A Quick Walkthrough: Male God, Don’t Run Away

Chapter 1739: Buddhist stepmother stands aside 20

Shui Peishan clenched her fists excitedly, knowing that her stepdaughter agreed to transfer so easily, why did they have to take this trouble.

The staff standing next to Fang Minda said with a stern face: "Our Zhengyuan School does not allow gangs and must obey the school's management."

"Mr. Song, our child's situation is a bit special. We would like to ask your school to have a convenient personality and negotiate the tuition fee."

The stepdaughter finally obeyed, but Shui Peishan was willing to give up this opportunity.

Under the money offensive, Shu Ange successfully broke into the enemy's army and became a member of the third class of the first grade.

Newcomers can enjoy a week of preferential treatment, euphemistically called the adaptation period.

Of course, this so-called preferential treatment only means that he will not suffer severe corporal punishment.

Mobile phones and computers are not allowed, and you must wear the wide school uniform issued by the school.

Shu Ange likes Zhengyuan's school uniform very much. Although it looks a little ugly, it is very convenient to hide things.

When entering the school, we only checked whether the students brought mobile phones, computers, and controlled knives. Shu Ange's voice recorder, wristwatch-type microphones, and pinhole cameras were all brought in.

From the monitoring, Zhengyuan's Internet addiction withdrawal school has a gloomy atmosphere, and some violent scenes are staged from time to time.

After she truly became a member of the school, Shu Ange felt that if handcuffs were placed on her hands, she could speak to the prisoners without barriers.

It's not that Shu Ange is mean, but that Zhengyuan is too much like a labor camp.

In other schools, the head teacher brought a freshman, and even if he didn't welcome him warmly, he would look at him curiously.

It's better to go to her place. The head teacher casually pointed to the vacant seat in the corner and raised his chin: "You, sit over there, and pick up your textbooks in the warehouse after school in the afternoon."

From start to finish, no one looked up at the podium, and no one was interested in her coming.

In comparison, Yasong College is a little more human here.

From this point of view, Shui Peishan did not send her to her, probably because she was not willing to pay hundreds of thousands of tuition fees.

Shu Ange carried his schoolbag and walked towards the empty seat, his brows slightly wrinkled after his eyes wandered around the classroom.

The original owner's brother is not here.

There is more than one classroom vacant, but books are stacked on the other vacancies.

After Shu Ange sat down, a middle-aged man with a math textbook in his arm walked in.

Perhaps because of the "characteristics" of the school, all teachers in Zhengyuan are tall male teachers, and there are only women in the administrative staff.

The atmosphere in the classroom was very dull, the teacher spoke a little tongue-in-cheek, and the lecture was boring.

The old fan creaked and turned, and the students looked up at the blackboard, their eyes dazed.

In a blink of an eye, two classes passed, and a long whistle sounded.

All the students lined up and walked outside the classroom as if they had suddenly received an order.

Shu Ange put away his schoolbag and walked out.

She has watched it many times during monitoring, and the second big break is exercise time.

In other school sports, they do radio gymnastics at night.

Zhengyuan's inter-class exercise is not easy. He pulls all the students and runs five kilometers on the playground.

One 5,000 meters in the morning, another five kilometers in the morning, and another five kilometers in the afternoon.

15,000 kilometers a day consumes the surging physical strength of adolescent boys and girls.

Running was not difficult for Shu Ange. She was at the back of the line, followed by running without blushing or panting, and at the same time carefully observed Zhengyuan's layout.

There is still a big difference between observation from monitoring and in-depth field investigation.

For example, the close-fitting intensive running advocated by Zhengyuan is very difficult to run.

Each class is equipped with a coach. As long as a student makes a mistake or can't keep up, the coach will kick him directly, and the person who is beaten will not even let a fart.

After seeing this scene, Shu Ange became more and more worried about Fang Anlang.

Zhengyuan's school rules are strict and violent, and he is either punished or ill because of his absence from class.

With Zhengyuan's urination, how could a common cold be willing to let students rest, and those who are seriously ill may not dare to delay, so nine out of ten they were punished by corporal punishment.

At the end of the run, the students were so tired that they were covered in sweat and dragged their tired bodies towards the teaching building.

Shu Ange avoided the coach, walked around to a girl with short hair, and asked softly, "Do you know why Fang Anlang didn't come to class?"

The girl first showed a look of horror, and then quickly took a few steps forward, as if Shu Ange was some kind of monster that could bite.

In the next second, a boy with a pointed mouth and monkey cheeks shouted loudly, "Report to Coach Hu, the new gang and go for a walk."


Shu Ange was shocked, so she asked a question, why did she commit two crimes.

Coach Hu walked up to Shu Ange with a stern face, and without saying a word raised his hand, he would slap her in the face.

This is the school's practice, and newcomers must first give a **** when they enter the school.

The students in Class 1 and 3 continued to walk towards the teaching building, but the boy who made the small report did not turn around.


The crisp sound made the person who had been slapped by Coach Hu couldn't help shrinking his neck.

Everyone thought that they would hear crying next, but it was Coach Hu who didn't want to cry.

"Mud - Mud dares to suffer."

He covered his cheeks, scolded Shu Ange inarticulately, and the sweet blood spread in his mouth.

Shu Ange blinked innocently, and said embarrassedly, "Ah, sorry, the self-defense of the conditioned reflex is gone. The next time Coach Hu teaches someone, remember to say something."

She was serious and sincere, so angry that Coach Hu kicked her on the waist.

Shu Ange raised his leg and kicked him on the knee, and he fell to the ground with a bang.

"Aiya, Coach Hu, your memory is too bad. Didn't I tell you to say hello before you teach someone a lesson?"

The students in Class 1 and 3 stopped and stared blankly at Coach Hu, the old Gao with swollen cheeks.

Is this the coach Hu they know?

Is it that Hu Yan Wang who appeared in the dream and scared them to trembling?

The students in other classes noticed the situation, and two or three coaches ran over together.

"Students riot, watch them inside!"

When the coaches from other classes rushed over, they thought the troublemaker was a boy, but when they saw Shu Ange, who was smiling like a peach blossom, he realized that the troublemaker was a girl.

"Hold your head and squat down."

The coach with big shoulders and round waist taught Shu Ange a fierce lesson.

"Uh, there are so many people here, I'm a little scared."

Shu Ange looked scared, took a few steps back, and several coaches showed contempt.

They thought they were some powerful people, but they didn't expect it was just a taller little girl. Coach Hu may have been thinking about taking advantage of the little girl, and that was a big loss.

"I know I'm afraid, so I immediately squat down with my head up, can you hear me!"

The coach with a matchmaker mole on his face reiterated it seriously.

"Then I squat down, can you not hit me?"

Shu Ange showed a harmless smile, with a bit of pleading in his tone, and the coaches didn't take her seriously anymore.

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