quickly, but the fastest was undoubtedly Liu Hongxiu, who had already guessed Dai Li's intention. He was even faster than the zombie king. !

As soon as they burst into the wall,

Just like the magic of walking through a wall, others suddenly noticed it.

"Fuck! It's the exit!"

"There is a secret passage here!"


The man fell on his back and the zombies rushed in...

Boom, boom, boom, the two surrounding walls began to crack! The ceiling is also collapsing...

Perhaps it can be said that the entire mushroom space is shaking! This place is going to collapse!

"Run run run"

Chaos. Escape!

In the secret passage, Dai Li ran for her life, but Liu Hongxiu was actually right beside her. As she ran, she turned around and shouted at the guy: "Why the hell are you following me!"

The last thing Dai Li wanted to see was this guy. Who knew she had plotted against him before?

"It's really like burning a bridge, I helped you twice. You did this to me? Haha" Liu Hongxiu smiled softly. A cold light flashed in his eyes. He, Liu Hongxiu, had never been used like that before!

When he thought about the fourth secret room, he wanted to vomit blood.

"Get lost! That was mutual help and benefit just now. I can't blame you for the previous time. How did I know it wasn't a first-level secret room..." Dai Li argued confidently.

"It's strange that I believe you. Things between us have to be settled sooner or later!" Liu Hongxiu said lazily...

"Think of it as your sister!" Dai Li scolded and suddenly heard something. Turn around and look.

Bang bang bang!

The zombie king was sprinting from behind, and the sharp sound of the ax made the two of them feel nervous.

"Haha. That's right! I told you to follow me!"

"Shut up!"

Dai Li's laughter and Liu Hongxiu's voice echoed in the narrow secret passage and passed to the back. When Ming Jian and others heard this, they were confused.

There are more than just zombie kings chasing him. There is even Liu Hongxiu!

Dai Li is in danger! ! !


There were too many people running for their lives in the secret passage. In the front were Daili Liu Hongxiu and the Zombie King, and in the middle were people like Mingjian. Behind is a swarm of zombies...

Kill kill kill!

Fighting in the secret passage!

Escape through the secret passage!

Dai Li knew that Liu Hongxiu was definitely planning something, and he was eager to avoid him. Behind him, the zombie king is chasing closer and closer...


Fork in the road!

There are three forked roads ahead!

What to do, what to do, if Liu Hongxiu had chosen another path, she would have been chased by the Zombie King alone. Although she had gotten rid of him, it would have been more dangerous, but if she had been with him, she would have undoubtedly been attacked from both sides, even if she had escaped. She couldn't get any benefits from the zombie king, so she had to find a way...

Wow! The moment the two of them rushed to the fork in the road, Liu Hongxiu looked at Dai Li subconsciously, wanting to see how this guy chose, but when he raised his eyes...

Dai Li is coming! Is she... crazy?

Liu Hongxiu's first reaction was that there was a conspiracy, but her second reaction was that she was bewitched by the warm fragrance of warm jade in her arms. Master Liu, who had always been cunning and suspicious, was just stunned there, but...tear~~

Someone suddenly pulled out Qian Ji and made a severe cut on his arm!

Self harm!

She is crazy!

Before she could react, the blood had already splashed on Liu Hongxiu’s face!

And, bang, Dai Li wiped Liu Hongxiu hard with his bloody arm... a large amount of blood was smeared on her body.

The next second, he backed away without any hesitation, clicked a few acupuncture points, and pulled off a large piece of his cuffs, exposing his entire snow-white arm. When he turned around, he quickly wrapped his wounds. stand up!

Not a drop of blood came out!

It's all done in one go!

When Liu Hongxiu was in doubt about where she was, boom!

The zombie king rushes out!

Turning her eyes, she stared at him fiercely!

"Roar!" The Zombie King pounced directly on Liu Hongxiu!

Damn it! He got it!

How vicious! This bastard!

"Junzili!!!" Liu Hongxiu's sharp and angry roar spread. Mingjian and others rushed out of the secret passage, just in time to see the zombie king madly attacking Liu Hongxiu. However, when they raised their heads, they could clearly see the forked road ahead. mouth person,


One arm was exposed... it was white and slender, and the clothes had obviously been torn off.

Facing everyone's gaze.

Dai Li frowned, stretched out his hand, and pointed at Liu Hongxiu.

I hate it so much: "He did it!"

Everyone's breath froze, and they all stared at each other: You beasts! (Our acting beauty is still very witty and badass)

"You deserve to be attacked by the Zombie King!"


Naturally, Daili, the victim, immediately turned around and ran into a fork in the road. He turned around and glanced. That glance was so meaningful that it made Liu Hong's sleeves ache~.

This goblin!

After so many years in the world, it was the first time for him to realize that it was called injustice.

However, his reputation as a pervert is so deep-rooted that no one would think that he was wronged~~

His mistake was that he trusted that guy over and over again! So wrong!


Without the relentless pursuit of the Zombie King, Daili seemed a little easier, but there were more and more zombies behind him. The air was filled with the stink of zombies, and soon, they felt something strange, that kind of dizziness and nausea.

"It's corpse poison!" Lou Lanting suddenly reminded, "These smells contain a small amount of corpse poison. If you inhale too much, it will have a great impact on the body. And people who are injured and bitten will also be infected over time. It’s amazing, and you are a mortal on this island...the consequences will be serious.”

He didn't explain it directly, but everyone understood it. It's nothing more than a half-corpse transformed into a corpse-man... half-dead.

Moreover, there were quite a few injured people in their group. Although they were not seriously injured, there were still wounds torn flesh and blood from zombies, so...

"You must go out immediately. I will prepare herbs for you to detoxify." Lou Lanting's words made everyone run faster!

I just ran... I don't know how long I ran. Anyway, even a person with Dai Li's physique felt as tired as a dog. What's more, people like Qin Mingyue are so weak and weak that they seem to be dying. It's only men like Ying Zheng who occasionally carry them on their backs to regain their breath.

Perhaps this is the most painful feeling in their lives.

What a torturous and life-threatening Long March of 100,000 miles... But powerful people like Gong Zangxue had already caught up!

It turned out to be a fork in the road of choice!

Dai Li turned to look at her, his eyes matching. She looked away expressionlessly.

Gong Zangxue was stunned for a moment, then frowned with a stern expression. A sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth. .

Bai Jin glanced at her and turned away. Came to Mingjian: "Mingjian, are you tired? I have elixirs here."

"Huh?" Mingjian was stunned and turned to look at Bai Jin, who took out a small bottle of pills. "There are four more for you."

The "good" famous sword didn't refuse! Bai Jin was stunned for a moment, and then he saw her opening the bottle, taking three pills and giving them to Qin Mingyue and the three female cultivators, and then... handed them to Dai Li.

"for you"

Dai Li was stunned for a moment, then took it with joy, while giving Bai Jin a provocative look.

Everyone: "..."

Bai Jin raised his eyebrows and smiled. There were only four pills left. Three were used. Should I give the last one to her?

very good.

"You deserve it," Gong Zangxue sneered.

Bai Jin smiled half-heartedly: "I don't think you have anything to be happy about..."

People are ignoring you~~


A stone as big as a fist suddenly fell from Dai Li's head!

She turned her body to one side and looked up. The ceiling above her head was... cracked!

"not good!"

"The secret passage is also going to collapse!"

"Damn it!"

What kind of crappy project is this? So the last escape route designed by Quinn was Jiang Zi's?

In fact, it's not Quinn's fault. The main reason is that Quinn can't predict the future. He never thought that his secret room would be invaded by a group of zombies. So many zombies are running and roaring. The sound wave frequency and the vibration of their steps create a trembling effect. It is very scary, and the impact is even more huge in the narrow tunnel.

So... the secret passage is collapsing!

"It's windy!~!"

"Almost to the exit!"

"come on!"

Mortal bodies can also get tired. For example, the physical fitness of Qin Mingyue and others is naturally inferior to that of Dai Li and others. Coupled with the influence of corpse poison, they are in excruciating pain, but they can only run with one breath.



It was an outlet, just a film, to be precise, a water film...

Is there water outside?

Daili didn't hesitate and broke through the water film directly, Gulu!

The body entered the cold water in an instant, and the body twisted, and the smell of blood and dust were all washed away, and it was like a fish in water!


The people behind Gong Zangxue and others quickly rushed out of the secret passage. As soon as they entered the water, they all looked at the person in front, a little startled.

The water is sparkling, and the slender body is swimming calmly in the water with an elegant and beautiful posture, like a happy dolphin, graceful and unrestrained.

Okay, this guy is using the kind of fancy swimming on Earth. Don’t make his posture too pretty~~

Ying Zheng looked a little dazed. Men's bodies were like this. What would it be like if she replaced her real body?

An underwater fairy? (To be continued)

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