A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 211 Only one kilometer away from death (fifth update, please subscribe!!)

Marlborough Private High School.

Tonight, the lights were brightly lit in the gymnasium, and the boys and girls in grade 12 gathered together to celebrate the happy vacation that they had begun.

The atmosphere was cheerful.

But off the court...

The security guard who was working overtime at the entrance of the university tonight looked at the three black vans approaching not far away, and after a quick reaction, he wrapped himself in his coat and walked out of the room.


"Sentinel Secret Service."

A tall and muscular man with short brown hair and dark brown eyes who was driving. Robert, who wore a golden badge symbolizing the sentinel on the left shoulder of a black secret service uniform, directly showed his ID and looked at the security guard who ran over and tried to stop them: "Open the door."

Roland Fry was sitting in the back seat with his arms folded, his eyes closed and motionless, as if he was concentrating with his eyes closed.

The school security guard was slightly startled when he saw the badge in front of his eyes.

The next second.

The back door of the van at the rear opened, and a female sentry with long black hair and a perfect curvy figure jumped out of the car with three sentries.

"Get away!"

The sentry Anna Okoyete, who wore yellow goggles on the bridge of her nose, pushed the security guard in front of her away. The two sentries behind took control of the security guards, and then the third sentry ran directly to the school gate and blocked the door. The guardrail was moved and the obstacle was cleared.

"Watch here."

Anna Okoyete, who had a sexy figure and was wearing a black tights and yellow goggles, took a look, said something to the three sentries behind her, and then hooked her left hand directly on Robert's cab. On the window, the tone was cold: "Let's go."

Robert stepped on the gas.


The three vans restarted and arrived at the stadium in almost no time.

This time, the Sentinel agents in three vans filed out.

There were two sentries in groups, divided into four groups. They carried an instrument wrapped in black canvas and ran quickly towards the four sides of the stadium.

After the two sentries ran to the right side of the stadium door, they directly placed the black canvas bag on their shoulders against the ground, and then opened the canvas bag, revealing a machine that was not made of metal and had faint blue grooves on the top. Colored liquid flowing in equipment.

X gene suppressor amplifier.

The proud work of the Sentinel Secret Service is also the fundamental reason why the Sentinel Secret Service has the upper hand in the cat-and-mouse game with mutants.

Once the X-gene suppression amplifier is turned on, any extraordinary energy fluctuations within the range will be suppressed.

In the X-gene suppression amplifier, let alone Magneto, even if his daughter Wanda comes, she will not be able to use her chaos magic in it.

"One group is ready!"

"Team 2 is ready!"

"Three groups are ready!"

"The four groups are ready."

"The X gene suppression amplifier was deployed successfully."

Roland Fury, who was wearing the same black trench coat as his brother, with an ugly face that turned dark wherever he went, unsmilingly walked out of the passenger seat of the van and looked at the cheers coming from inside. The smiling gym looked cold: "Start!"

In the four corners, the sentry agents with X-gene suppression amplifiers were placed. After receiving the order, they almost immediately started the machine in front of them.

The machine lights up!

All of a sudden.

A beam of light emerged from the bottom of the machine and penetrated into the storage ball on the top of the machine that was used to store the core ingredient X liquid.

Under the illumination of the beam, the faint blue X liquid boils at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The next second.

A similarly faint blue beam of light shot directly from the top of the machine to the sky.

Immediately afterwards.


A wave of light invisible to the naked eye started from the four corners of the gymnasium and quickly enveloped it in all directions, completely covering the gymnasium in the center.

Lorna, who was dancing at the invitation of her male partner, suddenly felt a panic in her heart and her body went limp for no reason.

Fortunately, her male dance partner saw this and quickly helped Lorna.

"Are you OK."


Lorna looked up, came to her senses, shook her head, and after regaining her balance, she looked around with some confusion, wondering why she suddenly seemed so weak just now.

at this time.

She saw Clarice running out from behind the dance floor in a panic.

Did Clarice become soft just now?

After Lorna came out, she seemed to be looking for something. After seeing herself, she stopped looking and thought so in Clarice's heart, who was running towards her.

The next second.

Lorna quickly apologized to her male dance partner, then pulled up her black dress and ran to Clarice wearing the same diamond-cut high-heeled shoes that Rachel took her to the specialty store a few days ago. .


"The Sentinels are here."


"This feels right. Our mutant abilities can't be used. Someone from the Sentinel Secret Service must be here."


Lorna looked at Clarice who stretched out her right hand towards her but didn't notice anything, and also stretched out her right hand.


Nothing happened.

Her mutant powers were gone.

at this time.


After a sound of movement, the door of the gymnasium was instantly opened from the outside.

Lorna and Clarice stood at the back, looking towards the front.

Enter the eyes.

Roland Fry, dressed in a black windbreaker, with his hands behind his back and a straight face, as if he was performing the Return of the King, led the tall and strong sentinel Robert on the left and Anna Okoyette, who was wearing tights and full of temptation on the right, followed by ten people behind him. Surrounded by two armed sentries, he walked from the darkness outside into the brightly lit stadium.

Many students who were enjoying their graduation party were stunned when they saw Roland Fury and others coming in.

Lorna subconsciously came back to her senses, said something to Clarice next to her, turned around and ran towards the place where she kept her bag not far away. After finding her bag, she quickly dialed Luke's number.

Luke, who was talking to Karl in his backyard, looked at Lorna's call and answered the phone with a smile.

"Hey, dance..."

"Luke, come and save me. The Sentinel Secret Service has surrounded our gym. Clarice and I's abilities have failed."


The smile on Luke's face disappeared almost instantly: "Sentinel Secret Service?"

He visualized the scene of Marlborough High School and tried to directly use his teleportation ability to teleport him there.


But it's not that the distance is beyond transmission range, it's that Marlborough High School seems to be shielded from transmission range.

It really is.

Luke raised his feet and instantly appeared in his black Audi A8 car in the garage.


Put into gear.


The engine of the Audi A8 roared and buzzed. Almost as soon as the garage opened a hole, it rushed out instantly: "I'll be there soon."

Rachel, who was in the living room, listened to the sound of the engine outside, turned her head curiously, and then blinked at the black Audi A8 passing by.

after awhile.

Rachel looked at the Audi A8 that disappeared in the garage, then returned to the room, looking confused at Karl, who looked a little dull from the backyard: "When did Luke... go to the garage, and... where did he go? Already?"

Karl didn't seem to hear Rachel's words. At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind.

Thick and greasy Xie Te!

Is Luke also a stranger?

No wonder he understands Jiaying so well, and unlike other villains, he doesn't covet his wife's superpowers at all.

As everyone knows.

Mutants and aliens are actually difficult to tell apart from their appearance.

And it's also obvious.

It seems that Karl has always thought that Luke is a villain, but he is a non-mainstream villain that is different from other villains.


After Luke hung up the phone with Lorna, he immediately called his most loyal brother: "Where are you?"

Jack, who was buying tickets with his girlfriend and was just about to enter the cinema, said directly: "Boss, you have something to tell me."

Just such a sentence is enough to show that Jack's loyalty is truly MAX.

"Call me all the agents in the bureau who are qualified to carry guns."


Jack was slightly startled, responded quickly, and then quickly asked for the address.

"Boss, where can I find you?"

"Marlborough Private High School!"


Luke hung up the phone directly.

As soon as he turned the steering wheel, he instantly saw the gate of Marlborough Private High School in his sight, as well as the four faint blue beams of light rising into the sky inside the gate and inside the school.


The name X Gene Suppression Amplifier appeared in Lu Ke's mind.

No wonder Lorna said her mutant powers had failed.

It's no wonder that his teleportation ability just couldn't locate Marlborough School.

Feelings are like the Sentinel Secret Service, they all moved this thing here.

Luke's thoughts were spinning.

Although his "teleportation" is a mutant ability, it is not a mutant ability, but the X-gene suppression amplifier can not only suppress mutant abilities.

Although Luke had never been to the reincarnation world of the Marvel series when he was in the Lord God Space.

But other reincarnations have come.

According to other reincarnations, the X-gene suppression amplifier is just a noun. Its function is to achieve the effect of suppressing mutant abilities by establishing a shielding field that isolates all extraordinary abilities.

Fortunately, his home is not far from Marlborough High School.


Luke drove his Audi A8 to the gate of Marlborough School.


He was stopped.

He directly took over the security work and took control of the ten sentries at the door. Looking at the approaching Luke, he instantly raised his gun and pointed it at the black Audi A8 parked in front of them.

The order they received was not to allow anyone to enter before the arrests inside were completed.

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