A Quick Walkthrough: Male God, Don’t Run Away

Chapter 1813: The villain in the spoiled text 14

"Being kind and making money, sister Xi'er is a little more impetuous. For the villain who is full of calculations, just treat her as a bush of thorns and stay away from her."

Shu Ange smiled sweetly and made a relief for Fan Xier.

The people who were still stunned before, immediately changed their tone and began to speak for Fan Xi'er.

Fan Xi'er, who was in embarrassment and fear, was grateful to the Lord of Fengyi County at this moment: "Thank you for your sympathy, Xi'er is too rash."

She smiled shyly, tears in her eyes, and Fan Yanran became an existence that no one cared about.

"Many thanks to the county lord Haihan, my family Xi'er is a little squeamish and is too jealous of evil, so she lost her temper in front of others."

Mrs. Fan's words were obvious. Fan Xi'er who was beaten was good, while Fan Yanran who was beaten was naturally bad.

Fan Yanran covered her swollen cheeks with her hands, forcing herself not to look at Princess Fengyi. The fiery anger and hatred burned her internal organs in pain.

Although there were some minor accidents at this banquet, the guests and the host were still very happy.

After the banquet was over, rumors about the sisters Fan Xier and Fan Yanran being at odds were rampant.

The two of them are not noble ladies who can be counted in the capital, and their popularity is due to the power of Fengyi County Lord.

After returning to the mansion, Mrs. Fan talked with her daughter in detail, and she couldn't help sweating and trembling.

Fan Yanran's injustice appeared under her nose, and she didn't know anything about it.

They are all in their teens, where did she come from so many twists and turns, she almost ruined the happiness of her sister Xi's life.

Mrs. Fan was also a person who had lived most of her life, and she was not ambiguous, so she directly called Aunt Ruan and Fan Yanran over for questioning.

In order to make her daughter have more heart, she asked Fan Xier to watch from behind the screen.

The bruises on Fan Yanran's face have subsided a lot, and there are still some nail marks on the side of her face.

Aunt Ruan was flustered, her charming face seemed to be beaten by frost.

"Nie Zha, kneel down for me!"

Mrs. Fan shouted sharply, Fan Yanran felt humiliated in her heart, stood up straight, and did not intend to kneel.

Aunt Ruan's bones softened, she knelt on the ground with a plop, and begged: "Madam, there are thousands of mistakes, it's all my aunt's fault, don't bother with Yan'er."

Mrs. Fan was only five or six years older than Aunt Ruan, and the two stood together like a mother and daughter.

Mrs. Fan hurt as if she treated Aunt Ruan as her eyes, and Mrs. Fan was not jealous.

This time, she attacked the mother and daughter, one is to seek justice for her daughter, and the other is to understand hatred.

"Auntie, I'm right, don't kneel."

These days of humiliation, the tense strings in Fan Yanran's heart were broken, and she couldn't bear it any longer.

"That's right! Fan Yanran, you were planning on your sister's marriage, and you almost pushed your sister into the fire pit, but there is no sign of repentance!"

Fan Yanran sneered, with a mocking look on her face: "Oh, what kind of family is the Prince Su? A fool like Fan Xi'er, when she comes to be a concubine, she is flattered."

"Shut up, you bitch!"

Fan Xier, who was hiding behind the screen to watch the fun, rushed out in a huff, and raised her hand to slap Fan Yanran in the face.

This time Fan Yanran had taken precautions, grabbed Fan Xier's arm and pushed her backhand, she stumbled to the ground.

"Xi'er, what's wrong with you. It's really against the sky, hold down that evil barrier for me!"

Madam Fan was furious and ordered her maid to hold Fan Yanran down. Aunt Ruan said in horror, "Yan'er, what kind of evil are you hitting?"

That's it, Fan Yanran was holding her arm by her mother, raised her head and stared coldly at Mrs. Fan and the crying Fan Xier.

This pair of false mother and daughter, sooner or later, she will step on them and let them feel the pain of survival.

"Well, you are a wicked obstacle. You don't put your first mother in your eyes at all. In the past few days, I will ask someone to help you look at it and send it away from a distance, so as not to bring disaster to the Fan family."

The rabbit would bite when she was in a hurry. Mrs. Fan believed that she had never treated her concubine harshly, nor did she feel sorry for her husband's concubines.

Unexpectedly, Fan Yanran's mind was so wild that she planned on her own daughter.

"Madam is very calculating, I'm afraid that my marriage is not yours."

Facing Madam Fan's pressing step by step, Fan Yanran simply tore her face and bluntly pushed back.

"Good, good!"

Mrs. Fan said three good words in a row, obviously angry.

She was about to say something when the servant suddenly reported, "Master is back."

Mrs. Fan restrained her anger, and Aunt Ruan knelt on the ground, looking eagerly in the direction of the door.

"You bitch, pretend to be pitiful, and help Aunt Ruan up."

As soon as Aunt Ruan was helped up, Master Fan walked in with his hands behind his back.

Mrs. Fan squeezed a smile on her face and patted the ash on his shoulder: "Why did you come back in such a hurry, don't delay the errand."

Master Fan glared at her and said angrily, "The Fan family is about to become a laughing stock in the capital. If I don't come back, I will let you guys make trouble?"

His tone was stern, and Mrs. Fan showed grievances on her face: "Master, if it weren't for the fact that the wicked obstacles were too stateless, the concubine would not--"

Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Master Fan saying "enough".

"Yanran is my daughter, not an evil. As a mother, you should be kind and generous, how can you be as knowledgeable as a child."


Mrs. Fan felt even more wronged. Master Fan waved her hand to interrupt him, ordered her mother to let Fan Yanran go, and said to her kindly, "Sister Yan has been wronged, Daddy will definitely make up for you."

"Father, Yanran is so scared. Mother said that she should send Yanran out as soon as possible and marry away from the capital."

Fan Yanran's face was distressed, and Aunt Ruan wiped her tears and begged: "Master, Vincent and Yanran are both young, so you can stay with Yan'er for a few more years."

"Don't be afraid, your marriage daddy cares about himself."

Mr. Fan comforted his daughter with gentle words, and turned his head to look at Mrs. Fan coldly: "Gu Shi, as the mistress, how can you treat prostitutes harshly for your own selfishness. And Xi'er, as a sister, you don't know how to be courteous. Sister, let Daddy very disappointed."

"Dad, I didn't, it was her—"

"Enough, Xi'er, don't let daddy be disappointed by you again, copy two more "Women's Commandments" and learn from your sister."

Mrs. Fan's face was gray and defeated, and she was completely disappointed with her husband.

It was clearly Fan Yanran's fault, so why was her Xi'er the one who was punished in the end.

She didn't ask him to respect and love her more, but he didn't even listen to her and her daughter's explanations.

Does she have no status in his eyes as a wife?

The real master of the Fan family is still Mr. Fan. Mrs. Fan cannot marry a prostitute to another place, she can only choose to be out of sight and out of mind.

Fan Xier was wronged and no one talked about it, so she thought of the county master Fengyi, and often visited the county master's mansion.

Shu Ange didn't feel bad about Fan Xi'er, and she didn't get together with her to speak ill of Fan Yanran every day, but led her to do something more meaningful.

If you want to change the fate of a dynasty, you must start from small things.

(Meow, try to update as soon as possible today!)

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