A Queen

Chapter 970 The 8 Ugly Monsters (Raine Hawke and Shi Bi+)

It is indeed a peach blossom garden. An ordinary herb picking girl gives people an extraordinary feeling.

By the way, collect herbs, collect herbs! It can't be the daughter of the Baozi boss!

Impossible. Dai Li could see that this girl was an ordinary person, the kind who couldn't cultivate. She was much worse than Lin Xue. How could she be the daughter of a strong man like Baozi Boss.

To put it bluntly, even if the daughter of the Baozi boss is a disabled person, how could it be possible that the environment in Peach Blossom Spring and his abilities cannot solve the problem of disabled bodies!

But it happened to be this mountain, and she was collecting herbs, and the guy pointed here deliberately for her to come. Could it be her?

Daili became suspicious for a moment.

However, the girl had her back turned to her and seemed not to be afraid at all. Dai Li was frightened by her and repeatedly wanted to go up to save people, but she managed to get close to the flowers and plants steadily. She gently cut her palm with a sickle, pulled it, and took it. After putting the flowers and plants in the back of the basket, he soon lowered the rope around his waist, climbed down the cliff, and landed on the edge of the pool. He lowered his head and untied the rope around his waist in a leisurely manner, and walked towards Dai Li. ..

She didn't seem to be aware of Dai Li's existence, and there should be no gap, because Dai Li was still opening the formation barrier at this moment, how could she feel it.

After walking to the edge, the rope fell to the ground. She took off the backpack and placed it on the ground. When she raised her head, Dai Li saw her face.

When she saw it, she was shocked. She had an oval face, a very beautiful face, but there were dozens of hideous scars, which almost destroyed the entire face. Only her eyes were clear and clean, and she raised her eyes and lowered her eyes. They are all cool and bright...

No wonder the steamed stuffed bun boss wanted to force her... Dai Li muttered in his heart, having some inexplicable complex psychology about this girl, and perhaps, some exploration.

She always felt that this girl gave her a faint and friendly feeling, maybe she felt that she was a pity, but not necessarily.

When Dai Li was feeling complicated, the herb-gathering girl was already sitting sideways on a stone by the pool, less than two meters away from Dai Li's feet. She poured out the herbs in her basket and washed them carefully one by one. Standing, the white palms are washing in the hands, the water surface ripples...

White hair floated on the green water, and anthurium stirred the clear waves. It was a goose, that is, a very fat duck, but the movement at this moment was more beautiful. However, Daili noticed that the girl suddenly made a move.

There were vague blood stains on her palms, and the flesh and blood on them had been cut by the sharp edges of the cliff... She lowered her head and gently washed it with water, and the water surface gradually calmed down...

After calming down, it can reflect her face.

Have you seen the criss-crossed face of yours?

She saw it, was stunned, and watched quietly. Dai Li wanted to see sadness in it, unwilling to accept such emotions, but there was nothing.

The pool of water reflected her face, but her eyes hid the entire abyss. There was nothing but a low sigh. Her hands moved again, and the mirror image shattered.

Dai Li really felt sorry for this girl now. Just when he wanted to show his body, he suddenly...

"There's a woman here!"

"Ask her where this place is!"

"Looking at the back, she looks like a beautiful woman~~"

Several people quickly walked out of the peach blossom forest.

When Dai Li saw it, he immediately became confused.

Isn't this the Maple Leaf Swordsman, Zhang Xiao, and Zhang Liujiang? Dai Li remembers these people in his heart. Although they were not pulled into the boat of Chang Zheng and those people later, they were still colluding with them along the way. However, even if it is used, it is because of poor nature, so...

At this time, those few people did not see Dai Li, because they could not see through this formation at all, so they stepped forward and approached the girl. Zhang Xiao said in a very frivolous manner; "Hey, let me ask you, turn around...where is this place?"

The girl frowned and turned around.

Several people were shocked when they saw it.

The expression was full of disgust and contempt, and Zhang Xiao cursed angrily: "Fuck! It's so ugly. This is the mortal world? Why is it so ugly..."

"Really, such a beautiful place has such an ugly monster"

If it were other people, they would not be so unscrupulous. It was because this girl had no trace of cultivation at all, and she was dressed plainly, that they felt contempt in their hearts. When they saw her face, she showed no respect or grace at all, and she was verbally abusive. He began to speak harshly, but the always elegant Yin Xiuzhang Liujiang frowned at this moment and said coldly: "Come here and say something back!"

The girl was also frowning and pursed her lips, standing there motionless, with some dark light flashing in her eyes, maybe there was doubt and coldness, but there was no fear.

This kind of temperament is quite remarkable, but it is a pity that these people are brainless and did not guess anything from this special environment. Their intuitive impression despised her, so that the girl showed murderous intent after ignoring them.

In fact, at this moment, Daili already felt a little hot inside her heart, not only because she couldn't deal with these people, but mainly because she felt very uncomfortable when she saw this girl being so nakedly humiliated and keeping silent like she was neither humble nor arrogant.

"Keep your elbows straight. This face is too ugly. It's just perfect to ruin it!" Just when that small hand waved, a strong wind hit her face...

The formation shattered, and a person appeared. Before she could see her face clearly, she grabbed a stone directly from the ground... She didn't know what was happening in the palm of her hand. Golden light flashed, and a domineering aura like a roaring dragon appeared. The afterimage appeared in front of Zhang Xiao...

So a rock the size of a melon...boom! !

Hit Zhang Xiao directly in the face...

burst! Twenty thousand one combat power! defense? Sorry, you are just a piece of dregs!

Bloody and bloody!

Half of his head was rotten... Zhang Xiao was knocked to the ground...

It was like a fountain of blood. Maple Leaf Swordsman and the others were covered in blood at this moment. Before they could react, the extremely ferocious blood-stained stone was already smashing at them with such violence!

That gesture was like Ximen Chuixue wielding a supreme artifact - a brick, in a decisive battle with Ye Gucheng on the top of the Purple Gold!

Boom, boom, boom!

Twenty-one thousand, twenty-two thousand, twenty-three thousand...

It was all a slap in the face!

Let me bully others, let me hate you!

The last one was towards Zhang Liujiang, twenty-five thousand!




Zhang Liujiang, who was extremely frightened, was hit by a stone from the front and fell into the pit!

Before he fainted, he was shocked that who was this dark-faced man? He could kill them all with just the most basic strength!

How much is her real strength? At least it’s a distraction!

What the hell is this place!

Three breaths in total.

Seven or eight people all fell to the ground, their heads bloody and bloody... Dai Li grabbed the stone and was about to hit them a few more times to completely kill them, but the girl behind him said softly: "No killing is allowed in Peach Blossom Spring."

Dai Li paused at the stone he raised, then slowly put it down and threw it on the ground. She straightened up and turned to look at the girl.

As soon as she saw those clear, watery eyes, the burning violence in her heart seemed to have been poured into a clear spring, and it turned out and faded away.

Their eyes met, and she couldn't tell what she was thinking, but Daili narrowed his eyes. Under the dancing peach blossoms, in front of the silver dragon in the waterfall, in the blur of flesh and blood at his feet...

She said something.

"Girl, do we know each other?"

The scene was a bit condensed for a while, until the girl broke away from the state of quietly watching Dai Li and shook her head lightly: "I can't tell."

"Uh?" Dai Li realized that his face was still dark, so he ducked to the edge of the pool, rubbed his face with water a few times, and soon washed it clean, then turned around and asked, "What now? "

She read it carefully. After reading it, she smiled lightly: "I don't know, you are not from Peach Blossom Spring, are you?"

"Um..." Dai Li looked at the other person's eyes carefully and couldn't see anything strange. He felt a little disappointed. Did she think wrong... This person was not her.

Dai Li, who was feeling a little nervous for a moment, laughed and said, "Well, I came here by accident. Well, just like these people, they are from the outside, but I am not a scumbag like them."

"By the way, what's your name? Let me come, your hand is injured..." Dai Li saw the girl about to leave, and quickly picked up the medicine basket.

"Cai Qing" she said casually, and did not stop Dai Li's movements, but walked towards the peach blossom path. Dai Li glanced at her and walked next to her.

"Has Miss Caiqing always been from here?"


"Since childhood?"


"Just now you said you can't kill people in Peach Blossom Spring, but..."

"Some seniors are supervisors and will investigate the dissipation of souls. If they violate the rules, they will be killed on the spot."

"Are they all powerful?" This sentence was completely a search for something to say when Dai Li had nothing to say.

"Better than you"

"..." Do you want to be so honest?

The other party's attitude was not warm and he was very taciturn. Dai Li gradually stopped talking.

The two of them were walking along the forest path with fluttering peach blossoms. When they looked up, they saw the blue sky and white clouds with peach blossoms floating in them. The fragrance of flowers was faint in the air. Daili suddenly felt that it would be nice to spend his whole life in such a place...

Unfortunately, she can't.

Sighing softly, Dai Li thought about those people just now. She was not afraid that they would die. After all, immortal cultivators cannot die so easily. Instead, she thought about how Zhang Liujiang and others had entered the Peach Blossom Spring after the world was broken. , sent all of them to the Peach Blossom Spring, but the peerless strong man simply did it.

It's a pity that I don't know where Yuanyi and the others are...

About half an hour after the two of them left, another group of people saw Zhang Liujiang and others grieving and healing on the ground.

Liu Zongyuan glanced at Zhang Liujiang, "What's going on?"

"Not yet..." Although a few people felt embarrassed, people like Liu Zongyuan were much stronger than them, and their status was also crushing, so they could only honestly confess...

As a result, a man behind Liu Zongyuan was surprised when he heard this, "An ugly monster? His face is covered with scars?"

"Yeah, it's so ugly! By the way, she also said this is a peach blossom garden..."

“Peach Blossom Land!!!”

Everyone was shocked!

Is this the Peach Blossom Spring? R1152

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