【Jello and Lucy ran all the way to the Atlantic Ocean, and the turbulent sea was split in two by the light emitted from Lucy. The president who was chasing from behind also ran towards Jello in the golden light and rushed to the center of the sea.】

【This narrow path is the final duel between the two. The range of activities is severely restricted, and Jello's skill hit rate will also increase sharply. At this time, the president also has some doubts in his heart!】

【"From the beginning… I am confused about Jeroboam!"】

【"After the previous fight, Jello should have known the effect of the Love Train skill. No matter how many times he attacked, the damage from the iron ball would be sent to other places, so why did he turn around to fight? Shouldn't he run for his life?"】

【"In addition, why did he always ride a horse? In previous life-and-death battles, he would dismount to fight.…"】

【"Jello Zeppelin... He and Stiyl are two completely different people! Every action of Jello is supported by a theory.���It comes from his own technology and heritage. Could it be that Jello has secretly made some plans at this moment?"】

【The president walking in the golden light was full of doubts. The two of them stood in silence, and the only sound in the air was the sound of waves.】

"This is bad! If the president finds out that the opponent is able to injure him, he will become more cautious!"

"Moreover, the President could tell from the brief fight just now that Jello was different from usual. If he attacked the horse, there would be no use for the cavalry maneuver!"

"Fortunately, the president was just suspicious at the moment. He didn't realize he was injured, which means there is still a chance.

The confrontation between the two made everyone feel unusually nervous, just like a cowboy duel in the West. Jello now only has an iron ball! He only has one chance.

【Seeing that Jello did not move, the president also walked out of the gap. The sea breeze whistled, blowing his long hair, and the president suddenly felt a chill on his cheeks!】

【Suddenly, a look of horror appeared on his face. He realized that his left ear was gone:"What... time!! Could it be the one just now?!"】

【Looking at Jello on horseback, the president's relaxed demeanor completely disappeared, and his eyes were full of disbelief.】

【"Could it be possible that his iron ball could penetrate the dimensional wall? ?!"】

"It's a pity that he was discovered. The current president is on guard and will not avoid attacks like before."

"By the way, is the president's reaction time that long? I only feel it now after losing my ears."

"Now both sides are wary of each other's abilities and will not act rashly. Every move that follows will be crucial! One wrong step will lead to a complete loss."

【Jello decided to strike first! He turned and charged. He was several dozen meters away from the president, which was enough for his horse to run and accumulate strength. The power of the turn filled his body. Jello dribbled the ball with one hand and urged the horse with the other, rushing straight towards the president.】

【Seeing this, the president finally figured out the reason. Jello's attack must have been powered by his mount, so he had to kill the horse first.】

【The President, who was prepared, no longer relied on the Love Train's protection this time! Seeing Jello getting closer and closer, the President dived directly into the waves and used the gap between the sea and the earth to travel to other parallel worlds!】

【Seeing that the target had disappeared, Jello had to stop his horse and stand by to watch the changes. The waves were surging, stirring up layers of white waves. Every wave that hit the shore was a corridor for the president to pass freely.】

【"There is no saint's body in the parallel world, and there will be no open space in the middle of the sea. If the president stays there for a long time, he will definitely drown. He will definitely attack immediately."】

【Suddenly, Johnny, who was running behind Jello, shouted anxiously,"Jello! Be careful of the president. He already knows the secret of the turnaround!""】

【While Jello was distracted, the president also appeared from under the sea, and there were two presidents! He also brought his parallel self here. 】

Type-Moon Five Wars

Seeing two presidents appear, Shirou Emiya murmured,"Oh no!"

"What happened?" Toosaka Rin was a little puzzled. It was just another president. After all, she had been defeated by Dio before when she pulled out three or four. It shouldn't be a problem this time.

Finally, it was Shirou Emiya who explained:"It's not the number of presidents that is pulled out! The key is that now Zero only has one iron ball left."

"This means that if this attack fails to hit the president of the basic world, it will be completely over."

Most of the people outside the screen also thought of this. It must be said that the president did a good job! Now it depends on whether Jello can tell which one is the president of the basic world!

【Even the usually calm Jello panicked for a moment."There is only one iron ball, and it must hit the target in one shot. Which president of the basic world is the real one?"】

【"Which one is the real one? When I am not sure of the target, my mount will be attacked.…"】

【Critical moment! Johnny immediately shouted anxiously:"Ear!! The ear of the president of the basic world is injured!!"

Johnny's shout also made everyone outside the video realize it!

Yes! The ear of the president of the basic world has been injured. As long as you observe carefully, you can determine which one is the real president!

Bungo Stray Dogs

"That's true..." Dazai Osamu agreed at first, then shook his head.

"But that's under normal circumstances! Don't forget. The President can go to a parallel world and replace his body!"

"Maybe he has replaced his body and deliberately tricked Zero into attacking first."

【The next second, the two presidents jumped out of the water together, one on the left and one on the right, towards Jerosha. As the presidents got closer, Lucy behind Jerosha also turned into a corpse again, with crackling sounds on her face, and a crack appeared, and the golden light of folded time and space shot out from it.…】


【At this moment, Jello observed his surroundings carefully, and finally found that the one on the left indeed had only one ear left. Jello was about to take action, but a trace of doubt flashed through his mind again!】

【"The president can freely travel to parallel worlds and replace his body. Ears cannot be used as a basis for judgment!"】

【"The one who has D4C and can use the Love Train is the real one! The light emitted from Lucy is the track for the President to travel!"】

【"There is a big president behind me!! That is the real body!"】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"These people who play tricks are so filthy...Twist after twist! If I were Jello, I would have died on the spot."

"I didn't expect the president to be so smart! The first two were fake, and the real one was hiding behind and waiting for an opportunity to act."

"Fortunately, Jello discovered that the golden light bursting from Lucy's body was the trajectory of his movement! Now the president is doomed to die."

【D4C had just emerged from the crack in space when Zero's iron ball hit it head on. With the reinforcement of the Love Train, this attack should have been deflected and sent to somewhere in the world, but the Love Train showed no signs of starting.】

【"What!!!" The President was filled with horror as he looked at the iron ball that had not been moved! D4C's palm was smashed on the spot by the iron ball!】

【Seeing that the situation was not good, the president immediately pulled D4C and said,"D4C! Hide in the gap in the space immediately!"!"】

【Unexpectedly, the iron ball actually passed through the barrier of time and space and hit him directly on the head. This is the real power of the cavalry's spin!】

【Jello's stand Iron Ball Destroyer also awakened and chased the president into the gap! Looking at this green thing in front of him, the president was already scared to death!】

【"How is this possible!...Apart from D4C, is there any other power that can cross the dimensional barrier?"】

【Before the president could come to his senses, his body began to change. The part that had just been hit by the iron ball was actually losing hair. His entire left half of the body began to age rapidly, and he instantly became an 80- or 90-year-old. Even his teeth began to fall out.】[]

Although it was expected, seeing it with their own eyes still made everyone completely quiet down.

"'~ I'm not dreaming! I actually... broke through the defense of the dimensional wall!! I successfully hit the president. Is this really something that can be done with just skills?"

"And that's a Stand, right?! Jello didn't expect that his Stand would finally awaken at this critical moment! How did he do that?"

"And it seems that his ability is actually aging! In just a short moment, he has turned into a man in his eighties or nineties!"

"Is this the true power of the cavalry spin? Not only does it break through the defense of the dimensional wall, but it also allows the user to awaken the Stand!"

People in other worlds don't understand how Zero created the Stand, but Dio in the JOJO world knows it clearly.

"Stands are a symbol of spiritual power... When a certain technique or skill reaches its peak, a stand will also appear!"

JOJO Golden Wind

Prosciutto looked at the aging president and realized that the ability of Zero's suddenly appeared stand, Iron Ball Destroyer, was also aging.

"Is it my turn to have the same ability as my stand-in who died heroically this time? What a chaotic world."

This time I won! The president at this moment has no time to go to the parallel world to replace his body. In a short period of time, he will die of old age!

【The rapidly aging president covered his body and gasped:"What on earth is going on? This is the iron ball spinning beyond the dimensional wall.…!"】

【Even half of D4C's head was blown up! Jello's iron ball hit back, and the president also broke free from the gap and fell to the ground.】

【"Success! The Golden Spin was successful!" Johnny, who was far away, immediately shouted excitedly when he saw this.】

【Although the main body fell to the ground, there were still two presidents behind him. Jello threw the iron ball with his left hand and hit one of them in the face. Using the force of rotation to control the muscles was Jello's old trick. The president who was hit pointed the gun directly at his teammates!】

【As soon as the gunshot was heard, One Ear fell to the ground. The iron ball turned slightly, and the President's gun muzzle turned again, aiming at his own temple!】

【In the raging waves, the two presidents fell into the water one after another and sank to the bottom of the ocean. The winner of this battle was Jero... Jero Zeppelin】

【Jello actually managed to pierce the god's guy with his own strength. Johnny in the distance also began to shout and celebrate the hard-won victory!】

【"We won...we won!! We finally won!!!"】

【So is the President's real body dead? Jerozebelin looked over there and found that the fallen D4C actually sat up, and the fallen President showed a strange smile and kept saying】

【"One move! Who is the one who is one move behind?" Then he sat up and looked at Jeroboam in the distance,"It's not me anyway!!"】

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