【When Fujimaru Ritsuka returned to the tent, he found that Da Vinci, who had been dead for a long time, appeared in front of them again.

After the battle with Gawain, Da Vinci fled the Holy City. In order to cover their departure with the refugees, he launched a suicide attack on the troops led by Lancelot.

Fujimaru Ritsuka thought she had returned to the Throne of Heroes. After all, there was such a violent explosion, and she thought she was blown to pieces.

Unexpectedly, she is still alive and well and still living in the village of Lancelot.~

【While everyone was still happy for Leonardo, they also learned from Leonardo’s analysis:"King Arthur now doesn’t even have rationality!"-】

【"Do you want to say that the king is a puppet?" Lancelot was surprised after hearing the analysis, and asked in disbelief:"Just a puppet who obeys Agragwen's instructions?"】

【Leonardo was at a loss for words about Lancelot's speculation, so he could only continue to talk about his analysis of the Lion King.】

【"What's more, she is not even a heroic spirit!"】

【"What's going on?" Mashu asked in confusion. There were so many mysteries.】

【"Beyond the Heroic Spirit! A God who has reached the realm of God!" Da Vinci looked at the information in his hand and said to everyone in an extremely firm tone:"It is a God!!"】

【Upon hearing the news, Bedivere's breathing quickened. He lowered his head and widened his eyes. The guilt in his heart made it impossible for him to raise his head!】

【The continuous release of the silver arms had already pushed his body to its limit. The sudden sense of guilt made him unable to bear it any longer and he fainted on the ground!】

"The transformation from human to god! No wonder there is no humanity left, only divinity is left"

"So the question is, it is understandable that the Lion King became like this, but why did the Knights of the Round Table still follow such a king?"

"And the most crucial question is, the Lion King recognizes other knights, why doesn't he recognize Bedivere?"

"It's really confusing." People outside the video were full of doubts and puzzlement. The Lion King's Knights of the Round Table only forgot Bedivere, and why are there only a few of the 12 round tables left?

"Is it only the divinity that is left?" Gilgashmi listened to the analysis on the screen with interest, then turned his gaze to the Knight King and said sarcastically

"Are you still a king? Your body is actually occupied by the divinity of the Holy Spear!"

Gilgamesh already understood what was going on. The Lion King inside was just a puppet occupied by the Holy Spear.

Artoria ignored Gilgamesh's ridicule. She gradually understood.

Could it be that Sir Bedivere still didn't return the Holy Sword for the third time? So he was driven by the divinity of the Holy Spear?

【Bedivere, who was in a coma, did not wake up until the next day. After talking with Fujimaru Ritsuka, he realized that his journey was meaningful! He must kill the king himself. 】

As dawn arrived, everyone began to plan. Lancelot led the soldiers as the vanguard to hold back the knight Gawain, and then divided the troops to attack the city! After entering the city, the soldiers divided into multiple groups to attack the king's castle!

【The huge sun was shining in the sky. Looking at the oncoming army, the Sun Knight Gawain jumped down from the city wall and blocked the city gate!】

【"The gate to the holy city is in front of us! All evil will stop before the sun of no self!"】

【"Rotate the sword of victory Excalibur Galatine!"】

【Gawain released his treasure and swung his sword. The flames of the night came towards everyone like the sun, but were blocked by Lancelot who arrived later.】

【Looking at Lancelot who betrayed the king again, Gawain’s tone was filled with anger:"You betrayed me at the critical moment!"】

【"Knight Lancelot, I am completely disappointed in you!"】

【Lancelot didn't care about the words of the Sun Knight, because this was his loyalty to the king! Then he rushed forward with his sword and dragged the Sun Knight Gawain!】

【However, Gawain, who has the blessing of the saint, will be greatly strengthened under the sun, and even Lancelot will be repelled.】

【Just as Gawain wanted to take this opportunity to release his treasure to attack the army, Bedivere blocked his attack.】

【"Lord Bedivere…" The Sun Knight Gawain was a little surprised, and then said with a little doubt:"I thought you were afraid of the king’s majesty and had fled."】

【"Yes, I escaped!" Bedivere closed his eyes slightly, then suddenly opened them. He said with a serious expression:"But! I am back again, and I want to defeat you. Defeat the Lion King!!"】

【As soon as he finished speaking, a sandstorm blew up from behind him, and along with the sound of the bell, it engulfed the Holy City! Not only the Holy City, but even the sun was covered.】

【"I have heard your cry!"Accompanied by the sound of the bell, Wang Ha, wearing a skull mask and a black robe, appeared in the center of the sandstorm.】

【Wang Ha looked at Bedivere with his eyes blazing with blue flames, and said in a deep voice:"Wandering knight! You have shown the will of heaven, and now you are heading towards the end you deserve!"】

【Then the scene flashed, and Gawain appeared in a dark space!】

【"here it is…?"Gawain looked around, then raised the sword in his hand and looked at the figure in front of him warily:"Who are you?!"】

【Wang Ha ignored his questioning, with blue flames on his chest, and said in a deep voice:"Look up at the sky! Knight who is proud of his integrity, is there the sun above your head?"】

"Without the sun, perhaps only the Death Star is shining!"

"This kind of courage is worthy of Wang Ha, the riddle man.…!"

"With Wang Ha holding Knight Gawain back, we'll be safe."

"I admire Wang Hassan's ability to change the scene in an instant. It really makes people feel mysterious."

【But even though Gawain was delayed, everyone had no way to deal with the city gate. Even Lancelot's magic weapon couldn't break it open. Just when everyone was at their wits' end and planned to retreat!】

【A dark portal appeared next to her, and Nitocris walked out of it and threw the box in her hand to Fujimaru Ritsuka.】

【"Arrange for the people at the front door to evacuate immediately, they are in the way!" Nitocris said, then walked back to the portal and disappeared.】

【Then the clouds in the sky suddenly opened up with lightning flashing! The Great Composite Temple of the Pyramid's Glory appeared before everyone's eyes.】

【Inside the temple, the Sun King Osmandis stood up from the throne and walked down step by step!】

【"I seem to know the future too well and have lost sight of my own duties! I am not someone who avoids war and seeks self-preservation!"】

【The Sun King Osmandis has walked to the three-pointed Hermes below, opened his hands, and looked at the holy city below! He said with pride:"I am the one who rules everything, the enemy of the world!"】

【"Open the Eye of the Great Temple!"】

【"Pyramid composite armor! Release!"】

【As he finished speaking, the Great Complex Temple Pyramid of Glory floating in the sky slowly opened up.】

【A high-tech machine appeared in front of everyone, and under the pyramid hung a huge device similar to a light bulb!】

【"The magic power compression acceleration ritual of the big light bulb begins! Nitocris' words followed closely.】

【As the lightning flashed, the magic power no longer continued to charge and gather, and this light bulb-like treasure began to be filled with golden light!】

【"God Almighty! Witness my great deeds! All decisions are made by Pharaoh."】

【"Look carefully! Ah Meng's love!!"】

【As the Sun King roared, the dazzling blue magic cannon attacked the city gate. Then there was an explosion, and the originally solid city gate was instantly blown to pieces.】

"It turns out this pyramid can fly!"

"Is this really Egypt?…!" game Master

""Another me, are you sure you are really the Pharaoh?" Yugi silently asked his partner in his body.

The Pharaoh was silent after hearing this, and even suspected that he might be a fake Pharaoh...

Academy City

""It's crooked, right? It's definitely crooked!" Shokuhou Misaki's questioning voice continued to ring out.

She didn't mean that the laser cannon was crooked, but that the technology tree was definitely crooked. An Egyptian pyramid was actually a technological creation. The previous 3D projection was crooked enough.

Now this pyramid can not only fly, but also remove armor? And then a light bulb appeared from it? And then the light bulb emitted a beam of powerful light?

Her worldview was shattered now. What the hell is this? The floating pyramid is a technological creation that even Academy City may not be able to produce... Do you dare to believe that this is from Egypt?

Type-Moon Five Wars

"That must be a light bulb!" Toosaka Rin also looked like her worldview was completely shattered. She didn't expect that the extremely solid holy city would be defeated by a light bulb.

It seems that history cannot be fully trusted. I didn't expect that there were light bulbs in ancient Egypt...!

And this kind of technological creation cannot be made even now!!

PS: There are still two chapters to finish writing this world. What world should I choose for the next world? Tiga? Nexus? Toaru Majutsu no Index? JOJO? Moe? Bone King? Puella Magi Madoka Magica? No Game No Life? One Person? Tu Shan Yi?

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