A Queen

Chapter 968: Take inventory and prepare for a breakthrough!

As soon as Gong Zangxue woke up, Dai Li became serious. After all, it was this woman who saved her before. If she hadn't blocked the arrow, she would be the one lying here now.

"Don't get up, just lie down." Dai Li stopped Gong Zangxue from getting up, his tone was soft. In fact, Gong Zangxue's blood pressure couldn't be raised at all, but she frowned at Dai Li's inexplicable tenderness, "You've got water in your head. ?”

Dai Li took a breath, and then said calmly: "You helped me block an arrow. I should treat you like this."

"Block?" Gong Zangxue was stunned for a moment, then frowned; "Didn't you force me to turn over there?"


The two looked at each other silently, and then they both sneered for a moment, turned away their eyes, and looked at Lin Xue with Gong Zangxue, "I heard everything you just said, what is that guy doing?"

Actually, they didn't do anything. They just wanted to force me to get married.

Dai Li naturally didn't say anything, and soon found an excuse to sneak out. Gong Zangxue was so weak that he had no choice but to do so.

However, as soon as Dai Li slipped out of the room, he saw the bun owner under the peach blossom tree in front of him.

She had some doubts in her heart, so she suppressed her fear of this guy and walked up.


"I've kept an eye on the date. You can enter the bridal chamber when she comes back."

Damn it, you Jiang Zi is a triple jumper! Why is the pace so fast?

Dai Li smiled awkwardly, stroking his hair with wandering eyes, while changing the topic: "Senior, this junior has a question..."

"I didn't change your clothes..."

"Um, that's not it~~"

"You're talking about the conch seal on your body, right?"

As soon as Dai Li heard about the conch seal, he thought it was reliable. It was really this guy's hand?

The boss of Baozi was there, cutting a piece of bamboo with a butcher's knife, while saying: "When I rescued you, you had quite a lot of physical problems and your energy was disordered. If you hadn't sealed off those energies, you would have become nothing more than a lump now. Damn it, but your Dantian is a bit strange, it can absorb all the energy. Even with my snail seal, it is quite interesting~~"

Of course Daili knew how weird his Dantian was;

There are dual cores there. The blood core is weird, not to mention a piece of the most precious blood. By the way, her Nascent Soul is unique. It has spiral suction and will gather all those powers with the help of the spiral seal. It's not surprising, but after all, it was because of the other party's help that he helped her.

"Although the conch seal can help you gather that energy, such a large amount of energy in your body is also a disaster."

"Yes" Daili should be very well-behaved.

"I have to tell you by the way, the conch seal I placed is only valid for three days."

"!!!What day is it now?"

The bun boss smiled slightly and raised three fingers~~ making a gesture similar to OK.

Dai Li immediately jumped up from his chair, "Hey, today is the last day, okay!"

"I suggest you quickly find a place to make a good breakthrough...not at my house...it would be unlucky if you failed to break through and died..."

The Baozi boss didn't look at Dai Li's mourning expression, and pointed to the green hills behind the green water. A green hill, a dense forest of peach blossoms, and from a distance, clusters of pink and green. The waterfall and the willow spring were vaguely visible.

"Go up there, it's the clearest place in Peach Blossom Land"

Dai Li didn't know why this guy was suddenly so kind, but he expected that the other party had no motive to plot against her, otherwise there would be no need to save her, "Thank you, senior, for your advice... By the way, Gong Zangxue is over there..."

"I will take care of it, you go ahead"

Daili felt certain in her heart, turned around and ran out. She seemed to be able to feel the sealing power in her dantian gradually disintegrating...

The green mountains and green waters are so beautiful. A little under your feet, the light turns into the green mountains and shines into the green mountains. I found a place at random. In terms of Feng Shui, this place is excellent, with a wide field of vision, unique scenery, and fresh air...

Above is a medium-sized torrent flowing down, forming a waterfall, which falls into the three-acre pool below. The water is roaring, and Dai Li casually sets up a medium-sized cover and warning barrier. He sat cross-legged on the edge of the pool, exhaled slowly, and prepared to start practicing.

Since it is a breakthrough, and it is such a dangerous breakthrough, it is natural to make some complete preparations. The first step is to take care of the loot in your hands and create the most suitable environment for a breakthrough.

Dai Li immediately took out all her trophies. First of all, she had a Quin Ring. The items inside included seven scrolls of "Chen Gong's Secret Records" and the Dragon Blood Night~ pot. It was considered to have been used, so naturally it didn't count. Inside, there is the golden stone. I still don’t know what it is. Then there is a dragon tail, which is like a broom. It is hard and has a metallic texture on it. It looks very ordinary, but it represents Li knows how terrible it is.

Compared with primates like humans, most animals' bodies grow according to the most perfect rules of nature, such as tigers and leopards, claw attack, leg speed, and sharp teeth. Each part performs its own role, which is the most basic The laws of nature, and the dragon is the pinnacle representative of them, not to mention the real dragon. The real dragon is full of treasures. The dragon claws and teeth are the main attack, and the dragon tail is the main speed. This dragon tail is very precious. So Dai Li placed it next to the golden stone and "Chen Gong's Secret Record".

This is the most precious treasure that she grabbed in the secret room. Dai Li doesn't plan to look through it now, so she just puts it aside. Not counting other things, she also has a thousand spiritual crystals, eleven middle thunder veins, and one ice thunder. Veins, a Scorpio mysterious stone, eleven large cloud elephants, etc...

These are the gains from this treasure hunt, plus the four dragon claws, a large number of dragon scales and some peerless plum blossoms that were in her original storage ring. Although there are not many varieties, they are all extremely valuable after all, and she can be considered a wealthy person. , the kind that is number one in the distraction circle.

By the way, there is one more.

Dai Li took out a Quin Ring that he had snatched from Yuan Qi before.

To be honest, she is more wary of this person than Chang Ying and the others, just like Yuan Qi's contempt for Chang Ying and others. They only pay attention to those who are qualified to be their enemies, such as Daili's contempt for Yuan Qi. .

Therefore, Dai Li still had high hopes for the Quin Ring that he grabbed from him. He expected that person to at least grab a scroll, otherwise it would be too abnormal.

Snap, the Queen's Ring opened, and the movements inside were released all at once, and then... Dai Lizhi saw a piece of light paper falling on her crossed legs, and picked it up with her fingertips. Dai Li saw it brightly. Then his face became expressionless.

--Thanks for your hard work, thank you for your patronage.

If it weren't for Dai Li's human form, he would have vomited blood and died in battle at this moment.

"Cunning Rabbit Sancao, he must have a Quin Ring! Damn it! Don't let me meet him next time! I'll kill him!!"

After spending three seconds of depression and three seconds of cursing, Daili quickly changed his state and put away other treasures that he did not intend to use at the moment, leaving only three kinds of treasures: dragon claws, dragon tails, and dragon scales. Dragon-related treasures, and then arrange eleven thunder veins around him to form a spirit-condensing formation, and collect eleven large cloud elephants into the spirit-sealing tablets, and then hang the spirit-sealing tablets in the center of the formation. Everything is ready, Dai Li Take a deep breath.

You must be wondering, obviously you want to break through the vampire realm, why are all the formations that are conducive to the cultivation of immortality arranged?

You don’t understand this. As I said before, Daili’s physical condition is a bit dangerous at the moment. The energy is too chaotic. The dragon blood and keel are all in chaos. If he only releases the dragon blood energy to force a breakthrough, Daili will only have a 30% success rate. It is still very dangerous to control the speed, and she has always pursued balance. Since the blood energy is unstable, I will make some thunder elements to let the two sides check and balance each other, and it can provide stimulating power. Isn't this great? !

Okay, it makes sense, but she is the only person in the world who dares to do this.

Fortunately, this guy has mostly done this in the past. He has enough experience and is very confident now. Because of his confidence, he is calm. Then he slowly admires the sea of ​​peach blossoms and the beautiful green forest, and has a little understanding of the artistic conception. Suddenly became ethereal.

What a great place to break through!

When Dai Li's mind is quiet, his spiritual consciousness penetrates into his body.

The conch seal had begun to loosen. When the last ray dissipated, the huge dragon blood energy that had been trapped in the dantian surged out, impacting on the meridians for a moment. Dai Li suddenly felt a force of flesh and blood that was about to burst. pain...

At that moment, Dai Li's fingertips opened the seal of the Spirit-Sealing Tablet.

Wow, the huge spiritual power that had been accumulated for several months surged out, and was collected by the formation. It was like a solidified viscous liquid, almost solidifying Dai Li.

Dai Li let go of Nascent Soul, and the spiral suction began to absorb spiritual power, like a tiger swallowing it. A large amount of spiritual power roared into her body. Because it was absorbed too fast and too fiercely, it formed a faint vortex... .

The majestic spiritual power entered the body, Daili released the original 2000 Yunlei Yuan, and merged together, immediately suppressing the dragon blood one-sidedly. Taking advantage of this buffer, Daili's spiritual consciousness covered those who fell on it. On the dragon blood, it was both difficult and decisive to mobilize all the souls into four parts. According to her analysis, four-tenths were given to Dual Core, three-tenths were given to the Bloodline Colossus, and ten-tenths were given to the Blood Colossus. The third gave only a ray of dragon marrow in the dragon bone. Originally, she wanted to keep a portion of the transformed flesh and blood, but the soul was not strong enough!

At one point and three points, her head was already about to explode. She was in so much pain that she almost couldn't hold it together. If she wanted to completely collapse, she could only do the next best thing and divide it into three parts. Let's ignore the flesh and blood for the time being.

The soul was divided into dragon blood. The pressure was so great that Daili was covered in cold sweat, especially on his forehead. Drops of fine cold sweat seeped out and fell down, as if they had formed ice crystals. There were also crisscrossing patterns of blood and thunder on his body. Horrible sight..

But in the end the three parts slowly separated..r1152( )

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