A Quick Walkthrough: Male God, Don’t Run Away

Chapter 1549: As a supporting role in the bitter drama of the times 15

Kong Xuefei was silent from beginning to end, as if the certificate of award torn by Kong Junbao was not his.

Dong He smiled and watched his younger son make trouble, without any intention of stopping him.

"The homework is done."

Kong Xuefei put down the pen, sorted out the homework, and walked out with lowered eyebrows.

"Blind eyes, sweep the floor before leaving."

"Mom, I'm hungry and want to eat braised chicken legs."

Kong Junbao hugged Dong He's waist and asked her for chicken legs with a smile.

"It's so late, can you eat tomorrow, baby?"

"No, no, I want to eat today, I want to eat now, I want to eat immediately."

As soon as Kong Junbao didn't agree, Dong He quickly said: "Okay, my little ancestor will buy it for you to eat now. Kong Xuefei, after sweeping the floor later, go to Wang Fuji Braised Meat Shop and buy a braised chicken leg for your brother. eat."


Kong Xuefei said a good word, lowered his head and continued to sweep the floor, he was already used to all this.

Dong He took Kong Junbao to the living room, and the family played happily.

After cleaning up the broken certificate, Kong Xuefei, wearing a thin white shirt, went to the store a few hundred meters away from the community to buy braised chicken legs.

After he left, Kong Junbao slumped on the sofa and said unhappily, "Mom and Dad, why do you keep that fool, give me all the money to buy chicken legs, and drive him out of the house."

If Kong Junbao hated the most, it must be Kong Xuefei.

Although he was his nominal brother, he knew he was not part of their family.

Kong Junbao has poor academic performance. Everyone knows that he has a brother who is very good at studying. The teacher also asks him to study with his brother, which makes him very annoyed.

"Baby, he will buy you a lot of chicken legs in the future, and he will also buy you a house in a big city and a car for you."

Kong Junbao pouted and said disapprovingly, "He is so poor, can he afford it? I don't care."

Dong He smiled and didn't speak. She and her husband had already settled the account.

Raising Kong Xuefei and the others did not suffer at all. He started doing housework for the family when he was young, and he was able to watch the store when he was a teenager, so he helped a lot.

The most important thing is that Kong Xuefei's academic performance is not bad. As long as he is admitted to university and has a firm foothold in a big city, they will just enjoy happiness in the future.

Thinking of this, Dong He said to her husband with emotion: "Dad Junbao, the hundred yuan we spent back then was really worth it."

"Why do you mention this, be careful he hears."

"So what if you hear it, you still don't recognize me as a mother?"

Dong He's words were hard, and he didn't mention it again.

The college entrance examination is getting closer and closer, and the atmosphere of the third grade and third grade classes has become more and more tense.

After a few months of getting along, Shu Ange, a transfer student, was completely integrated into the class.

She is beautiful, her grades are good, she can sing and dance well, she smiles every day, and boys from outside classes secretly send her love letters.

Shu Ange was a single-minded person. He didn't even open the love letter, so he just returned it.

Shu Ange didn't know how many times she had studied the content of the third year of high school, and she couldn't sit still in class.

Because she is smart and flexible and has good grades, and occasionally steals a little laziness, the teacher will not care about her.

At this time, the school was not like ten years later, when the school was dismissed at three or four in the afternoon, and the classes were full every day.

In the third class in the afternoon, Shu Ange was sleepy and fell asleep on the table with his face turned to Kong Xuefei.

For the sake of fairness, the class will change positions once a month according to the monthly test scores.

When the last time was changed, Shu Ange and Kong Xuefei were tied for the top spot. She sat at the same table with him in the name of learning from each other and not getting ahead of each other.

The teacher spittled on the podium and talked about mathematical formulas, and Shu Ange slept peacefully and peacefully under the stage.

Her long eyelashes were like two brushes, quietly covering her eyelids, her cheeks were red with white, Kong Xuefei thought of snowflakes in winter.

The noisy classroom has become the background, and in Kong Xuefei's eyes, only her baby-like sleeping face is left.

He pretended to look down at the book, ignoring the throbbing in his heart.

At this moment, Liu Yixing, who was sitting directly in front of Kong Xuefei, suddenly crouched under the seat. he

I didn't care at first, until I noticed that someone was pulling my shoelace, and then I frowned slightly.

Kong Xuefei was about to stop Liu Yixing's prank, when he suddenly saw that his other hand was holding Shu Ange's shoelace, and when he stopped drinking, he instantly became calm.

Liu Yixing smiled and tied the shoelaces of the two schoolmasters together, and when he got up, he did not forget to glance at Kong Xuefei proudly.

A Xueba is a Xueba. He listens carefully to the teacher's lectures, and doesn't notice his shoelaces at all. He uses it to trick him.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, the teacher put away the books and left the classroom, and the students walked to the cafeteria in a lively manner.

On the right side of the blackboard, there is a column on duty, and the two names "Kong Xuefei Tang Yanan" are written impressively.

After Shu Ange woke up, he yawned and stretched, with one cheek flushed like an apple, and a strand of hair stuck up.

"School is over, huh, today is our Sunday."

She opened her deer-like eyes, her eyes seemed to be covered with gauze, and her yawning appearance was very cute.

Shu Ange said and stood up, but when he lifted his foot, he suddenly felt something was wrong.


Kong Xuefei hurriedly stretched out her hand to help Shu Ange. She looked down and saw the shoelaces that were tied together, and fell on top of him.

Her soft and fragrant body made Kong Xuefei retract his hand as if electrocuted, and his face turned red.

"Yeah, what's going on."

Shu Ange blinked, pretending to look at the ground blankly, and suddenly realized: "Our shoelaces are tied together."

"It may be a prank by a classmate, don't move, I'll untie your shoelaces."

Kong Xuefei carefully concealed the throbbing in his heart, bent down and untied the shoelaces of the two of them.

She was wearing white sneakers, and her loose trousers were rolled up, revealing a small half of her ankle.

Her skin is very good, and her fair skin is full of exquisiteness.

"Thank you for tying my shoelaces, let's clean up together."

Shu Ange's voice was as delicate as an oriole, and his raised chin reminded him of the goddess sculpture in art class.

She is so beautiful, so perfect that he dare not look directly at her beauty.

Shu Ange jumped up to the podium, first waved the blackboard eraser, wiped off the math questions and formulas on it, then picked up the chalk and wrote a line of words on the blackboard.

"Kong Xuefei is a big idiot."

After she finished writing, she turned back and smiled at him, and raised her eyebrows proudly, with a playful look, like a feather gently falling on his heart.

The loose and tacky green sportswear looks like a flour bag on others, but it has a playful and youthful feel on Shu Ange.

"Hey, are you angry?"

The light and shadow of the setting sun hit Shu Ange's side face, her thick eyelashes smudged like thick ink.

Not angry, he thought like this, his face light and calm: "You rest for a while, I cleaned the bathroom."

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