A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 267 Another mutant ability is obtained (first update!)

ten minutes later.

Luke was in his office when he saw Maria Silver, the special chip confirmation specialist from the Hydra Council who Jack came downstairs to bring up.

Wearing a black tight dress, the design of the skirt is complex and unique.

To put it simply.

It's hard for you to take off her skirt in five seconds.

Wearing a golden necklace around her delicate neck, the color of the necklace formed a sharp and impressive contrast with her black dress.

The fluffy and slightly curly long golden hair, combined with the touch of emerald green on the delicate lips, makes it difficult to look away after just one glance.

Luke moved his eyes away from the delicate and delicate face of the Hydra commissioner in front of him and looked at Jack.

Jack understood, turned around, and left the office.

Luke took out a button from the drawer and pressed it. After the button's green light came on, he stood up and walked towards the woman who called herself Maria Silver.



"A glass of wine?"


After Sylph shook hands with Luke, she declined Luke's invitation and said directly: "Director Dann should know the purpose of my coming here, so can we get to the point first?"

Lu Ke smiled and said: "Of course, do things first, chat later."

He probably knew who this Sylph was.

Because just now.

The moment Luke shook hands with Sylph, he gained a new mutant ability.

Variant·Toxin immunity!

The Maria Silver in front of me is a mutant.

And throughout the Marvel Universe, mutants who are immune to toxins are also members of Hydra. The answer is almost unique.


Or call it——

Lady Hydra!

Luke's thoughts were spinning and inviting.

"Then let's go there now?"


Luke smiled slightly, stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and tried to wrap his arms around the slim waist of Mrs. Viper, who appeared frequently in comics but rarely in movie versions.


Luke's right hand had already grasped Mrs. Viper's waist.

The latter lowered his eyes, and his emerald green eyes moved slightly.

The next second.


Luke instantly disappeared from the office with Mrs. Viper, and when he appeared again, he was already in a secret room.

Jiaying is sitting elegantly on the sofa, having a video call with her husband Karl.

After seeing Luke appear, she said something to Karl, then hung up the video call, stood up from the sofa, and laid her eyes on Mrs. Viper in Luke's arms.

Jiaying called him "good guy" in her heart.

He is worthy of being a gentleman from our Eastern Kingdom.

Compared with other descendants of the Eastern Kingdom who were mixed in the Federation, Jiaying felt that no Dongguo person could represent the traditional culture of the Eastern Kingdom better than Lu Ke in front of her.


Are you really not afraid of capsizing?

Jiaying looked at Lu Ke curiously.

Lu Ke caught Jiaying's gaze and understood instantly. Knowing that Jiaying had misunderstood, he said with a smile: "Jiaying, let me introduce you. This is Maria Silver. She is here to confirm you." identity.”

He and Jiaying are close partners.

Luke has never cheated his own people.

How to use Jiaying as a bargaining chip for Wang Zha, so that Daniel Whitehorse had to bet his life and death with him. This was what he had said early on, and Jiaying also agreed.


Jiaying listened to Luke's words and her eyes fell on the claws on Mrs. Viper's waist.

Mrs. Viper moved her right hand slightly and forcefully opened Luke's claws on her waist. She walked up to Jiaying and stretched out her gloved right hand: "Ms. Jiaying, Sylph."

Jiaying shook hands with Mrs. Viper: "What happens next? You see me and confirm me. What happens next?"

Mrs. Viper smiled and said, "That's not confirmed."


Mrs. Viper let go of her right hand and looked at Jiaying: "You don't seem to be a mutant."

Jiaying frowned and nodded.

Mrs. Viper smiled and took out a portable X-gene detector from the sachet she carried with her.

After activation.

The detector showing green light instantly turned to red light.

Mrs. Viper casually handed the detector in her hand to Jiaying: "Please take this."

Lu Ke, who was standing aside, laughed and said, "Jiaying is not a mutant. This thing is useless to her."

Viper turned his head to look, his flowing and fluffy golden curls dancing with him, and smiled charmingly: "I know, but this is just a test. Could the Jiaying in front of me be a mutant disguised as a disguise?"

Lu Ke smiled, looked at Jiaying who was looking at him, and nodded.

Jiaying understood and took the X-gene detector handed over by Viper.

The moment you get it.


The red X-gene detector instantly returned to green light.

Jiaying subconsciously looked up at Mrs. Viper.

"This is……"

"You're not a mutant."


If the green light is not, then the red light just now.

Jiaying was slightly stunned, looking at the scene where Viper took back the X-gene detector and turned red instantly, she couldn't help but said: "Are you a mutant?"

Viper smiled and said nothing.

This kind of portable X-gene detector actually has a very single function and even has many loopholes.

That is, if you don't use your X ability anymore, this thing will have no effect at all.

He can only detect mutants who are using their mutant powers.

Like Lady Viper herself.

Her mutant ability is immunity to poison, but her ability is passive and cannot be controlled by her at all.

This is one of the reasons why she joined Hydra.

at the same time……

This is also the reason why Luke was able to copy Mrs. Viper's mutant poison immunity just after shaking hands.

After Mrs. Viper made sure that the Jiaying in front of her was not a mutant pretending to be a mutant, she took out a piece of something wrapped in tin foil that looked like a steamed bun and handed it to Jiaying: "Since it's not a mutant, it's an alien. Come on, open this."

After Jiaying took it, she opened the tinfoil in her hand and was shocked when she saw something like crystal wrapped in the tinfoil.

"The Terrigen Crystal!"

"What the hell."

Luke, who was standing behind, raised his eyebrows when he heard Jiaying's exclamation, and his eyes fell on the crystal-like object wrapped in tinfoil in Jiaying's hand: "This thing is the Terrigen Crystal."

Inhumans and mutants are different.

Because the aliens were set up by the Kree in order to create war weapons, when the aliens awaken, they need a button to turn on the switch.

And that button is the Terrigen Crystal.

The aliens can use the Terrigen Crystal to awaken the latent genes hidden in their bodies. After activation, they can gain superpowers.

Of course.

If you are not a stranger, it is best not to touch.


This thing only recognizes strangers!

Mrs. Viper said: "Catch him."

Jiaying glanced at Mrs. Viper, and then grabbed the small piece of Terrigen crystal in the tinfoil.

after awhile.

Mrs. Viper looked at Jiaying, who had not turned into powder, and nodded: "Okay, wrap it up again, thank you."

Jiaying hesitated for a moment, then re-wrapped Terrigen in tinfoil and handed it to Mrs. Viper.

After Mrs. Viper took it, she put the Terrigen Crystal wrapped in tinfoil back into her bag, then turned to look at Luke, her tone was formulaic: "Director Dann, the authenticity of the chips has been verified, I will first gone."

Luke raised his eyebrows: "Wait a minute, aren't you staying?"

Doesn't it mean that after the chips are verified, he needs to stay here and look at the chips until the life and death game between him and Whitehorse is decided?

Luke doesn't necessarily want people from Hydra to watch here.


It's not impossible if it's Mrs. Viper in front of me.

Mrs. Viper looked at Luke: "Director Dann, the capital verification of your chips has been completed. Mr. Whitehorse's capital verification has not yet been completed. After I complete the capital verification, the chips of the two of them will be gathered together, waiting for the two of them. Decide the winner.”

Luke raised an eyebrow.

"Is that so? That's a shame."

"What's the regret?"

"I thought I could see Ms. Sylph often these days."

"...Director Dane."

"Ms. Sylph, please speak."

"No flirting with the Commissioner."

Mrs. Viper said with a serious face, then changed the subject, and looked at Luke with a charming look on her cold face: "But if Director Dan is still alive after the gambling is over, I don't mind talking to Dan. A romantic evening with the Director, if Director Dane can afford the reward?"


Want money?

Then no more.

Luke came back to his senses and looked at Mrs. Viper with regret: "That's such a pity. I may not have the chance to spend the night with Ms. Sylph."


When he comes out to hang out, he pays attention to the transaction between you and me.

Talking about money?

This is the most despicable thing to do.

He never bothered to do it.

Mrs. Viper chuckled, and then looked around at the room without a door: "How should I get out."

Luke stepped out with his right foot and hugged Mrs. Viper again: "I am sending Ms. Sylph away now."

The words fell.

After the white light flashes.

The two of them have returned to the office.

"Interesting abilities."


"Whitehorse has a mutant who also has such abilities."

"I know."

Luke smiled, flashed over from the wine cabinet, handed the prepared bourbon to Mrs. Viper, and said with a smile: "The Red Devil, the mutant who was once under the Black Emperor Xiao."

Mrs. Viper took the wine glass and clinked it with Luke: "The Red Devil is not only Black Emperor Xiao's subordinate, he was also Magneto's subordinate. After Magneto disappeared and retired, Red Devil was taken over by Whitehorse. It’s in the bag.”

Luke raised his eyebrows and looked at Mrs. Viper.

"Why tell me."

"Let's put it this way."

Mrs. Viper smiled charmingly, handed the glass of wine back to Luke after taking a sip, and then kissed Luke on the face: "We are of the same race."

Luke: "..."

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