A Queen

Chapter 989: Shang Bieli or a famous sword?

When the space becomes larger,

The enchanting black energy suddenly changes color... Green and pink energy renders it!

Extremely poisonous! Psychedelic!

Daili immediately felt that the gas in the air wanted to penetrate into her body, full of poison and psychedelic effects.

Very powerful!

Almost overwhelming!

At the same time... Dao Tuo's palm seal just formed... Chaodaili looked at it and said lightly: "Junzili, even though your strength has improved a lot, it still hasn't exceeded my estimate, so... Suffocate the cage! "

Come on! The air is instantly extracted and the space is crushed! Crush all the poisonous gas to Xiang Daili!

The suffocating cage!

From here we can see the strength gap between Rukawa, Meisi and Dao Tuo. Rukuan seems to be the strongest but is actually the weakest. Dao Tuo seems to be the weakest but is actually the strongest!

You can tell just by looking at the formation in front of you, and Daili can feel that the opponent still has some strength left!

There is also Meisi on the side to assist...

Oh, to be able to make the Splitting Cloud Killer, who always likes to go to meetings alone, so tacitly agree to join forces to kill her, it shows how much the other party fears and values ​​her...

Should she feel honored?

That moment...

Daili triggered the bloodline colossus!

boom! Bloodline Colossus rises! The mostly solid body was directly pressed against the mountain wall above his head, boom!

Blow out a big hole!

Maybe he was annoyed that the place was so small, so he roared!

Pull out, swallow, and offer sacrifices, all in one go!

The left and right hands hold thousands of machines, Karcha!

Qianji split!

Divide a thousand opportunities, use two swords!

2500 clouds, dual-core explosion! 5000 clouds!

The power of the two dragons explodes! Double Dragon!

Absolutely calm. kill! Two realms!

The Fourteenth Thousand Chances--Double Moon Festival!

Two swords on the left and right, there is no turning back when attacking!

Keep moving forward!

Those are two moons, one offering two moons!

Cross cross chop!

Thirty thousand clouds, tear apart!


The formation had just begun to suffocate its power, but the membrane of the formation had already been torn apart by the fierce force, and thirty thousand accurate killing swords crossed out from it...

Bang bang bang!

Break, break, break!

"Cross cross~!" Meisi shouted in horror!

Rukawa's special move, Wei Mao, will burst out from this person's hands!

No, it should be said that it is more than ten times stronger than Rukawa's cross!

Bi-monthly festival!

Double sword killing ritual!

The formation is broken! The two swords are approaching Daotaku...

Dao Tuo's eyes were cold. The battle of thirty thousand. His estimate for this Junzili was at most twenty-eight thousand!

Thirty thousand is a threshold, she is too scary!

Can't stay!

Dao Tuo hooked his fingertips and a shield popped up!

Array shield! A shield formed by eighteen overlapping formations~!


Cross cross cut on shield...

Dao Tuo's arm shook twice in a row! Nine defensive formations were directly broken on the shield!

fine. Blocked!

Dai Li was shocked that he actually blocked it, and his murderous intention towards Dao Tuo became even stronger. He just wanted to kill him. Dao Tuo's expression suddenly changed, as if he had seen something terrifying. Turning around, it turned into a stream of light and flew out!

Dai Li frowned, but did not chase him out, but turned around to look.

Saw a person, no. It should be said that it is two people.

The black gas transformed into a charming figure with no arms, and a woman in white standing beside him.

"Bai Jin" Dai Li suddenly felt that there was a powerful opponent in front of him who was a hundred times more terrifying than Dao Tuo, and this opponent was standing next to Mei Si at the moment. His fingertips touched his charming eyebrows, and he first showed her an intoxicating and gentle smile. As if to say hello, he then turned his face, looked down at Dao Tuo, and smiled: "Can you please give me the medical book..."

Such a gentle tone, such beautiful and gentle eyebrows, coupled with the delicate and sad look on the eyebrows, are enough to soften the iron hearts of all men.

Mei seemed to be bewitched, and nodded obediently: "Okay... Here you go..." As soon as he stretched out his hand, the scroll was handed out.

Crack! So shameless! Dai Li watched helplessly as Bai Jin reached out and took the scroll.

"Thank you..."

After saying that, she retracted her fingertips, and Charming's body suddenly became weak. She looked at Bai Jin in fear, "You actually..."

"I didn't expect that Demon Palace Bai Jin, who has always excelled in medical skills, also practiced the art of charm." Dai Li's voice was cold, and his heart was even colder. He could easily seduce Charming to such a distracted mind. This woman is so terrifying.

How many times had she passed through hell at the hands of this woman before?

Bai Jin seemed a little annoyed by Dai Li's words, and said with a smile but not a smile: "Master Jun, this is not a charm technique."

"what is that.."

"Charm, the charm of charm, not the charm of charm"


Is there any difference~!

Bai Jin held the scroll in his hand, and did not put it away directly. Instead, it seemed as if he was deliberately hanging Dai Li, and the scroll rotated on his slender and delicate fingertips.

It's a carrot.

And the person who stares at the carrot and leaves a ten-foot-long rattle is a donkey, and the white girl is Afanti!

Soon, Afanti spoke.

"want to?"


"If you don't say it, then I'll assume you don't want it..."

Did she want to give it to me? That's not a good idea...

"Yes!" Someone responded quickly!

"Really...but I won't give it to you"


Seeing Dai Li's donkey's face quickly turn green and turn into Avatar, Avati smiled, and his laughter was long. "But it's not impossible, I want to be alone..." Bai Jin set up enough atmosphere at first, but in the end it was extremely straightforward.

"You want me to pledge myself to you?" Dai Li raised his eyebrows, "Don't think so!"

Bai Jin was stunned for a moment, then his eyebrows were drawn and he was speechless, "It's not you."

"Who is that?" Dai Li asked.

"Don't pretend to be stupid. Don't you know who I am interested in? I want a famous sword!"

By the way, Daili thought that the person in front of him was not Bai Jin, but Gong Zangxue, that rough, powerful but rude woman.

too direct.

Dai Li thought about it for three times before he said calmly: "The famous sword is a famous sword, what do you want from me?"

"can you help me"

"Knock him out and drag her to your bed?"

"Who am I?"

"That means giving you medicine?"


"Then I will help you drug her and stun her. Then drag her to your bed!!! You are so bad! Worse than a beast! Jiang Zi has thought of all the evil ways! I will never join in with you! Don't even think about it! !”


Bai Jin wanted to say that she had never thought about this, so why did this guy think of it first?

"Your idea is nothing, I will consider it," Bai Jin smiled slightly, "But I asked you to help me just because I wanted you to lean towards me when you should, at least not to raise any objections..."

"That man named Ming Jian has always had his own opinion. I said it's useless..."

"She and I both know whether it's useful or not. You can just pretend to be stupid or really stupid."


Dai Li's eyes flashed. He didn't agree directly, but just stared at the scroll in Bai Jin's hand, whether to betray the famous sword or save the merchant. this is a problem.

A very serious question.

What's more, Bai Jin must know that Mingjian is born as a daughter, but he still speaks like this. Is it deliberate teasing or is he sincere?


"Sorry, I can't agree"

Dai Li's answer made Bai Jin narrow his eyes, and his beautiful eyeliner curved softly. "Why? Do you think she and I are not suitable? Because we are both women, of course. So do you."

"She can choose whether she is suitable for her or not. I will not interfere, let alone help you. Even if you are good enough and match her well... But you are right. Maybe it's because you are both women."

"I can't tell you are still such a pedantic person." Bai Jin flipped his long hair with his fingertips, and the faint charm naturally emanated from under his usual intimate and delicate appearance.

"It's not pedantic, but I know you are not a good man," Dai Li said coolly. "Do you still remember Guan Yubi not long ago? What you saw was everything. But also nothing. It shows that you have no pursuit in your heart. You are like Xianyun Yehe, but you have extremely high talent, smooth sailing, and have never achieved anything. If you don't, even Gong Zangxue will never suppress you. For such a person, only a famous swordsman will disdain you, but she is good enough that you have to look sideways. From a female point of view Say, even if you don’t fall in love with this kind of person at first sight, at least it’s enough to leave a mark on your heart.”

"And from the perspective of a strong and conquering woman, such a person is worth conquering."

"So Bai Jin, you just treat Ming Jian as someone you want to conquer, or you have cleared all the other games you can play and there is nothing left to play. She is the most challenging one for you right now. For entertainment, you can play and challenge, but not famous swords. She has already suffered a loss from a woman once in her life, and there is no need to suffer it a second time."

"Of course, these are just my guesses. Even if they are just guesses, they are enough for me to reject your proposal."

Bai Jin had been listening to Dai Li's long and detailed words, and the expression on his face had not changed at all, as calm as a pool of stagnant water. Only after listening, he raised his eyes to look at Dai Li and said softly: "So, Are you going to expose me? No, you won’t, because this is just your speculation. What has not yet been decided is that you will not intervene rashly... But are you sure you want to refuse? "

"You don't care about Shang Biejie's body that can save you from disaster?"

"There is a medical scroll in my hand. Judging from your reaction, it seems that you also have a medical scroll in your hand. You must really want this scroll in my hand now..." The medical scroll in Bai Jin's hand stopped spinning and was turned by her. Hold it in your hand.

"Even if your strength has reached 30,000 clouds, I can tell you clearly... I want to kill you, but I need a move."

Bai Jin smiled quietly and stood at the other end five meters away.

Daili stood quietly, pursed his lips, and looked at her from a distance.

There was a charmer in the middle. This person's face was not pretty, or extremely ugly, because some of the things these two women talked about horrified him, but it also meant... he knew too much.

Mingjian is a woman, Junzili is a woman, Bai Jin actually likes women, and he also likes Mingjian!

They are not afraid that he knows so much.

It can only be because they will definitely silence him.

what to do? (To be continued)R580

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