It was shocking, and awe-inspiring.

When Funina put her hand into the seawater containing the"Original Fetal Sea", it was no joke.

It would really kill her!

So for a moment...

The fans of Fufan in the world were so nervous! They were so worried!

However, everyone's worry did not last long....The scene that everyone was worried about did not happen....

Why didn't Furninna, a"human", melt into the seawater containing the"Original Fetal Sea"?!

This question...

Involuntarily rising in everyone's heart.........


【Although Funina just now had an attitude of"not caring about life and death, just fight if you don't agree", the moment she really put her hand into the sea】

【The instinctive fear of"death" still came back quickly!】

【Funina also looked scared.】

【But for Funina, the result was still good....She didn't melt in the water.】

【this moment!】

【Furninna showed the most genuine joy in this trial!】

【Then he raised his hand, excitedly showing it to the public and proving:】

【"I...I'm fine, look, look, my hand is still there, I haven't dissolved!"】

【"Now you believe it, I am a god, not an ordinary human who will dissolve, really..."】

【When she said this, Funina's voice began to tremble and tears welled up in her eyes!】

【certainly...This time I cried with joy.】

【only...This joy didn't last long.】

【Ying and his group's actions are still continuing...】

【Villette looked at a petite figure in the audience and said calmly:】

【"Miss Sigwen, please come to the court."】

【soon...Sigwen, the doctor, appeared in front of Funina and whispered softly while examining her:】

【"Don't be nervous, it will only take a moment....Um, let me see...Yeah, almost there."】

【"Please ask Miss Sigwen to announce the results of the examination"】

【Sigwen nodded after hearing this, then turned to the audience and began to announce:】

【"As you can see, Miss Funina's skin condition and rapid breathing showed..."】

【"She was affected by the original fetal sea water, and the degree was the same as that of ordinary humans after being exposed to the same concentration of fetal sea water."】

【"Thank you, Miss Sigwen, and please ask Ms. Funina to return to her seat."】

【"What's going on? What did she just say? I didn't dissolve in the fetal sea. Isn't that proof?"】

【Of course, Furninna didn't buy Sigwen's words, and she started to argue....】

【Navia immediately took over the conversation:】

【"Initially we did plan to use the seawater near Baisong Town directly, because we thought you would definitely choose to escape as usual."】

【"But in the end, after everyone's discussion, they switched to low-concentration water that would not dissolve human"】

【At this point, Navia looked at Furninna with more and more complicated eyes, and her tone became a little sad....】

【"After all, what if...Even if something unexpected happens...No one wants to see anyone dissolve in the fetal sea water anymore."】......

Why didn't Furninna, a"human", melt into the sea?!

This question...

Navia gave the answer!

But this answer....

But it makes people feel that there is something fishy going on!.......

In the pirate world, on the Sunny,

Sanji suddenly turned to look at his ship's doctor, Chopper, then lit a cigarette and asked calmly:

"Chopper, I want to ask you..."

"I know what you're asking...."

As if he had anticipated what Sanji was going to ask, Chopper answered him seriously before Sanji even opened his mouth:

"No matter if you are extremely nervous or mentally stressed, it is normal to have shortness of breath!"

"As for whether the skin will turn red or change...It really depends on the person."

"but...People whose skin changes when they are nervous...Not a few!"

After saying this, Sanji paused for a moment, then asked in a low voice:

"That Joba...Can I understand it this way?"

"In the situation that Fernina was in, and based on Fernina's mental state at the time..."

"The water in the vessel...Even if it does not contain the original fetal sea, but ordinary water, the so-called symptoms may also occur to Funina....right?"

"You are right!"

As soon as Chopper answered, the atmosphere on the Sunny instantly became heavy!

Almost everyone's face was filled with indignation, as if they were indignant about what happened to Furninna!


Sanji, who had been the most loyal fan of Fu Nina since the first time he saw her, was exceptionally calm.

After taking a deep puff of cigarette, he walked to Zoro's side and said coldly:

"Hey, Green Algae Head..."


"Fight with me. I really want to hit someone right now. I can’t hold it back any longer!"

"I'm happy to help you! too!"......

Please collect my new book! Please give me flowers! Please give me monthly tickets! Please give me evaluation tickets!

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