A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 312 Dragon in Tarot (first update!)

Lu Ke had no intention of getting involved in the family affairs of Wen Wu and his rebellious son.


The airport is under his jurisdiction, so he very much hopes that Wenwu can stop this traitor before he enters the airport, instead of running into the airport and making a big fuss.

Mr. Yu, if this matter gets serious, Lu Ke, as the first person in charge, will definitely take the blame.

And this scapegoat is something that cannot be shaken off.

Privately, Lu Ke also wanted to let Wenwu resolve his family affairs as soon as possible, and then arrange a fight to settle the grudge between the two of them.

After all, once Wenwu takes action inside the airport, Lu Ke will definitely go over and stop him.


If he starts a war with civil and military forces at the airport, it won't be a question of how many civilians die, but how many civilians can survive.

So Lu Ke chose to help Wen Wu.

Wen Wu on the other end of the phone heard his traitor running to the airport with his narrow eyes. He said goodbye to the driver, then thanked Lu Ke again and hung up the phone.

Luke listened to the blind tone on the phone and put down the phone in his hand.

The next second.

"Fuck Fuck."

Luke knocked on the table, grabbed the coat hanging behind him, put it on himself, and walked towards the office door: "Drive to the airport."


He's going to the airport to watch.

What if the civil and military forces don't give him face and actually start a war with his treacherous son in the airport?

It will be him who will be implicated then.

He is now going to the airport to keep an eye on it. If such a thing really happens, he will deal with it on the spot, both civil and military. No matter how many people die at the airport, at least he will have an explanation.

five minutes later.

Earl drove Luke's Audi A8, took Luke out of the federal building, and then the engine roared and drove quickly towards the Los Santos International Airport.

Luke leaned against the co-pilot, closing his eyes and concentrating on the possible battle that would follow.

In the duel between masters, success or failure lies in the details.

Just when I closed my eyes and was about to adjust myself, the phone rang.

Luke opened his eyes and glanced at the number displayed on the controller.


Luke reached out and clicked on the screen in the air, choosing to connect.


"Come up."

"No time, busy."


Seve, who was in the Sky Fortress, located Luke's cell phone signal and called up the black Audi A8 speeding on the road.

"Where are you going?"


"It's okay."

Seve quickly reviewed the surveillance footage of the international airport, took a look at it, and frowned: "Pick someone up or send someone off?"

Lu Keyan said succinctly: "No, go over there and watch the civil and military affairs so that I don't cause a big mess."

Seve was slightly startled.

"Wenwu? The one from the Ten Rings Gang?"


"What's up with him?"

"The traitor is disobedient, he is chasing me, and I am just in case something unexpected happens."

Luke didn't want to continue on this topic, so he ended it directly: "What's the matter?"

Seve came back to his senses: "That Eastern dragon you asked me to help you check for, I found two more reliable clues."

Luke, who was leaning on the passenger seat with his eyes half-closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Any clues?"

"Yes, so, should I come up here or let me tell you on the phone."

"I'll go up."

Luke said directly, and then said to Earl on the side: "If there is a commotion, take pictures and send them to me as soon as possible."

Earl nodded: "Ming..."

The words have not yet fallen.

A hissing sound.

Luke's figure switched directly from the co-pilot to the flying fortress in one second. He walked directly behind Sever's desk and looked at the computer in front of Sever.


"New York City, Chinatown, in 1992, an Oriental dragon was suspected to have appeared."

Seve retrieved an electronic document belonging to SHIELD that was labeled top secret: "This was found from the SHIELD database with the help of Dr. Zola."

After Luke took over Daniel Whitehorse's inheritance, except that he failed to become Dr. Zola's puppet as he wanted, all other cooperation promised by Zola was fulfilled as promised.

For example, continue to provide funds and space for Dr. Zola's "Cloning Project".

At present, except that he and Dr. Zola are not in the honeymoon period, it can be said that they have a seamless cooperative relationship.

After Dr. Zola saw that Luke had fulfilled his promise, he also began to use his expertise as promised to help Luke search for the so-called "Eastern Dragon" all over the world.

To open Luke's second gene lock, he needs to bathe in dragon blood.

And it must be an Eastern Dragon.

Because of the Descendants of the Dragon, Luke is not sure whether the Western Dragon is effective because he has not tried it.

The most important thing.

In the Marvel Universe, the difficulty of finding an Eastern dragon is probably the same as that of finding a Western dragon. In this case, there is no need to find a Western dragon that is not sure whether it will be useful to him.

As Seve spoke, he clicked on the information on the computer that was written as top secret.

Among the many files is a video file.

Click to open.


A flaming Eastern fire dragon appeared in the video, surrounded by screaming and panicked people fleeing in all directions.

Judging from the shooting background in the video, it should be in Chinatown, and it is likely to be the Spring Festival of a certain year.

Because the red lanterns are hanging high.

This video shows a flaming oriental fire dragon circling and roaring through the streets.

Luke looked at the fire dragon with its hair sprouting in the video and raised his eyebrows.

"Is there anyone across from him?"


Seve nodded and clicked on another video file. The shooting angle was exactly opposite the fire dragon.


In the video, no one is visible.

Luke frowned.

Seve shrugged and said, "It just wasn't photographed. Moreover, several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in New York at the time also mentioned this in subsequent case reports. They were sure that there was something fighting against the fire dragon at that time, but They didn’t see the person.”

Luke didn't speak, but continued to watch the video.

The fire dragons in the two videos seemed to be fighting in the void, and it seemed that the fire dragon was still at a disadvantage. Then with a sad and angry roar, the huge fire dragon suddenly seemed to shrink, at a speed visible to the naked eye. Get smaller and then disappear.

Luke frowned: "Invisible people?"

Karma Taj's magician?


Lu Ke thought together and then overturned this guess.

Because if it were Kama Taj's magicians, they would definitely use mirror magic to bring the dragon into the mirror world. It is unlikely that they would enter the mirror world and leave the dragon in the real world. .

But if not Kamal Taj, who would it be?

Luke looked at Seve while thinking.

"You just said that you found two clues, and there is another one."

"Another clue is in Dongguo."

Seve shrugged, and while reading another document, he said with a smile: "If you want to find Dongfang Dragon, you must go to the east first. I found this in the database of Dongguo Divine Spear Bureau."

While talking.

An electronic file also marked top secret found in the secret files of the Eastern Divine Spear Bureau was retrieved by Seve.

Luke looked at Seve: "Can you break through the system of the Divine Spear Bureau?"

Cypher looked at Luke.

"Are you doubting my strength? My name as Emperor of Information is well known to everyone."

"I don't doubt that at all."

Luke smiled slightly, ended the topic, and motioned to Seve to open the file.

"This also happened in 1992. Moreover, you may not believe it, but the case occurred on the second day after the New York Dragon appeared, which was February 5th."

"February 5, 1992?"



"That's right."

"On the night of February 4th, New York time?"


Luke frowned: "In terms of time, that happened almost at the same time."

There is a time difference between Dongguo and New York City.

The morning of February 5th in East China is not the night of February 4th in New York City.

Seve smiled, and then also opened a video file in the document.

Enter the eyes.

In the sky above what looked like a dense forest, a silver-bodied, red-haired, four-clawed silver dragon was hovering in the sky, its huge dragon head roaring in one direction in the clouds.

Luke saw this.

"The way it roars..."

"Federal Direction"


Lu Ke frowned, looking at the silver dragon with red hair circling and roaring like fire.

Is it roaring for that fire dragon in New York City?

"Two videos, is there a timeline?"

"It's been prepared for you a long time ago, just wait."

Seve seemed to know that Luke would ask such a question, so he laughed and reopened another video file.

This is a composite version of the two videos and, moreover, indicates the time.

"It's impossible to find out when and when these two Eastern dragons appeared."

"Fortunately, these two videos have shooting time."

"I made up the time difference for you, based on what New York City shows. Watch."

Seve said, clicking play.

Enter the eyes.

Night in New York City, day in the Eastern Forest.

The demon dragon roared, and the silver dragon also roared.

The demon dragon screamed, and the silver dragon's roar became even louder.

After that, the demon dragon disappeared, and the silver dragon's roar was even louder. Then it turned around angrily, circling around in place for several times as if it was helpless and furious, and then disappeared straight away.

Luke was now more certain that there must be a connection between the demon dragon and the silver dragon.


The dragon in New York City, looking at the video, must have been taken over by some unknown being.

So this one from Dongguo is left.

"Can you find the filming location?"


Seve glanced at Luke with a smile, then opened the confidential file of the Divine Spear Bureau again and said loudly: "According to the information recorded by the Divine Spear Bureau, the location where the Silver Dragon appeared is in Yunnan, and a person was captured by the Divine Spear Bureau. The area the bureau calls Tarot.”

Lu Ke's body shook!

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