A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 241 A world where only Nick Fury is injured (fifth update, please subscribe!!)

Chapter 241 A world where only Nick Fury is injured (fifth update, please subscribe!!)

the next day!

early morning.

Washington, S.H.I.E.L.D., Sanfei headquarters.

Nick Fury, who had returned from Los Santos eight days ago but had been so busy that he never touched the ground, finally had a rare chance to breathe today. He leaned on the leather seat behind him and watched with one eye in a trance. The scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Enter the eyes.

The first sight of the white snow gives people the impression that Christmas Eve has arrived.

Today is indeed Christmas Eve.

Speaking of which, Nick Fury is finally able to return to his office today, thanks to the fact that today is Christmas Eve, and the federal judiciary is on holiday.


Nick Fury's hearing was also suspended due to the holiday.


It's a pause, not a cancellation or completion.

After the New Year, when the Department of Justice returns to work, Nick Fury will still have to go over for a closed-door hearing.

"Fuck Fuck!"

Nick Fury thought about the troubled things he had encountered these days, and couldn't help but said angrily, blaming it all on the initiator of his current situation: "Luke Dane!"

In his opinion, he will now be attacked by the federal judicial system because of Luke Dane.

Because he received news that there was 20 million US dollars coming in from Quantico.

That is, after Quantico received 20 million U.S. dollars, all of a sudden, the firepower was on full fire. Originally there was only one simple matter of accountability, but many other chaotic law enforcement agencies suddenly appeared, all accusing Nick. ·Fury once stole the name of their law enforcement agency and paid them back for taking the blame.

That's not even the fucked up part.

The most fucked up part for him was that when faced with accusations from these messy law enforcement agencies, he didn't even have the confidence to say, "I didn't, it wasn't me, I didn't do it."

After all, SHIELD is not authorized by Congress, so when they take over some cases, they will use appropriate identities based on local conditions.

For example, when it comes to espionage cases, they are from the National Security Agency.

In the case of a terrorist attack, they are the Department of Homeland Security.

Navy Murder, they are NICS.


In the past, Nick Fury thought this was actually a good thing.

Because having no identity is the biggest identity. When you go out, your identity is given by yourself.

But now, when Nick Fury thinks about the scene where there are seven or eight law enforcement agencies waiting to confront him at the Ministry of Justice, he feels that his trigeminal nerve is aching.

at this time.

There was a knock on the door.

Nick Fury said without looking back.



Alexander Pierce, who was wearing a woolen coat, opened the office door, looked at Nick who was looking at the snowy scene outside the window with one eye, and said hello: "How are you, are you still depressed?"

Nick Fury came back to his senses and looked at Alexander who walked in.

after awhile.

The two sat down on the sofa.

"happy holidays."

"happy holidays."

Alexander raised his glass and clinked it with Nick Fury, took a sip of the wine in the glass, looked at the latter's face, shook his head and said: "I told you not to go at that time, but you insisted on going, now you know the consequences. "

Nick Fury opened his mouth towards Alexander, thinking about saying something, but finally closed his mouth.

Because Alexander did say so.

And, if you lose, you lose.

He still has this responsibility.


Nick Fury drank whiskey from his glass and said in a low voice: "It's okay, just wait until I recover. I will fight against Director Luke Dane soon."

Alexander smiled: "By the way, this is the Nick Fury I know and the one I chose to recommend back then. One failure is nothing, the worst is to do it again."

Nick Fury forced out a smile and said thank you to Alexander.

Alexander raised an eyebrow.

"no need thank me?"

"Over there at the Security Council."

Nick Fury said to Alexander: "These days, I know that the Security Council has been trying to hold a hearing on me. It's all thanks to you that they agreed to wait for me to deal with the federal matters first. It’s over.”

The hearings in the federal judicial system alone have almost exhausted him in the past few days.

What if there is another Security Council hearing?

Nick Fury felt that he might really not be able to bear it anymore.


Nick Fury looked at Alexander with a grateful expression and said, "I have a good big brother and a good teacher!"

If Holden Lewis is the person promoted by Luke.

Then Alexander Pierce is the person he promotes as Nick Fury.

It was Alexander Pierce who single-handedly promoted Nick Fury, who was just a field agent at the time, to management, and then gradually promoted him to the current position of Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury's mind recalled the days when Alexander was the director of SHIELD, and these days he learned how Alexander helped him deal with the Security Council.

Scenes from the past and scenes from today come to mind.

Nick Fury pursed his thick lips and said sincerely with a hint of apology: "I'm sorry, Sasha!"

Alexander shook his head.

"I said thank you just now, and now I'm sorry. You are very emotional today."

"No, I'm serious."

Nick Fury shook his head and looked at Alexander in a deep voice: "At first, you advised me not to act out of anger, but I didn't listen. As a result, this situation has led to this situation, which has caused you trouble and caused you to have been replacing him these days. I run S.H.I.E.L.D.

Alexander opened his mouth after listening to Nick Fury's sincere words, and then couldn't help but look down at the wine glass in his hand.

no way.

He suddenly found that he couldn't help but feel a trace of regret in his heart.

These days, he does seem to be helping handle S.H.I.E.L.D. matters for Nick Fury who is unavailable.


He was just busy inserting some Hydra agents into S.H.I.E.L.D. while Nick Fury was distracted.

Alexander took a deep breath, looked up, and looked at Nick Fury, who was very grateful to One Eye, who once again regarded him as his big brother. He smiled, moved to the side, and finally reached out and patted Nick Fury on the shoulder. : "Next time you encounter something like this, try to discuss it with me. You have only been Director of SHIELD for five years. The waters of the Federation are too deep for you to control."

Nick Fury nodded seriously.

"I will."

"Okay, there's no need to say these words of thanks and apology from now on."

Alexander promptly changed the subject and told Nick Fury the purpose of his visit: "Don't worry about the post-holiday hearings of the Department of Justice. I made an appointment with several directors of law enforcement agencies yesterday to sit down. Come down and have a chat, they don’t have to play you to death.”

Nick Fury looked at Alexander.

Alexander shook his head and said: "The main reason for this matter is that the public opinion on the West Coast is too fierce. Once the holiday is over, those unscrupulous people have had their holidays. After the heat subsides, you can take down those agents named by the judicial agencies." Just kick him out."

Just right.

The few agents named by the judiciary are all real SHIELD agents trained by Nick Fury over the years.

Take this opportunity to kick them out.

What a joke.

How could there be an unsociable SHIELD agent in the office building of Snake and Shield Bureau?

Alexander's one eye shrank: "Kicked them all?"

Alexander nodded: "Yes, they won't give up on this matter unless you hand over a few people. After handing over people, the rest of the matter will be easy to handle. It's just a matter of taking care of some things, right?" , do you have ten million over there?"

Nick Fury opened his mouth: "Absolutely."

I quoted it based on your bank deposit.

It is better for men to be poor.

If he were poorer, he wouldn't be able to jump.

You've been a little nervous in the past few years, isn't it just because your wallet has grown bigger?

It just so happens that this time I will empty your wallet and stay in the position of Director of SHIELD. Wouldn't it be better to be a puppet?

Alexander thought in his mind and nodded calmly: "Okay, then you will pay 10 million, and I will make up for the rest."

This time, a dozen law enforcement agencies launched an attack together.

Even if each director has one million, it still requires one thousand two hundred and fifty.


Which of these directors can be beaten away with one million dollars?

This is a federation, not some mysterious eastern country.

As everyone knows.

Prices in the Federation are very high.

Nick Fury obviously knew this. Listening to Alexander's words, he once again showed a grateful expression: "Sa..."

Alexander raised his hand to interrupt, and drank the wine in the glass: "Okay, remember to transfer the money, I will take care of these things, just in time, today is Christmas Eve, tomorrow is Christmas, take advantage of the holiday, rest Rest, I’m leaving first.”

As he spoke, Alexander got up from the sofa and prepared to leave.

Nick Fury also stood up.

"I send you."


"Jingle Bell!"

When Alexander waved Nick Fury away, the sound of the phone ringing in his arms interrupted his words.

"Director of Dongguo."

After Alexander took out his personal phone, he looked at the name of the caller on it, frowned, glanced at Nick Fury, took a deep breath, answered the phone, and said with a smile: "Good morning, Mr. Song. …”

Before he finished speaking, his expression gradually stiffened as the Chinese director's voice sounded on the phone.

after awhile.

The phone hangs up.

Alexander took the phone from his ear with a stiff expression, and then silently put the phone back into his arms.

Nick Fury on the side suddenly had a bad feeling.

The next second.

Alexander's eyes fell on him.

"Nick, where did the $50 million you lost to the FBI come from?"


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