A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 292: Going to the sea does not exist (first update!)

"here we go."

"Hurry, Dr. Zola, launch the satellite."


"The coordinates of Luke and Whitehorse are so close?"

Almost at the moment when the countdown reached zero, the Hydra directors who were still in the virtual conference room, who were originally aloof and silent, turned into a crowd, looking at the coordinates, and urging. Ask Dr. Zola to quickly launch the satellite.

When it comes to Lezi people, Hydra dares to say that they are second, but no one dares to say that they are first.

after all……

Not everyone or every organization can turn having fun into World War II.

Alexander Pierce looked at Baron Zemo who was urging Dr. Zola to quickly launch the satellite, and he chuckled: "Zemo, I thought you were a staunch ally of Whitehorse."

Baron Zemo looked at Alexander seriously: "Who said that? This is a rumor, this is slander. The relationship between me and Whitehorse is only a working partnership."

What a joke.

There are one, two, three of you here, plus Mrs. Viper and Hydra partner William Stryker. One of these people, one or the other, is either already openly supporting Luke, or is... Secretly supporting Luke.

You can say that.

Now Luke wasn't the only one who wanted Daniel Whitehorse dead.

But a group of people wanted him dead.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Whitehorse is not his biological father or anything, so he would be crazy to rush to support Whitehorse.


I felt something was wrong from the beginning, and there was no end at all. Otherwise, if I wanted to leave, I would probably have to get rid of half of my assets.

Baron Zemo secretly rejoiced.

He didn't have much assets to begin with, so losing half of it would be a real hemorrhage for him.

at this time.

In the conference room, several more rays of light flashed, and then, several more people logged into the conference room.

"Has it started?" William Stryker, who had just finished a mutant surgery, asked quickly after sitting down. Then he saw the real-time satellite image projected by Dr. Zola, standing on the deserted island. Luke: "Where is this? Aren't we looking for Whitehorse?"

Alexander Pierce looked at the latest man who logged in and said hello with a smile: "Distro, you almost missed the show."

The man named Distro smiled and said: "I just finished a meeting at NATO, isn't this a good time?"

Gideon Malik looked at Distro curiously: "Destro, if Whitehorse loses this time, do you plan to continue cooperating with a new director or change your cooperation partner?"

Distro laughed out loud and pointed at the projected screen with a true London accent: "We'll wait until the winner is decided, but why didn't I see Whitehorse?"

Baron Zemo on the side gave a direct spoiler: "Three hundred meters deep under Sands Island, there is an underwater base in Whitehoe."

When Alexander heard this, he looked at Baron Zemo: "Here, the underwater base?"

Baron Zemo seemed to know what Alexander wanted to say: "I can assure you, Alexander, I have absolutely no involvement in this base."

As everyone knows.

The Federation is Alexander Pierce's territory of influence.

It's now time, and Baron Zemo can't deceive Alexander about this matter.

Alexander squinted his eyes and looked at Luke on the real-time satellite picture.

Whitehorse, who was in the command center of the underwater base, almost immediately started locating the position when Luke's coordinates were announced and noticed something was wrong.


"He's on Sands Island."

The Hydra agent, who also used satellites for real-time positioning, also immediately saw Luke on Sands Island. He quickly turned to look at Whitehorse who was standing not far away: "Sir, do you need to send someone up?"

Whitehorse looked up at Luke in the real-time satellite map, came to his senses, and shook his head: "No, let him come down first."

On Sands Island, there were neither submarines nor diving suits.

He was curious.

How can this damn yellow-skinned monkey be sent back to the west within an hour as he said so brazenly just now?

Not to mention……

There are many agents in his underwater base.

Whitehorse looked at the real-time satellite map and looked at Luke in the picture as if he were condescending, with a sarcastic smile on his lips.

"I bet you can't even get through my door!"


As soon as Whitehorse finished speaking, his eyes couldn't help but shrink. Looking at the big screen, he seemed to notice something. He raised his head, and Luke, whose eyes seemed to be looking at him, couldn't help being startled.

Luke glanced up at the sky, then looked around, and finally appeared on the beach of Sands Island.



"Luke is a mutant?"


William Stryker, who was attending the meeting, listened to Distro's exclamation, shook his head and said: "I have already checked, whether it is genetically speaking or in other aspects, Luke is not Mutant."

Distro nodded thoughtfully: "Is that the alien?"

Stryker shrugged: "Then I don't know."

It's true that he has a grudge against mutants.

But Stryker said that he was not a madman. At least, the alien did not kill his wife.

So as long as it's not a mutant, Stryker said, love is whatever it is.

Sitting in the main seat, Mrs. Viper, who was in charge of judging the game this time, folded her arms and did not speak aloud. Instead, she stared at Luke on the projection screen with a pair of green eyes.

Luke stood on the beach with his hands in his pockets, looking in front of him. There were no waves, but the sea looked darker blue.


"Wait a moment, I'm already preparing a diving suit for you and will put it out later."

"Need not."


Seve, who was helping to pack the diving suit and oxygen bottles in the Sky Fortress, was slightly startled: "If you don't need these things, how do you plan to get down there and teleport directly?"

Luke shook his head: "My teleportation has limitations. I can't go to places where there are no images in my mind."

Seve frowned: "Then how do you plan to get down?"

Luke chuckled, looked away from the sea, then turned around, stepped out, and reappeared in the center of Sands Island: "Who said I was going down."

It is impossible to go into the sea.

It's impossible in this life.

Luke was in the main god dimension at the time. He once ate a devil fruit because of his gluttony. Not to mention how it tasted, the sequelae were serious.

Although he was helped to wash away the ability brought by this devil fruit, he still said that if he could avoid going into the sea, he would try not to go into the sea.

Seve was stunned.

"If you don't plan to go down, then how are you going to find Whitehorse."

"Let him come up."


Seve didn't know what to say anymore: "So, honey, how are you going to get Whitehorse to come up, call him, piss him off, get him to come up?"

Luke chuckled and did not speak. Instead, he looked around and looked behind him at the coastline, which was at least more than fifty kilometers away from here. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Seph, I am sure that the satellite signal here can be detected." Interference?"

Seifer responded: "Yes, but if you want to avoid being discovered, the range can only be controlled within fifty kilometers centered on Sands Island. But, what do you want to do?"

Luke smiled and said: "Do it first, and you will know when it is done."

Cypher frowned, then shook his head, stood up, and walked towards his control hall in the Sky Fortress. Then he said to the five blond beauty subordinates who were controlling the hall: "With Luke as the center, put down the signal jammer. .”

The five blond beauties who were chatting and watching the live online video quickly came to their senses, put on their headphones, and got into working mode.

"Calling the satellite signal jammer."

"Conduct pre-departure inspection."

"Open the bottom hatch."

"Satellite signal jammer in place."

"Put it in!"

"Puff, puff, puff, puff!"

The hatch that opened at the bottom of the sky fortress was accompanied by four sounds similar to the sound of something coming out. The four dark things opened their wings while falling freely, and then there was a flash of light, as if they were different from the surrounding ones. The environment merged into one and flew to the marked position.

"Satellite jammer in place."

"The signal went online successfully."

"Open the signal interference line."

"Start successfully."


Along with the red light flashing on the signal line extending from the top of the sky fortress, in an instant, the model jammer flying to the designated position also began to flash synchronously.


Seve looked at the satellite signal that was already online, took a look at the CIA satellite, confirmed that Sands Island was directly blocked, and said: "The satellite jammer can last for about an hour, and it can only interfere with ordinary satellites. You should know that it cannot interfere with the Hydra satellites that Whitehorse can call."

Luke smiled and said, "I didn't even think about blocking Whitehorse."

Seve frowned and said, "Then what are you going to do?"

Luke shrugged: "Because, the next movement may be a little big."

Cypher raised an eyebrow.

"Big? How big?"

"It's big!"

After Luke finished speaking, he closed his eyes directly, and his consciousness crossed the endless distance and was directly projected into his small universe that was on the way on horseback.


A gust of wind rose from Lu Ke and blasted around. It was like a sharp blade, cutting the surrounding bushes and trees.

The next second.

Luke opened his eyes.

The golden light skyrocketed!

Luke stretched out his hands, and the soaring golden light in his eyes gradually faded away, replaced by the purple light of the North Star spreading on his hands that became more and more brilliant.

Seve, who was watching this scene from the Sky Fortress, had his eyebrows beating.

"Wait a minute, Luke, what do you want to do?"

"If he doesn't come out, then I'll ask him to come out!"

Say it.

Luke raised his hands slightly.

Purple energy comes from itself!

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