A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 332 The Divine Spear Bureau came to interfere

the next day.

early morning.

In the small town outside Shenlong Forest, there is still the same rice noodle shop.

Luke and Sever were eating breakfast.

To slay the dragon later, it can be expected that it will be an extremely physically demanding task, so before that, it is necessary to eat enough.

At around 7:20 in the morning, a black SUV drove over from a short distance away.

Xu Wenwu, who had not slept all night, got out of the car with his daughter Xia Ling.

Lu Ke glanced at Xu Wenwu's face and raised his eyebrows.

"Why, you were so excited that you didn't sleep all night?"

"...So be it."

Xu Wenwu glanced at Lu Ke, showed a smile, and directly changed the topic: "Tarot must have been on guard when he saw that Yingli didn't go back."

His people searched along the Nujiang River almost all night.


Still couldn't find Shang-Chi.

However, Xu Wenwu did not intend to tell Lu Ke about this matter. After all, it was his family matter and it was not suitable to talk about it at this time.

Lu Ke was not worried about Xu Wenwu's worries and smiled: "Is it important to us whether we are prepared or not?"

He already knows how to get to the Tarot dimension anyway.

Moreover, this does not mean that he can stop doing things if the Tarot Dimension is prepared.

Who let the red-haired silver dragon in the Tarot dimension have a bearing on his dominance of life transition?

Luke was serious about slaying the dragon.

He will kill anyone who blocks the way!

Without exception.

Lu Ke said this, and then looked at the time on his watch and looked up at Xu Wenwu: "But the road to Shenlong Forest is controlled by official people. Do you have many people? If not, I will Can you help me move it in?"

Xu Wenwu thought for a while.

"Fifty-two people."

"Forget it."

Hearing this, Lu Ke decisively chose to refuse. He took the tablet handed over by Seve and handed it to Xu Wenwu: "The coordinates of the entrance are here. You can find a way to arrange your people to go in. I won't follow you." You go in together, I'll wait for you right here."

Xu Wenwu took the tablet and looked at the fixed coordinates flashing on the tablet.

Xia Ling also looked at the tablet in her father's hand silently.

Lu Ke wiped his lips, took out the cigarette from his arms, gave one to Xu Wenwu, and then lit it for himself. After taking a sip, he was a little curious: "You seem to attach great importance to Tarot, you need to bring so many Is anyone going in?"

He was still thinking that if there were only a few people on Xu Wenwu's side, he would just teleport there together.

But fifty-two people?

Luke didn't have the time to be a coachman.

Xu Wenwu withdrew his eyes from the coordinates on the tablet and looked at Luke expressionlessly: "I want Tarot, no matter how good it is!"

He had already learned from Ying Nan last night that the death of his wife Ying Li was the result of the assassination ordered by Uncle Guang, the current patriarch of the Tarot Dimension.

Xu Wenwu believed that if one person commits a crime, the whole clan will be punished together.


Last night, he carefully selected fifty-two of the top thugs and killers of the Ten Rings Gang, just for this time, to send the entire Tarot family to be buried with his wife once and for all.


Xu Wenwu smiled and looked at Lu Ke: "I still owe you a hundred things. If I don't bring more people, how can I pay off your debt?"

Lu Ke laughed loudly, took the last puff of the cigarette in his hand, stood up directly, and looked at Xu Wenwu: "It's up to you, how long it takes you to reach this entrance, I'll wait for you there."

Xu Wenwu's eyes fell on the coordinates on the tablet again.

"Forty minutes."

"Okay, I'll wait for you for forty minutes."

When Lu Ke saw this, he nodded directly. After saying something to Xu Wenwu, he took Seve's right hand and disappeared directly from Xu Wenwu's eyes.


The aerial fortress thousands of miles above the sky began to move towards the seemingly endless and densely wooded Shenlong Forest.


"What's wrong?"

Luke looked at Seve, who suddenly looked at the computer screen, and asked curiously: "Did you find anything?"

Seve looked up at Luke: "It was just scanned that a stealth detection satellite landed here."

Luke raised an eyebrow.

"Spear of God?"

"Hold on."

Cypher did not answer immediately, but went into the working mode of his computer technology Marvel Earth Invincible.


Luke saw that Seve's hands on the keyboard were almost turned into afterimages, and then, on the computer screen, line after line of code was typed out by Seve almost in a breath.


Cypher already had his answer.

Just as Luke guessed.

"The technology of this detection satellite is similar to that of SHIELD. It should be from SHIELD, that's right."


When Luke heard this, he was a little surprised, but not too surprised: "Fortunately, I already know where the entrance to the Tarot dimension is."

The moment he chose to cooperate with Xu Wenwu, he had already expected that the Divine Spear Bureau would be involved.

After all, this is the Eastern Kingdom.

Xu Wenwu's Ten Commandments Gang's home base is in the East Kingdom. With the style of the patriarch of the East Kingdom, Xu Wenwu has no reason to be ignored by the Divine Spear Bureau.

So Luke was mentally prepared for this.

Just don't find him.

"When did this detection satellite turn around?"

"Just now."

Seve glanced at the information on the computer screen: "The initial position of this detection satellite was not here. It changed its orbit to its current position about five minutes ago."

Luke nodded: "That's good, they didn't find us."

Seve smiled and said: "Do you think my sky fortress can be discovered by any satellite?"

Lu Ke smiled and said, "That's okay. After finishing the work, we'll leave immediately."

Dongguo is not a place suitable for people like him who have always loved freedom.

After he finished slaying the dragon, he immediately left the Dongguo territory with a sigh of relief.

Seve raised his eyebrows: "Do I need to tell Xu Wenwu?"

Lu Ke thought for a while, hummed, took out the phone from his pocket, and called Xu Wenwu.

Xu Wenwu's convoy was ready to continue, bypassing the town and preparing to enter through another entrance of Shenlong Forest.


"The Divine Spear Bureau's satellite has landed."

After Xu Wenwu answered the phone, Lu Ke did not answer any questions and said directly: "If nothing else, the Divine Spear Bureau has noticed this place, so if you want to enter the Tarot, hurry up and fight quickly. Decide quickly, I don’t want to conflict with the people from the Divine Spear Bureau.”

Xu Wenwu was slightly startled and couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Why, you're not even afraid of SHIELD, but you are afraid of SHIELD?"

"I just hate unnecessary trouble."

Luke explained calmly.

He would definitely not tell Xu Wenwu that he was still holding on to the possibility that he would need to set up a spear game in the future, no, he would need to set up a line with Dongguo to leave a way out for him.

Xu Wenwu chuckled: "Don't worry, I'll be there in half an hour."

Lu Ke hummed and hung up the phone without saying anything else.

Seve also hacked into a detection satellite and pointed the satellite's perspective here.


Cypher noticed the clue.


Seve pointed to the real-time satellite image, which was a convoy of twelve SUVs rushing towards the direction of Shenlong Town: "This should be the convoy of the Divine Spear Bureau."

Lu Ke looked fixedly at the computer screen, his eyes falling on the speeding motorcade.

"Time difference?"

"Forty-five minutes."


Xu Wenwu only needed half an hour. By the time the people from the Divine Spear Bureau arrived at the scene, they had already entered the Tarot dimension.

As for when it will come out?

Let’s talk about things that come out after they come out.

There are only one or two entrances to the Tarot dimension, but according to Yingnan's memory, there are many exits from the Tarot dimension.

It's amazing. After you finish slaying the dragon, you can go out directly from the other exit.

He wouldn't even meet the people from the Divine Spear Bureau face to face.

Luke thought in his mind, and then looked directly at Seve, giving his final persuasion: "How about I go there by myself, and you just stay here?"

Seve was slightly startled and looked at Luke: "This is different from what we agreed."

Luke twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and looked at Seve, who wanted to go in with him at all costs: "I'm going to slay the dragon."

Seve stood up directly from his seat, not giving Luke a chance to leave on his own, and said with a smile: "I'm going to see how my man becomes a dragon-slaying warrior."

Luke shook his head helplessly, looked at Seve, and made final confirmation: "Forget it, remember, don't run around after you get down, especially when I'm slaying the dragon, I don't want to be distracted from taking care of you."

Seve smiled and said: "Okay, I will listen to you."

Luke stopped talking, glanced at the scene of the forest below the bottom of the cabin, then grabbed Sever and closed his eyes.


Outside a waterfall deep in the Shenlong Jungle.

A hissing sound.

The strong wind was raging in place, and with the appearance of the raging strong wind, Luke had already grabbed Seve and suddenly appeared on the bank of the waterfall river.

After Seve stabilized his body, he looked at the dense jungle around him and the rumbling waterfall behind him: "Actually, it's not bad to travel here and see the scenery."

Luke checked the time on his watch, and while waiting for Xu Wenwu to come over to meet him, he said to Seve: "Okay, when we are free, we will travel to Dongguo through regular channels."

Unfortunately not this time.

After he bathed in the dragon's blood, he would need to return to Los Santos and spend some time digesting the power of the dragon's blood.

Moreover, he slayed the dragon with his front foot and traveled to the Eastern Kingdom with his back foot. The impact was not good either.

Seve nodded with a smile, smoothed his hair, and then his eyes fell on the roaring waterfall: "The entrance is behind that waterfall?"

Luke followed Seve's gaze and nodded: "Yes, right behind."

While talking.

In his ears, the sound of countless vehicle tires pressing through the woods came.


Along with the sound of the engine, Xu Wenwu's motorcade also emerged from the dense forest and appeared in Lu Ke's sight.

Luke raised his eyebrows!


"Slay the dragon!"

"..." (End of this chapter)

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