A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 217 There is no other way, I can only kill them all! (First update, please subscribe!)

One person does the work and one person is responsible.

When Luke sent Roland Fury to the banquet, his idea was simple.

One sentence.

He looked unhappy and didn't know why. When he saw Roland Fry's face, he felt furious, so he sent him to dinner.

Is there a problem?

Just kill someone.

Do you need to think about things, do you need to be so forward-thinking?


It might have been necessary before.

After all, Luke had not unlocked the gene lock before and was still in the developmental stage, so he might need to look forward and backward when doing things, so as not to delay his development period.

But right now he doesn't need it.

Luke, who has successfully restarted the gene lock, can be said to have entered the "growth stage". To put it bluntly, he already has a certain ability to flip the table.


If after he restarts the gene lock, he still needs to look forward and backward to kill someone, then what has he been doing in the past two years of development?

Deliberately abusing the owner?

As for Alexander?

"Whether you believe it or not, I didn't call you last night to ask you to fight the thunder for me. I just felt that Roland Fury is dead and you need to know about it."

Luke said this and looked at Alexander with a smile: "But to be honest, I thought about dragging you into trouble before yesterday, but after yesterday, I didn't think about it anymore. You are a friend worth making friends with, Sasha, I, Luke Never do anything to deceive your friends."

If Seve hadn't told him the reason why Roland Fury betrayed Alexander yesterday.

Luke would indeed consider dragging Alexander into the water.


Alexander did not drag him into the water.

No matter what Alexander thought at the time, it was because he was afraid of him that he did not agree with Roland Fury's idea of ​​dealing with Luke, or for some other reason.

Luke couldn't care less.

He is a person who has always ignored his intentions.

The result is the most important thing. As for the process, it is not important at all, and it may be boring.


Alexander didn't drag him into the water, so he definitely wouldn't drag Alexander into the water.

"As for trouble."


Luke thought about the troubles Alexander thought would be caused by the death of Roland Fury, shook his head and looked at Alexander.

"Sasha, do you know what is the biggest difference between you and me?"


Alexander came back to his senses, listened to these words, and looked at Luke with a hint of curiosity.

The corner of Lu Ke's mouth rose: "I dare to kill people you dare not kill. This is the biggest difference between you and me."

Alexander's face darkened instantly.

Luke laughed, reached for the bourbon on the table, refilled it for Alexander, then shook his head and said: "Don't believe it, the trouble you are causing is either Daniel Whitehorse or Nick Fury. I'm right."

Alexander looked up at Luke and sneered: "I'll kill you even if I know you."

Lu Ke spread his hands: "I can't help it, my emotions are at that point. If I don't kill him, I won't be able to get through my thoughts."

He let Roland Fury go twice.

If this is the third time, let him go.

Roland Fry will probably be overjoyed, but he may be completely thrown off.

Alexander took a deep breath after hearing Luke's relaxed words, and looked at Luke with a solemn expression: "Then you should know that Daniel Whitehorse will definitely take revenge after knowing about this matter."

Luke smiled slightly.

"I have a plan."


"You tell me where Daniel Whitehorse is, I go find him, and then, I chop him up."

Luke told Alexander his plan: "If he wants revenge, he must die. Believe me, I am very good at killing people."

To him, this kind of thing is very familiar to him.

There was no expression on Alexander's face.

"What about his brother, Nick Fury."

"Simple, kill them all together."

Luke leaned on the sofa, turned his face sideways, and looked at Alexander beside him: "There is no difference to me between killing one person and killing two."

After hearing this, Alexander was silent for a while. Under Luke's gaze, he stretched out his palms and began to applaud: "It's a perfect plan."

When Lu Ke saw this, he couldn't help but be happy: "You also think my plan is good?"

Damn Fuck.

Finally, someone appreciates and agrees with my plan.

At this moment, Luke couldn't help but pull Boss Tang, Brian, and Pan Ning over directly.

He wanted to tell these three guys.

have a look!

What is true tacit understanding?

At this moment, Alexander's status in Luke's heart has been pulled directly from the friend assessment list to the "life confidant" column.

after awhile.

Alexander stopped clapping, looked at Luke, and said calmly: "The plan is a good guy, but there is a problem."

Luke welcomes anyone's comments on his plans.

After all, he is very willing to accept criticism from others with a guilty conscience.

Criticism will make people progress.

Alexander didn't dwell too much and directly stated his problem: "The problem is, I don't know where Daniel Whitehorse is."

When Luke heard this, he immediately looked at Alexander with suspicious eyes.

"It's true. Don't talk about me. Even Dr. Zola, I'm afraid he can't find the specific location of Daniel Whitehorse."

"You have to know that this guy will do anything for his own immortality."

Alexander said this, and then his voice gradually became lower: "This guy was from World War II, and he hasn't aged yet. Do you know how he got like this?"

Luke shook his head knowingly.


"I heard that in order to rejuvenate his youth, this guy killed a mutant or alien with the ability to live forever, and replaced all of that person's organs."


Luke was shocked, as if hearing this gossip for the first time, and glanced at Alexander: "Really or not, so cruel?"

Alexander smiled and said: "In order to snatch the "super potion" in my hand, this guy promised other leaders that they would live forever, because he said that he saw this woman appear again not long ago."

Luke's heart moved.


Carl's feeling was right.

They were really targeted by Daniel Whitehorse again.

After Alexander said this, he immediately shook his head: "Besides, their cruelty is beyond your imagination. So, do you think I didn't do anything just because I was afraid of Daniel Whitehorse?"

Daniel Whitehorse kidnapped others to put pressure on him.

This is what annoys Alexander these days.

One Daniel Whitehorse is not enough to make Alexander, the director of the Federation Hydra, so fearful that he dare not take action.

But when Daniel Whitehorse hooked up with someone else, he had to think more about it.

After Alexander finished speaking, he immediately looked at Luke: "Moreover, if you really kill Daniel Whitehorse, you will really have set a big trap, and other Hydra leaders will definitely not let you continue to live. "

Luke raised the corner of his mouth and glanced at Alexander: "Even if I expose them?"

Alexander looked serious: "We are never afraid of exposure, because the prerequisite for exposure is that the matter is true, and even if you really expose it, they will not change their minds."

The rabbit dies and the fox is sad.

Things harm their own kind.

Nothing more than that.

In the eyes of other leaders, if Luke dared to kill Daniel Whitehorse today, he would dare to send them to a banquet tomorrow.

Therefore, this matter must be dealt with hard!

Luke rubbed his chin.

"It's so troublesome."

"You think it's easy?"

"Then there's nothing we can do about it."

Luke sighed, shook his head, and looked at Alexander's eyes: "In that case, I can only kill them all."

"..." Alexander.

Therefore, intrigues and so on are the most troublesome.

It's better to be simple and crude.

If you want to kill me, I will kill you.

Simple, direct and efficient.

Luke thought, got up, walked to his desk, found a notepad and a pen, returned to the sofa, opened the notepad, and wrote: "Daniel Whitehorse, Baron Zemo, Ste. Lark also..."

When writing this, Luke frowned and looked up at Alexander, who had a dull expression: "Who else is coming? I'll make a list so that I won't miss it later."

Alexander replied blankly: "Arnim Zola, Alexander Pierce,"

Luke said oh and wrote down Dr. Arnim Zola, and Alexander Peel...


Luke raised his eyebrows, looked up at Alexander, and shook his head speechlessly: "Sasha, naughty, you are my friend, no, you are my confidant, I will not kill you, don't worry."

The corner of Alexander's mouth twitched. He looked at Luke who was lowering his head and preparing to continue writing. He grabbed the notepad in front of Luke and tore it into pieces in a second.

Luke did not stop Alexander, but leaned on the sofa and admired the scene of Alexander tearing up the notepad.

After Alexander tore it to pieces, he couldn't help but comb his hair, which was not much, and leaned on the sofa, panting.

Obviously, taking a note just now made his blood pressure a little high again.

After Alexander took two more pills, he calmed down his excited heart, and then looked at Luke with a speechless look: "Okay, tell me, what exactly do you want to do."

Luke was slightly startled and looked at Alexander with some confusion.

"Isn't that what you said? Daniel Whitehorse won't let me go, so I'll kill him. Then you said that the others won't let me go, so I'll kill them all."


Alexander looked at Luke, whose face was filled with expressions of "innocent" and "didn't you say that?" He opened his mouth again, resisted the urge to take a third dose of blood pressure-lowering medication, rubbed his eyebrows and said: " Did Dr. Zola's man, Seve, say anything to you yesterday?"

Luke: "..."

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