A Queen

Chapter 960 The Danger of Sinking Island

"Quick! You can take the boat!"

"Yes, and a boat!"

A group of people rushed to escape, but at this moment, the water surface began to surge up crazily, carrying the suction force of the vortex, spreading towards the center of the island, and everyone could only run for their lives.

Run, run, run!

Dai Li was the fastest at the moment...but the zombie king behind her was still chasing her, fighting with her while running and fighting. His speed was not much faster than the others, but everyone was also drunk. This zombie king had really awakened his spirit. Wise? Why do you look so stunned!

"Fuck, this stupid guy!" Dai Li really wanted to slap this guy to death with two slaps. Damn it, White Bone Demon is not so infatuated with Tang Seng, so what's the matter with you!

How about I reward you with a mouthful of blood?

Do you want your aunt's blood?

"Xiao Junjun, I think you should just obey him. He just wants some blood from you~~" Liu Hongxiu is definitely a bitch. Based on her abnormal force, no one like Chang Ying dares to follow him now. She challenged her, but this guy still came forward.

Dai Li's dislike for him was definitely one of the top five, so he was planning to run over and fix it, but...


There was a sudden explosion, and Liu Hongxiu narrowly avoided it. She looked uncertainly at the big pit she had just run through, and the people running beside her were also frightened.

Why are there landmines here?

Subconsciously, everyone looked in the same direction.

The ethereal green clothes turned into green shadows, flickering in the air, flying like birds.

When he turned around, his black hair was fluttering, and his eyes... made many people who were interested in Dai Li shudder.

There is still a sentence floating in the air.

"Don't bully Jun Er"


Vomiting blood!

It’s really vomiting blood!

Yu Li and others from Qishan Pavilion all blushed.


She is now the best in martial arts, okay!

Who can bully her!

But Jun Erguo was full of energy and cheered: "Sister Huan, you are so powerful~~"

He looked so elated, as if the collapsing island and the zombie king chasing after him were no big deal~~

In fact, someone's "two" has really reached the depths of his soul.


Linglong Ship is located on the southeast side. It was parked on the edge of the beach, but now as the water level rises, it moves upwards, swaying.

"I see a boat!"

"Exquisite ship!"

The people in Baili Fengjiang were about to burst into tears. After two days of wild life, seeing this big ship again, these people felt like they wanted to jump on it and kiss it.

Delicious meals. Warm quilt...

"Get aboard!"

"Hurry up!"

This group of people seems to be competing with Chang Ying and others. Running wildly all the way, the madness is like participating in the 800-meter world track and field, whoever runs the fastest will get the gold medal...

Daili felt strange for no reason. She didn't know why, but she felt uneasy, but the situation was pressing, so she quickly put aside her distracting thoughts. Taking the slower Yu Ji and others, they quickly rushed towards the Linglong Ship. However, people like Chang Ying are used to doing bad things, and they also blocked Nanlin's people along the way.

Dai Li was annoyed, an afterimage rushed over, and slapped Chang Ying away. The punches and kicks, coupled with the flying sword shadows, bought time for Nan Lin and others. Most of the strong men like Duanyi also played a blocking role, protecting others from getting on the boat.

Seven or eight of the strongest men surrounded and killed a group of people like Chang Ying. In fact, there is not much pressure, because the opponent's manpower has been reduced a lot...

But, the zombie king is here again!

Regarding the Zombie King, everyone from Yuan Yi to Lou Lan Ting to Emperor Ming all had the same reaction - come on, we support you in spirit!

Depend on! Do you still have some spirit of companionship?

Dai Li rolled his eyes and rushed forward with his sword in hand.

At this moment, it was completely clear. People like Daili were guarding the Linglong ship, sniping and killing people like Chang Ying and the zombies. People like Chang Ying swarmed over and tried to rush onto the Linglong ship.

Someone's attitude towards these people and zombies is very clear.

But in such a situation, the person who drew the most hatred and rolled his eyes was not the Zombie King, Chang Ying and others, but a certain "strong man" who took the lead and resisted the enemies with his body.

"You bastards, you are so ugly and you want to sleep with me! What a beautiful idea!"

"This is our bed, only we can get into it, don't even think about it!"

"Quick, quick, Yu Ji, Su Li, stop blowing and playing, and get on the bed! The bed waits for no one!"

"Xiangxi Palace, you are so fat! I can't even throw you off... Come on, get out of bed, this bed is going to sink!"

"Gong Zangxue, what are you doing climbing up there! As a junior who is so many years younger than you, I haven't even slept with you, how can you!"

What is silence is golden? If Dai Li had maintained silence, the men and women who had already boarded the ship would have cheered and shed tears for her, but the actual result was...

A large group of people had one word carved on their foreheads - Fuck!

"Xuanqian, don't pull me, I'll go down and kill her! Who's fat, who's fat!" The shopkeeper of Xiangda pulled on the railing, trying to climb down and kill someone.

"Bai Jin, if you didn't pull me, I would shoot her to death!"

For such a weird thing, Qin Zhige, the poster and others were also drunk, their expressions...

Luan Yi glanced at her lightly.

"Jun Er"



"Okay! Get the eldest sister, the piano man, and the eldest brother of the host, wait until I finish beating these bastards, and let's go to bed together later!"

The faces of the three people who were named froze. Emperor Ming, Yue Jiang and others were silent. Could they reason that they were not named because they were too old and ugly?

By the way, I ordered three top cards at once. Mr. Jun has a really good appetite~~

Mr. Jun indeed has a good appetite and he does what he says.

So she suddenly stepped forward and jumped!

He grabbed the Zombie King's wrist with both hands, flipped his long legs, and violently threw him over his shoulder!

boom! !

The Zombie King was thrown out, like a bowling ball, smashing Chang Ying and others to pieces. A bunch of people were thrown into the waves of water.

"Good job, the water is coming! Let's go!"

"Sir, come up quickly, we have to close the stairs!"

The owner of Qingyuan Building shouted. He and Emperor Ming and others quickly ran towards the Linglong Ship. Because Ming Xiao was dead, mind control was impossible, so the people on the ship could only control the ship through mechanisms. At this moment, the stairs were slowly retracted. ..

Several people rushed over, but now the water had reached their calves, and water splashed everywhere as they ran...

The stairs are within easy reach!

"Go!" Emperor Ming was seriously injured. Seniority is the most important. The poster pulled him and jumped up. Originally, the second one should be the girl Wan Yi...



A big hand suddenly popped out from the water. Behind Dai Li and others... the palm grabbed Dai Li's left leg...

"You're so frivolous!"

"Master Jun"

"No. It's the Zombie King!"

The zombie king in the water grabbed Dai Li's leg. The force was too great and he directly pulled Dai Li down the stairs!


Daili's arm was grabbed!

Luan Yi grabbed Dai Li's arm...


There were violent whirlpools in the water. The zombie king dragged Dai Li tightly in the water, with enough power to tear a person's body apart...

The strength of one person is naturally not enough. Qin Zhige and others were pulling on it.


Dai Li only raised her head and took a closer look. When their eyes met, she suddenly smiled.

"Thank you for these two years, and...I'm sorry."

He glanced at Dai Li and spread his fingers...


Being dragged into the whirlpool by the zombie king...

While watching. She seemed to see it from the shape of her mouth...

So, she knew?

"No!!!" Ying Zheng, Chu Xiuling and others rushed to the railing and watched Dai Li disappear with their own eyes...


The two of them jumped directly over the railing. Want to jump down... The host and Qin Zhige frowned, each leaning on the two of them. Pulled it again and threw it on the ground.


After a curse, the Linglong ship suddenly shook violently!

Two-thirds of the island has sunk, and only the middle part of the mountain is still visible...

Those towering trees seem to be growing in the water at this moment.

Everyone took a closer look and saw that there were still some people hiding on those trees...

And some people were completely swept into the water...

Many people were still in shock and doubt, and some looked as pale as snow.

That person, that person...


"what is that!"

Everyone turned around and saw a small whirlpool in the giant whirlpool. It shouldn't be called a wave.

it seems that....

"Someone's fighting!"

"It's the Zombie King!"

"No, they sank!"

Everyone was shouting and calling for the boat to be driven over... But when they passed by, no one could be seen, only the spiral whirlpool.

In the water or under the water, Daili punched and kicked the zombie king.

"You two hundred and five!"

"What a nuisance!"

"Let you drink my blood, let you drink, let you drink!"

During the fierce battle, the Zombie King was indeed seriously injured, but unlike Daili, he didn't seem to care about his own life or death. He had only one purpose.

--Suck Daili's blood!

This is his instinct, and this instinct overshadows his intelligence.

So she was dragging Dai Li to death to prevent her from escaping...


A stab with a sword!


The sword pierced the Zombie King's chest! !


The zombie king's body fell violently...but this guy also had to urinate, and his hands were still holding on to his legs.

So, Dai Li was dragged into the water by him. The whirlpool was fierce. Dai Li looked at the underwater abyss below getting closer and closer to her, and his body became more and more weak.

This big guy is so powerful!

In her daze, she seemed to see several people walking through the water like powerful sea dragons... swimming towards her...

These people are...they have underwater parade props on them! (What an evil prop!)

paralysis! Designed!

Dai Li blinked, and his eyes became a little darker... vaguely showing Yuan Qi's face that looked like a smile but not a smile.

"Jun Zili, your treasure is mine..."

Yuan Qi grabbed Dai Li's palm and tried to take off the ring on her finger. When the ring slowly came off her finger, the corner of his mouth curled up.

He still won...(To be continued)



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