A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 271 Shock! Luke is a mutant! ! (Fifth update, please order in full!!)


She was willing to take the risk.

Not just because she is Luke's fiancée.

It’s even more because she is Luke’s fiancée.


Rachel wants to take risks.

Luke didn't want to, let alone risk Rachel.

Unless he has lost his mind.

So when Rachel said she wanted to make a plan with him, Luke drank the wine in one gulp, then hugged Rachel and went back to the house.

There is a saying.

War, let women go away!

The reason why Whitehorse is so mean and lets her daughter kill people is because the old dog is a pervert himself.

But not Luke.

Luke has not yet reached the point where he needs to use his own woman as bait.

Isn't he just a red devil?


Watch me do it!

the next day!

An exclamation came from the master bedroom bathroom.

"Thick and greasy Xie Te!"


Rachel, who was wearing a white pajamas, grabbed her cell phone and hurriedly walked out of the bathroom. She saw Luke who flashed directly in front of her from the cloakroom and handed her cell phone over: "Look. "

Luke, who thought it was the Red Devil knocking on the door, breathed a sigh of relief, took the phone handed over by Rachel, and then looked at the screen of the phone.


"Shocking inside story, Los Angeles FBI director, West Coast superhero, Luke Dane's true identity is actually a mutant—"West Coast Daily""

Luke raised an eyebrow.

Rachel on the side looked at Luke who raised his eyes and reminded: "Not only the West Coast Daily, but also, please slide."

Luke swiped the screen, and in an instant, screenshots of newspaper headlines appeared one after another.

"Shocking discovery: FBI Los Angeles Director Luke Dane is actually a mutant - "The Beverly Reporter""

"The Los Angeles FBI director's mutant powers are revealed, the second Magneto? — "Discovering Mutants"


"FBI Los Angeles Director Luke Dane's identity is exposed: He turns out to be a mutant—"Los Angeles Daily""

"alert! They have not disappeared, they are always there. In fact, mutants are among us - "Daily Bugle"



Luke swiped the screenshot and saw a newspaper that was relatively famous in his memory: "Isn't this newspaper from New York City? People from New York City came here to join in the fun."

Rachel, who had just turned around, took the charging tablet on the bedside table, clicked on it, and after some fiddling, found a video. After clicking on it, she handed it to Luke. : “Look at this video and it’s all over the Internet.”

Luke looked at the video playing on the tablet.

Just as he almost guessed.

The video was shot from the surveillance perspective of a vehicle.

in the screen.

Luke put one hand in his pocket and held a ball of northern lights in the other. In front of him were twenty-five Hydra agents with their feet off the ground.

The quality of the surveillance equipment that captured this video is great.

Don't say anything else.

At least it showed Luke's handsomeness to the fullest.

With this in mind, Luke looked at Rachel on the side and asked for his fiancée's opinion: "I'm handsome."

Rachel rolled her eyes, grabbed the tablet, and said to Luke: "My assistant just said that this video first appeared on the Internet at four o'clock in the morning. Now it is no longer a question of whether it is handsome or not. It is very Obviously, this is Whitehorse's doing, damn, we have been passive due to the public opinion."

As a media person, Rachel is all too aware of the power of public opinion.

Rachel took a deep breath and was about to speak when she looked at the cell phone that suddenly rang. She quickly took it and walked aside to answer the phone.

"Certainly not."

"I promise."

"Director, we are different from these tabloids. People's tabloids only choose us when they read gossip and news. I can guarantee it with my career. Once we follow the trend, it will only damage our credibility."

"I know!"

hang up the phone.

Just when Rachel was about to turn around, the phone rang again.

She looked at the caller number. It was from another very important anchor in the media circle. After thinking about it, she answered the call.

After Rachel explained once again and asked the anchor to send a message in the mainstream media circle not to follow the trend, she immediately hung up the phone, directly muted the sound, and said to Luke again: "We must clarify as soon as possible. It's too late. The later it gets, even if we clarify, Whitehorse's plan will probably succeed, because when it comes to the FBI, these fools will only believe in the conspiracy and not the facts."

Luke smiled and looked at Rachel: "Do you really think that this video, which is everywhere on the Internet, was done by Whitehorse?"

Rachel was slightly startled.

"You don't think it's Whitehorse?"

"No, the video must have been released by this old dog. However, it can be spread all over the Internet in such a short period of time, and it has not triggered the FBI's keywords. This is not what the old dog Whitehorse can do. Arrived."

The FBI has a cyber division.

It's the kind where if you dare to search online for the steps to make a nuclear bomb or how to obtain oil cakes, the FBI will definitely show up at your door within two hours.

The information from the FBI Director in Los Angeles is the first level of attention!

If this video was freely reproduced on the Internet, it would have hit the Internet public opinion reminder button set by Debbie.

To put it simply.

Within an hour of this video appearing, no matter how late, Debbie would be calling.

Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives.

Luke's phone rang.


Debbie's anxious voice came from inside: "Boss, it's bad, on the Internet..."

Luke interrupted.

"I know what's going on."

"I don't know. The system I set up has not been attacked in any way, but until just now, I received a large number of notifications that detected public opinion. It seems that someone has deliberately blocked me. Boss, what should I do now, delete the post?"

"Need not!"

Lu Ke chuckled: "Let the External Information Office prepare and tell the twelve regular media in Los Angeles, led by Columbia News Channel, that I will personally host the press conference at five o'clock this afternoon!"

Debbie responded quickly.

Luke then hung up the phone.

Rachel looked at Luke who hung up the phone and frowned: "You mean, it was Whitehorse who posted the video, but there was someone else who spread the video, who?"

Luke's eyes flickered: "Zola!"

Rachel was stunned.



"That Dr. Arnim Zola, didn't he form an alliance with you to deal with Whitehorse?"

"That's right."

"Then he..."

"At first I thought I would be his puppet, but now I suddenly realize that I am not his puppet anymore."

Luke looked at Rachel with a smile: "Have you forgotten that I told you that I used the excuse to blackmail Strack and Malik into standing with me? With the support of these two people, Dr. Zola The importance of it has actually become dispensable.”

Human nature has always been like this.

Luke wasn't surprised.

Rachel frowned: "But what's the point of him doing this? Whitehorse is still alive. Is he planning to support Whitehorse?"

Luke shook his head: "He has already offended Whitehorse terribly. He will definitely not go back to Whitehorse. He probably wants to give me a beating by doing this."

Rachel couldn't understand: "What are you hitting on?"

Luke shrugged and dialed the video call directly to Seve: "I don't know either, but wouldn't it be better to just ask?"

The video call was quickly connected.

Seve appears in the video with a sleepy look on his face and no makeup on.

"still sleeping?"


Seve yawned: "What time is it over there."

Luke looked at the time on his watch: "Seven o'clock. If you feel sleepy, check the information on the federal Internet. Call me when you are not sleepy again."


Luke hung up the phone directly.

Seve, who was in the bedroom of his flying fortress, was a little confused.

Federated Internet?

What does it mean?

Wait a moment.

The woman who just appeared in the video must be his fiancée Rachel.


Seve took a breath and gritted his teeth: "Damn bastard, even if you don't let me force the palace, now you are sending me a video directly in front of the palace. You are provoking me, bastard, you really think I am Don’t you dare to force me into the palace?”

While complaining through gritted teeth, Seve grabbed the tablet beside him and turned on the Internet.

The next second!

Seve was completely sleepless.

"Thick and greasy Xie Te!"

Seve exclaimed, quickly grabbed his phone and called back directly.

Lu Ke took advantage of the situation and connected.


"finish watching."

"this is not……"

"This video first appeared on the Internet at four o'clock in the night. Now at seven o'clock, three hours later, this video has been copied more than a million times on the Internet."


"The FBI's online public opinion system was not triggered. It was only just now that Debbie told me that the system was triggered."

"You first……"

Luke didn't give Seve, who looked anxious at the other end of the video, a chance to speak. He interrupted again with a cold face and no emotion: "One question, is it you."

Cypher said quickly: "I definitely didn't do it."

Luke's expression softened slightly.

"That would be Zola."

"Luke, you..."

"Give you three seconds to find a hacker who can block my FBI network public opinion detection system for three hours."


Seve opened his mouth.

The FBI's public opinion detection system is terrible.


The number of hackers who can be blocked for three hours continuously can be counted on one hand.

But it's one thing to count them, but it's another thing to do it.

"Two things!"

Luke looked at the video, which was hesitant to speak, and seemed to be unable to find Seve, who was taking the blame. He said expressionlessly: "The first thing, the source of this video, was given to me before five o'clock this afternoon. Second thing, tell Zola, if you can’t cooperate, just tell him that he’s doing something small, and I’ll go directly to New Jersey and pull out his network cable!”


Luke immediately hung up the video call!

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