A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 229: Dongguo’s Moral Mysophobia (Third update, please subscribe!!)

all in all.

In the past two days, Nick Fury and the others' investigation could not be said to have progressed at a rapid pace, nor could it be said that they found nothing.

Whoever asked was ignored.

In the past two days, the SHIELD agents who ran out to look for clues deeply understood the meaning of this sentence.

People hate dogs, that's all.

Moreover, after the Colombian TV station broke the news and the report was released that the assistant director of the National Security Agency led a team to verify the case, Nick Fury suffered even more from the media and public opinion in Los Santos and even California. pressure.

Because the FBI has already given the report on this case.

And because Luke Dane is not considered top-notch in the minds of the people on the West Coast, but he can still be considered top-notch, everyone believes in this survey result.

The outcome of this case was exactly as described in the FBI briefing.

After all, Luke Dane has performed brilliantly and upright once or twice. People have their own filters. It cannot be said that they see justice when they see Luke. But it can also be said that under the premise that Luke does not have thunderstorms, Choose to believe Luke.

What's more, the Sentinel Secret Service has a bad reputation.

It is actually a miracle for a local law enforcement agency to achieve the same reputation as the CIA.

What is the reputation of the CIA in the country?

Put it this way.

As long as the CIA appears in a case, no matter who the murderer is, the CIA cannot be innocent anyway.

The same goes for the Sentinel Secret Service, which has a reputation similar to that of the CIA.


Since Columbia TV broke the news the day before yesterday, angry calls have been made one after another to the mayor’s hotline and even to the reception desk of the Department of Homeland Security’s branch in California.

And with the angry people making such a fuss, the real Department of Homeland Security can't sit still.

Just when Nick Fury and his right-hand man were in the office, they were looking at the intelligence compiled the next day.

The phone rings.

"It's Gassenna's again."


Natasha and Coulson looked at each other, then fell silent as they looked at Nick Fury who grabbed the phone.

Gassenna, Director, Department of Homeland Security, California.

Nick Fury took a deep breath and after being on the phone for the past two days, he actually no longer wanted to answer the phone.


"Nick, Fort Meade called again."

Fort Meade, the headquarters of the National Security Agency, also refers to the abbreviation of the Department of Homeland Security, just like NSA is also one of its abbreviations.

Gassenna, the California director of the Department of Homeland Security, said straight to the point: "Tell me directly whether there are any problems with this case."

Nick Fury frowned slightly.

"There's definitely something wrong with this case."

"Personal question?"

Gassenna sighed and said: "Do you know what the major law enforcement agencies in Washington are saying now, saying that you insist that there is a problem with this case because of personal issues, if it weren't for your good boss Alexander? Now, the Quantico headquarters is already planning to remove people."

Nick Fury was slightly startled: "Alexander?"

Gassenna frowned and said: "Why, you don't know that it was Alexander who withstood the pressure from Quantico and the Ministry of Justice."

Nick Fury pursed his thick lips: "I'm sorry, I really don't know. In the past two days..."

Gassenna didn't just come to tell Nick Fury that someone was helping him withstand the pressure, he just brought the topic back on track.

"You and Director Dane agreed on three days, isn't tomorrow the last day?"


"What Fort Meade means is that your authority will be ready to be withdrawn at six o'clock tomorrow afternoon, if you haven't found evidence yet."


"Follow the rules of the game, Nick, and don't make it difficult for us. You have to know that although you are the ones doing the work, it is our Department of Homeland Security who is helping you carry the pressure of public opinion."

The words fell.

Gassenna once again emphasized the deadline for the game to Nick Fury and then hung up the phone.

Nick Fury listened to the blind tone on the phone and put down the phone.

after awhile.

He seemed to have thought of something, grabbed the phone again, and then dialed the phone directly to Alexander Pierce.

The call was also answered quickly.

"Good afternoon, sir." Nick Fury calmed down his aggrieved mood in the past two days and said hello to Alexander on the other end of the phone.

The sun had already set over there, and Alexander said with a smile: "It's already night here. I wanted to have a drink with you the day before yesterday, but I heard that you went to Los Santos for the Roland Fury case. of?"

Nick Fury hummed quietly.


Although his brother's conduct and character are not very good, and every time he talks about it, his brother has not changed at all.

But after all, his brother is his biological brother.

Alexander also put down the pen in his hand, rubbed his eyebrows, and said in a deep voice: "The day after this case happened, I happened to go to Los Santos for something, and I went to find Luke specifically to find out more. From the file From the looks of it, there are no problems.”

Nick Fury's one eye shrinks.

"My brother..."

"Do you have evidence?"

Alexander interrupted directly: "You have been investigating for two days. Have you found any evidence to support your argument?"

Nick Fury said nothing.

Alexander shook his head and changed the subject: "You should know that after the Roland Fury case happened, the next day, after I went to the FBI in Los Santos, I had a big fight with this Luke."

Nick Fury snorted.

After these two days, the big fight between Alexander and Luke was no longer a secret among the major law enforcement agencies.

At the same time, the reason for the quarrel between the two was also exposed because of the arrival of Nick Fury in the name of Homeland Security.

After the case was over, Luke originally planned to report it to the federal people without any concealment.

After all, the people of the Federation have the right to know the truth about this case.

But Alexander disagreed.

the reason is simple.

Roland Fury's brother is Nick Fury, the nominal Assistant Director of Homeland Security and the actual Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

His own brother was suspected of colluding with an internationally wanted Mandarin in an attempt to murder an FBI Assistant Director of Operations?

If this was known to the people of the Federation, it would be difficult not to doubt whether Roland Fury's brother, Nick Fury, was also involved.

Alexander's suggestion was to treat Nick Fury's situation coldly, for the sake of Nick Fury's future.


Luke expressed dissatisfaction with Alexander's behavior.

This is why the two of them had a quarrel.

After the cause of the quarrel was exposed, many law enforcement agencies first responded that this was the real cause of the quarrel.

Everyone knows that Director Alexander Pierce is Nick Fury’s old boss, so it is reasonable for Alexander to defend Nick Fury in this way.

Just like Luke, who was famous as a justice and West Coast superhero since his debut, he is well known for not accepting any form of compromise.


Alexander shook his head and said: "Before you go, you should have told me in advance."

Nick Fury opened his mouth.

"Sorry, sir."

"Forget it, it's useless to talk about it now."

"I'm sorry, sir."

"You're the only one you're sorry for."

Alexander sighed, and finally shook his head and said: "The directors of the East and Russia have also paid attention to this matter. They are considering whether you are still qualified to continue to serve as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., if this case is not reversed. .”

Federal employees will not engage in online third-generation searches.

After all, if this is really going to happen, it is estimated that there will be no innocent person in the Federation.

But Dongguo is different.

As everyone knows.

Dongguo is very immoral when it comes to selecting people.

And the current case, after a period of hype from the West Coast media people, has made a big fuss. If the case is true, Nick Fury, the brother of the suspect, will definitely not be able to serve as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The reason why Russia also agrees is simple.

Russia will vote in favor of anything that makes the federation unhappy or creates trouble for the federation.

This time is naturally no exception.

Nick Fury couldn't help being stunned when he heard this sentence: "Sir, even if it is true, it was my brother and I who committed the crime..."

Alexander interrupted again: "After you left Luke, Luke made a special call to me. Did he tell you that he hoped you wouldn't make this matter a big deal, for your own sake?"

When Nick Fury heard these words, Luke's handsome face and that smile that he thought was very annoying appeared in his mind.

"The reason I closed the case so quickly was for your own good, Director Fury. I wanted to take care of the overall situation, your overall situation."


Could it be that this thing is from Dongguo...

Nick Fury's one eye shrinks.

Alexander on the other end of the phone finally shook his head: "Anyway, Nick, be mentally prepared."


Alexander just hung up the phone.

After all, he had done enough, and in the end, it was Nick Fury who failed to live up to his expectations and it had nothing to do with him.

He believed that even if Nick Fury was kicked out, he would still be grateful to him.

After Alexander hung up the phone, he played with the phone in his hand, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and showed a funny smile.

After Nick Fury put down the phone, his expression turned completely ugly.

There has been no progress in the case.

He can't even keep his position?


I still have a chance.

As long as I find a flaw in this case, I have a chance.

Nick Fury took a deep breath and looked up at Natasha: "You just said, what was the name of the federal agent who followed us that day?"

Natasha handed the tablet over as if she was prepared: "I checked, Ben Stasiak, he said he has something we want."

Nick Fury: "..."

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