"Furninna, you..."

After hearing what Fernina said, Ying was stunned again, and a hundred thousand questions popped up in her mind!

She didn't understand why Fernina was still so fearless and said that she was the God of Water?!

And when she wanted to ask Fernina, Ying felt like she had something stuck in her throat!

At the same time, she also completely understood why Fernina was like this.

That was because...Ying saw the look in Fu Nina's eyes.

It was an extremely determined look....It was exactly the same look as when he made an agreement with the water god to save Fontaine together!

It was also this look that reminded Ying of Fukaros's instructions to Funina.——

"You have to keep...Keep acting and don't let anyone doubt your identity!"

"If you can do that, I have a way to counter the prophecy....But once your identity is exposed, the last hope will disappear."

It turns out that

Funina still refuses to give up!

Even if she is suspected, even if she is exposed, Funina is still unwilling to"break the show"!

It seems that in her eyes...

As long as she keeps acting until everyone believes that she is the Water Goddess again!

Then everything will return to the starting point, and the person in the mirror will still have a chance to find a way to fight against the prophecy!

So she keeps believing and carrying it out like this!

Thinking of this...

Ying's eyes were wet again!


Also saw the meaning of Funina's actions...And Villette, Clorinde and others!

As for the people in the audience of the opera house, they certainly couldn't understand what Funina was doing at the moment, and they were basically at a loss.

Even because of Funina's serious speech, the voices of doubt and confusion emerged in the hearts of the people!


Before the audience could start to make noise again, another picture appeared on the screen.

This time, the series of pictures that appeared also gave everyone a disguised answer to why Funina was like this........

A new scene appears on the screen.——

【In Funina's bedroom】

【I saw Fernina sitting on the bed in the room as usual.】

【but...This time, Funina did not review everything that happened that day as usual and then quietly cheer herself up!】

【Rather...to the opposite...】

【At this moment, Funina's blue eyes were filled with tears. Pain, sorrow, sadness, anxiety and other negative emotions were madly eroding Funina, and she even cried out of extreme grievance in her heart.——】

【("So long... so lonely... how long will it take...")】

【("Hundreds of years have passed, maybe this drama will continue for hundreds of years…")】

【("I never thought this process would be so painful...")】

【("Have I reached my limit?...No...I must have reached my limit a long time ago. Today, I don’t even notice that I’m crying.")】

【("I really want to talk to someone, even if it's just one person... But, then all my efforts will be wasted.")】

【("I have done so much research over the past few hundred years, but there is no hope of breaking through the prophecy.......")】

【("Now I just have to keep believing...The only way to save Fontaine is to continue playing the role of the water god. Please succeed! Me in the mirror!")】

【Funina's Voice...It can no longer be called the voice of the heart】

【But a wail!】

【On the verge of collapse...Or rather, the cry of collapse!】......

The Cute King World, Rimuru City

"Raphael, can you calculate or simulate the mental damage that Funina has suffered?"

"Inform! Simulation is not possible! The mental damage that this individual Furninna has endured in the past five hundred years is enough to cause you, the master, to have a mental breakdown dozens of times!"


The cute king Rimuru was silent. He was completely frightened!

You know, the cute king who became the demon king has evolved into a magical sticky spirit!

His mental power is definitely not weak....

It can even be said to be quite powerful!...

According to the judgment of his own"King of Wisdom", the King's mental strength could not bear the mental loss of Funina at all!...

The pain that Furninna endured...How terrifying it is!......

The spy plays house, the Folger family.

Even after returning home, Anya can still see everything presented on the light screen.

Just like this.

Anya has seen all of Funina's inventory until now.

And at this moment, she has completely cried!

"Woo woo woo...Sister Funina is so pitiful, and Anya feels so sorry for her!"

"Jiji (Dad), Haha (Mom), can you guys go help Sister Funina? Can you?!!"

Huang Hun suddenly said, not knowing whether to laugh or cry:

"Huh?! Aniya...I really can't do this for your father.!"

"Hey! - Mr. Lloyd, why can't we help Miss Funina, she is so pitiful?!"

"no...Miss Joel, how can you..."

Huang Hun originally wanted to"accuse" Joel of being ignorant, but the moment he saw Joel, he could only silently swallow the words of"accusation"....I am already in tears.

I can only say...Everything that happened to Funina is so heartbreaking!......

Pirate World, on the Sunny

"Bastard! Bastard! Bastard!"

"Why can't I go to Teyvat?! Why can't I go to Furninna?!"

"so cute...So beautiful...Funina, who worked so hard, is now broken into pieces and crying!"

"And I can only watch helplessly like this. How can I call myself a gentleman?!"

"How could you possibly repair it (damn it)!"

Sanji yelled at Fernina again.

However, this time...

Whether it's Nami or Zoro...None of them stopped Sanji from yelling, but fell silent!...Why is that?!

Because they are the same as Sanji...

We are also unwilling and angry about not being able to help the kind and beautiful people who are suffering!......

New book, please provide data! Please add to collection!

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