A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 244 SHIELD Financial Manager (Third update, please subscribe!!)

Miranda Karp doesn't have the ability to come to the Los Santos branch.

Of course there is.

But that’s not necessary!

First, although Miranda Karp is no longer the treasurer of the state bureau, nominally Miranda Karp's level is still that of the treasurer.

If Miranda Karp is transferred from the state bureau to the city bureau, it will be completely demoted.

And he was demoted for no reason.

If you really want to do this, even if Miranda Karp is willing, the new director will not be willing.

From a certain perspective, this is also related to his face.

And the most important point.

Now the financial director of the Los Santos City Bureau is Pan Ning's confidant.

Now their financial director is the confidant Pan Ning brought with him when he came from Miami.


If Pan Ning replaced his confidant with his own woman, there would also be problems.


When Alexander just mentioned that he needed to find a new financial director for SHIELD, Miranda Cap's name immediately popped up in Luke's mind.

Although he has no intentions towards SHIELD, he also doesn't mind inserting one of his own into SHIELD if there is a chance.

After all, when Luke inherits Daniel Whitehorse's seat in the future, theoretically speaking, he will also have a stake in S.H.I.E.L.D.

After all, he owns shares in Hydra, and S.H.I.E.L.D. is also pronounced as Serpentine Shield, so the exchange equation is equivalent to him owning shares in S.H.I.E.L.D.


If you want to place someone of your own, you can't place someone who is too obvious.

Miranda Capp would be just right.


Lu Ke and Pan Ning are already friends who have "killed people together".

As for Penning and Miranda Karp, they also belong to the kind of people who, after going through great storms, finally chose each other's feelings.


Miranda Karp is also one of her own.

Alexander made no objection to this.

The reason he just said was that after experiencing Nick Fury's turmoil, the Security Council will definitely strictly manage financial work.

No matter who controls the finances, it will be difficult for anyone to use the public accounts of SHIELD as if they were their own treasury like Nick Fury.


"As long as you think it's okay, I can go through the process and recommend it. As long as she can pass the test, it doesn't matter if I give it to her."

"Okay, is there a time point?"

"Before the tenth."

Alexander said: "I will go to work on the 10th. It would be better if the new finance can come at this time."

Lu Ke hummed: "I'll go back to China tomorrow."


Luke hung up the phone and tapped his chin with his right hand.

Will the Security Council pay special attention to finance in the future?

So what.

A good finance always has the ability to turn decay into magic.



That doesn't matter. It just so happens that he now knows Zheng Xian and Ambassador Han. When the relationship is in place in the future, he can just send Miranda Karp to Tilanqiao for further training.

Luke thought in his mind.

the next day.

January 6th.

After Luke, Rachel, and Lorna packed their luggage, they left the Alps, took a plane, and returned to their loyal Los Santos.

When the three of them walked out of the airport, it was already nine o'clock in the evening. When they got home, it was already around ten-thirty. After a brief tidying up, it was almost twelve o'clock.

Rachel looked at the living room, which was becoming more and more messy, and then looked at Lorna, who was very sleepy. She made a quick decision and said that she would leave it alone for now, go to bed, and clean it up tomorrow.

Lorna nodded in approval.

Early morning on the 7th.

Luke sat at the dining table. After finishing his breakfast, he got up, kissed Rachel who had gotten up early in the morning and continued to pack the various gifts brought back from Switzerland this time, and then prepared to go out.

"Wait a moment."

Rachel stopped Luke in time, looked at the gifts lined up on the sofa, walked over, searched for a while, found four boxes of gifts, and handed them to Luke: "These two This box is for Earl and Debbie, this one is for Jack, and this last box is for Penning, make no mistake."

Luke took the gift and looked at Rachel with a smile: "My dear, how will I live without you."

Since having Rachel, his social work has been reduced by 99%.

Now, even the post-holiday gifts, Rachel has clearly arranged for him.

Who, what kind of gift, what kind of grade.

Rachel Menqing.

Lorna was also learning beside her. After all, this knowledge could not be learned in school textbooks.

Faced with Luke's emotion, Rachel also gave a solution.

"Then don't lose me, Mr. Luke Dane."

"I promise."

Luke kissed Rachel again and said with a very serious expression. Then he turned around and walked towards the garage with two boxes of gifts in his left and right hands.

Not long after.

The engine of the Audi A8 roared.

Rachel looked at the black phantom flashing past the window, looked away with a smile, and waved towards Lorna: "Okay, let's continue."

Luke drove an Audi A8 and returned to the Federal Building unimpeded.

After receiving Luke's schedule, he knew that Luke would return to the bureau today, so Earl, who had been waiting here early in the morning, greeted him with a smile: "Director."

Luke took out the gift from the trunk and handed over the gift that belonged to Earl: "Happy holidays."

Earl took the gift, opened it, glanced at it with a surprised expression, then raised his head and said thank you, and walked half a body behind Luke toward the elevator: "Director, how is the scenery in the Alps?"

Luke told the truth: "It's hard to see Rachel and Lorna wrestling."

Unfortunately, these two women didn't plan to hire a coach, so one followed the other and said they could do it.

The results of it.

Put it this way.

During those few days in the Alps, Luke was very tired every night and did not enjoy the pleasure of being a man at all.

The question is Rachel's butt hurts.

"By the way, are Jack and Debbie here?"

"The two of them ran to find Natasha."


Luke raised his eyebrows and looked at Earl: "I remember that their second date was at Christmas, and the third date was used up so quickly?"

Earl smiled and said: "This time does not count. They found Natasha using the federal satellite, so they planned to go directly to meet her by chance."

Luke opened his mouth: "I don't know whether to praise them for being smart or what to use federal satellites to help them pick up girls."

But he still didn't pay much attention to this.

Anyway, in the end, whether Jack conquered Natasha or Debbie conquered Natasha, for Luke, he was the final winner.

After all, both Jack and Debbie are his most loyal little brothers.

"This is Debbie's gift, and this is Jack's. Give it to them when they come back."


"Panning is in the office."

"Here I am."

"Well, you go and do your work, I'll go find Pan Ning."


Luke said goodbye to Earl, walked out of the elevator, and walked straight towards Pan Ning's office with the gift in his hand.

Pan Ning was playing Wandering Golf on the large balcony of his office.

Luke put the gift on the sofa and said with a smile: "My hands are itchy, but I'm still bored. I'll ask Jack to play ball with me tomorrow."

Panning put the ball into the hole, finished his shot and walked in from the balcony: "Okay, I have no problem, how about it, is the Alps fun?"

Luke repeated the answer he just told Earl, handed the poured bourbon to Penning, and went straight to the point: "How is Miranda, are you planning to continue working, or are you planning to apply for a transfer? "

Pan Ning shrugged: "New director, new financial director, these are the rules. Only those who do not have the right to choose will continue to stay. She plans to apply for transfer."

Luke nodded.

Pretty much what he thought.

Luke took a sip of wine and got straight to the point.

"I have a place here that needs a treasurer."




Pan Ning paused slightly and looked at Luke.



Luke said directly: "Why don't you ask Miranda to see if she is interested? The financial director of S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters has been dismissed. We are in urgent need of someone with excellent professional qualities and abilities in all aspects." New Treasurer.”

Pan Ning frowned: "If you can go to SHIELD headquarters, Miranda will definitely agree. After all, this is considered a promotion, but is it appropriate?"

Luke shrugged.

"There's nothing inappropriate about this."

"Aren't you and Alexander..."

When Pan Ning said this, he raised his eyebrows at Luke: "You know, your performance is over?"

Luke shook his head: "Not yet, but this has nothing to do with Miranda going to SHIELD."

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s three-star cast is in need of a financial director.

It just so happened that Miranda had the idea of ​​applying for transfer due to the arrival of the new state bureau director. Because of the richness and professionalism of her resume, it was normal for SHIELD to notice her.

And as Alexander said, the current financial director played by San Fei is a hot potato for some forces who originally had ideas about them.

People who are capable don't want to touch this potato at this time.

Even if people who don't have the ability want to touch it, they don't have the chance.

Miranda happened to catch up with this window period. If she competes at this time, she is a sure shot. If she misses this window period, it is estimated that it will be difficult to have such an opportunity in the future.

What Pan Ning didn't know was Alexander's relationship with Hydra.

But he knew about Alexander and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Luke leaned on the sofa behind him and looked at Pan Ning: "If you don't call Miranda, you'd better decide quickly. This opportunity will be closed on the 10th."

Pan Ning nodded, stood up and walked towards his desk.

"I'm making a call now."


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