In the spy world, Eden School.

Not long ago,

Henry, the first-year class teacher at Eden School, was extremely alert to the sudden appearance of the light curtain in the sky, fearing that something strange would happen to the light curtain and endanger the students.

But after hearing Fu Nina's touching words and her bright and moving smile,...

Henry's elegance suddenly burst out——

"Elegant! So elegant!"

"After facing my own heart, I can still bear sacrifice and pain with a smile...What a noble person Ms. Funina is!"

"She is simply a lady among ladies, a model among models, so elegant!"

"Anya, Becky, you must become such women in the future, understand?!"

Becky:"I understand!"

Anya:"Wow, cool!"......

In the pirate world, on the Sunny,

Usopp held Sanji, whose nose was bleeding like a waterfall, and said in horror,"Sanji! Calm down!"

"Calm down! How can you tell me to calm down?"

Sanji turned around suddenly, and shouted with veins popping out of his head:

"Did you not hear what Funina said? Or did you not see Funina's smile?"

"This lady is so beautiful both in appearance and in character. As a gentleman, how could I allow her to suffer?"

"No! I won't allow it!"

"I must go to Teyvat! Go to Furninna-chan and protect her!"

"Funina, just wait! Your knight will be here soon....Bang!"

With a powerful crash, Sanji's runaway...It came to an abrupt stop.

And what stopped Sanji from running away...It is the iron fist of Nami, the one with real power on the ship!

"There is no way to race!"

"Give me a quiet and beautiful light curtain!"


Kill the girl world, night attack base

"It would be great if there were more beautiful people like Furninna in our country!"

Hearing Tatsumi's words full of longing, Akame also responded in a daze:

"Yes, if there were more people like Lady Furninna, my sister and I wouldn't..."

"A good environment can create a good person!"

Najesita patted the red eyes who were hesitant to speak, and said in a firm tone:

"Aren’t we working hard for this?...Cheer up! A bright future is not too far away!"

"Yes, all this won’t be too far away!"......

Whether in the everyday world, the world of high martial arts, high magic, or the world of gods and demons...All those who are inclined to beauty and full of goodwill are impressed and generous in offering their praises to the incomparably beautiful Funina in the picture!


It can be said that the people of Fontaine, as the parties involved, remained silent!......

Fontaine, Opiquel Opera House.

Although it has not been clearly stated in the light curtain, anyone with a little thinking ability can understand it from the words between the lines of the two women's conversation....

Fernina was asked by the real water god Fukaros to pretend to be the water god.

This was not her original intention!

It can even be said that she pretended to be the water god for five hundred years in order to prevent the prophecy from happening and save Fontaine!

In other words,...

For the entire Fontaine...

Furninna is not a sinner, but a benefactor...A great benefactor who is willing to sacrifice himself!

When thinking of this.

Regardless of the mentality of Linni, Navia and others who had forced Funina into a desperate situation before, or the people of Fontaine under the stage, they were all frozen by a strong sense of guilt at this moment.

Could it be that...Did we all blame Lady Funina wrongly?!

Could it be?!

That's right!

Although the people of Fontaine already have the answer in their hearts, they are still thinking about questions?

It seems...They still wanted to hope for the best and deceive themselves, unwilling to admit that Funina was a great cause and that they themselves were ignorant and stupid!

However...The next screen...

But it directly tore apart their self-deception and luck!

It tore them to pieces!......

In the scene, the water god Fukaros clearly stated that he needed Fernina to bear the curse of"immortality" and"play" the role of the new water god until the day when the prophecy was broken!

Fernina readily agreed....

She even expected that on the last day, everything would end in a grand trial like a comedy class, and everyone would be saved!...

From the day I was nervous and had the courage to finish my inaugural speech...

Every day, Funina tenses up and"plays" the role of the water god, fulfilling the responsibilities of a god, trying to find a way to crack the prophecy!...Day after day, without a break!

And such days continued under the curse of the water god....A full five hundred years!......

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