A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 248 When Daniel thinks, Luke laughs (Second update!)

Tsk tsk!

After Luke confirmed that the new director was Daniel Whitehorse, and realized that Daniel Whitehorse was taking action, he thought of something and couldn't help but shake his head.

He recalled Alexander Pierce's prediction of when Daniel Whitehorse would release the ball.

Alexander Pearce said at the time that there was absolutely no way Daniel Whitehorse would take action during the holidays.


Even though Luke took Rachel and Lorna to a foreign country during the holidays, where Daniel Whitehorse could easily take action, Daniel Whitehorse remained motionless.

And now.

The vacation is over and it's time to go to work.

Daniel Whitehorse's revenge also came.

The first thing he did was to promote him and Pan Ning to a higher level, transfer Pan Ning to New York State, and then promote Luke to the director of Los Santos.

Luke's thoughts were spinning, and the stories he had experienced in the Lord God's Space turned into valuable experiences. Almost instantly, he gained insight into Daniel Whitehorse's plan and possible next plans.

His genetic lock has been unlocked, and part of his divinity has also been unlocked.

Just as God laughs when black people think.

Luke also couldn't help but smile after understanding Daniel Whitehorse's plan.



Seve, wrapped in a towel and sitting at the computer desk, sent the information about the new director of California to Dr. Zola. Hearing Luke's laugh, he raised his eyebrows: "You already know what Daniel Whitehorse is playing. Already?"

Luke didn't hide it from Seve either.

After all, he, Sever, and the teacher behind him, Dr. Zola, are also allies.



Seve was a little curious and frowned: "You just said that you and Director Panning have been upgraded, but if Daniel Whitehorse wants to attack you, how can he let you be upgraded?"

Luke smiled.

"Because he doesn't just want my life."


"I'm afraid he also wants my Los Santos branch."


This is the only reasonable explanation for why Daniel Whitehorse's first move was to promote him first.

It is estimated that in Daniel Whitehorse's view, getting rid of a small assistant director of operations is not something he is proud of.

But getting rid of the federal director of a city bureau is a relatively happy thing.


Lu Ke, who had just been promoted to director, must be in a happy and excited state.

What kind of revenge can bring more pleasure than killing the other person when he is happiest?

And needless to say, after getting rid of the opponent, he can also gain a Los Santos branch for his use.

It is estimated that Daniel Whitehorse has been thinking about his plan during this holiday.

Luke seriously suspected that at the beginning of the plan, Daniel Whitehorse probably wanted to chop off Panning first, free up the position of Los Santos Director, and then let Luke take the position, and then attack Lu Take action.

Unfortunately, even the best plans cannot keep up with changes.

On the last day of the vacation, Panning's fiancée transformed into the financial director of SHIELD.

And this brings up a problem.

Pan Ning is not easy to kill.

A Pan Ning who has no backer will die when he dies, but if Pan Ning, whose fiancée is the financial director of SHIELD, dies, although it will not cause big trouble, it may cause complications.


Daniel Whitehorse urgently revised his plans.

Pan Ning could not continue to stay in the position of director of Los Santos, but he had to give up his position, and if he could not be released by death, he could only resort to transfer.

This is why Pan Ning was suddenly transferred to New York State, and why Luke suddenly became the director.

Seve opened his mouth.

"Is this all your guess, or..."

"I have proof."


"The appointments of Pan Ning and I will only take effect at the beginning of next month. This is not because the new director is unwilling to take effect immediately, but because things happened too suddenly and he needs time to ensure that the transfer order can take effect."

Luke's eyes flickered and he said to Sever: "When I came here, Panning had a friend who was in the New York State Bureau. His friend told him that the New York State Bureau has an assistant director for operations. And he is still in office and I haven’t heard any news that he will be transferred.”

Sever frowned: "This doesn't seem to prove anything."

Luke nodded: "This news alone cannot prove anything, but if I tell you, ten minutes after Pan Ning made the call, that friend called and said that the current assistant director of operations was in a car accident. Are you currently undergoing rescue operations in the emergency room at this time?"

This is the proof of what he said.

Too much coincidence is artificial.

Without exception!

After hearing this, Seve also nodded with a serious expression: "I would say that this is indeed Daniel Whitehorse's style of conduct."

The leaders of Hydra have different styles of doing things.

And the way of doing things that always likes to create accidents to eliminate obstacles and other things in front of him is exactly the style of Daniel Whitehorse.

After confirming that this was indeed the work of Daniel Whitehorse, Seve looked at Luke: "So, the time of Daniel Whitehorse's attack can also be determined. It will be after you officially become the director of Los Santos next month. ?”

Luke nodded: "It should be about this time."

He didn't have any nervousness or fear.

Even Luke relaxed a little.

Because he was already bored to death waiting for Daniel Whitehorse to take action.

But he hasn't been able to take the initiative yet.

Whether it's Alexander Pierce or Dr. Zola, they don't know where Daniel Whitehorse's real hiding place is.

Luke could only take the stupidest approach.

Wait for Daniel Whitehorse to take the initiative, and then he will follow the clues and touch them one by one. When he reaches the end, he will be able to find Allah.


Luke sighed and shook his head: "This guy can live for another month."

At the moment, Daniel Whitehorse is just making arrangements.

Luke seriously suspected that Daniel Whitehorse thought of himself as a cat playing with a mouse.

The cat is Daniel Whitehorse and Luke is the mouse.

As everyone knows.

Cats like to play with mice before they eat them, and only when the mice are desperate will they swallow them whole.


Daniel Whitehorse probably didn't know yet, but the mouse Luke he thought was waiting for him to make a move as if he was looking forward to the stars or the moon.

Luke was speechless when he thought that Daniel Whitehorse's men would only show up next month.



Luke suddenly blinked and froze on the spot.

Seve saw this.

"What's wrong?"

"This Aaron Miller is Daniel Whitehorse's man."


Seve frowned and said, "Weren't we just discussing that Aaron Miller is Daniel Whitehorse's man?"

Luke came back to his senses and looked at Sever with a strange expression: "Do you think this Aaron Miller knows the address of Daniel Whitehorse?"

Seve shook his head: "Daniel Whitehorse is the most mysterious of the leaders. Even Dr. Zola doesn't know who are his subordinates."

Luke raised the corner of his mouth and looked at Seve: "But this Aaron Miller is a real Daniel Whitehorse. There is no problem with this."

Seve frowned, not knowing what Luke wanted to say for a moment.

at this time.

A ding-dong sound.

Seve came to his senses and looked at the computer screen.

Enter the eyes.

The message was sent by Dr. Zola.

"That's right."

"Just now, Dr. Zola tracked down the office of Aaron Miller and found that he had another phone using the Hydra satellite. Just now, he used this phone to contact the number belonging to Daniel Whitehorse's band. "

Sever read the message sent by Dr. Zola and looked up at Luke: "Unfortunately, Dr. Zola has no way to track Daniel Whitehorse's number and locate his specific location."

To be precise.

None of the leaders of Hydra, Dr. Zola, could be located over the phone.

Because other leaders are also guarding against Dr. Zola.

It's like, after you know that there is a guy who can hack into your computer or mobile phone without you being prepared, you will do everything you can to make sure that this guy doesn't hack into you.

At the worst, you have to make sure that you can receive the signal when he invades you.

This is also the reason why Alexander can use other people's mobile phones to openly chat with Luke about their plans without worrying about Dr. Zola quietly eavesdropping nearby.

This is true for Alexander, not to mention Daniel Whitehorse, who is older than Alexander and has more experience.


"It's okay, as long as it's true that Aaron Miller is his."

"As for whether he knows the specific coordinates of Daniel Whitehorse."

"Catch it here and ask, can't you?"

After Luke finished speaking, he slowly closed his eyes under Seve's gaze.

The next second.

Luke opened his eyes and looked at Seve with a strange expression: "We are already over Los Santos?"

Seve looked at Luke curiously: "How much time do you think we just spent in bed, how many seconds?"

The corners of Luke's mouth twitched.

distance is too far.

The mind cannot be transferred.

ten minutes later.

Luke, who had put on his suit again, took Seve and walked down again.

Pan Ning, who was sitting below and had drank three glasses of wine in a row, looked at Luke who finally came down and said with a smile: "I thought the plane was about to land, and you didn't even plan to..."

Luke passed Pan Ning directly, opened the cab door, and looked at the pilot inside.

"Turn around and go back to Sacramento."


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