48 people!

A full 48 people! Rick remembered every name of them! They were deeply engraved in his heart and he never forgot them! This weight


People as spectators...Just looking at it, you can feel how heavy it is!


Leaders who also bear heavy responsibilities... for example...

Erwin and Levi in the world of giants, the lords of the Demon Slayer Corps in the world of Demon Slayer, and the successive popes in the world of Saint Seiya...

They saw Rick as if he were looking at himself....There is a lot of resonance.

After all, they are carrying the lives of countless comrades and the hopes of countless people....What a tragic hero who grits his teeth, endures the pain, and carries on with his heavy burden!......

【48 lives lost, and other sacrifices made by our ancestors...】

【this...That's all Rick has to bear....】

【Every midnight it would torture him madly and make him unable to sleep at all!】

【Maybe it's Hubie's presence...Or maybe it was the first time I expressed my emotions in front of others.】

【Maybe I'm just tired of crying....】

【Not long after...Rick fell asleep without realizing it.】

【Long time no see...Had a good sleep】

【I don't know how long it has been....】

【Rick was awakened by the noise made by Chloe and Hubie.】

【After a good night's sleep, Rick's emotions seemed to have stabilized, and he no longer had the same hatred towards Hubie as before.】

【Then, under Chloë's ambiguous gaze and teasing words,...】

【Rick took Hubie to the bathhouse to clean the machine....】

【Because he is an Ex-Machina, Shubi has many mechanical devices and neural circuits all over his body.】

【So Rick was very careful in the cleaning process.】

【It was at this time...】

【Hubie suddenly apologized:"I'm sorry...sorry..."】

【Hubie's voice was still stiff and cold, but there was a hint of hesitation.】

【This hesitation...It is an emotion that cannot possibly appear in an Ex-Machina.】

【However...Neither Rick nor Hubie himself seemed to notice】

【"What? Rick was a little confused.】

【"It is unreasonable for an aggressor to ask a victim about the"heart"."】

【"It's not unreasonable, it should be called no nerves"】

【"Hubie has a neural circuit"】

【Well, we are talking about different things.】

【Rick said helplessly:】

【"That was not what I meant...No...I was too emotional at the time."】

【"Isn't that possible?"】

【"how to say...Get angry and take it out on you...Does not solve the problem"】

【"Did Rick want to beat Hubie?"】

【"It was just a temporary outburst....No...I don't think I understand"】

【can only say...】

【Sincerity is always the secret weapon!】

【The one who kills the evil-minded person must be the straightforward and innocent one!】

【Rick is the best example at this moment. He is overwhelmed by Hubie's questions.】

【But Hubie didn't make any rational analysis!】

【Rather...Once again, the game request was made...】

【"Rick, shall we play a game?"】

【After that, Hubie took out a complete set of chess from his clothes.】

【Looking at the chess in Hubie's hand, Rick was speechless:】

【"Why did you bring it here?"】

【"because...Rick laughed last time...When we were playing this"】

【"so...Is it okay to play games?"】

【"Hubie wants to understand Rick's"heart", but Hubie doesn't want to hurt Rick"】

【"So I don’t know what to do?!"】

【Hubie's words made Rick waver:】

【"Why don't you want to hurt me?"】

【"If you want to return to the tribe, you can easily defeat me and use other methods to understand the"heart"」"】

【Hubie said as he fiddled with the chess set:】

【"Rick is right, but Hubie just doesn't want to hurt Rick."】

【As this sentence was spoken, doubts began to arise in Hubie's own system....Even confusion:】

【"etc....Why am I like this?"】

【"List possible answers..."】

【"Ethnicity is irrelevant, meaningless, irrelevant, and unacceptable"】

【"Highest priority...I want to analyze...Understand Rick's"heart" and want to stay with Rick"】

【"Error! Error! Error..."】

【Good job!】

【In the end, Hubie's internal system was overloaded, and she turned into a steam girl, her face was so red that she could make a teapot!】

【Rick was so panicked and flustered:】

【"Hey! Stop it now!"】

【I don't know if it was Rick's effort to stop him, or if Hubie had cooled down himself.】

【Hubie then stopped, returned to his original tone, and said softly:】

【"in conclusion...Don't want to go back...Seems to be!"】

【but...Hugh's cute face is even redder】

【Like a young girl in love...】


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