A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 321 Revenge for the ancestors! (Second update!)

Yingli's soul is in hell now?

When Lu Ke thought about this, his expression moved slightly.

The soul of Daniel Whitehorse he wanted is also in hell, and the soul of Yingli that Xu Wenwu wanted is also in hell now.


Isn't this a coincidence?

Lu Ke raised his eyebrows, and suddenly, a very good idea came to his mind.

But he still needs to verify whether it can be done.

Lu Ke then heard Jiaying tell him some insignificant things about Yingli and Yingnan or the Tarot dimension.

Basically, Lu Ke was listening. Jiaying tried her best to remember, and talked about something she remembered.

For example, Yingli once said that the scenery in the Tarot dimension is very beautiful.

For example, she also said that the creatures in the Tarot dimension are very similar to the introduction in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. Kirins, unicorns, etc. all exist.

Luke heard this and interrupted.

"I don't care about unicorns, I care more about dragons."



Lu Ke was made less confident by Jiaying's decisive "yes".

He looked at Jiaying, who was not so confident when talking about other things, but seemed particularly confident when it came to talking about dragons.

"you sure?"


Jiaying nodded decisively again and looked at Lu Ke: "This is what Yingli told me, saying that his sister, Yingnan, left her without saying goodbye for a while, causing her to go and replace her sister. Guarding the portal of Tarot, this is why Yingli and Wenwu met."

Because Yingnan was missing at the time, Yingli went outside to take over her sister Yingnan's position.


Once a civil or military mistake occurs, life will be ruined.

Jiaying imitated Yingli's tone at that time, describing the story that would happen, and then said: "Afterwards, when Yingnan came back, Yingnan came back injured, and also brought the red-haired Tarot Dimension The four-clawed silver dragon was brought back."

Red hair.

Four claws.

Silver Dragon.

That's right.

Right, exactly as shown in the video at that time.

There really is a dragon in Tarot, waiting for him to slay it.

Lu Ke's body trembled.

When Jiaying said this, she suddenly remembered that she hadn't asked Luke why she was suddenly interested in Tarot, and she looked at Luke curiously.

"Luke, you're so good, why are you suddenly interested in Tarot?"

"I'm not interested in tarot."

Lu Ke shook his head in recognition, looked at Jiaying, and said truthfully without hiding anything: "But I am interested in the red-haired, four-clawed silver dragon inside him."

Jiaying was slightly startled, looking at the expression on Lu Ke's face.

"What...are you going to do?"

"It's not a big deal, I just wanted to go over and slay a dragon. That's it, it's not a big deal."


it's not a big deal?

Slaying a dragon...is that all?

Isn't it a big deal?

Jiaying looked at Lu Ke, who was sitting across from him with an elegant expression and a hint of a refined smile, and opened her mouth, feeling like she wanted to say something but couldn't.

at last.

The words come to your lips.

Jiaying forced this sentence out of her mouth.

"I wish you success in slaying the dragon."

"Thank you for the blessing."

Lu Ke accepted Jiaying's blessing with a smile: "I will watch when the dragon is slain. If there is time, space, and so on, I will chop it into a quarter for you." Come down."

Eat dragon?

Never in this life.

Jiaying was not pretentious about this: "Okay, no problem, just right. My place is big, so you might as well come to my place to cook. Anyway, with Gordon here, it will be very convenient to go back and forth."

Lu Ke turned around and looked around Jiaying's backyard and nodded.

It's indeed quite spacious.

It seems to be true.

This place can definitely host a whole-roasted dragon party.

Of course.

The premise is that the dragon can leave a whole corpse for himself.


"I try my best."

Lu Ke chuckled, took out the phone, looked at Seve who called, and said one last word to Jiaying, "You buy the carbon fire first, and I will definitely bring the dragon back. When the time comes, Let’s have an all-dragon banquet here.”


Lu Ke raised his head, moved his gaze upwards, and instantly disappeared from Jiaying's sight, leaving a confused Jiaying behind.

Jiaying looked at where Luke disappeared and blinked.


I'm just telling you, you can't really take it seriously.

Jiaying opened her mouth wide.

at this time.

After Jiaying remembered that Lu Ke was a master of gourmet cooking, she suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

By the way...

If Luke really found the Tarot dimension during this trip, he wouldn't really want to eat up all the ingredients in the Tarot dimension, whether old or young, meat or vegetable, etc., right?

When Jiaying thought about this, she couldn't help but swallowed hard.


After Luke reappeared on the sofa seat in his air fortress, he took the tea and got on the bus. He picked up the bourbon in front of him and took a big sip to dilute the taste of the tea in his mouth. His eyes fell to the side, and he was Kidnapped a neat family of six.

Rick O'Connor and Evelyn O'Connor.

Daughters-in-law Alex and Lyn O'Connor and their son, Celyn O'Connor, grandson of Rick and Evelyn.

And there is Evelyn’s brother Jonathan.

In 1947, the O'Connor family who participated in the operation to kill the Dragon Emperor not only survived, but even flourished and continued to this day.

But what about my lovely and charming ancestor?

My lovely and charming ancestor just wanted to live forever.

It's okay if you don't give it to him, it's okay if you even take away my ancestor's chance of immortality, but you still kill him so that he can never be resurrected from now on. This is too much.

When Luke thought about this, he shook his head in apology for his lovely and charming ancestor. He stood up from his seat and walked straight to Evelyn O'Connor, who still maintained her middle-aged appearance and seemed to have not aged. In front of his brother Jonathan.

Jonathan's hands were tied and he looked up at Luke, but his momentum was not deterred at all.

"I don't care what you want from us, I'm telling you, you made the wrong decision and you won't get what you want."


Luke smiled slightly, took out the Glock 19 from the waist with his right hand, opened the safety directly, put the muzzle of the gun on Jonathan's forehead and said with a smile: "If you don't want to say it, then don't say it."

The words fell.

Under the exclamation of everyone's reaction.


There was a hole in Jonathan's forehead, and with a loud bang, the back of his head hit the cabin wall behind him.


Red and white, as if a dyeing workshop had been opened.

Rick O'Connor and Alex O'Connor, who were sitting not far away, saw this scene and angrily sent various cordial greetings to Luke.

But such greetings disappeared until Luke pointed his gun at their grandson, Celine O'Connor, who was only about fifteen years old now.

Lin O'Connor, who had recently taken on her husband's surname, looked at the muzzle of the gun on his son's forehead and said quickly: "Don't shoot, don't shoot, I can give you whatever you want, please." , don’t hurt my son.”

Luke's eyes moved to the left and fell on the face of Lin O'Connor, who was instantly panicked after he killed the chicken to scare the monkeys.

"You can do whatever I want?"


Lin O'Connor nodded without any hesitation and looked at Luke: "As long as you don't kill my son, please, don't kill him."

Luke smiled.


Killing chickens to scare monkeys is still effective.

If it were an ordinary villain, Luke thought, the story would probably develop like this.

The villain found the O'Connor family and wanted to ask for the portal to the Tarot dimension, but the O'Connor family refused. The villain seemed to have forgotten that he had the option of killing people. In the end, he might even let the O'Connor family run away on purpose. , then followed from a distance, followed the O'Connor family to find the Tarot Dimension, and then were killed by the O'Connor family and the Tarot Dimension.

Luke would not allow himself to make such a mistake.


As soon as he came up, he cut Jonathan first. On the one hand, he was avenging his lovely and charming ancestor for the blood feud that was sixty-three years overdue. At the same time, he was also telling the O'Connor family that you and I had met before. All the villains that have been there are different.

If the villain has a rank.

He is definitely the strongest king.

Luke looked at Lin O'Connor who nodded repeatedly, smiled, moved the gun muzzle away from her son Celine O'Connor's forehead, and asked directly: "Where is the entrance to the Tarot dimension."

Lin O'Connor was slightly startled.



"Hooray Shet!"



"What the hell..."

Rick O'Connor, who still maintains the appearance of sixty-three years old, looked at Evelyn who was shot in the chest. He suddenly became angry and stood up, just to fight Luke desperately.

But the Hydra agent next to him is not a vegetarian either.

Under the threat of gunpoint, Rick O'Connor and his son Alex O'Connor looked at their wife and mother Evelyn, who was shot in the chest with anger and sadness, with their eyes open, as if they were still waiting to die. O'Connor.

The next second.

Luke's gun muzzle was directly transferred to Rick O'Connor's head. He looked at Lin O'Connor with a smile, whose expression was dull. It seemed that he had encountered such an opponent for the first time: "Miss Lin, once again , where is the space entrance to the Tarot dimension."

Lin looked at the direction where Luke's gun was pointed, suddenly came to his senses, and shouted to Luke: "The location of the entrance to the Tarot dimension is not static."

The words fell.

Lin couldn't help but closed his eyes, but he didn't hear the familiar sound of gunfire in his ears.

She opened her eyes.

Luke still had a smile on his face and looked at Lin O'Connor with a smile: "Sorry, let me change the question. Can you lead me to the entrance to the Tarot dimension?"

Lin opened his mouth.

The corners of Lu Ke's mouth raised!

The next second!


Gunshots ring out again!

...(End of chapter)

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