【The giant Tiamat still stood on the sea, and his body became even more ferocious! He opened his eyes to reveal purple-red eyes, and then opened his mouth to continue making strange noises!】



【Accompanied by a strange cry! The entire sea surface suddenly rose! Countless black and red mud seas suddenly increased! Then it covered the sea water and continued to surge towards the distance, swallowing everything. 】

This black and red sea water is also called the Sea of Life!...It has a strong ability to pollute the mind and can transform those who touch it into Tiamat's followers!

Type-Moon Four War

"What is this? Just looking at it gives people a feeling of sinking……!"Irisviel turned to ask Altria softly.

Altria shook her head, indicating that she was not sure either!

""King of Heroes, you live in a mythological age where gods coexist, so you may know something about it!" The King of Conquerors also spoke at this time.

Gilgamesh nodded and said calmly:"This is the Sea of Life of the Mother Goddess Tiamat! A black mud sea that can turn living things into monsters!"

Everyone was stunned. A mud sea that can turn living things into monsters... How can we deal with it?!

【Faced with the strange black and red mud sea that exuded an ominous aura, the pterosaur waved its arms and immediately flew high up, carrying several people away from the ground!】

【The black and red mud sea that lost its target did not stop, and continued to grow rapidly under the command of the god Tiamat! The ground was soon swallowed up.】

【Ishtar looked at the huge figure in a different form with great surprise:"Is this... the true form of the Mother Goddess?!"】

【At this moment, Fujimaru Ritsuka received a call from Chaldea and asked the blonde sister next to him:"Quetzalcoatl! If you, as the highest god in South America, use your treasure to the fullest, can you stop the god Tiamat?"】

【After hearing this, Quetzalcoatl pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said in an unquestionable tone:"No! Even with the power of Ishtar, I'm afraid it won't harm the goddess Tiamat!"】

【Upon hearing this, Fujimaru Ritsuka clenched his fist and punched his thigh! 】

Type-Moon Chaldea

"!!!"Doctor Roman was somewhat stunned. Even the main god of South America admitted that he couldn't stop it?!

Is this the end of Chaldea?...

At this time, Da Vinci noticed Roman's abnormality, patted Roman on the shoulder and said helplessly:"That's a matter for the future. Now quickly collect information about the god Tiamat! So that we can think of a way to deal with it!"

Type-Moon Five War

"Even the power of the South American Supreme God and Ishtar can't cause any harm!!"Tohsaka Rin's eyes widened.

In her impression, Ishtar's attack was beyond her imagination. Unexpectedly, even Quetzalcoatl didn't think that a joint attack would be effective!

Gilgamesh was also a little concerned. Even the two goddesses couldn't do anything?! How could I stop the Mother Goddess at that time? Why don't I have any memory of this?……

【Quetzalcoatl turned to the crowd and said,"We can't defeat him now! Let's go back to Uruk and meet Gilgashmere first."】

【The scene changed, and inside a magnificent-looking palace, Gilgamesh sat at the top, calmly listening to the report from the soldiers!】

【"The black mud has engulfed the city of Gilsu!!"】

【"Heading towards Uruk……"】

【Gilgamesh smiled and waved his hand to interrupt his conversation, and said calmly:"I know!"】

【"weigh anchor!!"】

【The scene changed and they were outside Uruk. The strange black mud sea had turned into a wave and was heading towards Uruk!】

【"Fang of Nabisteen - Expand!"】

【Gilgamesh smiled confidently at the black mud that was about to reach Uruk, and launched an iron wall-like defense!】

【As Gilgamesh finished speaking, rows of forests resembling stone pillars rose from the ground, intertwining with each other!】


【With a loud noise, the strange black and red wave that swallowed everything was blocked outside the city wall by the Fang of Nabisteen!】

【Accompanied by the cheers of the crowd, Gilgamesh walked out of the palace step by step with a calm and confident expression!】

【"Finally got to this point!!"】

【"For the past six months, I have been enduring in silence!"】

【"Mother of Origin! What follows is a mythical battle that even I cannot witness!"】

【"In the end, did you devour the world, or did you prove that humans are capable of conquering the world?"】

【"It's time to give the answer! Let's start the final battle of the Age of Gods!"】

【As the words fell, Gilgamesh opened his arms and looked at the city below! His expression became extremely resolute, and the words full of kingly demeanor gave people a calm sense of security! 】

Type-Moon Four War

"So that's how it is. This is the demeanor of the king of ancient Babylon. He is truly a king!" The King of Conquerors raised his glass to Gilgamesh and exclaimed in admiration!

"Declare war on the Mother of Origin! What a bold move!"

Gilgamesh also raised his glass and took a sip in response to the King of Conquerors.

"This is the Hero King!!"Tōsaka Tokiomi's mouth twitched slightly. I'm afraid I summoned a fake one...

Thinking of that extremely arrogant Servant, it's really hard to connect him with the one on the screen!

Why is this Gilgamesh I summoned so arrogant and self-centered? He calls everyone"Miscellaneous Cultivator"’!…

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