Everyday World.

"no...This review...Who wrote this? Are you trying to kill me?!(┬_┬)!"

"Fukaros...Funina...What a day it is to never see the sun or the moon! What a day it is to never hear the name of God!"

"besides...「The Sinner's Dance" reads"Declaring No One Guilty" backwards」...OMG...I really got goosebumps!"

"So shocking!"

"The most dagger is...The last two sentences...I really cried!"

"「The beginning of prophecy...Only one person can return! End of story...Only one person has not returned!」...In the end, only Fukaros lost his life....real...I am in so much pain! I don't want Fukalos to die! I am so upset! Wuuwuwuwu..."

"Whether it is Finina or Fukalos, they both deserve to be admired by everyone!"

"Fukaros...She is the best god!"

"Why...Why?! Good guy...Good gods can't be rewarded?!"

"Now I really hope that what the light curtain counts is fake!"

"Yes, the ending gag is the greatest invention in the world! They just finished the play....(┬_┬)"

"In this case...If Fukaros could survive, it is possible that Funinna would not really suffer for five hundred years, either in the past or in the future...."

"Wait! The past? The future? Is there a possibility?...Inventory of the video played on the light screen is what will happen in the future?"

"Actually...There is a fifty percent chance...Funina, Fukaros and the entire Fontaine are still safe and sound?!"

"Don't say it! Don't say it!"

"Holy shit! Look at the light screen, it really seems to be like this!"

"!!!" can only say...

In some everyday world...

Especially in the world of the times...

Those great netizens who hang out in the comment section all year round are really something!

They are all a bunch of Crouching Dragons and Phoenix Chicks!

Their analytical ability and intuition are not to be underestimated!

They always guess right!

Isn't this...

The next second, the light curtain began to confirm people's guesses.......

【Ten great achievements of"a mortal body comparable to that of a god"!】

【The tenth one - the true or false water god! If you join the game, you will win half the battle!】

【The inventory is over!】

【Rewards start to be settled...】

【Please select one of the reward options:】

【1. Finina obtains the same authority and power as the God of Water, and sits on the throne of the God of Water together with Fukaros!】

【2. Fucaros can return the"Ancient Dragon Power" and become a human again without paying any price!】......

As soon as this reward was announced, everyone in the world was slightly stunned, and then many people showed ecstatic expressions!

As for why this was so?!

It was because from the rewards given in the inventory video...

Although it is still unclear at what point in time Fu Nina is, one thing is certain!

Fu Carlos is still alive, and it is 100% certain!

After all...

The reward given was to return the"Ancient Dragon Power" without any damage, which meant that Fukalos had not yet executed herself!

She was still alive!

The joy of this false alarm and recovery instantly hit everyone.

How could they not be happy!

After the joy, everyone began to study and count the rewards.......

Naruto world, Konoha Village.

See the end...

Although he had seen the demeanor of the strong from another world, he found that there was almost nothing he could learn from them.

Sasuke thought he would not waste time and was ready to start training.

But the moment the inventory reward appeared!

He was completely unsettled!

"What?! Check out the rewards...It’s so rich!"

"Can a mortal gain the power of a god so easily?!"

"If I had this power...I will definitely kill that man!"

"only...How can I get on this inventory light curtain?!"......

Saint Seiya World, Atlantis

"Blasphemy! This is blasphemy!"

"How can the power that belongs to God be easily bestowed on ants like humans!"

"I don’t admit it! I will never admit it!!"

Good fellow...

Poseidon once again breaks through... but...

This time it seems to be out of envy and jealousy...

Broken Defense......

Godkiller World, Balkan Peninsula


After seeing the rewards counted on the light screen, Wolf King Woban's laughter became even more arrogant:

"The power of God is actually obtained through rewards!"

"It's interesting! It's really interesting!"

"It seems...Maybe today I can get some power from the gods for free!"

"Hahahahahaha..." obviously...

Woban is absolutely confident that he can be included in the list of"Top Ten Achievements of a Mortal Body Comparing to Gods".

After all...

The so-called"God Killer"」...

Not just on par with the gods, but beyond them...Even the existence of killing gods.

As the first"God Killer", it is not surprising that Woban is confident.


Can he really make the list?......

Those powerful people and villains who only pursue power and ignore the common people in the world.

After seeing the rewards...

It seems that they only have the first reward in their eyes!

However, it is also true that the power of the Water God is quite powerful in the entire universe!

It is understandable that those powerful people and villains who pursue power will be jealous and envious!


For the two parties, Fu Nina and Fu Carlos...

The second reward is much more tempting than the first one!......

Fontaine Aubrac Opera House

"Fukaros, you really predicted it! The inventory reward can really save Fontaine!"

"That's great!"

Funina was as happy as a child, and Fukaros also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all,...

Putting your hopes on the final inventory reward is a gamble!...Fortunately, I won the bet!

"Then let’s just choose the second reward?"

"did not ask...No!"

Funina was about to agree directly, then she seemed to have thought of something and said quickly:

"Fukaros, after you return the power, you will become a human being. Is this really okay?

Fukaros touched Funina's head and smiled.

"Let's not talk about whether there is a possibility of saving Fontaine after choosing the first reward."

"Let's just say a little...Fufu, do you want to continue being the water god?"

Fu Nina shook her head like a rattle, almost like a conditioned reflex:

"I had no choice in the past five hundred years, but now I have a choice, and of course I don’t want to be the Water God anymore!"

"That's it!"

"Returning the"Ancient Dragon Power" to Navilette was originally one of my plans."

"And so far, that's all we can do"

"The first option is too unknown."

"Now I can return it without paying any price, which is the most ideal situation."

"As for not being a water god, becoming a human...Can I accept this?!"

"Don't forget...My"ideal"!"


I see!

After hearing Fukalos's"ideal"...

Whether it is Funina or those who do not want the throne of Fontaine to be vacant...

At this moment, everyone has completely realized it.


Just be a human being and live a good and happy life. Once you realize this, no one will question it....

The second option is the best choice. So what is there to question?!...

Fukaros and Furninna smiled at each other and said in unison:

"We choose the second reward!"......

【Congratulations! Fukaros and Funinna chose the second reward!】

【After the selection is completed, it will take effect immediately! 】

As the words"Immediately effective" appeared on the light screen, the Water God's throne was automatically peeled off from Fukalos.

The next second, the power of the ancient dragon returned, the ideal was achieved, and the curse was lifted!

Fukalos returned to human form! Fu Nina no longer suffered from immortality!

The Twin Fu...Welcome to the most perfect ending!......

Please collect my new book! Please give me flowers! Please give me monthly tickets! Please give me evaluation tickets!

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