"Is this first generation president here to make fun of me? Although he looks cute, you can't give him away so mindlessly!!"

"They say they are here to stop you, but in fact they are sending themselves to your door!"

"It's fine that he came to the door, but where are the means you use to stop Zeref?! Why don't you use them!!"

This is what everyone watching the video was at a loss for words. Knowing that the other party's target was them, Mavis seemed to be so naive and actually came to the door. She didn't do anything and let the other party absorb all her magic power in vain, and even let Zeref get the fairy heart that was said to have infinite magic power... and it seemed that Zeref had also gained a new evolution because of it. Both his strength and magic power exuded a weird aura!

Dio in the Jojo world felt a little speechless for some reason. Not to mention that there were several time ability users before, and now there was a Zeref who could override time. Suddenly, he felt that the ability to stop time was nothing big.

Dr. Roman of Type-Moon Chaldea felt that his brain was about to explode,"Fairy heart? Infinite magic power...Holy Grail?!"

Isn't this equivalent to obtaining a Holy Grail?! With unlimited magic power and Zeref's hundreds of years of knowledge, given his genius, he might really be able to reset time!

The World of Death

"The heart of the fairy looks like a similar existence to the Hogyoku... But this also proves that my evolutionary direction is correct." Aizen stared at the screen and said in a deep voice.

Zeref, who got the heart of the fairy, has undoubtedly evolved and reached an unprecedented height. His strength is completely different from that of Natsu!

Then with the power of the Hogyoku, he can also break the boundaries of the god of death and become an existence that breaks through common sense. After watching the video for so long, I finally got some useful information.

Fairy Tail

"Infinite magic power..."

The whole continent caused an uproar. In the magic world, there is no more attractive existence than this. Everyone began to secretly investigate the first president of Fairy Tail!

But the information they got was that Mavis had died a long time ago. What about the Mavis who appeared in the future?

The Holy Ten Magician Volod Hinken, who looked like a broccoli head, had already burst into tears:"Mavis... resurrected?"

And it seems to be in the near future. I wonder if this old bone can live to that time and see Mavis again!

On the other side, Makarov, who was 20, couldn't help but comment a little,"First generation, your safety is of vital importance... How can you appear on the battlefield in person? Just believe Natsu!"

"Oh…" Mavis, who was criticized by name, pursed her lips and her eyes were filled with tears! But she didn’t expect what her future self was thinking and why she did this?

【Not far from the guild, Lucy and the others who were blown away by the shock wave slowly climbed up. Gray covered his head with one hand and was a little confused:"It hurts... What was that just now?"】

【"It seems to be coming from the guild." Happy looked into the distance, then looked at Lucy with some confusion:"Strange, Lucy... where are the flying words?"】

【I clearly opened the Book of END just now, but how come all the words floating out of it disappeared?】

【Lucy also looked at the Book of END in a strange way,"It seems like everything is back in the book!"】

【"Super advanced living body link magic. I guess this book should be related to the living body link between Natsu and me."】

【Then Lucy said with some uncertainty in her tone:"If...if it can be rewritten!"】

【Gray was a little bit incredulous:"You said rewrite? But the amount is so huge! Just turning a page has such a huge amount of information."】

【"And that is already the compressed amount."】

【"I don't think it's necessary to rewrite everything." Lucy became more and more certain of her guess,"There must be a page that can save Natsu!"】

【Then they opened the book again, and a large amount of red and black ancient texts kept floating around them in a spiral form. Lucy and the others stared at the texts flying by quickly, hoping to get the key to saving Natsu!】

"Every time I read it, I can't help but admire Jellal's genius! It's just one page... and the huge amount of information is compressed."

"Super high level living link magic, if this is changed, can it change the fate of Zeref and Natsu dying together?"

"But the words kept circling in the air at such a fast speed, could Lucy really find the key to the problem? I was already dazzled by it."

【"First generation, it's no use!" Natsu, who used the power of dragon and dragon scales appeared on his face, slowly put Mavis down and stared at Zeref,"We can only destroy him."】

【Jellal seemed to have heard some kind of joke, his tone full of disdain:"Eliminate?! You want to eliminate me?"】

【"It's because you can't do it that I have no choice but to do this." Looking at Natsu rushing towards him, Zeref didn't have the slightest intention of dodging.】

【"The Flame Dragon King’s… Collapsing Fist!"】

【Natsu's right hand, wrapped in golden flames, hit Zeref's face hard. The flames and white light kept interweaving. Then the picture rose, and a huge flame outside the guild penetrated the guild, and the lake water was stirred up by huge waves! Part of the lake water was directly evaporated by the temperature of the headquarters.】

【As the ground stopped shaking and the smoke dissipated, the entire wall of the guild disappeared along with Zeref. Natsu breathed a sigh of relief and the dragon power in his body faded away.】

"Even without the power of Igner's obsession, Natsu is still terrifyingly strong. The temperature of the flames seems to make me feel extremely hot even through the screen."

"Although this attack was extremely powerful, Jellal had no intention of dodging it, which meant that this attack might not cause any harm to him at all."

【Wooden boards fell from the destroyed walls. Looking at the guild he had destroyed, Natsu was full of apology."I'm sorry, old man."】

【"I destroyed the guild again, and buried Jellal with him…"】

【At this point, Natsu seemed to have sensed something. He turned his head and saw a strange wave flowing past. The wood chips and ruins on the ground also began to vibrate and slowly floated up.】

【Then it turned into white light and gathered on the damaged wall, and even the damaged floor was restored to its original state.】

【"It's back to normal..." Natsu stared at it all in a daze, and saw white lights like floating white papers constantly gathering in front of him and forming Zeref again!】

【Zeref looked at the shocked Natsu and patiently explained:"This is the power of the fairy's heart. Time and space all belong to me. Endless and infinite magic power."】

Is this time going backwards?! The people watching the video were thinking, they were no longer surprised by the time ability, and even felt very familiar with it. What surprised them most now was what Zeref said, time and space belong to him?! With unlimited magic power, wouldn't he be invincible?

Jujutsu Kaisen.

"Although I don't want to admit it, Natsu is very good at using fire."Leakage Pot couldn't help but sigh when watching the attack in the video.

But even so, he didn't think Natsu would have a chance to defeat Zeref... Now the gap between the two is not just the gap in strength, but it's as if they were separated by a dimension.

Fairy Tail World

At this time, Ultear, who had used up all her magic power to make the world go back one minute because of the Future Rogue incident, could no longer hide her shock.

On her extremely old face, there was a look of disbelief:"Infinite magic power plus the ability of time and space... time will really be reset by him."

If I had unlimited magic power at the beginning, I wouldn't have exhausted my entire life to make the world go back only one minute.

Gray on the other side was also surprised:"Natsu has really become so strong!"

At first he thought that Natsu could only compete with Zeref with the help of Igner's obsession! But he didn't expect that this attack was beyond his imagination, and it was also Natsu's own strength.

Erza's face became more solemn. Although Natsu was very strong, he knew that for a dragon slayer, using the power of the dragon was equivalent to showing all his trump cards!

But even so, he still couldn't hurt Zeref at all, and his physical strength seemed to be almost consumed. What should Natsu do next to defeat the opponent?!

【"It can be said that it is the pinnacle of all magic in the world and a power commensurate with the end of the world."As Zeref said this, his right hand was wrapped in dark magic power, as thick and mysterious as the universe.】

【As Zeref threw a punch, the dark magic power mercilessly penetrated Natsu's chest, and then he pulled his hand out.】

【"Ah..." Natsu could only let out a painful wail, spitting blood and slowly falling down.】

【Zeref stopped moving forward, and there was no emotion in his tone:"One last thing I forgot to say, you don't need to apologize to Makarov."】

【"Because... he is dead. I hope you can meet again in heaven."】


【Natsu fell slowly, spitting blood from his mouth, tears falling from his eyes, until finally his eyes rolled back and he fell heavily to the ground, a large amount of blood flowed from his chest, staining the floor red.】

"How could it be?!... Zeref finally resurrected Natsu, but he killed him himself. Wouldn't all his efforts have been in vain?"

"Maybe because of what Zeref said before that time would be reset, he no longer cares about what is happening now.

"The old man...is dead?!"


"Even Natsu finally…!!"

The successive news has broken everyone's defenses. They simply cannot accept such a fact. At this moment, everyone's heart is filled with sadness and anger!

Laxus looked at the last scene in the video and murmured with a trembling voice,"Old... Old man!…"

"how come…?!"Erza's eyes widened. She also couldn't accept such an ending. In the future just a few years later,"Even... Natsu... is gone!! Where did we go at that time?..."

Where did we go in the future?! Why didn't we protect the old man? Why didn't we fight against Zeref with Natsu?! Otherwise, maybe Natsu wouldn't have died.

""Natsu... ah... I don't want you to... leave!" The one who couldn't accept it the most was Happy, who hugged Natsu and broke down. To Happy, Natsu was his most precious companion and also his second parent!

When it was still an egg, it was picked up by Natsu and hatched together with Lisanna. Until now, it has never left Natsu's side... When she thought about Natsu's death in the future, tears flowed continuously.

Lucy was also very sad. She didn't know what she was thinking in her heart. When she came to her senses, she had hugged Natsu from behind…

""It's okay, Lucy... Happy!" Natsu didn't look back, but he felt the wetness on his back and comforted her softly,"After all, this is the future, we can change it."

Natsu had expected this. After all, in the battle between him and Zeref, no matter which side won, he would not escape the fate of death...

What he couldn't accept the most was that the old man was dead!

Because Natsu was being held by Lucy, everyone couldn't disturb him, so they could only cry around Makarov. Everyone wanted to show their filial piety on the spot.

"If you really have a conscience, you should destroy less cities when you are doing missions, so that I can enjoy my old age. Otherwise, my heart can't bear the expensive compensation bill." Makarov was relieved and did not forget to give a warning. He could accept his own death. After all, he was already old and didn't have many years to live.

【Jellal continued to walk forward slowly,"This world has ended, and a new world is about to begin."】

【Zeref stopped in front of the guild gate and looked at the door in front of him,"Let this gate of Fairy Tail be the entrance to a new world!"】

【"Connect the rift in time to the guild gate"】

【As Zeref stretched out his hand, the gate of the Fairy Tail Guild burst into a dazzling white light, then calmed down and emitted starlight!】

【"When I walk through this door, this world will collapse and disappear, and my new world will begin."】

【"I will keep my original memory and start my life over again"】

"Since Natsu can't end his life, this is how Zeref ends his endless life and starts the world over again."

"The world will collapse, because this world cannot accept his existence, so he chooses to give up this world, go back to before he was cursed, and start his life again."

【On the other side, the words floating out of the Book of END also stopped rotating as Natsu's life gradually faded away. Some of the red and black words suddenly exploded like firecrackers.】

【"The words are going to disappear." Habib suddenly had this ominous premonition in his heart.】

【Lucy also watched all this with her pupils trembling constantly, and then she seemed to have thought of something and picked up the Book of END,"A part of the body... a part of it has been severely damaged!!"】

【Without time to think, Lucy picked up the quill and stood up. Seeing this, Gray thought she had found a way to solve the living link magic:"Did you find the part to rewrite?"】

【"No!" Lucy shook her head, and then stopped the feather pen in her hand at the place where the text disappeared,"Not yet, but I will rewrite the text that just disappeared."】

【"You said you want to rewrite it?!" Habib was sweating and confused,"But it happened so suddenly, I don't even know what the disappeared text is."】

【"Don't worry, I remember everything."Lucy became serious, with an indescribable determination in her eyes.]

Academy City's Shokuhou Misaki was stunned by Lucy's operation. Could it be that this Lucy is also a genius?! She said she had memorized such a huge text!

You know, the text just now was not fixed. She could remember it at a glance among the flying text. There is no doubt that she is a genius with a photographic memory!

Fairy Tail World

"If Natsu's life is made up of the words in the book, then perhaps Lucy is the key!"Mavis pondered and said, if the missing parts can be completed, perhaps Natsu can be resurrected again.

But she was still a little uneasy in her heart. The words known as the strongest devil END are not so easy to write! I don't know if Lucy can succeed...

The members of other guilds didn't think so much. Seeing that there is hope, they suppressed the sadness of the old man's future death and began to cheer for Lucy!

"Come on, Lucy, you are the only one who can save Natsu now!!"

"Lucy, now you are the hero of the guild!"

As a person in the guild who has studied ancient characters deeply, Rebecca didn't dare to say that she had memorized all the characters just now. Then she quietly looked at Lucy who was holding Natsu and silently complained,"Is this the power of love?!"

Gray looked at himself who appeared on the screen and felt very disappointed. Why was he just playing soy sauce here?! He was of no use here at all, and he didn't understand ancient characters. It would be better for him to go with Natsu to deal with Zeref.

"Come on, future me." Lucy, who was holding Natsu, subconsciously clenched her hands tightly. After all, whether she could save Natsu depended on whether she could complete the missing text.

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