What level do you dare to say that to him?

"Is it because I'm so talkative that I keep giving you wrong perceptions?"

"Nick Fury."

"It's unfortunate that your brother died, but he deserved his death!"

"But I thought you were also a member of the law enforcement agency, so you came over and charged me. What you said was that I deliberately killed your brother and fabricated the accusation."

"But you are using my tolerance of you as capital for your wantonness."


"I change!"

Luke looked at Nick Fury, who was a little shocked, expressionlessly, and sneered: "Either take out 50 million as a bargaining chip and look at the cards directly, or admit defeat directly, and accept the beating and stand at attention if you make a mistake, or, evidence Right there, grab it yourself.”

Luke's sudden outburst and cold words made Nick Fury obviously confused.


What did I say.

Weren't you fine when you just spoke?

Why did he suddenly change his face?


You allow your male subordinates to pick up my female subordinates, but you don’t allow my male subordinates to pick up your female subordinates?

Aren't you a double standard for Chi Guoguo?

Nick Fury's thoughts were spinning rapidly. He looked at Luke who was getting up from his position. He also took a deep breath. He pressed his expressionless hands on the table and stood up from his position, trying not to let himself look up in front of him. of Luke.

no way.

He had just been unexpectedly and unpreparedly aroused by Luke's murderous intent, and his legs were a little weak. He was afraid that he would not be able to stand up if he did not hold on to the table.

"Chief Dane."

“Louding won’t solve the problem.”

Nick Fury stared expressionlessly at Luke, who was chatting and laughing one second, and turned his back the next second and asked him to take out 50 million to follow the bet: "You will only give me a feeling of guilt. a feeling of."

Luke sneered: "Really? Do you dare to bet?"

He has no interest in playing with Nick Fury anymore.

Thinking that Nick Fury wanted to use Coulson and Earl's date as a bargaining chip, Luke felt like he had eaten something like a fly and wanted to vomit.

How can I describe this feeling?

He felt that he originally thought that Nick Fury was a guest. Although he came to ask questions, he was still very polite. Who knew that suddenly, this guy suddenly transformed into a little yellow-haired father and came to his door to propose marriage to him? .

Luke can tolerate this.

He didn't directly sell Nick Fury's head on the spot because of Alexander's face when he signed a cooperation agreement with him.

But you still want to surrender and lose half?

Dream on.

Everyone is responsible for what they say.

Luke shook his head.

"Let's put it bluntly, if it's 50 million, it's better to look at the hole cards, or choose to look at the cards with me in Stud."


Nick Fury's one eye fell on the two evidence boxes in his sight, and he said nothing.

His thoughts were spinning rapidly.

Directly studying the cards was no longer an option after he and his friends made a phone call.

Even if Roland Fury is his biological brother.


His brother died, and as an older brother, he felt very sad, but now, no matter what he did, his brother would not be resurrected.

If he insists on having his own way, it's okay if he wins, but if he loses, he will be a clean stud in the true sense and will be nothing.

And now Luke has even removed the option of "surrender and lose half".

So the only thing left before him was to take out 50 million as a bargaining chip and look directly at his trump card.

Nick Fury moved his eyes from the evidence box to Luke's face, taking in the calm expression on Luke's face that seemed to be pretending to be angry.


Nick Fury squinted his one eye and looked at Luke: "I bet 50 million. I bet you don't have this trump card. Open the card!"

Coulson and Natasha leaned forward to take the two evidence boxes on the table.

But was stopped by Jack and Earl.

"what are you doing."

"What are you doing? Can't you afford to play?"

"Oh, I can't afford it. I'm afraid you won't even have a place to cry by then."

"I don't know who was holding it under my thigh so much that tears came out."

"I have an idea of ​​where our first date will be."

Jack and Natasha held an evidence box on both sides, then gritted their teeth, looked at Natasha and said, "The toilet in the strip club."

Natasha showed a charming smile: "Okay, you can take it off for me when the time comes. I'm just afraid that I will be disappointed and let go!"

Nick Fury looked at this scene and became even more convinced that he seemed to have won the bet.

"Director Dann, two evidence boxes, two chips, what, can you find any other reasons?"


Luke picked up the tablet that had just come in with the evidence box. After lighting it up, he looked at the remittance information that Earl had already prepared and handed the tablet to Nick Fury: "This is the remittance account number. The money has arrived. ,Ship!"

Nick Fury looked stunned.

"Why, Director Fury has forgotten such a simple truth as payment will be delivered, or is it that Director Fury is already used to having prostitutes for free?"


Nick Fury looked at the tablet in Luke's hand, then raised his hand, handed the tablet to Colson, and said loudly: "Colson, let the finance department pay, now, immediately!"

Coulson took the tablet and quickly took out the phone from his arms.

Nick Fury then looked at Luke with one eye: "I bet there are no bullets in your gun, Luke Dane."

Luke chuckled and said nothing.

Nick Fury didn't speak anymore, but looked at Luke.


Luke was waiting for the money to arrive. He didn't know what Nick Fury was waiting for.


After hanging up the phone, Colson looked at the screenshot sent and pointed the screen of his phone directly at Luke: "The money has arrived."

Luke glanced at Colson, who was so excited that he almost jumped up. He didn't speak, but turned to look at Earl.

Earl also received the call at this moment. After hanging up the phone, he said to Luke: "The finance department said that a sum of 50 million has just been transferred to our account."

It's not like Lu Ke didn't think about taking the 50 million directly as his own.


That’s not how eating alone works.

This time, it seemed that he was fighting against Nick Fury alone, but in fact, the entire FBI was standing behind him.

It’s almost New Year’s Eve.

Fortunately, with these 50 million, everyone in their Luo City branch can have a very happy New Year.

Does this count as using money from the victim’s family to silence the perpetrator?

Luke thought in his mind, and then looked at Nick Fury again.

When Nick Fury saw the anger and a little bit of fear completely disappearing from Luke's face, leaving only the flawless smiling face, his heart suddenly thumped.

Luke smiled and waved.

Jack, who was pressing the evidence box not far away, immediately retracted his hands and looked at Natasha with a smile.

"Thank you for your patronage."

There was no anger on Luke's face at the moment. He looked at Nick Fury as if he were looking at a financial sponsor. After saying this, he shook his head with a smile and said: "Actually, I really hope you can win, but unfortunately, you are not Swallow and double eagle.”

Bet my gun is out of bullets?

Who are you, you dare to say that.

Luke feels that if anyone is more like Yan Shuangying, he should be more qualified than Nick Fury.

At least his skin color is correct.

Nick Fury?

This guy is afraid that if he meets Yan Shuangying, he won't even get a chance to speak.

The smile on Nick Fury's face was once again transferred to Luke's face at this moment.

at this time.

Coulson had also opened the evidence box and was the first to take out the three X-gene suppression collars that could best prove whether mutants were captured that night.



After Coulson took out the X-gene suppression collar from inside, and after activating it, he was dumbfounded when he saw that the red color that had been activated did not appear at all: "Look."

Nick Fury looked at the X-gene suppression collar in Coulson's hand, which seemed to have just appeared on the scene. It was still a healthy color with green leaves, and he couldn't help but shrink his one eye again.

Although he was unable to get any clues from the prison, the school, or the students, the sentinels who were now being held by the FBI for investigation reported that they did capture three mutants that night. .

But now?

This is not what these three X-gene suppression collars, which clearly have not been activated at first glance, say.

"How can this be."

"What's impossible about this?"

Luke looked at Nick Fury, who subconsciously made a sound, as if he couldn't believe that the final trump card was like this, and said with a smile: "I have told you more than once, you can't get the result you want, because, ten bets Nine losses, more because, this is the fact.”

The fact is that Lindsay was the supervisor of the Sentinel Secret Service. At that time, the Sentinel Secret Service took advantage of her to be arrested, but a leader was directly parachuted in by Daniel Whitehorse and banned it. Now that Lindsay is back alive, naturally it is Looking for a way to get back to the Sentinel Secret Service.

And this incident just gave Lindsay a reason.

Before Roland Fury's accident, he was hers.

But Roland Fury was not with him when the incident happened. Now that such a big incident has occurred, Roland Fury, the leader of the Sentinel Secret Service, cannot escape the responsibility.


Lindsay gave her account to Luke, and then Luke gave the account to Seve. After one operation, Seve directly returned the activated X-gene suppression collar to its factory default state.

In Sever's words, even if Trask's engineers came to inspect these three collars, they would not find any clues that they had been activated.

Just like at this moment, Natasha dug out an audio file from the communicator belonging to Roland Fury from the evidence box.

Earl also clicked twice on the tablet. As the audio file in Natasha's hand was released, there was a picture on the tablet from the beach surveillance in Los Santos, where he was sitting with the Mandarin. The solid proof of Roland Fury heading towards the sea.

As everyone knows.

There is no way to fake the video.


Luke smiled and looked at Nick Fury, whose face was completely red.

"terribly sorry!"

"you lose."

"Nick Fury."

"So, are you ready for your responsibilities?"


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