A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 232 This is Director SHIELD! (First update, please subscribe!)

When Nick Fury and Coulson appeared in the reception hall of the federal building with Ben Stasiak, they instantly attracted the attention of the federal agents on the first floor.

The next second.

After more than a dozen federal agents reacted, they all took out their guns from their waists. In a split second, they pointed their guns at the traitor Ben Stasiak who was defined as a "collaborator and treason" this morning.


"Farke, put your hands up!"


Several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents responsible for protecting Nick Fury also took out their own guns as quickly as possible, firmly protecting their director Nick Fury in the middle, and raised their guns to fight with the people surrounding them. Federal agents faced off.

The atmosphere was tense.

If one of the federal agents or S.H.I.E.L.D. agents here who is not very professional or psychologically competent accidentally pulls the trigger.

That picture...

The dignified director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was afraid that his blood would be splattered on the spot.

at this time.


Luke took Earl out of the elevator. After walking out of the elevator, he looked at the crowded crowd in front of him and said in a deep voice.

A dozen federal agents turned around.




Luke led Earl through the road where federal agents automatically separated, and walked to Nick Fury, who was protected by four SHIELD agents plus Coulson. He first glanced at Ben Stasiak, and then His eyes fell on Nick Fury again, he smiled and said hello politely.

No matter what, he and Nick Fury have not reached the level of openly breaking up with each other, they are still playing within the rules, and the demeanor of a big shot cannot be lost.

"Director Fury."

"Chief Dane."

After Luke and Nick Fury said hello with a smile, he put his hands in his pockets and looked at Ben Stasiak, who had his head lowered and did not dare to look directly at his cub: "Director Fury, come here this time. Did you give this traitor to me specifically?"

Ben Stasiak instantly looked up at Luke.

Nick Fury on the side is smiling.



When Ben Stasiak heard this, he was completely stunned. He looked in disbelief at the fact that he had only promised him yesterday to join the National Security Agency and given him the title of Director of Investigations of the National Security Agency, but now he said that he would Nick Fury he sent out: "The Fury Bureau..."

He had just spoken with a somewhat excited expression, but before he could speak, the SHIELD agents on the side had directly pressed down on both sides of his shoulders.

Ben Stasiak was completely dumbfounded.

The whole person was shaking with excitement.

Luke was not surprised at all by this. He glanced at Ben Stasiak and said, "Idiot, I'm afraid you still don't understand what's going on."

When Ben Stasiak heard this, he stared at Luke angrily.

"you this……"


Earl stepped out with his right foot, and his right palm flew out like an afterimage, and slapped Ben Stasiak instantly on the cheek.

The applause thundered instantly.


When Ben Stasiak turned his head to one side, a mouthful of blood spurted out from Earl's palm, and then his whole body was slapped directly.


Earl withdrew his right hand and said to the two federal agents: "Take him into the dark room."

The two federal agents nodded.

After receiving a nod from Nick Fury, the two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents holding down Ben Stasiak silently transferred control of Ben Stasiak to the approaching federal agent.


Two federal agents, like dragging a dead dog, dragged Ben Stasiak, a traitor and collaborator, toward the small dark room in the basement of the federal building.

Luke took Nick Fury and his team back to the small conference room on the top floor.


After Luke opened his chair, he said something to Earl, and then looked at Nick Fury with a smile.

"What would you like to drink, Director Fury?"



Earl nodded and walked towards the door of the small conference room.

Luke leaned on the chair behind him, pointed his chin with his finger, and looked at Nick Fury, who was sitting in the first place on the left, with a smile: "I originally thought that Director Fury didn't intend to give the person to me, and was going to ask me as soon as he came up. I want all the evidence in this case.”

Nick Fury stared at Luke with his one eye: "Director Dane deliberately left his traitor unapprehended. He just hoped that after I get the traitor, just like Director Dane said, he would come directly to the door and choose to fight hard with the FBI." .”

Luke laughed.

"Director Fury, you are very funny."

"Not as funny as Director Dane."

Nick Frippy said with a smile, and said to Luke: "Director Dane can still laugh when he sees that I didn't play my cards according to your plan. I'm afraid he was already prepared for this. "

Luke looked sideways and looked at Nick Fury with a smile: "Really? Director Fury really thinks so?"

at this time.

Earl walked in from the outside, placed a poured glass of whiskey in front of Nick Fury, and handed the bourbon to Luke.

Luke motioned for Earl to come over and said a few words.

Earl nodded and then left the small conference room again.

Luke then picked up the wine glass in his hand, took a sip, then looked at Nick Fury and smiled: "Well, I originally wanted to see Director Fury choose to confront me head-on."

He really hopes to see Nick Fury bring the traitor Ben Stasiak to the door, and directly choose to confront him.

Because the tougher Nick Fury is, the bigger the noise will be, and in the end, Nick Fury will lose more miserably.


Nick Fury may lose his position as director of S.H.I.E.L.D. because of this.

But for now.

Nick Fury did not choose to really break his face. It can be said that there is nothing wrong with his IQ as the director of SHIELD.

It's just that it shouldn't be. You are Nick Fury. Why did you suddenly become intimidated?

Luke was curious.


Nick Fury was planning on breaking up, especially when Ben Stasiak betrayed him and told him the evidence was in the evidence room.

He was indeed thinking about bringing Ben Stasiak to the door, going directly to the door, and breaking up with Luke.

But last night, before going to bed, he had a phone call with a clan leader who was also his good friend, and his rationality gradually defeated his sensibility and returned to the high ground.

The patriarch just said one word.

Even if Ben Stasiak is not a spy sent by Luke, how can you guarantee that the exhibits in the evidence room are really what you want.

After all, in this file, with the power of SHIELD, there is no flaw at all.

The FBI would be so stupid as to not process such obvious evidence in the evidence room, or even release the evidence. It is no coincidence that this traitor is the one.

is it possible?

After being told this by his friend, Nick Fury, who returned to rationality, instantly realized that this might be another trap created by Luke.


To him, this trap was like poison wrapped in honey.

Because if his brother was really framed and there was evidence to prove this, then the evidence would definitely be in the original evidence box.

For example, what Ben Stasiak said could prove that the X-gene suppression collar was indeed activated that night.

Once the X-gene suppression collar is activated, its internal chip will definitely retain data, and this data is the most original data. Even if you have the secret key of Teslak Gene Company, you cannot modify this data at all.

Once someone attempts to modify the data, the protective data built into the X-gene suppression collar chip will initiate a self-destruct program.

And his brother Roland Fury's satellite communicator.

The FBI has the ability to falsify communication records, but it absolutely cannot falsify the original carrier of the satellite communicator.

So in theory, once he gets these two pieces of evidence, it will be clear whether his brother was framed.


The evidence was lost.

The evidence was lost, which meant he also won.


A qualified superior will always think about things from both sides.

High emotional intelligence is said to be far-sighted.

As for low emotional intelligence.

Look ahead and look behind!

What if the truth is really what Luke said.

Did his brother really do these things?

After returning to rationality, Nick Fury couldn't help but have such an idea pop up in his mind.

When his sensibility was on the high ground before, Nick Fury felt that his brother was stupid, reckless, and full of evil, but his biological brother would never do such a thing.

But now that reason has taken the high ground, Nick Fury suddenly feels that it is not impossible for his brother to do these things.

And if this is the case, then if he chooses to come and directly confront the FBI, the consequences will definitely be disastrous.

His old boss, Alexander Pierce, had already had a falling out with him.

Because he chose to make this matter a big deal, the Eastern Director and the Russian Director were already very dissatisfied with him.

Nick Fury also knows very well that he has never been liked by the Eastern Kingdom and Russia. Since he came to power, SHIELD agents have rarely been able to carry out missions in the Eastern Kingdom and Russia.

Even after he came to power, Russia followed the example of the Eastern Kingdom and created a Guardian Alliance.

Right now, if he makes this matter unmanageable, and the result is not what he wants.

no doubt.

His position as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is definitely unkept.

Dongguo's director, who is born with a moral obsession, will definitely take the opportunity to make trouble.

The Russian directors will definitely follow suit.


He has already provoked this matter, and now he is forced to admit defeat.

Frankly speaking.

Nick Fury is quite unwilling.

not to mention……

Nick Fury feels like himself!

You may not lose!

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