A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 219: Stop pretending, I’m showing off my cards (Third update, please subscribe!!)


It’s as if no one can do it.

Doesn't Luke often PUA Jack?


When he PUAd Jack, he really put the pie in Jack's mouth and waited for him to eat it before he PUAd.

Dr. Zola?

Low level.

Luke yesterday afternoon, after Seve told Dr. Zola that he wanted to cooperate with him, he immediately understood what Dr. Zola wanted to play.

He just saw through it, not said anything about it.

"Dr. Zola is just playing a small game that can only fool the stupid young man."

"Roland Fury has always been a nobody, but who kills him is the key."

"If I kill you, then, as you said, you will be dragged into the water by me whether you want it or not, and then, at the end of the story, there will be only the last winner, Dr. Zola."

"Even if I am not dead by then, he has fulfilled his promise and killed Daniel Whitehorse. I have offended other Hydra leaders. Because of my cooperation with him, I will definitely offend you, so he gave me to If you push him forward, I will be just an empty frame and become his vassal."

"Even if you and Daniel Whitehorse are not dead, you must be severely damaged. You are like a snipe and a clam fighting, and Zola can be the fisherman who wins in the end."

Luke shrugged, looked at Alexander with a smile, and used absolute rationality to describe Dr. Zola's plan and the effect he wanted to achieve, and then nodded: "Yes, I know, I have learned from You’ll know it from the beginning.”

Alexander frowned momentarily.

"You knew what he was planning, but you still did it."

"Because I really want Roland Fury dead."

Luke interrupted and looked at Alexander: "What I just said is the truth. If I don't want to kill him, Zola is not qualified to let me do it. If he dares to mess around, I will dare to pull out his network cable. "


Luke stretched out his right hand, met Alexander's gaze, and snapped his fingers.


Darkness instantly enveloped everything.

Alexander stood up from the sofa subconsciously, looked at the surroundings shrouded in darkness, and looked at Luke warily.

"Where is this?"

"Dark Space."

Luke stood up from the sofa underneath him with a smile.

The moment he stood up and left the sofa, the sofa that was brought into the dark space was also pushed out and returned to where he was supposed to be.

If someone pushed the door in from the outside, they would not see Luke and Alexander. They would only see two black spots as big as fists floating in the air on the side of the sofa.

This dark space is the "variant-dark space" that Luke obtained from the Mandarin not long ago.

Today is his first time using it.

The effect is okay!

Luke felt that after unfolding, there was a dark space about the size of two football fields, and he nodded involuntarily.

This skill is quite convenient.

If you want to take the enemy's head from Wanjun in the future, but are worried about too many minions, you can directly use this dark space to drag the enemy directly into here, and then slowly process it.

Unfortunately, this dark space has a drawback.

It cannot move.

Where did you expand this dark space? That’s where you will be when you go out.

But this is nothing to Luke.

"Variant - Teleportation"

This skill can ensure that he can come and go freely.

After Luke summoned the dark space, he quickly analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of this dark space in his mind. After the analysis, he came back to his senses, smiled and looked at his face with vigilance, and his right hand was also facing towards him. Alexander, who touched his waist, shook his head and said, "Sasha, do you think the pistol is effective on me?"

The words fell.

"Variant - golden body!" 』


Luke instantly turned into a golden man wearing a suit and leather shoes. He moved his head made of pure gold, like a handsome golden statue, and smiled at Alexander again.

Alexander was dumbfounded.


"Don't worry."

Lu Kejin stretched out his right hand again, and then moved his right fingers slightly.


A pistol flew into the air from Alexander's lower back and flew towards Luke.

Alexander saw this and tried to grab it.


He caught a loneliness.

Luke held the pistol floating beside him with his right hand. After grabbing it, he faced Alexander's gaze and pulled the trigger directly to his head.

Gunfire rang out.

One bullet after another burst out of the barrel with flames splashing, but after leaving the barrel, one after another floated strangely in front of Luke.

Alexander's pupils shrank violently.

Luke then raised his left hand.

The wind howled.

In an instant, a mini tornado appeared in his palm.

Luke then threw the small tornado formed in his left hand. In an instant, the small tornado grew in size, roaring and raging in the dark space.

Alexander felt the oncoming strong wind, his pupils were dilated and his expression was dull.

at this time.


Light struck again, and by the time Alexander reacted, he had already left the dark space, while Luke was still sitting on the sofa nearby.

this moment.

Alexander wondered if he had just fallen into a hallucination.


Luke looked at Alexander who looked confused and seemed to be doubting his life. He raised the corner of his mouth and handed the pistol in his right hand back to Alexander: "Sasha, your gun."

Alexander came back to his senses, saw his own gun in Luke's hand, and subconsciously touched his lower back.

Wait a moment.

Alexander's eyes shrank again and he looked at Luke.

"What I just saw..."

"Yes, it's all true."


"Who told you not to believe me?"

Luke shrugged, and under Alexander's gaze, he once again created a mini tornado in the palm of his right hand: "I didn't want to do this, but if you don't believe it, then okay. In that case, I won't pretend, I will Showdown.”

Alexander: "..."

Luke really didn't want to waste more than ten hours arguing with Alexander on such inconsequential matters.

Roland Fury is dead, so there is no point in talking about anything else now.

He originally didn't want to play the trick of appearing holy in front of others.

At least he won't take the initiative to play.

Because he has passed the middle school age, and now he is just an ordinary person who looks only twenty-five years old on the outside, but on the inside he is just an ordinary person who wants to work hard on his own so that he can enjoy his retirement life. Just retired reincarnators.

Luke said this, then threw the mini tornado in his palm into his bourbon, and then drank his homemade Thunder Storm bourbon in one gulp.

A storm rages in the mouth.

It looks like the popping candy I used to eat when I was little.

Luke then moved his right hand, drifting the pistol that had just been cleared of the magazine in front of him towards Alexander.

Alexander subconsciously reached out and took it.

Luke then smiled and said, "How about that."

Alexander put the gun back on his waist and looked at Luke.


"With such strength, I think, I have the qualifications to do whatever I want, for example, Daniel Whitehorse?"

"not enough."

Alexander shook his head: "Such strength can only guarantee that other leaders will not get involved to avoid affecting themselves. However, if Daniel Whitehorse wants to hide, you still can't find him."

Luke nodded, then looked at Alexander, smiled and said: "What about you, is this enough?"

Alexander's eyes shrank and he looked at Luke expressionlessly.

"who are you."


Luke smiled, picked up the wine glass on the table, approached Alexander, handed the wine glass to the latter, and then clinked his own wine glass: "I did not agree to Dr. Zola's plan on the spot because I believed You are the only partner, and I want to hear your opinion first, Sasha. The most important thing for a partner is trust. We have already made a good start, so I don’t want to destroy the trust established between us.”

This is not PUA.

He dares to swear!

Integrity is the most important label for a responsible man. No one would want to deal with or do business or cooperate with a dishonest person.

Just like younger brothers don't like to work behind a capricious boss who won't protect them if something goes wrong.

Alexander looked down at the bourbon in his hand, then looked up at Luke, whose face was full of sincerity, and fell silent.

He can still tell whether a person is lying.


With the strength that Luke just showed, Alexander understood that Luke had no need to lie, and there was no need to lie at all.

Alexander was thinking, and then under Luke's gaze, he stretched out his wine glass, touched it with Luke's, and then took a sip.

When Lu Ke saw this, he also smiled and raised his glass and took a sip.

after awhile.

The two sat back on the sofa.

Alexander closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then opened his eyes again, and looked at Luke. There was no longer the irritability and anger in his eyes when he first came here, and there was no trace of the pain of being stabbed in the back.

at this moment.

Alexander showed the qualities a super villain should have.

"What are you planning to do?"

"I just wanted to chop up Roland Fury, that's all."

Luke shrugged and once again emphasized his motive for killing Roland Fury, then looked at Alexander: "But I have to say, Dr. Zola's proposal is quite tempting."

Alexander nodded: "It is indeed quite tempting to kill Daniel Whitehorse and then sit in Daniel Whitehorse's position, but there is a problem."

Luke gestured with his hand.

"Please say."

"Do you think he is really so generous? Cooperate with him and seek skin from the tiger."

"What about the two of us?"


Luke looked at Alexander with a smile on his face and picked up the wine glass in his hand again: "With your words, let's work together. Who do you think is seeking the skin of a tiger and who is dancing with a wolf?"

Alexander: "..."

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