"Wow! This declaration sounds...I think my heart rate is about to reach 200! It's so exciting!"

"really...Taking stock of the products of Light Curtain, they must be top-notch!"

"real...Just by listening to this declaration, I had a feeling that this inventory would be absolutely grand and epic!"

"Although the lonely struggles and silent efforts of Fernina and Fukaros are indeed touching and awe-inspiring,...The epic wars between nations and between races are what real men cannot stop watching!"

"Guys, I love war!"

"Yes, that's the taste! It's so addictive!"

Seriously, in the daily world...

It seems that every man can't move his legs when facing the word"war"!

Real man speed bumps!

However, the content of the inventory now...It seems to be about war.

And it is a war between humans and other races in a fantasy world!

The most terrible thing is...Or is it that humans are declaring war on the whole world?

Who can stand this?.......


Compared to the men in the everyday world who were too excited, the humans or strong men in other worlds were much calmer, although they were also aroused by Sora's"declaration of weakness"....

Many people found that the details in Kong's"Declaration of the Weak" were ignored by the superiors, which made them feel uncomfortable and suspicious....... for example...

What are the Ten Covenants?

Why is there no more war in the world under the constraints of the Ten Covenants?

However, since they say there is no war, why do humans still declare war?

The strong have no other choice but to remove their sharp teeth and learn to practice wisdom....What does this sentence mean


Clearly, a full-scale war has been declared, so why did Sora say"the game begins" instead of"the war begins"?...

It makes people feel puzzled?!

But just when everyone was puzzled, the light curtain gave the answer!......

「After the"Declaration of the Weak" ended, the screen did not continue to show the next scene, but suddenly went black, and then a piece of text appeared.——

【In this world called"Disboard"...Also known as"The World on a Chessboard"」!】

【In this world, the only God has decided to ban all disputes, plunder, and wars. From human lives to national borders, everything is determined by games!】

【The premise of the game is to abide by the ten covenants of this world.——】

【First, this world prohibits all killing, war and plunder】

【Second, all disputes will be resolved by deciding the winner in the game】

【Third, the game requires both parties to place bets that are considered equal.】

【Fourth, without violating Article 3, there are no restrictions on game content and bets】

【Fifth, the challenged party has the right to decide the content of the game】

【Sixth, the bet made in the"Swearing to the Covenant" must be kept】

【7. A full-power agent should be appointed for group disputes】

【8. Anyone who engages in improper behavior during the game will be deemed to have lost once it is revealed.】

【9. In the name of God, I declare that the above rules are immutable.】

【10. Let’s play peacefully together!】

【As long as you abide by these ten covenants and complete certain conditions, it is not impossible to dethrone the One and Only God through the game!】

【Games first!】

【this...This is the current nature of the world called"Disboard"!】......


With the appearance of this paragraph of text similar to the introduction of"world background", those who were full of doubts suddenly understood and became clear.

Everything is determined by the game...That makes sense!

In other words...

The so-called"declaration of war" by the Blank siblings is to challenge other countries through games and take back the territory?!

Really ?...

It makes sense, but how much...Still a bit outrageous......

Spy World, Folger's

"「Let the game decide everything」?"

"If our world...The East and the West can solve their problems in this way...."

"this world...

Maybe it really has become a world where"nothing can make a child cry."...

Dusk's eyes are full of longing and nostalgia.....

Naruto World, Naruto Office

"The game can decide everything...It 's a joke! It's really a joke!"

After reading the ten covenants, the Third Hokage's wrinkled face was full of"absurdity" and"sarcasm"....

Deep in those cloudy eyes, there was a hint of envy and yearning....

The third generation, who knew the pain of war, of course longed for world peace in their hearts.

And"deciding everything with games", in a sense, isn't it another way to achieve peace?!......

The Cute King World, Rimuru City

"Deciding everything through games?! Sounds interesting, right?"

"Hong Wan, what do you think will happen if we do the same in the future?"

Hearing his master's naive words, Hong Wan held his forehead helplessly, then smiled bitterly:

"Lord Rimuru, please stop joking."

"Let's not talk about anything else, just talk about a constraint...Just not!"

"after all...our world...But there is no so-called only God who can bind all living beings!"

"o(︶︿︶)Oh, well."The cute king Rimuru was a little disappointed....

In a sense , Rimuru also believes that"games determine everything"....As a modern man who was born in a peaceful era, even if he could kill 20,000 people without blinking an eye, Rimuru is still a peace-loving person by nature. He still wants to avoid war and killing in this world as much as possible.......

"I won’t just be playing games from now on!"

"And to be as great as the gods, is that just playing games with the gods?!"

"That's too much!"

"I took off my pants and you showed me this?!"

"I waited in vain, really."

"My blood ran cold."

"Where is the war? Where is the race war? It's no fun playing games."

"That's it."


When I learned about the great undertaking that would be comparable to that of the gods,...

It is very likely that this great achievement was achieved by playing games.

Everyone suddenly lost interest and thought that this inventory was going to fail.


What people don’t know is...

Currently they think...It's just their own self-righteousness.

The real great deeds have not yet begun....

The reversal is coming!......

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