"Hahaha...It seems that Fukaros and Funina have a really good relationship."

Everyone present smiled knowingly at the two Furos who were still so close even though they hadn't seen each other for five hundred years.

Paimon couldn't help but joked.

Ying on the side also smiled and said,"Didn't Fukaros say that just now?...They are one body, so naturally they are very close to each other."

Paimon nodded:"That's true...."

Ying:"But then again, although Fukaros is unlikely to implement the plan in the picture now, what is the meaning of such a costly plan? I don't quite understand it?!"

Paimon:"Don't tell me....Don't tell me!"

In fact, not only Ying and Paimon, but everyone else was also confused. No one understood what

Fukaros's act of sacrificing himself meant....Navilette

"Fukaros...That's your plan...."......

Almost in sync with reality...

The Villette in the picture seemed to have realized the intention of Fukaros's action....

【"Destroy the Water God's throne...If I'm not mistaken, you mean..."】

【Seeing that Villette had already noticed his intention, Fukaros no longer hid it:】

【"Of course, I want to return to you what originally belonged to you, right?"】

【"In other words, everything is to return the power of the"Water God" to you....The water elemental dragon king of this planet"】......

"「The power of the Water God is returned? And the Water Element Dragon King? Wait a minute....This is a lot of information! I can't even digest it."

Okay, the last bit of information....All were completed at this moment....

Except for a few gods who know the secrets of Teyvat's history and a few rare beings, the rest of Teyvat...All the creatures from the other world had the same reaction as Paim, and were completely unable to digest the information in Fukaros' last sentence.

There were a thousand questions in their minds - was Violet the Water Element Dragon King?

What kind of existence was the Water Element Dragon King?

Why was it said that the power of the"Water God" was returned to the Water Dragon King? Instead of giving it to the Water Dragon King?......

These problems...

At this moment, they are popping up like mushrooms after rain....

Perhaps he sensed the thoughts of the beings in the heavens and the worlds, or perhaps he foresaw this situation!

Just when everyone was confused, the light curtain began to answer the questions of the heavens and the worlds, and a note appeared on the screen.——

【The seven elemental dragon kings, who were in charge of all the elemental forces of Teyvat, were the former rulers of Teyvat.

A descender from the sea of stars suddenly appeared and defeated the seven dragon kings, ending the age of dragons.

They became the new supreme rulers of Teyvat and stole some of the power of the seven dragon kings, giving it to the seven demons who survived the war of demons, the seven rulers of the world!

As soon as this annotation came out, everyone suddenly realized it!

This time...

This is the real completion of the intelligence!

Some people who are known for their brains have already started to analyze it after reading it..........

Pirate World, Navy Headquarters.

Sengoku:"I mentioned the Fontaine people before....It was transformed from a pure water spirit....Also with the help of the power of the original fetal sea..."

He:"That's right, the reason why the Fontaine people melted into the original fetal sea is because the two are of the same origin, and they will assimilate and merge into one after they come into contact."......

World of Giants, Survey Corps.

Erwin:"Has Navelette regained the power of the"Water God"? Has she recovered to her full form, possessing the full power of"Water"?..."......

A room in the world of No Game No Life.

Sora:"Having the complete power of"water", does it mean that I can control all the water elements in the continent of Teyvat?"

Bai:"Pure Water Spirit...Primitive Sea...It's the water element too....It should also be under the control of Villette...."......

Fontaine, Opera House

"So...Does Navirette, who controls the original fetal sea, have the ability to control the"original fetal sea" components in the Fontaine people's bodies, making them stable, so that the Fontaine people can become real humans?..."

"so...This is your ultimate goal, Fukaros."

Having experienced the Flower Goddess Festival in the Xumi cycle and becoming the accuser of Fu Nina, Ying's reasoning ability has always been strong, so she can analyze the truth as soon as the information is completed, just like other bigwigs in the other world.

"Traveler, you can"

"Regardless of whether it is as you analyzed, I still say the same thing...There is the answer in the light screen."

Although Fukaros's answer was still specious, after Ying's analysis, everyone was basically certain.

What Ying analyzed was the truth.

However, after knowing the truth, everyone still sighed! In their hearts, they were full of respect for the two real and fake water gods in front of them!

One played the role of a god for five hundred years in a mortal body!

The other was willing to sacrifice his position and life to save his people!

Even if Fukaros didn't do this now...


In addition to their feelings and respect for Shuangfu, everyone was also shocked by Villette's true identity....

The legendary Water Dragon King has always been by his side!


The legendary Water Dragon King, if he cries, it will rain all day in Fontaine!

Could it be that Villette...

For a moment!

Everyone imagined the serious Villette in front of others, crying silently behind others....

That picture...I can't even look at him!

The look he gave Villette became even weirder!

Paimon flew to Villette's side and started to attack:

"So, Villette, are you the one crying every time it rains in Fontainebleau?"

"And every time we shouted"Shuilong, Shuilong, stop crying", did you hear us?"

Good guy!

He actually rushed up and fired a big gun!...Close to the face and open up!

Paimon Warrior!

That Villette:"......" estimate...

That Villette had never been so speechless in her life!.......


What people don’t know is...

「Water dragon, water dragon, don't cry」...

This is a phrase Paimon used to tease Navrette....

The nursery rhyme that made Villette extremely ashamed....

Become a sharp knife that pierces everyone's heart!....

New book, please collect it! Please support! Please provide data!

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