A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 238 Even though I’m wearing a dress! (Second update, please subscribe!!)

Not only did the military advisor fail to make any suggestions, but he was also tricked into talking nonsense?

It shouldn't be.

Luke was a little suspicious.

Although Debbie has relatively little love experience with men, in terms of love experience with women, let's put it this way, Debbie beats 99% of the male agents in this federal building.


Theoretically speaking, if he sent Debbie out to serve as Jack's strategist, Natasha should not be the one to turn her head.

After all, Natasha, who was born in a red house, is good at killing men.


Red house?

Luke raised his eyebrows.

Something suddenly occurred to him.

The Red House's training of its female agents is quite abnormal. In addition to the annual graduation exam that requires a battle royale to successfully pass, it seems that it also attaches great importance to emotional cultivation.

Moreover, the Red Room seems to not only transmit the Black Widow's seventy-two male-killing skills, but also the thirty-six female-killing skills to the Black Widow.

After all, not all agents' targets are men, some are also women, and if you want to get close to these women, you naturally need to be proficient in female-killing techniques.


Luke took a breath and looked at Earl: "Natasha knows that Debbie is advising Jack?"

Earl shook his head: "That's not true. After all, they had their first date seven days ago."

When Luke heard this, he was a little curious: "Then how did Debbie become so perverted?"

Earl shook his head: "She may just be greedy for Natasha's body. You know Debbie, she is more lustful than those male agents."

This is the truth.

After Luke heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then shook his head: "Forget it, ignore her, just keep an eye on Debbie. It doesn't matter that Jack was hooked by Natasha, but don't let Debbie be caught away." That’s it.”

He did this just for fun.

It's fun.

Just stand aside and watch, there is no need to do it yourself.

Luke said this and got up from the sofa: "Is there anything else?"

Earl shook his head this time.

"there is none left."


Luke nodded and looked at Earl with a smile: "Happy holidays, Earl."

Earl also smiled and said: "Happy holidays, boss."

When Luke got home, it was already four o'clock.

Rachel was already changing.

Luke said hello to Lorna, who was sitting at the bar doing her homework, and listened to the movement upstairs: "When did Rachel start changing clothes?"

Lorna glanced at the clock on the wall: "It's two o'clock."

Luke said oh.

It was about the same time as he estimated. He originally thought Rachel would be busy putting on makeup and getting dressed at one o'clock in the afternoon.

As a woman, it takes a long time to go out.

Luke said he understood, sitting opposite Lorna, drinking his bourbon and waiting for Rachel.

Half an hour later.

Wearing a lilac strapless evening gown, Rachel, who looked more stunning than ever, walked downstairs with a small bag on her arm.

Luke looked at it, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes: "You look stunning."

Lorna on the side also said quickly: "Rachel, you must be the most beautiful one in the audience tonight, no doubt."

Rachel looked at Lorna, smiled and said thank you, and then confirmed: "But are you sure you don't want to go to the embassy or consulate with us?"

The invitation letter from the embassy and consulate is for the whole family. If Lorna wants to go, she can come.

But Lorna didn't want to go.

"Forget it, I will only be seventeen after this year. Please let me maintain the innocence of my youth for a few more years. Sister-in-law, Daisy and I will go to the party organized by Clarice later."

"Okay then, be safe."

When Rachel saw this, she didn't force Lorna, but after telling Lorna to pay attention to safety, she got into the Audi A8 car with Luke, and then quickly headed towards the Dongguo envoy in Los Santos. Passed by the pavilion.

in the car.

Rachel, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was looking at the messages on her phone and telling Luke which celebrities from Los Santos would be attending the party at the embassy and consulate tonight.

While driving, Luke listened to the popular science provided by the wise wife beside him.


After Rachel finished talking about the guest list she got, she seemed to have thought of something, and said to Luke: "Tony Stark may also attend this party tonight."

Luke looked at Rachel curiously.

"Tony Stark? Iron Man?"


"If he wants to attend, shouldn't he be attending a party at the Consulate General in New York? How come he is attending this one in Los Santos?"

"You forgot, his estate is in Malibu."

"……All right."

Luke thought of the cliff manor in Malibu and nodded: "He can participate as long as he participates. It has nothing to do with me."

He attended the party at the invitation of Ambassador Han, not at the invitation of Iron Man Tony Stark.

What's more, his theme tonight is specifically to add insult to injury to Nick Fury, who is still suffering in Washington.

Not long after.

The Dongguo embassy and consulate has arrived.

As soon as Luke and Rachel got out of the car, they saw and heard the news. Ambassador Han and his wife, who had already walked out of the embassy and consulate, came up to greet them with a smile.

"Welcome, Director Dane."

"Ambassador Han."

Lu Ke smiled and shook hands with Ambassador Han and said hello: "I am very happy that Ambassador Han can invite me to attend today's party."

Rachel on the side was also greeting Ambassador Han's wife.

In the banquet hall of the embassy and consulate.

After Ambassador Han and his wife led Luke and Rachel to the banquet hall, they heard their assistant come to report that someone else was coming. They apologized to Luke and said sorry, then turned around and continued walking out the door.

Luke and Rachel said they understood.

However, the two of them did not stand still, because just as Ambassador Han and his wife walked away, other guests who had come here earlier saw the two of them and walked towards them in batches.

Lu Ke knew some of these people and some he didn't.

But it's okay.

It would be nice to know Rachel.

In less than a moment, Lu Ke had a pair of personal business cards as thick as playing cards in his pocket.

Luke and Rachel were currently chatting with Commissioner George and his wife of the Los Angeles Police Department, who were also invited to the party.



Luke and George each held a glass of whiskey. After clinking the glasses, they said to George: "Fortunately you came here, otherwise, the smile on my face would almost freeze."

Socializing has always been a hassle.

Especially for social terrorism.

Although Luke is not a social person, he is not the kind of person who particularly likes to socialize.

George smiled and said: "Then do you want to thank me? I snatched you away as soon as I came in."

Luke looked at George with a smile: "In the past few months, my action team has conducted many joint operations with your crime team and SWAT team. I want to thank you. Shouldn't it be you who thanks me?"

George laughed and clinked glasses with Luke again: "Okay, my bad."

Luke accepted George's apology: "Sincerely, I forgive you."

After George finished laughing, his tone gradually became lower: "But, Lu, are you sure it's okay for you to come to the party here?"

Luke looked at George curiously: "What's the problem?"

George looked at Luke with a smile.

Luke raised his eyebrows, and then said hehe: "I almost lost my reputation last week. The storm was so bad that I think I am qualified to go anywhere to relax."

Although the last game he played with Nick Fury was played within the rules.

But the rules are also flexible.

At the beginning, the reason why Quantico and the Ministry of Justice did not side with him immediately was because, in addition to the rules, there were basically no people on these two sides to speak for Luke. This is partly responsible for Luke's skin color.

If this were a conflict between a white-blooded Angsa man and an African-American Nick Fury, Quantico and the Department of Justice would be sure to intervene immediately.

Luke knew it.

But he didn't care about it. After all, he still had a "table-turning" trump card in his hand.

Rachel is quite concerned about this.

This is the reason why Rachel keeps saying that in theory, the best place for him to develop should be in SHIELD, which has a stake in Dongguo.

This is also the reason why Luke wants to make trouble for Nick Fury tonight.

One sentence.

He didn't want to find out that after he decided to join SHIELD, his immediate boss was still a bastard, especially a bastard who had problems with him and was very likely to give him some slack.

Halfway through the party.

Ambassador Han and his wife, who were the hosts of tonight's party, came to Luke's presence after entertaining three members of Congress and two state legislators.

"Feel sorry."

Ambassador Han's attitude was very low-key, and his smile could give Luke a very comfortable feeling. He held the wine glass in his hand and clinked it with Luke: "Not good hospitality, Director Dane."

Lu Ke said with a smile: "If my mother is still alive, I think she will be very happy if she knows that I can come here to attend the party one day when I grow up."

Just a subtext.

Although I am a federal Aboriginal, my heart is still red.

Luke said, subconsciously adjusting his red tie.

People all over the West Coast know that L.A.'s FBI Assistant Director of Operations, Luke Dann, loves red ties.

But not everyone understands the meaning of red tie.

Ambassador Han is definitely not among them.

After seeing Luke touching the red tie with his left hand, he smiled slightly, then changed the subject and asked questions that everyone who dealt with Luke tonight would ask.

That is to say, last week, including this week, it was also because Nick Fury's hot topic has not gone out, and "Nolan Fury Case" is still in the top three hot search lists in Los Santos.

Luke's answer was initially the same as what he told the others.

He won.

That Nick Fury lost miserably.

The end.

The corner of Lu Ke's mouth rose: "And what he lost to me was not just this little bit, but he also lost 50 million to me."

Ambassador Han: "..."

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