A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 273 Who said Zola can’t lie (Second update!)

Luke leaned on the seat behind him, looked at the phone that was placed on the table after hanging up, and shook his head helplessly as he thought about Seve who was forced to have sex for the third time.

If God gave him another chance to get to know Seve.

Luke dares to swear...

He will still choose to do this.

Nothing else.

Seve is very smooth.

He spent so much effort to finally retire from the main god space, and now he is starting to suffer from being laid off and re-employed. This is not to let himself die alone in the future.

If possible, Luke still wants to find a planet where he can live a retired life with his horses in Nanshan and his swords and guns in storage, and at the same time, he and his women can have children on the same planet.

As for Sever's forced marriage?

If you want to force her to have a baby, just force her to have a baby.

He wouldn't agree to it anyway.


Although Rachel had her own little thoughts when she was with him, time and yesterday's talk about using herself as bait have proven that Rachel earned her position by herself.

"The wife of chaff."

Lu Ke smiled, opened the drawer, and took out the gold-rimmed glasses inside: "I can't be Chen Shimei!"

The words fell.

After Luke put on his gold-rimmed glasses, he pressed activation. In an instant, the office scenery in front of him switched directly to the conference room where the Hydra directors held their last meeting.

As Luke logged in, the empty seat opposite was filled with faint blue data lines, and the appearance of Dr. Arnim Zola was immediately formed.

"Good day, Director Dane."

"Good day, Dr. Zola."

Luke crossed his arms and looked at Dr. Zola with a smile: "The doctor invited me here, probably because he wanted to tell me in person why he did such a shameful thing of backstabbing his ally."

Dr. Zola's voice is very unique, accompanied by the sound of surging electricity: "Director Dann, you are not a mutant."

Luke chuckled: "That's why I said Dr. Zola was stabbing me in the back. If I were a mutant, Dr. Zola, your behavior can be characterized as subsidizing the enemy. The doctor is planning to fight with me." Terminate cooperation?"

Dr. Zola shook his head: "Not really!"

Luke smiled brightly: "Then the question is, doctor, if you don't want to stop cooperation, then why do you do this? Could it be that, doctor, you have any dissatisfaction with me?"

Zola, who currently exists as an electronic life, cannot see any facial expressions, and even his voice cannot contain any emotion.

But he can use powerful computing power to quickly perform calculations on Luke's facial expressions and tone of voice.


Dr. Zola came up with a not-so-rosy answer.

If he doesn't give a satisfactory answer today, 90% of the time Luke on the opposite side will go to the base in New Jersey and unplug his network cable.

This is not possible!

Dr. Zola's powerful computing power was activated again, so that the avatar appearing in Luke's sight became stuck and shaking.

Luke raised his eyebrows as he looked at Dr. Zola, whose mosaics appeared from time to time.

What is this guy playing at?


This guy can't be playing the trick of not being online due to poor signal.

Luke gasped.

However, this move can be used by other people, but it is inappropriate for you to use this move too.

Luke frowned.

at this time.

Zola stabilized his figure again and explained to Luke why he did this: "If you want to kill Whitehorse, you must first kill the mutant Red Devil next to him. Otherwise, You have no chance of killing him."

Luke was slightly startled. He glanced at Zola with a strange expression, and stopped the impulse he had planned when he just went online.

Is this ready to start?


Let me see how you act.

Luke thought to himself and smiled.

"What Dr. Zola means is that you used this time to deliberately create the illusion that you are at odds with me, just to help me find a way to get rid of the Red Devil."


Luke's smile was extremely bright: "Did the plan succeed?"

Dr. Zola said almost without pausing: "Yes, it was successful."

Luke raised an eyebrow.

"Where is the Red Devil?"

"I'll give you the address before five o'clock this afternoon."

"I want it now."

"The calculations take time, and the Sentinel Secret Service has already entered your federal building."


Luke's heart moved, and he took a deep look at Dr. Zola opposite: "Give me your address before five o'clock in the afternoon!"


Luke took off the glasses on his nose, and the scene instantly switched to reality.

He was planning on getting angry.


Business matters.

Which one is more important, Lu Ke is also clear about this.

at this time.


"Come in!"

Earl pushed the door in from the outside and looked at Luke sitting at the desk: "Director, Colonel Stryker from the Sentinel Secret Service is here."

The words fell.

William Stryker, who had white hair but sharp eyes and was from the military, walked in from the outside and his eyes fell on Luke: "Director Luke Dann, we received an anonymous report that someone You have provided us with evidence that you are a mutant, and I need your cooperation. This is a cooperation investigation order signed by the Department of Justice and Quantico."

Luke stood up from his seat.

The three sentries who came in behind William Stryker clicked and activated the small X-gene suppression device worn on their wrists that could suppress mutant abilities in a small area.

When Luke saw this, he took a glance and saw that they were different from the sentries brought over by Roland Fury. They were obviously three regular sentries. He couldn't help but smile and walked up to William Stryker. He took out the investigation order with the joint seals of Quantico Headquarters and the Department of Justice.

Chapter is true.

Because when he came over, the informant from the Quantico headquarters who got through with $20 million called him.

The meaning of the headquarters and the Ministry of Justice is simple.

There is no way a mutant could become the director of a federal law enforcement agency.

No federal person can accept that a mutant can openly become the director of the FBI.

Just as a small number of people would not like to see a yellow-skinned person infiltrate the core management of the federation.

What the headquarters informant meant was simple.

This is not something that can be solved with money. The purpose of the call is also for the sake of 20 million US dollars. If you are a mutant, run away early. There is no need to hold on.

What else could Luke say.


He's not a mutant, so he's just running away.

Luke looked at the investigation order in his hand, smiled, and then handed the investigation order to Earl beside him.

William Stryker said businesslikely: "Director Dann, please cooperate with our investigation."


Stryker raised his hand.

Luke spoke up and looked at Stryker: "Colonel Stryker, are there any mutants that need to be confirmed or captured today?"

Stryker frowned and shook his head.


"What's the hurry, Colonel Stryker? How about we have a drink together?"

Luke smiled and invited Colonel Stryker in front of him: "I rushed here to work this morning. Does Colonel Stryker think I will run away?"

Stryker frowned and said nothing.

Luke had already raised his feet and walked towards the living room on the side.

"Vodka, whiskey, or bourbon."


Luke turned around in front of the wine cabinet, looked at Stryker who spoke out, and smiled: "It's tasteful."

Apart from socializing, people who like to drink vodka almost all have one thing in common.

That is, they have very explosive tempers.


William Stryker did not seem to be a grumpy man when they first met him.

"Here!" Luke poured a glass of vodka and handed it to Stryker.

Stryker took it and said thank you.

Luke picked up his bourbon, invited Stryker to sit down, and raised his glass.



Stryker did not refuse, but after seeing Luke drink it all, he also drank the vodka in the glass.


Luke grabbed the vodka, refilled Stryker's wine, and then said to Earl on the side: "Tell the press and external office to change the time, and hold a press conference at twelve o'clock in the morning."

Earl nodded, turned and walked towards the door.

The three sentries blocking the door remained motionless.

Earl frowned.

Luke looked at Stryker with a smile: "William thinks what I just said is some kind of code?"

Stryker shook his head and waved his hand towards the three sentries at the door.

The three sentries silently cleared a path.

Stryker looked at Luke: "Sorry, it's my duty."

If he didn't see Luke and Luke ran away, that wouldn't be his problem.

But if he sees Luke and then Luke runs away, that will be his problem.

Some people may even think that he has chosen to take sides.

Stryker doesn't want to take sides, he just wants to kill all the mutants in the world.

That's all!

Luke smiled and expressed his understanding: "I didn't expect William to come so soon. I originally scheduled the press conference for five o'clock in the afternoon. However, William, you came here so soon. It's good for this pair." To me, it’s actually a good thing.”

Stryker's thoughts were spinning.

He suddenly understood what Luke meant.

Stryker frowned: "Director Dann plans to let us conduct testing during the press conference and in the presence of the media."

Luke leaned on the sofa behind him and looked at Stryker with a smile: "Rumors are not terrible. What is terrible are the people who create these rumors. However, what is false is false. People may doubt the Federation." There is fraud within the Bureau, but there is no doubt that the Sentinel Secret Service, whose mission is to capture mutants, is also helping a mutant lie."

He originally planned to take advantage of the situation.

But Rachel reminds him that this plan is not very clever, and the effort and reward are not worth the loss.


If this plan doesn't work anymore, then it won't work.

Luke is looking forward to, and must be paying attention to, what Whitehorse's expression will look like after seeing him confirmed by the Sentinel Secret Service that he is not a mutant.

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