A Quick Walkthrough: Male God, Don’t Run Away

Chapter 866: Net Red Live Conquer Prince of Tennis 19

The days away from the Internet are very relaxing. Accompanied by their daughter, Xing's father and Xing's mother are in a good mood these days.

On the National Day of the crowd, as long as there are relatives by your side, there will be beautiful scenery everywhere.

When the holiday was over, Shu Ange turned on the phone when he was about to go back to school.

"Clang clang, clang clang, clang clang."

As soon as she turned on the phone, the system prompted that there were several unread text messages.

Shu Ange was full of curiosity and opened one by one. More than a dozen unread text messages, all from the same person, the one who texted her that day.

"Go to Weibo."

"Are you here, have you looked again?"

"Where did you go? Your phone is turned off and can't get through."

"Are you alright, nothing happened."


There are a few more lines in the back, with the same meaning. They all ask her if she is there or not, and where did she go?

Shu Ange looked at the time, the earliest one was posted three nights ago.

She didn't think much about it, and called the owner of the string of numbers.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please call again later. Sorry..."

The mobile phone number was still unreachable, Shu Ange didn't try again, and opened Weibo.

She hadn't logged in for several days, and she didn't clear unread messages in time. The message reminded that column, and the number had reached 99999+.

After Shu Ange clicked a button to ignore, he entered his personal homepage.

At this time, she noticed that under the birthday live Weibo that she pinned to the top, the comments had exceeded 20,000, and the number of likes was also higher than usual. By the time she looked at it, it showed that there were already 10w+ likes.

what happened?

Shu Ange thought and clicked on the comment.

The comment on [I want to go to heaven] is still at the top, but the number of likes and replies has doubled.

Looking further down, the previous comments wishing her a happy birthday are completely missing. Instead, slander her words.

[Yue Er Fei Fei Fei]: "No wonder she looks beautiful, so she had plastic surgery. I hate plastic surgery dogs the most, and it's shameless to pretend to be an innocent female college student like this."

[Desires in the Wind]: "I heard that she didn't show her face when she played games because she found a shooter. Liar, waste of emotion, shameless."

[Revealing the true face of July]: "I will try my best to help everyone seek the truth, and uncover her true face as soon as possible."

[Mian Zixia's abcde]: "When I liked her, I really blinded my titanium alloy dog ​​eyes. With such a bad character, they cheated the audience by cheating money. This kind of person deserves to explode in place."

[haikangdjs]: "That [I want to go to heaven] is her financial master. She has been taken care of for a long time. There are pictures and the truth."

Now you don't even hit the draft when scolding people? Close your eyes and talk nonsense? Black people rely on one pair of hands plus a keyboard.

Shu Ange looked at the bad comments, shook his head and sneered and exited the homepage, and clicked on the hot search on Weibo.

At a glance, the world is even more mysterious. Two pieces of news about Shu Ange have been mixed into the hot search rankings, which have always been occupied by celebrities and various hot news.

Perfect live broadcast net red plastic surgery in July

The Internet celebrity bubble burst, and the gold owner was exposed in July

Shu Ange still has a certain understanding of Weibo's hot searches. How can her topic volume be enough to make hot searches? Someone must have bought the hot searches.

Under the topic of slandering her plastic surgery, all the comments are posted with the same picture, before the plastic surgery in July vs after the plastic surgery.

Shu Ange clicked on the picture curiously. The face before the plastic surgery was not her at all. The two only had a similar face shape and chin.

I don't know what the eyes of so many people who swear by her plastic surgery are.

Of course, the most popular thing on Weibo is her relationship with [I want to go to heaven]. Many people speculated that she was taken care of by [I want to go to heaven], according to a live video from her.

In the video, she held flowers and thanked the screen: "Thank you [I want to go to heaven] for the words.

This turned out to be a real hammer?

Shu Ange couldn't help sneering while swiping down. These are clearly trumped-up things to give her a hat!

Because Shu Ange hasn't surfed the Internet for a few days, the water army strongly advocated that July was revealed to be its true colors, so they dared not appear in front of the public.

There are also a lot of bad media, in order to gain attention, the link titles thrown out are: "Perfect July You Don't Know, Revealing the Inside Story of Female College Students' Care", "Come and Take a Look, How to Get Care of Famous University Students in July" road".

These Shu An songs can be ignored, but what she cannot tolerate is. The most popular one was a Weibo post by an id [Pa Yipa July].

That Weibo post was not only slanderous, but also had two pictures attached to it. One is her photo, and the other is posted with her real identity information and home address.

The top comment on Weibo read: "Xing Chuxiang, the liar's phone number is 135... Don't ask me who I am, I am."

Shu Ange glanced at it and quickly realized that it was her original mobile phone number. She clicked on the profile of the user who posted the comment, and the system prompted: The user does not exist.

The only people who knew her original mobile phone number were the Yang family, apart from her adoptive parents, counselors, and individual classmates.

But the only ones who knew her home address were the counselor and the Yang family. Of course, the counselor would not be so boring. Nine times out of ten, it was a family surnamed Yang.

Shu Ange remembered the way the Yang family left their house angrily because they didn't ask for favors before eleven. Combined with the characteristics of the Yang family's dark hearts, they must be retribution.

This kind of indiscriminate means must be made by the Yang family, but there may not be other people behind it to help fuel the flames.

The intrigue in the Internet celebrity circle is no less than that in the entertainment circle. Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

The Yang family is so stingy, how could they be willing to spend money on so many navy and hot searches.

After all, Shu Ange is a person who is used to seeing strong winds and waves. After Shu Ange was surprised, he put aside his disgust, first compiled a Weibo to refute rumors on Weibo, and set a time for the live broadcast that day.

She looked at it roughly, and the news began to appear sporadically about three or four days ago. At first, there was not much noise, but it was forwarded by some Internet celebrities and marketing accounts, and then it started to make a big noise.

Mu Xiu is in the forest, the wind will destroy it, Shu Ange grew up too fast, blocked the way of others, and was naturally hated by others.

Letting him fight the wind and waves is like a stroll in the courtyard. During the live broadcast that day, Shu Ange's attitude was calm and calm: "Hello everyone, I am in July, and I went out to play during the National Day holiday. I turned off my mobile phone and the Internet and did not live broadcast in time, nor did I respond to everyone's messages. Weibo, I'm sorry. Hello, I miss you all very much."

[Unlimited Links under the Moon]: "Miss Moon God, you're finally back. Those on Weibo are all what the sunspots say, don't pay attention to them."

[New Moon Yixian]: "Moon God, take away Moon God, I will always support you unswervingly."

(Cold is really uncomfortable, everyone must pay attention to your body, don't be as stupid as Lanqiao.)

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