A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 224 My younger brother is dead and my older brother is here (Third update, please subscribe!

Chapter 224 My younger brother is dead and my older brother is here (Third update, please subscribe!!)

Luke doesn't care whether Dr. Zola cooperates with him.

After all, cooperation is a two-way choice.

Before the two parties formally reach a cooperation agreement, both parties have the right to choose to regret it.

This is normal.

Any normal person would do a risk assessment before cooperating.

Didn't Luke also spend some time doing a risk assessment after Dr. Zola proposed cooperation?

"Is two days enough?"


"Two days are enough for you to think about it."

Luke smiled.

"If you are willing to cooperate, please give me a reply within two days. If you are late, I will regard you as giving up this cooperation. If you want to refund the deposit collected before, you can come to me at any time to refund it."

"When did I decide for you..."

Seve on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, then realized what Luke was talking about as a deposit, his face suddenly darkened, and then he grabbed the phone with all his charm and spoke.



"If I bite it off when the time comes, I won't pay for it."

"Don't worry, you don't have to pay."


Bite off?

Can you bite it off?

Great, when the time comes, I will directly turn part of it into gold.

Luke thought in his mind.

Nine o'clock in the evening.

Rachel finished tonight's first live show, thinking about the news she had received earlier about Luke and Pierce's breakup, and hurried home.

Just out the garage door.


The portable fireworks exploded instantly, and as Rachel exclaimed, fireworks streamers fell from above her head.

Luke and Lorna each held newly opened fireworks sticks and lined up to welcome Rachel, who had a successful debut.

Lorna stepped forward and hugged Rachel.

"Sister-in-law, you looked great during the live broadcast."


Rachel hugged Lorna, listened to the latter's praise, said thank you, and then smiled at Luke, who was standing behind and had changed into pajamas: "Are you going to give me a reward?"

Lorna coughed, let go of Rachel, and walked towards the stairs to the second floor without looking back.

"I don't think I can participate in the next content. I'm going to bed first. Good night."

"Good night, Lorna."

Rachel said to Lorna who had already gone up the stairs. After Lorna got to the second floor, she put down her bag and opened her arms towards Luke: "I've been busy all day. I'm exhausted today. I didn't even take a shower." I have strength, but I wonder if my fiancé is willing to help."

Luke reached out and took Rachel, who seemed to have no strength to throw herself into his arms, and said with a smile: "What would happen if I said I didn't want to."

Rachel raised her eyes, her eyes filled with emotion.

"Then, someone will have to sleep on the sofa alone tonight."


Luke definitely didn't want to sleep on the sofa, so due to Rachel's power, he had no choice but to give in and make a cameo job as a bathing boy.

While he was taking a bath, his employer probably felt that he was doing a good job and worked very hard, so he gave him a sweet treat once or twice.

Two hours later.

After consuming about two meals of bath water, Luke walked out of the bathroom holding Rachel, whose face was a little pink, probably because the bath water was a little hot, and then put the princess in his arms into the fragrant bath. in bed.

Another hour of fun.

Rachel, who made sure to check Luke's homework every night to see if there was anything missing. After Luke handed over his perfect answer sheet, she moved in bed, pulled the blanket, wrapped herself in the spring sunshine, and grabbed a mineral spring next to her. After taking a sip of water, he looked at Luke who turned on his cell phone.

"What are you looking at?"

"The weather tomorrow morning."

Luke turned off his cell phone, put it aside, and said to Rachel: "I have an appointment with the supervisor of the district inspection team to play golf tomorrow morning."

Rachel's mind flashed quickly with the appearance and name of the district attorney's chief: "Mars, are you trying to fix this case as soon as possible?"

Lu Ke nodded: "Although the suspect is dead, the procedures still need to be followed."

The results of the FBI are just the results of the investigation. Only after a trip to the District Attorney's Office can the results of the investigation be turned into the results of the case.

"Do you need me to accompany you tomorrow morning?"

"Need not."

Luke shook his head: "I pulled Pan Ning up."

Hearing this, Rachel nodded: "That's okay, if Pan Ning goes, I won't go."

She breathed a sigh of relief.

If only Lu Ke goes there alone tomorrow, then this matter is Lu Ke's own business.

So she plans to accompany Luke there tomorrow.

But if Pan Ning passes by tomorrow, it means that this is not a matter of Lu Ke alone, but a matter of the Los Angeles branch of the FBI.

Since it is business, it would be inappropriate for her to go there tomorrow.


Rachel looked at Luke with some curiosity: "If you and Alexander don't get along very well, why are there rumors today that you and Alexander had a big quarrel, and then, someone was saying... something."

Luke raised an eyebrow.


"Wait a minute while I think about it."

Rachel frowned, recalling the gossip information that had just spread to the TV station not long ago, and then looked at Luke: "By the way, some people said that you were standing at the floor-to-ceiling window and said something to Alexander, and it seemed that you suddenly Alexander’s face turned red with anger?”

When Lu Ke heard this, he thought seriously about some of the things he said when he and Alexander had a fight.

The next second.

Luke looked at Rachel: "If young people are not arrogant, how can they still be called young people?"

Rachel shook her head: "No, there seems to be some ice or something."

Luke raised an eyebrow.

"I see."


"My whole life, I have been walking on thin ice. You are the only one. Will I fall off this time?"

Luke repeated what he said to Alexander at that time, and then thought about it: "Don't say it yet, after I said this, his face did turn red obviously."

The quarrel is naturally fake.


The blush is real.

Alexander may have felt that what he said was too pretentious, so he was probably furious.

But he didn't mean to say that.

The main thing was to catch up, but at that point, when Alexander asked him to be careful not to fall, this sentence suddenly popped up in his mind.


Luke felt that this sentence suited him quite well.

He has been here for two years, but he has been walking on thin ice. Now, he finally has a little ability to protect himself.

It's also like walking on thin ice in the main god space.

no way.

Knowing that he is not the protagonist, if he is not careful, he may die without knowing how.

Luke recalled Alexander's face at that time and couldn't help but shook his head.

Rachel looked at the expression on Luke's face. Under the quilt, the sexy body adjusted its position and wrapped around Luke's legs like an octopus. Then she got close to Luke and flashed her eyes: "So, are you really Did you have a fight with Alexander?"

Luke smiled and looked at Rachel, who was petting him like a koala.

"you guess."


Rachel looked at the smile on Luke's face and raised her eyebrows.



Luke lowered his head and blocked Rachel's words: "It's dark, it's time to go to bed."

Rachel: "..."

He didn't want Rachel to come into contact with something as negative as Hydra, but he didn't want Rachel to worry about him.

After all, in everyone's minds, offending a federal member of the Security Council would basically result in you carrying a lantern to the toilet.

But Rachel is a smart woman.

It is simply a combination of beauty and virtuousness.

the next day.

A golf course.

Lu Ke, Pan Ning, and the director of the District Attorney's Office, Mas, were sitting on the lounge chairs under the umbrellas, chatting and laughing.

The heavy rain last night came and went quickly.

It only took one night for the rain to clear up.

Luke looked up at the blue sky and white clouds above his head, smiled, and said to Pan Ning and Mas: "The air after a heavy rain is especially sweet."

Pan Ning smiled and said: "Although the air after a heavy rain is very sweet, to be honest, I don't like heavy rains very much, what do you think, Mas?"

Mas reached out to take the mineral water on the leisure table, opened it and took a sip. He looked at Lu Ke and Pan Ning and said with a smile: "I am young and older, and I still prefer more stable weather."

Luke crossed his legs and said with a smile: "I've seen the weather forecast. It's just such a heavy rain, and the weather after that seems to be sunny with a suitable temperature."

Mas was a little happy: "Really? It will be sunny in the next few days. That's great. In a few days, I can go to the beach to surf again. By the way, Luke, maybe in a few days, we can go together?"


Lu Ke smiled and looked at Pan Ning: "Are you free? Let's meet together then?"

Pan Ning also smiled and said: "Two to zero, if I object, are you free?"

Luke and Mars looked at each other and laughed.

Half an hour later.

After the three simply played a round of golf, they agreed to go surfing together in a few days, and then parted in the parking lot with their respective equipment.

After Luke and Pan Ning watched Mas drive away, they turned around and returned to their black Audi A8 car. They opened the trunk door and put on their shoulders a suit that Rachel had bought for almost $100,000. The golf set was thrown in.



After Pan Ning put on his seat belt, he said to Luke: "There is no problem in the ground inspection."

Luke nodded.

Although the content of the chat between the three of them at the golf course did not involve the current case.

But every sentence talks about this case.

Mas finally said that the three of them would go surfing together in a few days and expressed his attitude.

Some things cannot be said directly.

Naturally, you will understand.

Just as Luke was driving towards the Federal Building with Pan Ning, the phone rang.




"Director, someone is coming."


"National Security Agency, Nick Fury."


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